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Everything posted by WhitneyWhit

  1. I love how James talks about all his energy while he's laid up in bed looking like a prehistoric starfish.
  2. There's so many of us here and all I brought was one little egg roll.
  3. Dear Megs, Women who are truly strong, don’t have to tell people how strong they are, people just see it. And strong women don’t need their husbands to write articles telling people how strong they are, again, people will just know
  4. And most importantly, Jed appeared happy to be there and the other women appeared to like having her there. I've noticed that MM stomps out, way ahead of the other women, with her bitch face turned up to 10 while everyone else comes out in a group, smiling, waving to the audience, sometimes they're even chatting amongst each other and laughing.
  5. They were discussing 45 ignoring North Korea's human rights violation and Sunny pointed out that he doesn't care about violations that happen in his own country, why would we expect him to care about North Korea's. MM jumped up and said Sonny was comparing the US to NK and Sunny said no, she didn't say that, in fact, she said she knows you can't compare the two, she's just making a point, and pointed out that MM said that's what she said, not what she actually said.
  6. I really don't know why MM hates North Korea so much, I think she would love a regime where you could feed people to dogs who don't properly worship the government and all national symbols.....as long her tribe is in control, of course.
  7. The longer MM is on this show, the closer we are to opening it with the pledge of allegiance.
  8. I was living for the other women ignoring Betsy Ross when she was throwing her fit and screeching "did anyone listen to me" just like adults ignoring a toddler throwing a tantrum, I was waiting for her to hold her breath and pull her dress over her head.
  9. Normally I worship the ground MM walks on but she really annoyed me yesterday, There was nothing charming or cute about the first plaintiff. He's a scammer and appears to be nuttier than a fruit cake. I couldn't believe that she allowed him to berate the defendant the way he did, and yeah, why do I need to respect someone just because they lucked out and made it to 70? I'll respect you if you're worthy of my respect, and the plaintiff was not. The plaintiff seemed to be one of those people (and we've had a few of them on this show) who believes their age is protection against people calling them on their bullshit. * *I promise I'm not a heartless bitch to my elders, but I saw this case after having a car accident where a woman rear ended me at a stop sign and the first thing out of her mouth was "I'm a 63 year old woman" with my response being "So?"
  10. My favorite moment of today's episode was when Whoopi announced that Elsa was back and no one applauded.
  11. And when Sarah asked if they were fake (a nod to Barbara's "plastic pearls") MM had to go real bitchy and inform everyone that no, hers are real, they're hear mothers, I guess wanting us to know that at least something on her mother is natural.
  12. Just caught up on the latest episode. I really like Susan and wish her nothing but the best. I got a little teary eyed when she got emotional over the help that Dr. Now had given her and how she didn't want to let him down because I had taken a chance on her. It was nice to see someone grateful for the help after some of the slagbeasts we've had this season. Now Bettie Jo? She can go fuck right off. I sort of admire her for having the balls to tell a doctor that she has cancer without any tests to back it up, they hadn't even looked at it with a telescope yet, according to Josh. I love when stupid people think other people are just as stupid as they are. Cancer has done a number on my family, I've lost three uncles and a grandparent to it and my mom and aunt are, thankfully, working on 10 and 6 years of being cancer free. I have no time for anyone who fakes cancer or begins saying they have it without any type of diagnosis. I believe people who do that should be forced to take a round of chemo just get a taste of the hell it unleashes on you. Betty Jo seemed almost disappointed that she didn't have cancer. The only thing Betty Jo has is Acute Bitchitas, According to WebMD her version is chronic and inoperable. I died when she said that she had to eat something so she could take her medicine and it ended up being nachos. I've been on medication where the prescription says to not take on an empty stomach and that usually means eat something light like a cracker.
  13. LMAO considering her beliefs and who she voted for, this is like Squeaky Fromme publishing a book on anti-violence. Meagan, doll, sweetie, while you're wearing your mother's real pearls (what a bitchy comment that was) look up cultural appropriation, then look at your hair, you won't understand it or get it, but you may learn a new big word you can use incorrectly.
  14. I was underwhelmed by both rooms. I liked the colors of Doug's room, but the space was too small for them, it made the room look even smaller than what it actually is. Hildi, Hildi, Hildi, ole girl hasn't changed one bit. Again, I liked the colors, and I even liked the pattern, but she, as usual, went overboard. I think using the pattern as perhaps an accent wall, or creating some art pieces with it would have been fine. but it was too much. Like Doug, her room was too small for what she did.
  15. I'm finally watching this week's episode and I just have to say that I don't condone shaming, but I'm always confused as to what reaction they think they're going to get at the grocery store? So many of them talk about how humiliating it is, but they can't walk through the grocery store due to their weight yet they're buying cases of soda, sides of bacon, and enough snack foods to own stock in Little Debbie and Frito Lay, I mean, hell I would look, too.
  16. I forgot to add that, even though I knew it was coming, when Roseanne reversed her chair as Harris came back down the stairs, I had to pause to compose myself, I don't know why I laughed so hard at that.
  17. Harris got off easy because if I spoke to my grandmother that way at any age, I would need search and rescue to help me locate my teeth. Yeah, Darlene is right, Roseanne isn't Harris' parent, but she's her grandparent and Roseanne has every right to tell her to calm her shit and to not disrespect her, especially since she's living in Roseanne's home.
  18. When I first heard that Roseanne Connor was going to be a Trump supporter, I couldn't see it, but I can kind of understand it now. I don't think 90's Roseanne Connor would have, but I can understand why today's Roseanne Connor would. As pointed out, Trump won the blue collar/ midwest vote pretty solidly. When Roseanne was talking about jobs and changing things and how she almost lost her home, I could see how fear and anger towards the perceived status quo could lead to her wanting something different, I think that was the case for a lot of people in 2016 as a lot of people's anger boiled over. I liked this more than I was expecting to. The actress playing Harris could be Sara Gilbert's actual daughter, in fact, when I saw the promo of her storming off, I thought it was a scene from the 90's. Beck is kind of where I always thought she would be. I never felt she had a firm grasp on the reality of any situation. I mean, her parents struggled to keep the lights on from one month to the next but thought she had a college fund.
  19. I've taken The View off my DVR list, I'll catch clips on Youtube here and there but I'm done as long as that over indulged sack of shit is on this show. I mean damn, I thought Bitsy was bad, but I don't even think she would degrade kids who were fucking shot in their own high school. I mean yeah, she was pretty dim at times but damn, I think she was at least capable of emapthy, MM is clearly not. I mean, I know she has a base to pander to, and the NRA helped keep her mom in botox and pills, but damn woman. We've hit a low point in this country, but it's not because our president is banging porn stars, there's a startling lack of empathy for kids who are terrified of being murdered in their own school, and The View is legitimizing it. Fuck you MM
  20. You guys, or should I say shrikes, some kind soul has posted episodes of Aunt Sandy on Youtube. I'm not sure of the rules about linking to things like that but I'll just tell you that they're there. I'm currently watching "Carnival Foods" with the infamous I Love You Danielle! story.
  21. Mary is starting to do the 600 lb Life waddle, she better watch out.
  22. They're not bad looking guys. Glad to see them so well and that Benji ended his cruise down the river of denial.
  23. "We can't cook healthy meals" damn, maybe someone, someday, will invent something like rotisserie chickens, bagged salad, and frozen vegetables that can be cooked in a microwave.
  24. He literally ordered one of everything from Burger King and is shocked at that?
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