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Dream Boy

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  1. So, someone is going around town killing members of your family. Do you: A. Call and warn them or B. Run around town trying to find him, while he hunts them down, and hope for the best Sigh. Oh, Rowan. You will never beat the idiot allegations. I like that Cip went about recruiting Moira the right way, who I happen to like since she refuses to drink the Rowan kool-aid.
  2. Man, it pleased my heart to see Brooke read the fuck out of Ridge. And he has nerve to blame Hope for Thomas as if he isn't responsible for raising that weirdo stalker. On a better show, I would believe that this would be a big change for Brooke. After all, how can I come back to you when you have pretty much confirmed that you believe me and my family to be inferior to yours? But we know how Bell operates. In 5 months, Brooke will forget all of this and be reconciled with Ridge. Sigh. But I will take whatever crumbs they give for now. Her slapping him was so satisfying, followed by her tossing Taylor aside as if she is nothing because, well, that's exactly what she is, a nothing character who is trotted out as a Bridge spoiler every few years.
  3. lol ain't that the truth. I really love the OG book series so I'm still watching and was hoping that there would be some marked improvements. But we're pretty much in the same territory here. Rowan's still an idiot. Lasher's still a bore. And Ciprien's still clueless.
  4. This is why soaps can't grow an audience and loses what audience they have left. They write these shows like the characters are idiots and it's not the year 2024. This show, in particular, has always been tone deaf with the slut shaming but this Electra storyline is especially offensive. With today's technology, no one thought "hey, maybe these images aren't even real"? And the way they craft dialogue so that the characters talk around issues to keep misunderstandings going is so Three's Company. What employer is not going to at least explain why they are terminating an employee and give them a chance to explain, especially when they have been pleased with their work previously? And having Brooke and Katie look down at the pics just days after Brooke dragged Ridge for slut shaming Hope is as dumb as Steffy of the eternal paternity tests slut shaming anyone. This show is such trash. Beyond the Gates, please save us.
  5. If this were an actually good soap again, Hope would be suing Forrester. This is a clear-cut case of retaliation and workplace bullying. And do Steffy and Taylor ever not get tired of being loud and wrong? I hate that this show makes these two actual hoes the voice of morality. Neither of them is frigid asexual Stephanie. They've got too many bodies each for that, so the slut shaming and pearl clutching is so far-fetched.
  6. God, this show is such trash. I don't want Hope with either Liam or Thomas. Both are terrible options. God Forbid a woman actually be single and career focused.
  7. The biggest takeaway is that Leia was the smartest out of everyone by deciding to just get the Hell out of this mess. What even was the point of Dyanne? And hot on the heels of an expose about how terrible Tedros is, he is suddenly trotted out as Jocelyn's love interest and the crowd eats it up as #goals? Blah
  8. At this point, both Rowan and Sip are too stupid to live.
  9. Lord, I thought this would be a fun guilty pleasure. But instead it's just bad and not even in a fun "so bad it's good" way. Y'all have touched on most of my issues but Rowan is definitely being written as an idiot. At this point, she's almost too stupid to live.
  10. It feels a little rushed. And I'm still not sure on the need to merge Michael and Aaron.
  11. I've only read the Mayfair Witch trilogy (didn't follow the witches into the Vampire series) and I was a kid at the time (high school). I just remember being so interested and enthralled by it all. I came into this cautiously optimistic and it was just...okay. Alexandra Daddario is a fine actress but I still don't see Rowan in her. And I kept thinking, if you know/suspect that you have this power, why not try to save your foster mother? Still not sure about the unnecessary Ciprien hybrid and am waiting for Lasher to get really creepy but I liked the atmosphere and Harry Hamlin seemed to be having the time of his life. I feel like this will lean into guilty pleasure territory and I'm fine with that.
  12. I'm excited to hear about this. As a fan of all things witches, I devoured these books in my teens. It has been a while but I remember most of the details. I was shocked that there is no Michael (I assumed the guy in gloves was him) or Mona (although I think her introduction would need to be changed for a number of reasons lol). I wasn't particularly pro or anti Mona but she definitely came off as one of Anne's favorite characters based on her trajectory. I'll definitely be tuning in. Lasher was such a creeper. Will be interesting to see him "live".
  13. Whew, chile! This was quite an episode. I can only imagine what we're getting in the finale! Pastor Woodbine is a hot ass mess with that tired twerk. lol And this has to be the wildest election ever. I didn't expect Autumn being pregnant. And here comes wifey to complicate matters even more. Many aren't into Autumn but I find her interesting because I'm never quite sure where she's coming from. I like a good wildcard. I can take or leave Andre. I also was surprised at the Uncle Clifford/Corbin interaction. I always thought that they were raised liked brothers, not "brothers". If we get a next season (fingers crossed), it's looking like Roulette will be becoming a madame, which should pose some interesting conflicts with Clifford. Speaking of which, I hated to see that fight between Clifford and Big L. They are my underrated dynamic duo and both had some points. I'm on pins and needles with this Keyshawn plot. I'm so nervous for the girl lol And I knew Big Bone would be nothing but trouble.
  14. First episode was giving me slight spoof. We'll see how the rest goes. I watched OG PLL from beginning to bitter end. So I can't help myself with this thing.
  15. Dug the first two episodes. Mia is my MVP out of an appealing and interesting group of characters. As a fan of bad bitch rap, I'm in.
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