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Everything posted by ivygirl

  1. I started watching RHOBH during S2, so I missed S1 Camille—I saw S1 after several seasons of Brandi and Rinna, whom I view as totally noxious vipers. So—while I don’t think Camille is a saint, I also don’t consider her behavior as any worse than the others. And admittedly, I kind of like the turn she’s taking, at least with these ladies. They all wanted her to bend to their will and pee on LVP because they don’t like her, but calling out Dorit on something that’s very real? Oh, that’s a bridge too far. Camille was definitely not polite, but LET’S TALK ABOUT THE HUSBANDS. I totally think the women were scared spitless that she’d bring up their own financial issues. It’s been easy and convenient to focus on LVP, but now the proverbial cats are coming out of the proverbial bags. “You let [LVP] off the hook”—But oh yeah, Rinna, let’s let Dorit off the hook for what she did to the dog... and oh, yeah, that whole matter of bankruptcy and owing significant piles of cash to people. ”That was 10 years ago!”—declaring bankruptcy may help clear up some of the financial issues, but it doesn’t morally absolve you of what you’ve done to others financially, Dorit, “This, everybody gets hurt.” OK Kyle, after putting your own sister as well as one of your “closest friends” on blast, on TV... I can tell you’re really concerned about people getting hurt. Denise, we wouldn’t have a show if you all just kept eating 🤣 But it was good advice. I loved that the preview for next week ended with her squinchy face.
  2. I’ve been thinking about it (I know, I know) and it will probably be a moment of drama and conflict. “We can’t have this wedding without Lisa!” Jax especially because I can see him looking for an out...
  3. I hope this wasn’t the launch meeting for Cuntkins! Why is everyone a “hater” now? It’s exhausting. I went and looked at the comments on the IG post, and what’s REALLY petty is the way she responds to anyone who doesn’t like the picture. You must be afraid of your body if you question posting nudes. Or you’re not fun. Or you’re “putting her down”. I know better than to comment anything but something obsequious on her post—that is the only response she wants, and preferably if you’re famous.
  4. Sometimes you just gotta feel the rain on your skin. After all, no one else can feel it for you.
  5. Sort of like me wanting to celebrate losing 50 pounds with a huge cake, but still worse?
  6. Gah! I lost the quote I wanted to respond to. One of you wrote that Luann gets super sanctimonious about the others’ drinking. She did it with Dorinda—and, she did it with Tinsley (mocking her for slurring a bit). For this reason I wish that NONE of them would drink around Luann. Not because it triggers Luann but because it removes an excuse from her. Normally I’m extremely supportive of people vis a vis their own struggles with alcohol (and I won’t knowingly drink around people who have any kind of issue with it—be it an addiction or a religious issue), but Luann uses her issue as a club, yet doesn’t seem to want to take control of it herself. Maybe that’s mean. I want Luann to take control of her problem but I also think she’s got a huge ego and is unbearable. The monochrome look—match yourself to your house. It’s the new thing! Or the seventies thing.
  7. There’s a business opportunity! Who’d do it better? The Tinsley Tarpie? SkinnyTarp? Sonja’s SprayAway? And that’s PUNISHMENT? 🤣
  8. How sad. It’s been a tough year for Lisa. I get postponing stuff with LVP.... But I can’t imagjne that they’d postpone the wedding for this?
  9. Hey, I have a tagline for Rinna Rose: It’s Smashing!
  10. That drives me nuts, too. On one level, I can understand if someone is generally more direct and to the point, or if their tastes run more to “traditionally guy” things, she may feel more natural in the social company of guys. (GIANT generalization there.) On the other, if you say you “don’t usually get along with women,” that’s saying that all women are all alike in whatever negative quality you attribute to them—cattiness, gossip, superficiality, etc. You’re projecting that negativity on every woman before you even know them. So of course you won’t get along! It’s also easier (and less insulting to your pride) to put the issue on “women” rather than owning (ha!) your own social awkwardness.
  11. Another migraineur here! Sometimes I’m Erika, shrinking down into my big puffy coat. Sometimes I’m laid out with a heating pad and meds. Sometimes I’m gritting my teeth working through it. Sometimes Advil works and sometimes absolutely nothing works and I have to ride it out. But I can’t taste wine—especially because I take a muscle relaxer along with my migraine meds. Admittedly I get quiet and a little snippish. But I agree with others that more was happening for ol’ EJ than just the migraine. And again, here we are with the “Now that Lisa Vanderpump is out of the picture, we can be friends!” Sure. 🙄 I feel a romcom coming on! Colin Firth is a 20th-generation owner of a down-and-out Château, forced to host troops of Adderall-addled housewives to keep up the estate. Emma Thompson is a never-married British ad executive, on holiday from her highly stressful life. Will they get together? Will the gorgeous younger neighbor, played by Isla Fisher, come between them? Watch to find out! 🙄🙄🙄 Rinna likes Whispering Angel because she likes saying she likes Whispering Angel. She doesn’t like LVP Rose because she doesn’t like LVP. Whispering Angel is good but it’s not any better than other Provençal roses. And it’s now available at Trader Joe’s. Vanderpump Rose is—in fact—very good. And to be honest, it’s another Provençal rose. Rinna Rose probably tastes like collagen and BS. With all respect to the winemaker.
  12. My guess is Sonja. She seems to be the one who continues to have issues with her. Or maybe it was...
  13. Is that on Denny’s Late Nite menu? 😳
  14. Could it be that Heather is (er... was) actually designing for most women while Bethenny is... Bethenny? 😉 At some point I must’ve searched online for a (regular ol’) large, and then I started getting non-stop “plus size” ads... yes, for size 10 and up. Yes and you are right, many skinny women (eg the women on Vanderpump Rules) use Adderall. No food, alcohol, and tons of meds. It kind of explains the constant bad attitude.
  15. I loved your post! Very astute observations and frankly more entertaining than most of this episode 😉 It made me miss the old seasons. Welcome aboard.
  16. “For the best night's sleep in the whole wide world, visit CraigsPillow Dot Com!”
  17. I can’t tell you how many times over the last few weeks I’ve wanted to yell “MENTION IT ALL!” in the middle of a normal conversation with my non-HW-watching friends and coworkers. Should I be worried? 🤣
  18. Sounds like a new cabaret tune! “Who goes to AA and works the room? Luann, Luann! Who opts to marry the groom of doom? Luann, Luann! You may think her heart is stony... And you’re right! She’s also phony! Let’s all give a cheer For her time’s drawing near... Luann! Luann! Luannnnnnnn!”
  19. Probably eating my lobster Pop Tart at a table for one here, but I was actually tearing up along with Ramona when Bethenny was going off on Luann. I really felt for her when she broke it down like—I was there for you and your substance abuse problem, but when my boyfriend died, due to a substance issue, you basically did nada. Going by the previews I really wasn’t expecting to side with Bethenny on any of this—in most other contexts I would’ve been fuming at this rant—but wow, Luann just gets more tone-deaf and cement hearted as each episode progresses. Who do you think you are... sure, go off and do your own thing, but then don’t demand that you get preferential treatment when you choose to arrive back at the house.
  20. Admittedly I just started watching this episode, but my favorite moment was Ramona reclining in bed with her perfectly product-placed bottle of Ageless By Ramona. And then Bethenny entering in her fuzzy hooded robe, giant PJ’s, and sunnies, declaring that Ramona and Sonja need to open the door because it’s hot in the room. And Luann suddenly appearing right when it’s time to discuss Sonja going to the Olcoholics (sic) Anonymous meeting.
  21. Even Ramona Singer had the grace to say something about ALL fire victims all over CA when she commented on one of Camille’s IG posts about the fire. (I don’t remember exactly what she said, but it was simultaneously kind towards Camille as well as aware of life beyond the wealthy LA area.) When Ramona Singer—all the way out in NY and not exactly known for any awareness beyond her own nose—is more sensitive than you... you know you have a problem.
  22. Is this truly what we’ve come to? I mean “hooray” that Puppygate is not the main topic of conversation, but the continued blame of LVP and Kim Richards for any sourness and discord doesn’t improve anything. The more I think about it the more I realize that Rinna is the source of what I can’t stand about the show. More than phony baloney dog-dropping Dorit. More than a brief appearance by noxious Brandi. And more than any amount of eye rolling by Erika Girardi/Erika Jayne/Talking Head Erika. Rinna consistently causes more stinks while pointing her finger at others, and crows at people to “own it” while screeching that others shouldn’t put the blame on her. Meanwhile we watch her horrific daughters, hear Harry Hamlin talk about all the MANSIONS!!! that were lost in the fire (never mind that entire towns were basically wiped out up north... but hey, they’re just a bunch of poor fatties so who cares, right???), and have to listen to her cackle at every stupid high kick and idiotic sex joke she makes. Do these women actually enjoy being around her? Do the show runners genuinely think we enjoy watching this? I’d take a million Erika Jayne shows and several hours of Teddi at the horse stables over any more of her; at least they’re doing something and not just trying to stir the crap. Congratulations, Rinna—you’re king of poop mountain. Enjoy your empty victory.
  23. Beverly Hills, chi chi chi chi chi! She has nothing on Nik Kershaw... Her big ol’ Fendi jacket reminded me of the Drake giant jacket meme... I’ve had some of the best burgers and pommes frites at French brasseries (in California) so I wouldn’t be surprised if this were true! LOL, let’s call for a pizza in the middle of History class and see if she holds us accountable! And we know how she is about “her time...” Amelia is “so moved” and wants to “help people” and is an “activist.”
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