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Everything posted by MichaelaRae

  1. It's interesting to me...I have issues with Jessa in that I think she spent a good part of her life being happy being "the mean girl" who bosses around anyone more passive than her in her circle (Stories about her childhood and what she got away with let alone what we saw on the show bears this out, IMO.) But I can also see from what we have seen on the show - particularly in Counting On and how uncomfortable she is outside of her circle and knowing what her childhood was like, including but not limited to the absolute shit show of how she was "parented" (and I use THAT term LOOSELY) and how her emotional security was sacrificed to protecting her abusive older brother - how much of that behavior, like many (though not all) bullies, is based in profound insecurity and the resulting need to control whatever they can (some survivors of abuse internalize control and others might externalize it). And while I can look at the latest Jessa social media presence - more curated, etc. - compared to a couple of years ago with dirty diaper piles on the dressers and roll my eyes in the "yup, somebody got some SM coaching," I can also appreciate that she's far more NATURAL at it than her sisters (Jill is almost TOO natural, bless her clueless heart, but she's growing!) and I can appreciate that she is basically saying "I am not good at being open with new people and I made it something to work on" (whether she actually DOES or not, she's saying it's something she's not good at and says she's trying to work on, which is more than I feel like she's done before). So yeah. But if she never says "this season of life" again, I'd be super cool with that.
  2. Derick actually used the words abuse victim in reference to Jill. That to me Is HUGE.
  3. Jessa did spend at least some of her labor at TTH. It was filmed. She specifically wanted to walk the stairs to progress labor, as she has with all of her pregnancies.
  4. Apparently God has no special plans for Jordyn.
  5. They often referenced/captioned a "Jill" off camera giving instructions? Was that Jillymuffin? Sometimes it sounded like her and sometimes not.
  6. She's more articulate than Jill (low bar but still...) though some of that is the editing - in the beginning of the videos, she was stringing together about a phrase or two at a time before a video cut, to the point I couldn't NOT notice it, but still she at least knows how to edit her content to be more articulate than Jill (again a low bar). But her interaction with her kids seems far more natural and less anxious than Jill. She seems to actually enjoy her children rather than playing a part her uteran host trained her to play. Jillymuffin is the more damaged and stunted of the elder girls, it seems. Jessa might be a mean girl - and by might, I mean, definitely - but she doesn't make me want to call a therapist upon watching her.
  7. You're right. I just checked the photos - same dress.
  8. No People photo shoot for poor, no-one-has-suffered-more LLamauren? Just TLC? Poor suffering mother. LOL at Lauren being sure to insist that she loves - has ALWAYS loved - the name Bella. Those criticisms about it being close to Annabelle were heard, methinks.
  9. As someone who was married to someone with bipolar disorder, it ENRAGES me (no matter how much I dislike friggin' Kanye for a variety of reasons) how people are using this man's mental illness to benefit themselves and that Duggars and/or Duggar adjacents are part of it doesn't even surprise me at ALL. Jinger MIGHT be unaware of Kanye's history but RFP sure as hell is and despite what he professes to believe, he's worldly enough to know that Yeezy's been all OVER the damn place in terms of what he latches into at any damn moment in his manic or depressive phases and how this phase will pass too, but as long as it gets RFP some play, he doesn't give a good god damn (and he can profess that he believes that being born again saves but he is NOT an idiot and knows that Kanye's speech and actions are NOT stable and just because he's saying the "right things" if they're from the WRONG place that's a "sin" according to his version of Jesus) and HE KNOWS IT but RFP cares about celebrity WAY more than God and he's using a mentally ill person to further his aims - if I were to bump into him on a street corner, I'd be hard pressed not to smack him silly before he even knew what hit him. SHAME ON HIM.
  10. I've actually been checking the Duggar FB page a few times today. A few people have asked - and some have linked directly to this James Lea dude's posts and screengrabs - and none of them have been deleted yet. I was honestly surprised. Jana must still be recovering from the exhausting work of being in air conditioning and eating CFA while curating Instagram pics of her family and friends commandeering property for their own purposes in a natural disaster area.
  11. Ann Curry FOREVER. And now she's got that new medical show thingie and constant commercials for it on TBS/TNT, I'm being driven insane.
  12. Or we died horribly and often through accidents that could have been prevented but we didn't know about it because we lacked the immediacy of global information that the Internet provides.
  13. I wouldn't target her on the Internet to say it but if I knew her, I'd probably try as gently as possible to say it to her face. I'm not going to judge her for feeling sad about her miscarriage - but constantly referencing her own tragedy while talking about someone else's? Yeah, I'm judging that and if I knew her I would try to call her attention to it because it's just not cool in my book. "I know your dead mom and my dead mom are hanging out in heaven together." "When my mom died, those verses comforted me through my hard time too." OR "I'm so sorry for the loss of your mom. I know how much you loved her. I will pray for you. And if I can help you in any way through this painful time, please let me know." "What beautiful verses. I'm so happy they bring you comfort during this painful time." One approach ensures a person's tragedy also includes you. The other approach keeps the focus on the person while empathizing and offering support, WITHOUT making it about you.
  14. So did I. It was the weakest part of the entire show, for me.
  15. I think Kelly gets it fine. For many people, whether they grew up on TV or not, it can be very healing for many grieving parents to share photos of their stillborn child. They love that child and many of them want to do what they would do if their child had lived - share photos of their beloved child. Not having lost a child, it's not something I can personally understand, but I can empathize and apparently it's not terribly uncommon among grieving parents who don't have TV shows. I think the person who told Joy what she should and shouldn't post on her own Instagram about her dead child was the one who doesn't get it. Just because it isn't the way THEY would grieve doesn't make it wrong.
  16. If they steered her to the nearest doctor or ER, that would have been to confirm that the baby's heart had stopped beating. That the fetus was dead. From what I've heard from women who have had this happen (sadly), you don't have to immediately have an induction or D&C. There can be a day or two after, from what I've seen. Though certainly @doodlebug would know more about this than I.
  17. Yeah Jessa's post and her words about today being a gift, tomorrow never guaranteed, does seem to have a very different perspective than we might have thought before knowing this news.
  18. Okay, so the order of events can sort of be pieced together now. They were probably at one of the vanity ultrasound places, likely got some sort of "go see your doctor now" notification from the tech there, and the diagnosis was made by a medical professional. I imagine, given their beliefs, they would have gone for an induction to deliver and I suspect that's not something that has to happen immediately, so that gave time for arrangements to be made for the photography specialty y'all mentioned and for her best friend Carlin to come in for support. They wanted to have photos of their daughter's birth and holding her and while I don't know if that would be something I would want, what I would want means jack shit, it's about what they want. And they wanted to look nice for those photos, the only family photos of their daughter they would ever have - and I can empathize with that deeply whether I get it or not. I can see that. The selfie with Carlin feels more than a little weird to me, but I imagine Joy is in shock and going through the motions and maybe Carlin was just trying to do something "normal" to try to make her smile. We know from all kinds of studies this generation views the photo medium and its prevalence in their lives in a very different way than most of previous generations, so maybe this is a thing that makes them happy and Carlin wants to make her friend happy however she can.
  19. Well, clearly Joy and Austin are okay with the photo as they posted it - I didn't mean to imply they weren't - I just was assuming that because the photo WAS taken at what is very obviously an intimate moment (and therefore not one where you're likely to hand a phone to someone in the room and be like "get a shot of this"), that must have meant the crew was there filming. But I wasn't aware of that type of photography being available and if that's something they wanted and arranged for, I think that's lovely for them.
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