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Dixie Sugarbaker

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Everything posted by Dixie Sugarbaker

  1. I got the impression that LVP told Dorit that John was talking to Teddi about Lucy was to explain how Teddi knew about it. Didn’t Teddi say she heard it from John? And yes, I believe John probably discussed it without prodding from Lisa because it was obvious he was PISSED! Then Dorit twists what Lisa said and says that Teddi is talking about Dorit when that was not was Lisa said. Everyone comes for LVP but it is obvious to me that Dorit is the master shit-stirrer in this group. Can’t wait for her takedown.
  2. I am calling BS on Kam and LeeAnne's insinuation that all of Dallas society is talking about D'Andra and that it is Brandi's fault. Everything they brought up were things that happened around them, mostly LeeAnne, and with a little spin or exaggeration. How would all of Dallas know about the k-cup trick unless someone there told them, someone who seemed greatly offended by it (Kam)? And since Brandi is not part of Dallas society, as Kam gleefully reminds us, obviously Kam and LeeAnne are doing all of the talking about D'Andra. But they claim to have her best interest at heart. Vile.
  3. If Eddie wanted David at his party then he should have had a party that was not bought and paid for by Bravo that Shannon had to attend.
  4. I feel like they are setting up for the series to end. Liza and Charles. Maggie realizing she has to open up to have a lasting relationship. Kelsey trying to stop self sabatoging. Diana finding love with Enzo. At some time this has to end and this feels like the beginning of the end. I can see Diana finding out that Liza is 41 and being nonplussed - "Well, of course you are 41, Liza. You perform your duties satisfactorily. I am not surprised. Now, get me a coffee. Now!"
  5. I figure it is either a drug problem or he really, really pissed someone important off.
  6. I have this feeling that while Kyle initially hit Aaron, the lasting injuries were caused by Terrence who used Aaron's injury to get him out of the way so Kyle could become a star and keep Kyle forever indebted to him.
  7. They don’t need to cancel the show; they just need a good, mature show runner to run the show. This is a mess because there are no grownups in charge. And more Harper; always more Harper.
  8. The lawyer in me wonders if the stunt conditions are as dangerous as Crawford claims that there are potential lawsuits that they need to shut down. Scare everyone from testifying to make it go away.. This has to be more than just a temper tantrum on set and so far that is all that we know.
  9. Now I am wondering if that was really Darriington Dare and whether the Library really has a problem with there being more than one Librarian, or if Nicole manipulated it all.
  10. I don't think Erika is worried about how "pantygate" effects her husband; I think she is worried about her son's reaction to it. I don't care what she says, voluntarily leaving her son when he was three has to leave him with some emotional scars. Even if they have a good relationship now, I can't imagine he likes seeing his mom as Erika Jayne and probably would be more hurt about pantygate than Tom. I also think that is why she made that huge jump completely misinterpreting Eileen's comment; she just couldn't say it so she focused on Tom.. Also, Rinna is a horrid, horrid person. Can collagen and/or Botox rot your brain and destroy the impulse/judgment part? Has she sold her soul for money and fame?
  11. I don't think the FIL is dirty, but I think Miranda's death was meant to be a warning to him. I hope it is because he is a good guy trying to take the cartel down. Harper remains the cutest baby on television, although the baby of the week did put up a good fight. There needs to be five minutes of Harper in every episode.
  12. The entertainment industry is very unionized. Could Leah and Mike even produce and participate in the show without being paid? I would think that the union rules would prohibit any person for working for free. Anyway, that argument is a big fat nothingburger in my opinion.
  13. I hope Morning Star isn't some land deal where Leslie and Ron were on opposite sides. For her to be that angry over a land deal that she would end a close friendship with Ron seems out of character. But if Morning Star is something that involved her kids and Ron's kid, then I could see Leslie getting and staying upset. Even the great Ron Swanson is no match for an enraged mother, and Leslie would definitely go and stay Momma Grizzly on anyone or anything that negatively affected her kids.
  14. I have a friend whose code for "We need to leave now!" is "We need to go to Wal Mart". So while I would have loved Heather just owning her desire to leave, I would have adored her forever if she had thrown out something so totally unbelievable as "I have to go to Wal Mart; you heifers don't deserve a proper and likely excuse".
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