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  1. I may be confusing her story with William's mom RE: the death on the boat part, but she definitely said something along the lines of her parents dying and she ended up a whore because of that event. And that she and Frances had travelled to America via boat with them.
  2. Jane specifically said that her mother died on the way over on the boat trip and that she hadn't always been a whore.
  3. Perhaps she learned of her parents and was taking her family to meet them.
  4. I remember this arc from the books, and I think it's more than possible that Raymond did something. It's clear he was asking for forgiveness for seperating them. At this point, we have to accept that the showrunners know how the story ends, and we do not. Further, I think they committed to ending the series differently so that the show's ending would not affect Gabaldon's future book sales.
  5. Well, it's been a while since an episode was so engrossing, I thought I'd only been watching 20 minutes when the credits rolled.
  6. I always assumed it was because with the Mohawk, he finally and fully became a man. Not someone's son, nephew, cousin - but Wolf's Brother.
  7. I hated Jamie in the books after last week's plot point, and show Jamie can fuck right off too. I didn't hate Claire as much in the books as I'm hating her for going right along with it now though. Like John fucking Grey pretty much put his neck on the line for the Frasers time and time and time and time and time and lifetime (William's) again, and they know he's grievously injured, running in enemy territory, wanted with capital punishment awaiting him if captured, and they just sort of go on with their lives? In John's goddamn bed. And Ian, who's probably the most likely of them all to be the moral conscience, is so wrapped up in Rachel('s...bits) that he's lost as well. Seriously. I hate them all right now.
  8. I have never seen an actor struggling so hard to be polite about thinking everyone around him got it wrong since the cast of GoT spoke about the last season in interviews...
  9. This is making me absolutely crazy. The scene where John is talking to Denny and he says "My wife? Oh! Claire isn't my wife any more. Jamie Fraser isn't dead. He's the one who hit me." David Berry is, in those 3 lines, 100% channeling some other actor in some other show/movie, and it's making me crazy. Who and what is it? It's a dead ringer of mimicry. Literally exact. I keep wanting to say it's John Noble in Fringe, but I'm not entirely sure that's right. Edit: Ohh...maybe it's Peter Dinklage in GoT. That feels more right. Am I crazed? Edit 2: OK, it's definitely Dinklage as Tyrion. Down to the accent and inflection. Are they slated to work on something together?
  10. Uh, it was the major plot point which led to Jamie's promotion to General and being given assignment of a whole battalion...
  11. David Berry and Charles Vandervaart were the epic stars of this episode, and both of them brought their A+ game. I loved that we got to see the sarcastic, devil-take-it-all kid that still hides under John's cultured and restrained exterior.
  12. Yanno, the man who lovingly raised your son when you could not, probably has rights to fuck your/his wife at least once as long as it wasn't rape. That will be all.
  13. Looks like a reboot is in the works! https://parade.com/tv/white-collar-reboot
  14. She's telling you how it happened in the books. Claire ends up thinking Jamie is dead, because the boat they were supposed to be on fails somehow when he and Jenny are traversing to the colonies, but I can't remember how. Also, new Jenny doesn't hold a freakin candle to Laura Donnely. I'm so sad she didn't return. She _nailed_ the Jenny char.
  15. Saw LOVE right before it closed. Don't like the Beatles very much - went with a fanatic friend to keep company. It's still Cirque. Didn't expect to find myself crying (there was a very, very moving section), but there we were.
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