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Everything posted by mansonlamps

  1. I find the interesting part of this post is the writing of the check "with her husband's money" and the insinuation that women who don't work outside of the home as lesser than. Did Charlotte write a check with Harry's money? Pretty condescending view of traditional marriage.
  2. I believe the point was supposed to be white women have to do more, hence Seema's comment that said something like she was happy not to be white in this particular situation. I'm sure checks are welcome from all people who can afford to write them.
  3. Trust me, the peeing happens to ALL women whether or not you've had a baby. She was using race to guilt Carrie for whatever reason, of course charitable organizations always welcome the check as well they should.
  4. I loved it, maybe I haven't watched as many mockumentary shows as most. The lead actress is an absolute gem.
  5. Not to mention those characters were part of the ensemble from the beginning. They didn't try to double the ensemble in a 10 episode season and expect the audience to be invested in the new characters stories. The smoking totally turns me off from this character. If someone is smoking in the car next to me at a stoplight it makes me gag, let alone around a crowd including kids. Both my cousin and my college roommate started at 9 and thought they were bleeding to death since no one had prepared them that early.
  6. Yes! I think this role was terribly miscast, with a more engaging young woman in this part the show would be much improved.
  7. Connie would be from the Woodstock generation, so no premarital sex would not at all fit in due to her generation, she's just a pain in the ass. Lorelei or Emily?
  8. If people in America are angry at fat people than they must spend an awful lot of time being angry, especially post pandemic.
  9. Honestly, I saw a forum where a man was angry with his wife only "taking him" there once a year for his birthday and all the other men were totally sympathizing. I'm glad I'm not married to such a loser that he would want me to spend his birthday watching him ogle young girls and not even realizing they are just laughing at him behind his back🙄
  10. Tell that to those of us who grew up absolutely surrounded by and forever affected negatively by alcoholism. And there are a LOT of us. Jesus.
  11. I don't even like the word thirdly. Surely you like the word thrice though.😁 Sorry, nothing to add, thought we all needed a dose of comedy from a well written show.
  12. They made a point of having Anthony say that Charlotte was too busy with kid stuff, so that's why he needed Carrie to go with him.
  13. I think you really have to be searching for something to be offended about if these dolls are considered cultural appropriation.
  14. What I get from this forum is that we are all distinct people, there is no way to "be" at any age, and, as women, we should all shut the F up criticizing and start to support each other because no one else is going to do that.
  15. I honestly can't believe anyone would think Che's behavior here was appropriate in her employee's house. Apparently this is the norm now? Correct me if I'm wrong, but the current sentiment seems to think the education system trumps parents in these situations. I completely disagree, but I don't have school age children.
  16. Completely agree. I think she's pushy and kind of narcissistic tbh, not sure what the appeal here is.
  17. I'm not too impressed with people who steamroll over others to get their way. Carrie's situation wasn't an emergency and who knows whose appointment got moved to accommodate the doctors pushy cousin? Che and her buddy looked like salacious junior high school students listening to Carrie badly babble on about her diaphragm. Still wondering who the audience for this podcast is supposed to be. I had surgery and my referred Doctor was known as Dr. Handsome. I didn't hate it lol. As far as Rock/Rose, does anyone truly believe that, if a child is in "danger" at home for their gender identification, they are better off letting their parents find out the way Charlotte did? I would think the consequences for the kids would be a lot harsher when your parents find out you've changed your name and gender identity, the whole school and the other kids parents know about it and they find out as an afterthought. That has to be a real slap in the face to a parent and I think Harry played that well in the episode.
  18. So I don't really think Garlin did anything "fireable" tbh, I just think he's a complete throwback who can't accept that his humor has run its course for most people except maybe junior high school boys. HAHAHA a man saying vagina is hilarious LOLOL. Except not to any adult with a shred of a real sense of humor or emotional intelligence.
  19. I would venture to say that's not "common" though. Especially both hips. My SIL had this done in her early 50's but she has osteoarthritis.
  20. Well it was totally by accident, but it turned out killing Big was the best move they could have made with that character.
  21. Well, except the lack of interest in sex part.
  22. What is the current word for "cool?" I work at an enormous corporation and, while everyone gets along and there are mixed groups of friends, the vast majority of groups you see roaming in the halls are divided by sex and ethnicity. I've always found it strange, but it's undeniable. The only place I've heard the word groovy used unironically was on The Brady Bunch, even in the 70's.
  23. Mine is a woman (too young even for Larry) and I LOVE her.
  24. If a healthy lifestyle includes decades of chainsmoking to maintain her naturally fit body, then I agree with this.
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