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Everything posted by MichaelaRae

  1. I think the actress who plays Elizabeth is luminously lovely and obviously bathes in virgin blood, but as a (admittedly heterosexual woman) I think the actress who plays Britt is far more sexually attractive. Not sure what it is. Height and build, probably, but I also tend to be more attracted to stronger, bolder facial features in men and women. I could buy a man or a woman finding Britt more physically attractive than Liz.
  2. On the one hand, I love any digs at Ron. On the other hand, ew - JFP.
  3. I think D and D don't understand what makes a villain if they think Tywin's psychological torture of at least one of his sons for his entire life isn't...you know, villainous. His treatment of Tyrion, show or book, is inarguably abusive. The twisted games he plays with his other children's futures is just about as bad. I admit that I am colored by a strong like of Tyrion (and not just the version I got on the show, I actually prefer the rather grayer version in the book), but part of why I keep trying to find a way to like Jaime in spite of his awful deeds is because of his love for his brother, and part of the reason I hate Cersei is that, despite the dedication she has to her children and her professed loyalty to family, she blames an infant for killing her mother and would kill him dead herself in an instant if she could. There is always talk about how Tyrion is Tywin's "true" son because of their logical, shrewd minds, Cersei is REALLY Tywin's son because of her complete lack of scruples and a hypocritical view of what family is.
  4. Yeah, I'm curious to see how they're going to take this, considering there is now not a rift between Jaime and Tyrion or between Jaime and Cersei. All of which leads to some pretty important developments - an important one being the Cersei punishment, which I will be very annoyed if I am deprived of.
  5. I knew it was coming and still Dany chaining up the dragons made me cry. It upset me in the book and it was worse watching it happen. And I didn't actually think they'd go there with Tyrion killing Shae. I'm impressed.
  6. I know better than to believe it, but THIS would bring me back at least for a look. I'd stand in line for that shit.
  7. I just struggle with finding anything to do with the Wall or Beyond the Wall interesting. It has been the least interesting aspect of the books or the show for me. But the action scenes were impressively done.
  8. But didn't Sam plan to call the child Lila, but then she went all unconscious post-delivery, so Sonny as the father got to decide what to do about the stillborn child (in fact giving the stem cells to Kristina) and named her Adella after his mother? I remember being sort of annoyed about that. But then, I'm generally annoyed in all things by Sonny. With Maxie, I only have vague recollections of her pregnancy with poor Pillowena Feather Jones, but I thought she managed to swipe a urine sample (she was candy striping at the hospital at the time) to pass off as her own and also just in general kept avoiding her appointments with Kelly Lee, world's worst OB/GYN. She also only kept the ruse up for a couple of months, if I recall correctly, because she could see the jig was up. Threw herself down the stairs (at Kelly's?) to fake a miscarriage but was found out almost immediately at that point?
  9. I think I'm gone too. There were three weeks of episodes on my DVR and I deleted them sight unseen. Just couldn't bring myself to care. Not even enough to hate watch. TPTB have wasted or run off so many great characters and storyline potential. There are so few characters left I give two shits about, and the ones that are left are in story lines I find nauseating at best (the inevitable return of Purina) or boring (Anna and anything to do with Duke; Alexis and Sam and anything to do with the mob or Silas). Even the Nurses Ball couldn't make me watch, especially once I heard it turned into round two of Sabrina Is the Awesomest Awesome Who Ever Awesomed. Now I just scan the GH boards here to see if there's anything that I might want to catch on YouTube, and to keep up with everyone.
  10. Jason Morgan: Happiness is a Warm Gun (The Beatles)
  11. It is easy to blame JT for the lack of chemistry in the Purina pairing. He's generated chemistry with many other actresses and characters on set (IMO) so one could certainly point to that as evidence that he's tanking his scenes with TeCa, or not putting his all into them, because he's not a fan of the pairing. But by the same logic, I can point out that if he's generated heat with everyone else and doesn't with TeCa, maybe the problem isn't him but her. Blood from a turnip and all that. (And since I haven't seen TeCa spark with Carrrrrrrrrrrrlos or any other actor she's been in proximity to...well, the math seems fairly straightforward...)
  12. I would love it if Fonduke Luke (Fonluke?) was Laura.
  13. Not surprised at all, personally. The Bates and Duggars are the types, IMO, that cherry pick their " Bible learnings."
  14. If we were talking about the previous regime, I could maybe buy Kim McC's more limited availability as a reasonable excuse for recasting. But the RC/FV regime is all about a) block taping and b) not even featuring major stories for literally MONTHS at a time. I see no reason they can't work with her schedule to give Robin an acceptable level of play in the current GH environment - she'd be central to the canvas for a few weeks at at time, then you might not see her for a couple of months and occasionally another character tosses in a line about how she bumped into her in the lab the other night, putting in long hours on some new research project. Hell, they could page her on the GH intercom once in a while (Guza did that with Bobbie and Monica for friggin' YEARS). JT and Emma can be included in other storylines and throw away a line or two about seeing her for dinner that night. Then she's back on for a week or two to tie up a plot point or a major confrontation scene, then gone again for a few months, then back for a block of several weeks. We're getting that NOW with other characters whose portrayers are a hell of a lot more available. So I can't buy that it can't work, if RC/FV wanted it to. But they have no real interest in anything but stunt casting and sweeps stunts, camp over substance, and playing dollhouse with their favorite actors/pet characters.
  15. Based on this thread and my Facebook newsfeed, I seem to be in the minority. I liked it. It's not up there in my top ten finales ever, but I liked it. I never thought Barney/Robin were a long haul relationship, and while I had resigned myself to Robin/Ted not happening long-term, I couldn't help liking their chemistry. I felt the finale gave the best of both worlds - Ted got his perfect love and mother of his children, they had a wonderful, beautiful time together and then she died. Sadly, that happens and it sucks but it happens. And then, he gets another chance at love with another love of his life who now, in THIS stage of their lives, might actually truly be right for each other for the first time ever. But then, I liked the Lost finale too.
  16. Oooh! I love the idea of a backstage thread. I still miss the one they closed down at TWoP. And let me give MUCH LOVE to the fact that I can finally give unlimited likes to all of y'all's posts. Yay!! I agree on having kind of one continuous thread for discussion of the show. But now we have freedom to create those cool little off shoots like they had in "big forum shows." Like, a game thread for the show, or a "creative pursuits" thread for those who like to rec and read fanfic, etc. Oooh!! maybe a thread for just plotting Twitter mayhem against Ron.
  17. Yay!!! Love seeing familiar GH TWoP faces showing up so fast! Not feeling quite so "homesick" now. ;)
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