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Everything posted by DakotaJustice

  1. It's like she's doing her best Zoolander. Blue Steel.
  2. I guessed that too when the guy in the video was having problems opening/closing the flimsy door. If anyone wanted to break in, they wouldn't have a problem. IMO.
  3. Does Savannah even have any friends? I remember the excuse Janelle made in Vegas was that it was "too hot out" for Savannah to leave the house. Why was that not a problem for the other kids? Janelle is growing Savannah like a hothouse mushroom. It reminds me of the Mama in Like Water for Chocolate - the youngest daughter stays unmarried to take care of her mother until she dies. I'm afraid that Janelle isn't going to let Savannah live her life.
  4. Since Janelle mentioned that it's just for the summer, I'm guessing that she is leasing the RV, didn't buy it. Sounds like it would be impractical if she planned to take it on the road.
  5. Not only that but does Savannah even have a social life outside of being Janelle's workout buddy?
  6. I'm not at all surprised and I don't think she's put much thought into this decision. Typical. So what about all her crap? I guess it goes into a pod or storage space. Oh and I wanted to add something about the fact that there will be a complete lack of privacy - everyone seems to know where coyote pass is located and I don't think it's a secure property. And is living in a remote RV that safe? Fun, fun, fun.
  7. or she has a marketing person she's paying to write stuff for her and the B&B.
  8. Ick! She'd look so much better as a blonde.
  9. I just figured it was a joke.
  10. Sun exposure. I don't think any of the Browns have heard of sunscreen. I slop 50 SPF zinc on my chest any time I wear a tank top just to avoid this.
  11. This doesn't sound like her "voice". When has she addressed readers as "Friends"? I'm guessing it's a Plexus script. And if you look at the photo with Savannah (whose face appears to be getting rounder) you can see that she isn't telling the truth. Also the bottle she's holding is hiding part of her face and makes her look less round. She's drawn in eyebrows, making her face appear smaller. Just some observations.
  12. He did a good job! I assume that he plans on living in the RV so Janelle is really down to 2 kids with Gabe probably leaving the nest soon...perhaps at the time she moves out of the rennal?
  13. All I can see is every fly and mosquito entering the house and everyone in the family with bug bites.
  14. I don't consider Janelle or Savannah as SIP since they've been traveling to see Maddie - I assume on planes and in airports.
  15. Kody must be kicking himself about not waiting. Tee hee!
  16. Bathroom issues... I can't unsee that toilet stool from the rennal house listing.
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