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Everything posted by GiveMeSpace

  1. Wow. I thought it was the church elders or something. Now I have to rethink the symbolism.
  2. Can anyone tell me whose doors The Breems were throwing tomatoes at?
  3. Joy looks like a million bucks. I swear she has some Benjamin Button shit going on.
  4. Throw her in the cursed wedding gown and bam! She's Mrs. Havisham.
  5. Small Smoky Mouse. The imagery this phrase evokes is priceless. This could be as soothing as 'cellar door ' Bravo! Edited to add: it wasn't this guy was it? Because that is pretty distracting.
  6. This has happened to me several times with HBO. We have it through our Prime account and I assume that is the reason.
  7. Thank you for your perspective and it makes a lot of sense. Maybe I always jump to the worst conclusions with these writers! I thought the director looked lovely and confident. Perhaps her confidence gave Charlotte confidence.
  8. I am not sure why they didn't like it, but I can tell you why I don't. It promotes the idea that women need to compete with one another to feel better about themselves. Instead of showing women lifting one another up, which we often do, it portrays women as vain and catty. It's just one more example of a gay man's incredibly misogynistic view of women.
  9. Yeah, if I was a writer for this show, I would have Che coming to Carrie's apartment with a frozen pizza pizza because she's broke. She preheats the oven starting a sweater fire that burns down the apartment. ETA: Then Carrie shows up to view the charred remains and says "It smells like curry in here".
  10. Everything you just said. It's fucking disgraceful that a women's show can't do better. This is what you get with a man running the show.
  11. Bill may have changed Sherris life, but he has just changed my channel. Truly groundbreaking. No pun intended.
  12. I have been on the Dean's List and it is based on GPA. I have no idea wtf she was talking about. Eta: I know Sunny would accept nothing less from him than a perfect GPA so....
  13. I wonder if it was meant to show how stressed doctors are right now? No time to eat because medical professionals are leaving medicine en masse like teachers. I don't know. That's all I got.
  14. One thing that was confusing to me was the episode where Amy and her husband were in therapy and Daniel was going to light their car on fire. Did they leave June in the car while they had therapy? That made no sense to me.
  15. My husband and I started this show yesterday snd ended up binging 8 episodes! We love it.
  16. Methinks Sunny was overserved at the lip injection bar.
  17. They likely all do. https://pagesix.com/2021/08/10/kristen-bell-on-why-she-doesnt-regularly-bathe-her-kids/#:~:text=Kristen Bell is finally addressing,I wait for the stink.
  18. Also regarding, Kristin Purple People Bell's #vacationsowhite: Kristen probably has friends who are not white but they would not want to go to Idaho. Ever. For any reason. I don't mind her getting dragged after that godawful purple people mess she thought was a good idea. I am from the deep south and started school during desegregation. One thing I have noticed, that without fail, a racist will say or do something racist and then when called out will say one or all of these things: #1. I am the least racist person you will ever meet. #2 I can't be racist, I have black friends #3 I don't see color. I don't care if you are purple, green or blue! (They dont use colors that humans actually are.) So, yeah, thats why Kristins all white vacay pics are a discussion. She also is in business with Phil McGraw, so roast away internet! I will bring the marshmallows.
  19. I heard they will make you jump jump!
  20. I read advice columns daily and this was a boring letter for that medium. This show sucks. There is so much to discuss and this is what they talk about? Unfortunately, this is not a result of the writers strike. You can barely tell they are gone.
  21. It has been renewed for a third season. Also, the actor who played Sam's father died as they were just about to film and they had to rewrite the series last minute.
  22. I have hbo max and it shows only the first two episodes of season 3. Is anyone else having this issue?
  23. He knew exactly what he was doing. He resigned because he realized his ass was wrong. He can shove an isocseles triangle right up his racist butt.
  24. Nothing to see here. Just whoopi caping for an old white racist man again. But et tu Joy?
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