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Everything posted by tribeca

  1. Sydney Grace baby switch have only seen some clips on YouTube how was it revealed Nicole switched the babies ? why did Brady support Nicole ? Was he not close to his sister ?
  2. Theo has always shown to be caring sweet friend and I don’t want that to change. I do not feel he is taking advantage of Ciara. His talk with Julie I thought showed he he was very concerned about Ciara getting her memories back since many were not happy. Maybe next next time Marlena hypnotizing Ciara she can take her back to when Ben tried to kill her. Leaving out the brainwashing and the fact he could not go through with it
  3. Suspects and motive Ava revenge for holding her hostage Protecting her other son She could totally be lying to Nicole Tripp built up anger over everyone blaming him for Allies rape John his anger issues and wanting revenge for Allie lucas he wanted to hurt Tripp when he thought he was the rapist Claire she had tried to kill people before they did not do as much bad stuff as Charlie Belle protecting her daughter She did not want Claire to have her own crazy Jan in her life Charlie’s neighbor revenge for him making so much noise
  4. Ben was pretty scary with Theo the other day. guess Nicole did not want to pass up a free meal. Tacos are delicious but Ava wasn’t going tell Rafe anything if Nicole left.
  5. Has there ever been a story where amnesia was not cured? Claire would be better off to if she could move on from Ciara and Ben as well.
  6. Always loved Lumi. I never get what I want so I am sure she will end up with New EJ
  7. I kind of like Ciara having amnesia and wondering how she could fall for someone with Bens past.
  8. When Sami was screaming and jumping into Rafes arms it looked like he was going in for a kiss.
  9. Didn’t Darlene just start paying rent ? It seems like her and her kids were living there rent free for a while. Not really understanding her acting like her living there was just to help Dan. The outdated food jokes are not really funny.
  10. Belle looked a little suspicious to me the other day. yes, I could see her letting Sami take the blame and I like Belle. I thought the April’s fool show Jan should have realized she wasted her time and Sean wasn’t worth all that.
  11. John really should have hired Carrie. Did Sami say the F word ? was Kristin not in this episode because her character is already a joke?
  12. Theo and Ciara were very sweet and cute today. I like Phillip and Gabi together. Phillip seemed amused by his mom. Gabi has not seen Kate fight like she does for her kids.
  13. I have these questions too. Does anyone have a picture of the teacups people are posting about ? Clyde also a cell phone in prison. So Vivian phone wasn’t a surprise.
  14. Why does Nicole get jealous of Ava and Rafe ? She is married
  15. Maybe this is why Jack wasn’t as close to Kevin. Kevin could have reminded Jack of his bother.
  16. My parents divorced when I was little. His sister and her husband are my godparents. They could care less about me. At least Julie and Pauline will love those babies.
  17. Tripp looked like he wanted to do some bed hopping yesterday. First he seemed attracted to Chanel then he looks interested in Claire when she stood up to Chanel. He will have decide if he would rather be with a girl who tried to kill him a few times or when who dines and dash. looking forward to watch today show for Lumi
  18. Claire did say the other girl was paying. The girl did not argue with it. Chanel (?) would have said right there she wasn’t buying. She did not seem shy. Tripp is a wimp. Isn’t the role of godparents to be your spiritual guide ?
  19. Ciara reaction to Ben did not seem real. She thinks he is a killer and Is supposed to be afraid of him but listens to him and lets him show his props. I almost wondered if she was faking not remembering. I did not like Tripp not backing up Claire. He knew Chanel offered to pay.
  20. Claire sure left out a lot of details of hers and Ciara history. Even though I FF Ben & Ciaras romance memories I could not help but notice how nice her hair was in the flashbacks. Tripp looked very guilty when talking about who killed Charlie. Lani let your kids have a college fund.
  21. When someone from my family had Covid I had to quarantine for 14 days. My test was free but I had to use vacation or sick time. Even though my test came back negative work would not allow me back until I quarantined for 14 days. Same thing when a coworker tested positive. I have used more sick time this past year then ever before. Ben was a jerk but he wasn’t wrong Darlene lies to him a lot. Harris use to be an A student. What does she do now ?
  22. I like the new Theo so far. Ciara will break his heart. Hopefully he realizes this. Eli and Lani really are a beautiful couple. Their storyline about the godmother seemed like it was out of a fairytale. Expected Aunt Pauline to cast a spell on the twins.
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