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Everything posted by DakotaJustice

  1. I remember reading on Reddit that there was a time limit - 120 days I think?- how long Janelle could live in the RV on Coyote Pass. At any rate does she really intend on living in a thin walled vehicle during the winter?
  2. If the house sells at asking price, she only grosses about $150k right? Out of that she has to pay the Realtor, other costs, I think there's capital gains since she's only owned it for a few years etc. Plus she needs to find a new place to live and if she buys again a lot of the remaining will go towards a down payment, I imagine. Don't get me wrong, $150k is a lot of money but it's not enough to live on for very long IMO. Especially if she stays in Flagstaff. I really don't think she's moving to Utah away from the TLC Cash cow, but I could be wrong of course. I think it's a strong possibility that she's going to end up on an RV on Coyote Pass near Janelle. Going to be interesting this winter.
  3. Is Christine still doing LLR? I'm not on FB but it seems that she's been very busy doing other stuff. Plus if she's moving she's going to have to keep everything packed until she finds a new place to live.
  4. This doesn't look like Lulano. No LLR hashtags for one thing. Is she still involved?
  5. Is Maddie in fact still taking nursing courses?
  6. Still, more room than the Lehi house where they were all cram-jammed in that little space.
  7. Maybe in Lehi it was like that but Ysabel is one of the "middle kids" who has spent over half her life in Vegas and Flagstaff where they've had PLENTY of space.
  8. She's had that RV for what, 2 months and it already needs repairs?
  9. I thought that was what the Jelly Belly Ayurvedic School was supposed to teach her. Guess she blew *that* off.
  10. Cozy = cramped, at least in this instance.
  11. I'm watching Episode 6 (I think) right now and I can see how Sheila left Bunny in the dust. The two of them are rehearsing for the video...and it's Sheila, not Bunny, coming up with the innovative moves, the routines. Bunny isn't in great cardiovascular fitness as she has to take a break to grab a cigarette. Bunny may be adorable and feisty, but Sheila has the drive, she's more creative/fit than Bunny, and she's a leader - she has presence that Bunny just doesn't have.
  12. But she HAS done it! Didn't she boast recently that Plexus has eliminated all of her sugar cravings? So she can easily have a couple of pounds of candy corn (ick!) sitting around the stinky ol' RV. Right?!? 🙃
  13. I just noticed she has bad skin. Either she chose not to wear a foundation or the sun damage is showing through.
  14. She would look better if she wasn't wearing too-small clothes.
  15. Color me unimpressed with that salad. Half the container is dressing.
  16. So the RV has Janelle, Savannah, and at least two dogs. I'm sure the inside smells delightful. Not.
  17. I'm sorry but she really looks like crap here. I guess she only gets dolled up for Kody.
  18. You can't even get a studio condo that cheap around here, mortgage payments are probably less than renting so I can see them living on one income.
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