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Everything posted by GiveMeSpace

  1. You make very good points here. I think the reason I feel that nothing will happen--with guns or with the January 6th insurrection is well, that seems to be the trend. The other reason is that when you are hopeful, the losses are a more crushing blow. You are right, though-we need to stay loud and mad for things to ever change. I hope today's show is live. If they are not talking about the hearings, I am not interested.
  2. Right. They will bring up Steve Scalise every chance they get but never do anything. Im not confident anything will change. I'm actually surprised by WG and her very odd optimism. It could be I live in Ohio and hear just disgusting vulgar things from people I live around. I need to find out what strain Whoopi is smoking these days, I think I need some. I feel your pain-I am in Idaho.
  3. During the gun disusssion she was being a contrarian when Joy and Sunny expressed doubt that anything will change. She was saying things have been been done constantly or something like that. (Have they? I dont think so) As per usual, she made little sense. I got the feeling a couple of times she got some words in her ear about things she was saying or they were telling her to go to commercial. Whoopi seems to think that everything she says is profound because she is just so wise.
  4. Lindsey sounds exactly like someone who would be on a show called The Daily Blast. As Whoopi would say, "Here's the thing"-It is 10am. I do not want to be blasted. I do not like Mathew M-can't spell last name and too lazy to look it up-but no lies were detected in that clip of him. Good for him for speaking up. ****Ugh she gets worse and worse as the show goes on. She is the worst try out so far.
  5. Yes and it is always the least flexible people who will bend themselves into a pretzel shape in order to find a way to blame a man's actions on a woman. Often these people are other women.
  6. Yes! I love it and I feel more empowered in public and feel okay going out completely makeup free. I have a wardrobe of cool masks that I love. I have not had a cold or bug of any kind in years. I like to think it adds an air of mystery as well. Until I can navigate life as an avator, the mask is the next best thing.
  7. There is no event too tragic for Shill to exploit. Didn't HisSonJay have a large arsenal displayed in his home?
  8. This has to be deliberate. She must think she looks younger when she does that or something. The evidence? Well, this is the pose for her promotional photos for her podcast and we get a variation of this pose every episode of the Shill Show.
  9. If JLo has low self esteem, what hope is there for the rest of us? (be sure to watch the trailer for her documentary in the link) https://dlisted.com/2022/05/19/in-her-new-netflix-documentary-halftime-jennifer-lopez-gets-emotional-after-finding-out-she-didnt-get-an-oscar-nomination-for-hustlers/#more-424110
  10. I thought the same thing. Why did he let this man run roughshod over everyone there? Why was this even a show?
  11. ..and speaking of spiraling..
  12. We all know that "black on black crime" nonsense is a a racist dogwhistle.
  13. Sunny did not make herself look like a good and loving mother today. She sounds withholding and controlling. Her attitude assures that neither of her children will ever go to her with a serious problem because of her harsh judgement. Ana tried to tell her but Sunny wont listen.
  14. Thank you for pointing this out. I have no idea why anyone would go on this show for any real help. Shill is a joke and does more harm than good.
  15. Ok y'all-the word for today is entree prenewer. Dr. Phil assures us that Jon Taffer entree prenewer extrordinaire is going to help this extremely violent man. He did not even finish college. How irresponsible is it for Shill to bring a fucking hospitality manager into this situation. Well, he might be useful when this dude finally kills his wife. He can arrange the catering. As for the wife, Danielle, throw the whole man out before he kills you and dont go to a fucking caterer for mental health advice. I thought that mess with the weight loss and video games the other day was a jump of the shark, but this show? Imagine my mouth gaping open like Robins at this whole mess. Oh Lord, now Robin chimes in letting her know she is not an expert but she is going to give her advice.....seriously-why do people put any faith in these people?? Ok, I am off to call my refrigerator repair shop because my car is broke down or maybe Taffer works on cars too? Or do entree prenewers do that?
  16. I wish someone here would have given me a heads up on that gross Sarah Silverman discussion. I was eating. I really hate couple TMI by these celebrities. I do not want to know that kind of stuff. I will never not look at her and see a giant grey bent bristled toothbrush staring back at me. Gross.
  17. I am so sorry that happened to you. This is a terrifying time for people who can get pregnant -whether they know it or not. As always- Fuck Amy Farrah Fowler. Loved Sunny dragging her all over the place today. I, like Sunny, am tired of these people writing books about what cowards they are and framing as if it is something good and righteous.
  18. Did they point out that her sponge could be used for birth control when we lose access to that? Because if not, I do not care about her damn sponge. Also--why do these celebrities try to convince us they do dishes and shit? This would have been a lot more believable if she brought her housekeeper to give a testimonial. Not buying it. Like literally not gonna buy it.
  19. That makes sense. Thank you.
  20. Where is her show? Do you know where I might be able to see that?
  21. I mean so far, only that one woman is claiming to be her friend and defend her. Where are all her ride or die friends at? I have witnessed no one give a different view of what it is like to work with or be around Meghan. Couldnt she get her hairdresser to speak up? Or whoever now advises her to wear her hair in a bun in every single photo? Surely they tight. I mean Cindy told that story on The View about Meghan's brother throwing her through a sceen door or something. This is not new information to any of them or us. The Steve Schmidt account matches everything we have heard and seen with our own eyeballs. Whew! After reading that substack on his twitter, that Bad Republican book leaned up against his grave takes on a whole new level of meaning. Bad Republican indeed. Bad husband-bad father-bad patriot-bad boyfriend-bad judge of character...the list goes on and on . https://steveschmidt.substack.com/p/no-books-no-money-just-the-truth/comments?s=r&fbclid=IwAR0--NCilX8ch6MXRM2Z91r74q2zzb25dse2WaIyY3CjYEQTJ6NsHYCMVW4
  22. I have seen some crazy behavior by the McGraws on this show, but this one took the cake. Urging viewers to spend more time on their phones seems antithetical to what a supposed Psychologist should be advising people to do - especially if they already have health and weight issues. When they teased the sisters clever plan for weight loss together, I thought perhaps walking together or cooking healthy meals.... but no-when you are hungry, play Shill's game on your phone. I am on my phone right now eating a chimichanga whilst typing this post. I fail to see how this game is supposed to help with losing weight. I am pretty sure I could play a game on my phone and still stuff Cheetos in my chimichanga hole.
  23. I can't remember where I read it but it was something like "I saw Meghan McCain talking to the bouncers making sure they knew who her father was". It was something like that. Here it is: “This is an exclusive event,” he added. “In fact, coming in, I heard Meghan McCain telling the bouncer, ‘Do you know who my father was?!’ They were like, you have a ticket, you can come in, but she insisted on telling them who her father was anyway.”
  24. When I see Paula Farris, all I can think of is the time when she revealed that her dream was to open a Crisis Pregnancy Center (for those unfamiliar, their goal is to trick women into not having abortions). I do not need to see her stupid face on tv right now. Fuck her and the limo she rode in on.
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