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Everything posted by GiveMeSpace

  1. Did Joy say Noam's son spoke out about the puppy killing? I can't find a story.
  2. Louisiana person here-still a funeral song.
  3. Confused by them dancing out to Saints. I thought they must be doing a New Orleans funeral for democracy. Nope. Funeral song was supposed to bring us joy. OK.
  4. It looks like her last article was over a year ago. Hmm.
  5. I like when Dr. Jen scienced Sunny. https://www.foxnews.com/media/abc-news-medical-expert-clashes-view-host-about-miscarriages-definitely-not-baby-months
  6. Phil should have titled his book, "I've Got Issues". Was his wife Plastica there?
  7. I wish someone on the show would ask Sunny, if her daughter has an ectopic pregnancy or her life was threatened by a pregnancy, would she think an abortion was wrong then. This a woman who said she would help hide a body for her kids.
  8. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/view-host-joy-behar-scoffs-174919649.html
  9. So Joy has her Elisabeth Hasselbeck clueless white woman moment on today's show. Not a good look, Joy. It really changed my opinion of her. She may have aged well but what a cold fucking heart.
  10. I was not a fan of Sunny saying "ho" over and over again yesterday. Once is bad enough. Gender slurs? Really, Sunny? And never mentions the man. Is this this women's show we all deserve in these trying times where women have lost their bodily autonomy? Is calling women hoes a part of her Catholic faith she is always going on about?
  11. If Joy did a makeup skincare line, I would buy it.
  12. I think this falls under the "If the shoe fits, wear it" doctrine. Megs slipped her foot right in.
  13. Is it just me, or does anyone else think Julia doesn't want to go to the Super Bowl with Whoopi?
  14. To be fair, these topics are bullshit. I rarely side with Whoopi but WTF with this tired shit? There is so much going on and they discuss this?
  15. In an increasingly unstable, uncertain world, it is so comforting to know that no matter how gross or inappropriate an old, rich white man is, Whoopi will step up and defend them.
  16. Thank you. I thought the same thing. I guess thanks to Whoopi for normalizing graphic period talk, though. I am not even joking. It is a women's show. **I even googled if endometriosis could be cured with one round of antibiotics to be sure. It seemed like everyone at the table was just placating her by not saying it can't be cured with a round of antibiotics. When they do this, it negates the whole point of the interview-making more people aware of the difficulty of women being believed in healthcare and undiagnosed endometriosis
  17. So what got from the Baby Holly interview is that if your loved one is missing, you just have not prayed hard enough to find them. Keep begging God, y'all. Beg hard. She thinks her parents were in a cult? Sounds like it runs in the family. Glad she found her relatives. Tragic story. Bad advice, in my opinion.
  18. Does anyone here believe Allyssa Farrah Fowler is praying for Joe Biden? Never heard her church lady act before. I think it's bullshit.
  19. Let me be the first to say Whoopi can go fuck herself with her trash take on abusive bosses. At least she is consistent with her defense of shitty people.
  20. When Ana referenced "My Father", I laughed until I remembered she wished death to all raccoons and I was suddenly back on Team Raccoon.
  21. I looked it up and hair tinsel is a thing. I love the look. When my hair first started turning gray it kind of looked like that ladies hair and I loved it.
  22. The lady who is talking about breast cancer...is that her gray hair sparkling or is that something added. I really love it so I'm going to need to know.
  23. She claimed before that those batshit hairstyles and makeup were her choice. She is always rewriting history.
  24. I really enjoyed that segment and Vivas seemed so genuinely delighted to be there. I plan to seek out more of his music.
  25. That was either a stunt or a very rude exclamation by whoopi. I would not be surprised if it's the former and done to get attention for the show.
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