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Everything posted by mojoween

  1. mojoween

    MLB Thread

    Robbie Cano doncha know! I love Starlin, but it would be nice if the Yanks could have them both. The AL rules! Four in a row woot. I am amused that the game-winning HR was hit by a former Yankee and the pitcher who got the save is a former Yankee who was being caught by a current Yankee. It's a wonder why people hate New York, really.
  2. mojoween

    MLB Thread

    Sorry, he's from Cali. And Sterling did, didn't he? Damn you Molina!
  3. mojoween

    MLB Thread

    Screw you Joe Buck. Let's keep the filthy Dallas Cowboys out of the MLB broadcast, hmm? And why would I care what Bryce Harper thinks about Dak Prescott anydamnway? On a side note, when Bryce is on the Yankees, he won't be able to dramatically flip his hair back when making diving catches in the outfield.
  4. My pills sit on my desk where I see them every day when starting my work computer and I STILL forget to take them. I wish every generation would have learned how important it is to LABEL THE DAMN PICTURES.
  5. Magda is SUPER annoying and I can't see that I would ever be able to root for her. When Nigel asked where Kiki was from why did she think that SHE would need to answer?
  6. mojoween

    MLB Thread

    As far as I know Boomer was always going to be taking a step back from everything, but I may be mis-remembering. OMG I totally thought Bellinger's mom was Ann Coulter and had a visceral hate-on for him. I am old enough to be Judge's mom and I DO NOT CARE. I love watching that boy swing a bat.
  7. mojoween

    MLB Thread

    I made it home in time for the Derby and I am LOVING it. This chick digs the long ball especially when knocked out by Yankees!
  8. I get that this is Big Brother but I much prefer the random curses rather than one person targeting three (!) other people. It puts TOO much power in one place.
  9. mojoween

    MLB Thread

    Thank you Red Thunder for erasing the stink of Tyler Fucking Clippard! My first baseball boyfriend was Bobby Ojeda.
  10. I'm ok with goofing around, I tend to be that way myself, but there is no universe where I personally would ever be ok with a woman my husband is locked inside a house with wrapping her legs around his back and riding him around. I'm not saying I wouldn't trust him, just that I'm a jealous rage monster and it would irritate me to see it play out on national TV.
  11. Thinking back on it, I have so many questions about Christmas's foot. If she was on Jason's back (and if I'm his wife you can be damn sure I have a problem with that) how is Christmas the one who got hurt? Why did she lay on the ground for so long without someone coming to help? Why were the house guests the ones to help her inside and not a trained professional? She first said she felt for sure it was broken, then said she most likely tore ligaments, was she actually evaluated by a physician? On an unrelated note, someone help me remember which one is Matt and which is Mark.
  12. Chenbot has a spontaneous chip! When she made her little quip about Christmas and the audience laughed she was able to make an off-the-cuff comment!
  13. I was so not listening to the explanation of the comp so I have no idea what they are scrambling for. Stupid CBS with their stupid Candy Crush show that has BB and Survivor people in it so it makes me want to watch it in spite of stupid Frankie.
  14. Jessica you heifer do not presume to call Julie Gorgeous. Because while she is indeed so, it's a little familiar for you to call her that. Also I love Alex saying that she can't vote out Jillian because she's her friend and Christmas is a stranger. YOU'VE KNOWN THEM BOTH THE EXACT SAME AMOUNT OF TIME! Elena's chest is so far out of proportion to the rest of her it's unsettling.
  15. mojoween

    MLB Thread

    Sir Didi swiping MetroCards made me want to haul ass to NYC and ride the subway. His smile is just too much.
  16. mojoween

    Tennis Thread

    Hearing her cry "help me" seven times in a row was the worst part. It seemed like it took forever for anyone to get to her the poor thing. This is the second time in two days I've heard fuck at a tennis match. At Wimbledon of all places!
  17. mojoween

    MLB Thread

    There was a tight end for the Steelers named Heath...Something and for some reason he always got the "ooooo" whenever he touched the ball. Whenever A-Rod came to bat at opposing ballparks the whole stadium was filled with "oooo's" but they were saying a different word.
  18. Jim Bowie! I knew there was a TS I was flabbergasted at. They spotted them the name James in the clue, for cod's sack.
  19. "Snake den...and chill?" complete with quizzical expression made me laugh. Cody is completely humorless and I cannot stand him. Oh wait, he laughs when he calls Jessica by the wrong name. And then she kissed him and stayed? WTF, have some self respect why don't you. Alex is also very annoying. She can stop calling her competitors bitches any damn time now. She is also humorless.
  20. I thought of she sells seashells by the seashore but had no clue what country they needed. I realized why Jon bugs me. He's SO deliberate it's almost catatonic. He makes me sleepy.
  21. mojoween

    MLB Thread

    I'm in your area about every third weekend because Sauder's has the best apples that stay the freshest. We don't have a specific destination in mind, we are going to travel around all of the lakes and stop wherever looks good like Farmer's Markets, restaurants, etc. On an unrelated note, DAMMIT Dellin!
  22. mojoween

    MLB Thread

    I'm on vacation next week and we're going to be taking day trips around the Adirondacks, Catskills, Finger Lakes and Mohawk River (NY is a big state and we live smack in the middle and I'm tired already) and I told the hubs that no matter what we do, we WILL be home Monday night to watch the Derby.
  23. Jon's FJ wager was weird because it didn't give him either an even amount to end the day with, or an even three day total. And since I have OCD for that stuff, it upset me. If I ever do make it on Jeopardy! and get a DD the wagering is what is going to trip me up.
  24. The local station I have watched since infancy was scooped up by Sinclair many years ago, but they must run those horrific must-air segments in the morning because I've never seen them at night (Syracuse is one John mentioned about that slavery segment, but I don't recall it). And the guys at the anchor desk seem pretty left to me so maybe they don't bow down to their corporate overlord.
  25. Great Expectations still surprises me as a TS. I mean, I know that just because you're a writer that doesn't mean you've read every classic ever, but still. That clue was a gimme. I didn't know FJ. The Green Room to me means surfing.
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