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Everything posted by GiveMeSpace

  1. Yes I don't mind when women do it but when men do it, it is condescending. I was thirty when I worked for a vet who referred to me to clients as his girl. I did not like that and told him so. He stopped.
  2. I generally bristle when I hear adult women referred to as girls, but I think you are right about Joy's usage of the word. I know since I have gotten old, I feel everyone younger me than me is a kid. The show is as rough and ridiculous as it always was- writers or no writers. They are doing their writers no favors by continuing despite the strike. I feel like I am crossing a picket line when I watch the show and that is not something I would ever do in real life. Whoopi referenced writing their own copy and showed her card. Isn't them writing their own copy during a strike the very definition of a scab?
  3. What? She consistently trashes them. Where is this new view? I need to see.
  4. Andy Cohen? Oh, hell no. It's like they are trying to run me off. Also, I feel significantly dumber after that underwear discussion. My main takeaway is that Joy is very wasteful. This asinine discussion juxtaposed with the earlier one about sexual assault was just *something* I need to go have a long talk with myself about my life choices.
  5. You can barely tell the writers are gone. At 10:16, they drag out an advice column from Dear Prudence that originally appeared in 2015. https://slate.com/human-interest/2023/05/dear-prudence-husband-disappeared-without-explanation.html
  6. Yes they are but it is driving me away as a viewer. I was a loyal watcher of the CBS morning show but it is now a long commercial and a clown show. The dumbing down is complete.
  7. I change the channel every time any show does these in show advertisements. It seems that all the morning shows do this now and I am sick of it. Whenever I hear the host say, "we partnered with", I get a raging headache.
  8. Whoopi thinks doctors didn't know about ectopic pregnancies in the seventies? I really appreciated Joy's point here about a machine having more empathy than the doctor. We have a huge problem with medical personnel not listening to their patients and not giving a shit-especially with female patients and even more so for black female patients. A machine would be better. It wouldn't have the biases that humans do. A woman of childbearing age presenting with severe abdominal pain should have been given a pregnancy test. It is the bare minimum of care even in the seventies, Whoopi.
  9. This sounds pretty victim blamey to me and it definitely is a "take".
  10. If it weren't bad enough that 23 minutes into the show, they drag out another tired advice column topic, they then continue that mess when they come back from commercial by asking Patty Lupone to weigh in. This show, like all other morning shows, has become unwatchable. There are so many important things going on and they insult their viewers with this dumb shit.
  11. That is an old photo of her, but that bun she sports for important events in her life is always tragic.
  12. You are right. This show and all the morning shows have largely stopped covering news. CBS morning show has about as much substance as The Talk and now, The View. News drops on Friday, it seems and The View is too worried about a 4 day work week. I am over it. All of it. Everything. It has really declined this year. I catch the hot topics but that is over in about 15 minutes, 6 of which are commercials. They need to put this show out to pasture or call it what it is, View Your Deal or Fleecing the Poor.
  13. I think that when he compared covid risks to the risk of swimming pools, he put himself in the Oz category. I call it "the quackening".
  14. Some say pout, I say being strong with her message. She has reached her limit of bullshit. Good for her. I think Biden "both sidesing" a basketball tournament is childish. Childish in that damn, shouldn't she know better than this kind of shit by now? If not, she needs to brush up. Black women/black people do not have to perform forgiveness for white people. That shit is tired, besides, I don't think an apology was even offered. I have a feeling when this happened, Barack and Michelle looked at each other knowingly. Neither had to say a word, they both knew and just shook their damn heads.
  15. Yeah she is soooo classy. https://fanbuzz.com/college-basketball/ncaa-sec/kim-mulkey-homophobic-history/
  16. My husband watched the game and he said that is not true. If if were the press would be having a field day. There is no such story anywhere that I can find. I will need receipts to believe that happened.
  17. I read this story and it mentions the handshake line. Anyone have links to a story that says they didn't participate in it? https://abcnews.go.com/Sports/content-fit-narrative-lsus-reese-laugh/story?id=98309699
  18. Thank you. I missed that. I really don't pay close attention to the show anymore but that topic caught my attention. I likely missed the first part. I thought Sunny was defending her. I will have to rewatch.
  19. Four months ago the Mississippi anchor had to publicly apologize for referring on air to her black coworkers grandmother as "grandmammy". This wasn't Weather Karen's first offense. Probably not even her hundredth. The cohosts neglected to mention that as they excused her behavior as, to quote the vomiting inducing L.L.Cool J and Brad Paisley song, "accidental racism". She may want to look into some racism liability insurance because even if you don't mean to harm someone, if you do, you are still responsible. I call bullshit on her not knowing. She knew enough Snoop to quote him. I am sure she will parlay this fame into a cushy job at the local Sinclair Group affiliate.
  20. They have it but she has timers on them. Grown son's phone can't access porn. I guess she isnt worried about her daughter accessing porn. Lol, like they don't have other phones.
  21. How much you want to bet that the alleged day of hot topics will include at least two advice columns and a View your fucking deal segment? There are important things to discuss right now so they better not disappoint me again.
  22. I cringed so hard when they kept referencing how tall he is. It is so tiresome for really tall people or really short people to hear over over again about their height. It is rude and downright plebeian to do that. The shift in the show to all these stupid advice column topics is making women as a whole look bad. I don't watch this show for that. I don't even know why I watch it anymore except that is a quarter century bad habit. They could use that stage to help women, but they don't. This performative women's history month stuff is just that-a performance.
  23. Now they want to talk about Women's History Month. Didn't they totally ignore Inteernational Women's Day yesterday? I can't be certain because I am fining it difficult to make it through a whole show lateley. Between the nonsense fluff and the incessant in-show advertisding, I finds little of interest.
  24. Thank you for the heads up on the bigoted Podcaster. I just unsubscribed from that mess.
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