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Dixie Sugarbaker

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Everything posted by Dixie Sugarbaker

  1. Let’s be honest, Diana hates Sutton because Sutton stepped all over Diana’s big entrance. Diana and Rinna had concocted their Sutton takedown for Diana’s big introduction to the HWs; Rinna was going to say that she had to go looking for a table to the Elton John gala because Sutton had cancelled her table and Diana, a patron of the gala, was going to confirm it. But Sutton brought receipts, so all Diana had left was to declare it all tacky to be discussing the matter, which was not the HBIC moment she and Rinna imagined. In retrospect, you can tell Diana was irritated with Sutton because she kept taking little passive aggressive pot shots, Sutton is clumsy, Sutton is awkward, when she had not even spent any time with Sutton. The forced interactions and meetings (we see you being shady production), did not help; in fact it gave Diana more opportunities and ammunition to go after Sutton (bacon eating vegetarian), and enough continued irritations to cause Sutton to snap at Diana. Then Sutton unwittingly stepped on Diana’s next big HW moment, her disclosure of her brother’s death, by trying to connect with Diana over shared trauma and mentioning her father’s suicide. Then came the miscarriage discussion. Diana hates Sutton because Sutton unintentionally keeps Diana from having her big HW moments. Apparently, not allowing Diana to shine is a worse crime than drunkingly cussing out a minor (Erika), physically assaulting a person (Kyle), or being a vile bitch in general (Rinna). I think the only reason Sutton keeps trying to find common ground is that she has spent one season where someone openly hated her and how uncomfortable that made group interactions, so she is trying to smooth things over so everyone can be civil. Unfortunately, Diana doesn’t care, so Sutton needs to just give up.
  2. Dorinda takes naps because she is drunk by noon and has to sleep it off. i can now see why Andy told Dorinda she was put on pause - if he told her she was fired she probably would have cut him. Nasty drunk!
  3. I saw Kyle grab Sutton’s right shoulder, then I saw a mark there. After her horrendous actions this episode, I am NOT giving Kyle the benefit of the doubt on this. Like other posters, I wonder if Sutton has experience physical abuse in the past. The way she turned inward when Kyle was manhandling her looked like a defense mechanism. Also, before there is physical abuse there is alway verbal and mental abuse to mentally beat down the victim so they don’t fight back. Sutton is always capitulating and apologizing to the extreme, and that reminds me of a victim trying to make things better so they won’t be hurt. I am not alleging anything, but it makes me look at Sutton’s mother’s statement that she did not miss Sutton’s dad at all in a completely different light.
  4. I thought that also, but then when Kyle started talking about how how cool it was that Erika is loosing up, he had to charge his direction in order to not disagree with her. Kyle turned that convo into a disgusting, tone deaf conversation.
  5. I can’t believe that Rinna of all people said Sutton is passive aggressive. Sutton pretty much says everything to the person’s face, which is not passive aggressive. What is passive aggressive is sending a group text discussing your inability to attend a party due to your personal medical issues and saying you sent it with all that information so your hostess wouldn’t think it was rude. THAT is passive aggressive.
  6. During the “apology” dinner, Kyle pushed Sutton again, and then sarcastically told her she was a delicate little flower. What the hell, Kyle?
  7. I am betting Denise didn’t come to Garcelle’s party because Bravo wouldn’t pay her, and if that is the case I wouldn’t blame her one bit.
  8. I guess many of the girls in the photos have aged out. Allegedly.
  9. Oh Sutton, although you are doing better it is so easy for you to fall apart when attacked. I completely understand because I am the same way. I remember when I was in high school and some mean girls had targeted me, a friend gave me a great piece of advice. She said don’t worry about the opinions of people you don’t like, love or respect. Since those mean girls didn’t fit into any of those categories, I stopped caring about what they said to and about me. Nothing upsets a mean bitch more than being ignored. Diana would have lost her mind if Sutton had said “I am sorry you feel that way, but ok” and then walked away. Sutton had the right idea trying to walk away and Kyle is a stealth bitch for restraining her to stay. I love we are seeing that Garcelle and Sutton have a real friendship instead of a show friendship. When Sheree and Sutton saw each other, you could tell they had met and were friends, which shows Garcelle had included Sutton into her real friend group. And I bet Garcelle and Sutton’s bestie Jennifer Tilly are the same way. We really need a scene of Garcelle, Sutton, Sheree and Jennifer at a beautiful restaurant overlooking the ocean drinking cocktails and talking smack. That would be awesome - Bravo make it happen!
  10. Yeah, just what Garcelle always wanted - a naked pic of Rinna.
  11. Like everyone else here, I LOVED Garcelle fact-checking Rinna regarding her lie about reaching out to Denise. And how do we know it is a lie? Has Rinna posted anything about this? Normally, she would be all over Instagram and Twitter posing her truth, but there is nothing. She is unusually quiet. Busted. In the previews for next week’s episode, when Diana says that she is Sutton’s villain, I hope Sutton can hold it together for a good burn, like “ You aren’t important enough to be my villain”, or even a good Southern “Bless your heart”: I just don’t want Diana to get the last word in that conversation. Dirty Diana (TM Michael Jackson) is just awful and is officially the worst BH HW, surpassing Erika Jayne and Brandi Granville in my book. You just know that Haitian Garcelle knows a lot about Diana’s alleged dealings Sean Pena’s questionable charity in Haiti (allegedly), which may account for can-opener Garcelle bringing up the book again.
  12. THIS! If she cries then everyone stops questioning her and she becomes the victim. If the 14 friend drop is true, and I think it is, then this is a pattern of behavior. I know Sutton lost it for a minute, but I feel for her. She has been on the hot seat the entire time, and while she expected it and was ready for Erika and Rinna, I think she was blindsided by Crystal. And then to have Diana, who knows nothing, to keep chiming in must have put her on edge. Honestly, she needs to have a stiff drink or two before having any interactions with these broads.
  13. Crystal has got to get her story together if she wants to continue this storyline. First she says that she reacted to Sutton because of something Sutton said prior to the don’t see color conversation, which she says was their first conversation, but Kyle is there and they are miked and nothing problematic is said. Then Sutton mentions the pool conversation, and the clip shows Crystal being somewhat offended by it (which kind of annoyed me because Sutton wasn’t saying that everything is okay, just that she was seeing progress from when she was the age of her daughter) but that conversation, according to Kyle, was the next day and again they were miked. Then on WWHL, Crystal says it was another conversation, but she has already said their first conversation was the Aspen “are you that girl”, so how could another conversation have affected her in THAT conversation to react so forcefully to Sutton? Crystal is messy, sloppy, and thin-skinned, which can be a good thing in a HW if they don’t try complete character assassination on their victim. She is playing a really dangerous game with Sutton’s reputation, and that is really shitty.
  14. Rinna took the SexiestMan Alive and turned him into an emaciated joke. Anyone else notice how much Harry aged in lockdown? Rinna starved him.
  15. I am leaning towards this was a set up, but that Dorit did not know about it initially. For all her faults, I don’t think that Doriit would intentionally expose her children to that experience. Plus, she is not that good an actress. But, I can see PK doing it. I think PK set it up, told the “burglars” to terrify Dorit so she would really sell it, then he paid off his gambling debts with the insurance payout. He would never put Dorit and the children in real danger, but a little trauma to Dorit to get debts paid seems highly likely. And, magically, she has an interesting storyline after a season when it seemed she may be on the chopping block. Win win for Bubba.
  16. I am betting that conversation with Sutton and Kyle was edited. I can’t imagine that the whole conversation did not include Sutton expressing any concern about Dorit and her kids. While Sutton is a little quirky, she is a mom and I cannot imagine her not expressing any sympathy over the situation.
  17. Gina’s dress wasn’t bad, it just wasn’t a reunion dress. The contestants that had never seen a reunion, or even the shows, were definitely at a disadvantage.
  18. This is a great idea! Have them make basically the same outfit, but make adjustments for each body type. I would love to see what they would do different for each type.
  19. I wish when Erika had called Sutton a c*** that Sutton had responded, “ Well since you need the money, can I buy your precious c***. Rcklacd from you? “ necklace”, not whether the heck I typed.
  20. I would not be surprised if she did say it and Andy edited it out to help Erika.
  21. I just realized that the only times I have liked Erika or anything she had to say, it was in her confessionals. When she interacts with others, she is pretty boring and bland except when she is losing her temper and acting ratchet. If she doesn’t know what to say, she acts cold and condescending, which intimidates others. But, in her confessionals, she is often witty and Entertaining. This has led me to believe that her confessionals are scripted by someone other than her. I bet some of that stolen money went to a writer to script her confessional zingers, because I am pretty sure those lines did not come from her.
  22. My theory about why Erika’s story about the car is so inconsistent: at the beginning of the season, Erika was following her lawyers’ advice and portraying Tom as a controlling abuser. Innocent spouse is a defense the IRS will accept in tax cases, and anytime there is theft and embezzlement like in this matter, there will be tax issues. However, sometime during filming Tom’s lawyers got to her and asked her to help set up Tom’s defense, probably with a financial incentive - that he is an injured, dementia-riddled old man who did not know what he was doing. So then the story changed to Tom was in this car accident and suffered a brain injury and now has problems, isn’t in his right mind, et cetera. She was hoping no one would question the inconsistencies. the Coven surely wouldn’t, but then Sutton had to start asking questions and now Erika is in a bind because neither of her stories are believable and will not fulfill their intended purposes.
  23. When Erika was adamantly saying that she did not want to talk to Sutton at that dinner, Sutton should have said, “Okay Erika, I respect your request, and it is FINE with me if we don’t speak, We don’t ever have to speak again. I can be civil and respectful to you and yet not say a word to you. I am GOOD with that.”
  24. Watching those women goad Garcelle into breaking down in order to get into their good favor was one of the most disgusting things I have ever seen. Rinna was only going to be happy if Garcelle was made vulnerable in front of the group. She was so gleeful watching Garcelle’s pain. Words cannot describe how sick that woman is, and the fact that the others (sans Suttton) thought it was beautiful and not horrifying shows how small, petty and revolting they truly are. The look of disgust on Sutton’s face as it all went down was priceless. She knows Rinna is pure evil.
  25. We all keep trying to understand Erika’s stories, but the most obvious and reasonable explanation is that Erika is a LIAR! And not just a liar, but a really, horrible liar. Her stories have such large holes that Tom’s plane could fly through them. She is so bad I keep expecting Jon Lovitz to come behind her doing his old SNL “Yeah, that’s the ticket” bit. If physics allowed for it, her lies would suck and blow simultaneously. Soap opera storylines are more believable than Erika - maybe Rinna is advising her on what to say. (Morgan Freeman voice) Erika is just the worst.
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