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Everything posted by MichaelaRae

  1. JimBob cc: This is my blessed firstborn son. He can, over the course of several years, molest his own sisters, including a five year old, andd then later go onto an adultery website (minimum) or actually have sex with someone other than his wife (probably the truth), which are equally wrong in according to my Godly interpretation of scripture, but because he prayed to the correct Jesus (aka my Jesus that gives me dominion over my wife and children) he is forgiven forever even while he's allowed near my own preadolescent daughters and those of my other children, I forget their names. But doesn't matter because REPENTANCE. Meanwhile, my second oldest daughter and one of his victims is not allowed to visit my house without my permission because even though my own Jesus rules say that she should follow the rules of her husband, her new headship, who, go figure, even while he's also a total douche (I mean, believes in a lot of the same Jesus things I do) maybe has a problem the way Jill had to act like her brother molesting her was no big deal and if she doesn't that means she doesn't believe in my Jesus even though according to my own rules, her husband gets to decide the right Jesus, I didn't really mean it because if I'm not the final Jesus decider, it's bullshit.
  2. I believe JimBoob and MEEEchelle monitor the marrieds' social media only to monitor whether they might say/do/post anything that threatens their image as the best parents ever. I think given current threat levels, they have alerts set up any time Dreck or Jill post. Since Books and ofBooks have fully leaned into the Christian Fundie Lite influencer role thanks to their latest publicist/media manager, the alerts have been turned into a weekly recap to scan for troubling signs. And Blessa and the other wholly dependent marrieds are no threat at all.
  3. Sex Pest (formerly known as Smuggar) was even smug as a toddler.
  4. I think you'll find Meechelle has whatever is needed to call attention to herself or expediently get out of work, whether that be missing back muscles or an eating disorder.
  5. I'll sign up and if noone has signed up for being in charge, I'll do that too.
  6. Now I find myself pondering the competitive regional nature of the fundie grift. Like, for the (mostly not well off) churches that will mostly sponsor the Rodruigii and Bowers and not, is there very not-Jesus-like competition or jealousy about who gets the grift or do they act like cable TV monopolies and stay regional? 🙂
  7. I mean, DAMN, y'all, when your oldest brother is a LITERAL molester of children and was YOUR assailant and your dad is super obsessed with your virginity (and also tried to prevent your molestation by locking you in your room with your other sisters and banning pajamas and also probably making sure you knew that your assailant couldn't be blamed because he's male and saw you in diapers apparently so...that happens?) and you see possible suitors as "weirdos" and "creepy" - HOW FUCKED UP ARE *THOSE* PEOPLE and ALSO HOW FUCKED UP DID YOUR PROFESSED "CHRISTIAN" PARENTS MAKE YOU???
  8. The sat campuses might feed into the main campus but you still have to meet criteria to get a degree and, as a PROUD Kent alumna, can't see Timbits - now cashed/flunked out (sorry, I mean, MOVED BY SEVERELY-APPROVING-OF-HIM JESUS) to locate to northeastern Ohio, he can take all the for-credit aviation courses offered by KSU at XYZ campus, but that ain't getting him a degree. Plus since the Rodriguii just moved, they can't qualify for in-state tuition yet and y'all know they aren't forking up out-of-state tuition money for Timbits or any of their other malnourished spawn for Jesus.
  9. Clearly doesn't understand what SOCIAL DISTANCING IS.
  10. Are you excited? YAY!! Bless her, but her autopilot monologue is MINDNUMBING.
  11. Suzanne Somers can ROT. I am SO sick of every brand of cancer-curing hokum and the celebrities and wanna-be celebrities that lead people to believe they can eschew data-based science. And it's been going on for DECADES, even before her. Shame on all of them.
  12. Or maybe Lauren has learned from experience that there's a difference between an actual post-uterine , sensate human being vs. a heavy period you barely had time to react to before it was gone, no matter how much you wanted either? /I'll be in hell now apparently
  13. I'll give a pass to any recently postpartum mom. From everything I've heard, and witnessed, about new moms, even having 5 minutes to get a shower once a week is friggin' HARD.
  14. Which I think would be GREAT for her. She's a person who desperately needs structure to feel safe, IMO.
  15. Wow. I did NOT see that coming even if I was hoping for it. That's terrific!!
  16. Babies definitely don't ever go through phases that might affect how they respond to external stimuli differently than how they did in the past. Babies are rigidly fixed at birth and never change their reaction to stimuli.
  17. Me too. Except also if someone is genuinely learning differently than their upbringing (not saying Jessa is - in fact, I have seen no reason to not continue to believe that she’s invested in the shitty because a) she’s a true believer b) she knows where the paycheck (JimBoob and MEchelle) comes from or more likely c) a combination of both), I will never NOT believe someone can overcome the ignorance they were raised in to become a better person. Also, I should clarify that while I have empathy for the way Jessa “Blessa” acts because of the shit show of her upbringing and find this (mildly) intro-aware behavior of hers compelling and sympathetic on some levels, I still find her professed beliefs LOATHSOME and would be hard pressed not to take her to (not the Duggar Dining Room Table) school if I ever met her in person. There would be LESSONS. 😂
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