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Everything posted by ivygirl

  1. I wouldn't be surprised if some or many of the FOL writers went to Ivy League schools -- I'll have to dig deeper than a cursory glance at IMDB to check that theory out. I *did* see that Paul Haggis wrote some episodes! Lots of quality people on this show.
  2. Love it. Spot on. This reminds me of one of my favorite Simpsons episodes -- the family goes to an outlet mall and, while in an electronics store, remark "ooooooh! Sorny! Magnabox!"
  3. It kind of reminded me of the costumes from the original Tron, coupled with 3-CPO, with a dash of Versace.
  4. Thumbs up to your whole post but I totally agree, best HW ep in a long time! (And it made last night's Vanderpump Rules absolutely pale in comparison. Sorry Stassi.) And to the second... LOL (and pun intended?). To paraphrase a line from one of Andy's favorite WWHL guests... I couldn't help but wonder if she truly Poughkeepsie'd herself. I can't imagine drinking unfiltered water in such fancy environs, so perhaps she was smiling too much in the shower?
  5. LVP's squawky "OWN it! OWN it!" and Kyle's angry "I hate this! I hate this!" makeup application are both among my favorite moments. And PS Eileen, I don't blame LVP for taking some glee in this. She had to put up with Lisar all last season with this same garbage. Now she's cornered and she can't do anything but deny deny deny and want to go home. Why the eff would we trust her??? Her life is too good, and what? Kim's is bad and she deserves to be trashed by you at every turn? Such garbage. And to put her garbage on everyone else because she refuses to "own it" -- flames. Flames on the side of my face. I was a little worried that Erika ran back with her but... she did call her out, and maybe wanted to do so when the other women weren't there. Fair enough.
  6. It's a good thing I don't have Smell-O-Vision because the poop coming out of Rinna's mouth would stink up my whole house.
  7. She'll take them to a little cafe... Cafe du Monde
  8. Ariana has a great figure that she works hard to achieve. And she dresses to accentuate that, which is obviously within her right to do. She's revealing but I don't think she's trashy--a bikini is appropriate attire for a pool party (I was actually more surprised by Scheana's cute and kind of modest one-piece... a cute and sort of modest one piece is hard to find. But I digress). But, I wonder if it's not so much that Katie is jealous of *Ariana* for what she looks like, than it is that she's hurt by how much Schwartz seems to value Ariana over her. I took her "blonde enough, cool enough" comment as more of a sadness about why *Schwartz* didn't seem to take her side, rather than necessarily jealous of Ariana. I think, personally, that Katie genuinely dislikes Ariana because of her attitude (and, even if subliminally, for her cheating with Sandoval). I have a feeling that, even if Ariana looked different, or acted differently, Katie would still be pondering what A had that she didn't. YMMV, and perhaps I'm projecting too much of my own past experience on to this ;) Didn't she try this (job at Pump) and he quit because he got too anxious?
  9. Never thought I'd say anything in support of Ariana, but I'll say this: her mom looked and acted like... a mom. No frosted lipstick, no preening for the cameras, no insisting on going to the parties. She basically sat there and talked to Ariana and Sandoval like a normal mom might.
  10. I also liked his quip about the carpet looking like a huge lump (after Schwartz said he'd sweep stuff under the carpet).
  11. Raise your hand if you thought Jax's "apology" was SUPER genuine! Or Not! (He did have some good zingers in his talking heads, though)
  12. I've had the sangria multiple times and I really like it -- if you are in the States in the summer and come across a Cost Plus World Market, you may find it there (though my first sighting was at Buca di Beppo a shade over a year ago, and had them both by the glass). I happen to prefer the red -- I found the pink to be too sweet. That being said I like bottled sangria in general*, which tends to be sweet anyway, and basically is spiked fruit punch. This is not something I generally advertise to my wine-snob friends though. Shhhhhhhhh ,)
  13. Actually you weren't really wrong ;) Mossimo is there regularly, but Moschino and Missoni had limited-run collections at Target. Marvelous! ;)
  14. Wow, you weren't kidding. The title of that should be "I take responsibility except when I don't."
  15. I feel like he might get a couple good (meaning somewhat stable and paying) gigs a year or two after this show is cancelled. I mean, if Taylor Hicks can get a travel show, Sandoval could get SOMETHING. He has a decent sense of humor, as evidenced by his talking heads. Speaking of senses of humor, that commercial for 50 Shades with Ariana was SO bad. Bad meaning bad, not bad meaning good. I did, however, love the product placement shot of LVP Sangria. I was SO disappointed to learn that Cost Plus World Market only sells it seasonally.
  16. Joe Simpson? JOE SIMPSON? Of all the cheesy and questionable decisions made by this crew, choosing Joe Simpson as a photog is vying for a top spot. Wonder if he commented on Sandoval's double D's.
  17. I suppose because one can only eat so much salad ;) It's very concentrated, and (I guess) often used to freshen one's breath and, er, stool.
  18. I've purchased it in concentrate form from a health food store. You add a few drops of it to your water. I'm still not entirely sure WHAT it does, really, but the mint-flavored one reminded me of my favorite spa, so that was enough for me. It's just kind of refreshing and I don't think there's anything *bad* about it.
  19. So funny. The first place I saw one was at a tennis tournament as well. I guess the USTA/WTA won't stand for common potties. LOL
  20. Good observation about Erika being better one on one. It may tie in to what she said this ep about how long it takes for her to trust people. It certainly didn't help her trust level to have Yo in her ear all last season. Re: Rinna & Eden -- Its true that Eden is fuller capable of being nosy, overly persistent, unable to "read" people accurately, and sensitive to imagined slights all on her own. I don't think anyone will forget that ;) However, IMO Rinna told her that stuff because she knew it would throw Eden into hyperdrive. And it's also IMO hypocritical of her to criticize Eden for bringing this stuff up at a party, because Rinna hasn't precisely kept all her commentary about others' behavior off screen/in one on one conversation in the past. Chlorophyll. You can add it to water and it's supposed to give you health benefits.
  21. I've been in those kinds of porta potties and they ARE nice. They look like little (I mean, *little*) "regular" bathrooms. Some even come stocked with (fake) flowers and mints. Incidentally this week's ep title bugs me a bit. It's supposed to rhyme right? I'm mentally pronouncing it "Harry's Met and Gatsby's Feht" (though yes, I know some people pronounce "fete" as "feet" or "fayt" in the good old USA).
  22. That party looked like so much fun. Everyone looked great. Kim actually looked ok and seemed better than I've seen her. Glad Eden is throwing Rinna under the bus. Pretty rich that she was criticizing Eden for bringing up private matters at a party... when she was the one who brought up "enabling" and the death's door crap. And I don't care if her daughter is walking with Gigi. That cat-that-ate-the-canary look Rinna wore was too much. I hope she's finally forced to OWN IT!!!!
  23. This use of "curating" drives me NUTS. I've received training in *actual* curation and, though I realize the use of the term has been broadened recently, especially in marketing circles, it still strikes me as extreme word inflation. I've seen it used on sets of Trader Joe's olive oils, as well as for a *food truck event* (as in "Food trucks curated by..."), not to mention listicles "curated" by Buzzfeed staff.
  24. I thought perhaps they called Broderick and Ganz, and got Ganz. I saw her there. She made a crack about the show being like an accident you can't help watching. She probably ran away to prevent from getting ice in her eye or tripping on a piece of broken chair.
  25. Did that prenup lawyer just wake up? I mean it looked like he was yawning and wearing his PJ's. I know they often say lawyers won't even get out of bed unless they get a certain amount of money, but he apparently took that super literally after hearing how much Katie and Tom had in their accounts. Also not getting the "dirty pink." Looked fairly purple to me? Does blue make things dirty? Schwartz's lack of consideration was in full effect tonight. He was more interested in defending Ariana than he was in considering Katie's feelings. My favorite part of the DJ Muppet Baby set was Sandoval's reactions to everything. Especially the indignant "you knew he had a girlfriend!" Like, the way Ariana knew YOU had a girlfriend?
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