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Everything posted by ivygirl

  1. Plus that she claimed to have NEVER eaten pasta. A. Who cares? And B. Wheat isn’t immediately horrible (unless you have an allergy or disease that makes you TRULY ill from eating it). It’s not as though having eaten it here or there, once in a blue moon, is the defining factor for obesity. If she just said “yeah, it’s not something I eat” it’d go past us... but the definitive NEVER eating pasta that gets the 🙄
  2. Whatever Scheana is doing for herself that she thinks is working... she needs to stop. Because it’s not working. She’s not going to get away with this behavior much longer—both because she is well past the age where she should know better, and also because at this point, I’m sure her reputation (for being boy crazy etc) precedes her. The rest of them have settled into a more routine life... Scheana Marie, go enjoy your life in Marina Del Ray, hang out at your condo’s happy hour mixers, and relax from your need to fuel your self validation with male attention. We ALL love attention (in varying degrees) but basing your life on it is pretty empty, not to mention exhausting. Team Stassi Schwartz. Sandoval was completely out of line! HOW DARE YOU NOT TALK TO ME FIRST! You know he low-key views himself as the brains behind the operation and how dare Schwartz show initiative! On the pop up episode we learned that Sandoval would have added nice touches like... displays for the books. Wow. Learning that the event was beer and wine only makes the whole thing even more ridiculous. I guess Carbless Charli could have a parent who has talked for years about how fat they are and how carbs are evil... and Charli could have internalized that from a young age? I dunno. Still smells off. I keep thinking of the saying “For every pretty guy, somewhere there’s a guy who’s sick of his s—-“? 😉 Maybe Schwartz finally hit his Sandoval Tolerance Level.
  3. Welcome back, VPR! Truth is, I need (“need”) this season to be good—it’s my last Bravo show aside from RHONY and I’ve been looking forward to this season. But from the looks of how this season is going, I think the show has one more season—Stassi’s Self-Important Wedding Season—in it before it goes away. All the house stuff feels like a denouement. Or turn it into the Tom Tom show. The Tom Tom Rom Com. But keep Scheana out of it. Like, literally fence her into Marina del Ray so she meets a boring dude at the yacht club oyster bar who wants to lock it down. Preferably one who has a job, and who enjoys turning his home into a shrine to Scheana. Not that I thought this episode was terrible. I may regret saying this, but Brett seems entertaining and he didn’t really bother me; he has a willingness to be semi honest that I find a little refreshing. Max didn’t bother me at first, but the stuff with Dayna seems overly premeditated. Speaking of Dayna... she bugs. I don’t see anything particularly interesting about her storyline, and I don’t know or care enough about her to be invested in her “relationship” with Max. She feels more like a character from Summer House—which I loathe—than a VPR native. In fact, bringing someone in from Summer House would have been more natural, given that the casts are friends. As for the old cast: Jax, you are not “working” at SUR to pay the bills. Toms, eh. Stassi, your book may be a best seller, but it’s kinda boring (“boring AF,” as you guys may have said two seasons ago). Katie, you were most entertaining when you were in the kitchen, listening in and smirking. More of that, and less tattling and yelling, please. Lala, why is it that though, you claim to be maturing, you come off as that girl who’s like, “I’m 21 and a half, and since I’m six months older than you...” as if a slight step forward in your situation has made you the sage den mother? After all, you’re not marrying Plato, you’re marrying the guy with The Typo Heard Round the World. Last but not least, Kristen. I usually find her annoying, but I think I’ll be spending this season feeling sorry for her. I HATE when people say things like “I’m changing, but so-and-so isn’t, so I need to move on.” It’s so prideful and arrogant—people who truly grow and change are usually humbled by the experience and don’t feel the need to lord it over people. They also realize how hard it is to get unstuck from unhealthy patterns. I get that Kristen is probably an annoying friend, and like others above, I’m not saying that they need to be best friends forever. Lives change, as do friendship dynamics. However: Stassi has grown, but not THAT much. She’s fortunate to have a man she loves and wants to be with, and she’s VERY fortunate that people enjoy listening to her yammer on about stuff (thanks to her fame from this show). I feel like in her case, “grown” is code for “I have a man and a NYT bestseller, and I don’t need Kristen any more.” On the other hand, I find an out-and-out rift between Katie and Kristen more believable. Katie is contentious about... basically everything. She’s probably just echoing Stassi in her criticisms, and it probably would be more honest if she just said “I’m tired of Kristen.” Katie herself is stuck in wash-rinse-repeat patterns, which I’d love to see her really break. Call me Lucy and pay me five cents, but I honestly think that she and Schwartz could be truly happy together if they were able to address whatever is going on with themselves as individuals.
  4. I’m with you. I love coming here to chat with all you fun people, and that’s been one huge reason why I haven’t given up all the shows. But now, I’m actually relieved when a show gets to the point where I don’t want to watch. I’ll still read here, chat, and keep up with some of the news... But as Peter Cetera sang, it’s a hard habit to break. 😉
  5. Exactly. It’s all about you and how it looks on you! I know a woman in her 50s with long, wavy hair that I’m certain is hers and not extensions—and she looks fantastic. I, on the other hand, wore my hair in a bob through my teens and twenties, and didn’t really start growing it until my thirties. It’s about as long as looks good on me now... but SUPER long hair makes me look dorky and stumpy, NOT sexy. So at a certain length, I lop it off. If a guy is obsessed with super long hair, I ain’t the girl for him! LOL PERSONALLY I don’t like it when women try too hard in any manner, and that includes trying to look decades younger than they are. By all means, do and wear what you want! Look youthful! Take care of yourself! Eat well, exercise, and take supplements if they’re safe and you think they make a difference. But try-harding looks bad on anyone. As does bad-mouthing “old people” who are only about a decade older than you, EMILY AND KELLY.
  6. Maybe it’s some sort of Dorian Grey thing. The more these women argue, lie, and spin, the more Shannon’s face distorts. A. Right? Dogs and rumors of dogs made up a whole (terrible) season of RHOBH. Why not continue the theme? B. Peggy and Diko seem quaint. I miss Diko’s circa-1987 Eurotrash-by-way-of-Dave-Gahan style and his crazy way of spinning yarns about his homeland, like a youngish Sophia Petrillo. So ridiculous and stupidly excessive, but that’s how I like my housewives and buttinsky househusbands. ETA: Oh, Vicki. “This show is going downhill! We need to elevate!” (Five minutes later...) “I hate Brawnwyn! ... EFF OFF!”
  7. Precisely. “Brown Wind” was designed as an insult, not “I can’t remember that woman’s odd-to-me name.” (I am not going to generalize or extrapolate on this—but if someone has an unusual name, that actually makes it MORE memorable to me.) Rude names just make Vicki look (even more) like the ignorant one.
  8. This (plus an old/slightly updated?) Where They Came From ended up on my DVR last night. Looks pretty good so far, or at least more entertaining and less obnoxious than the craptacular seasons of RHOC and RHOBH. The new people look... kind of interesting? And definitely messy. At least on this show the conceit that these new people joined the cast because they “started working at one of Lisa’s businesses” is a plausible reason for them being on the show, instead of the rather tenuous “friend” line they give us on the RH shows.
  9. Seems that Bravo is doubling down on what’s sure to be a dumpster fire of a season. Have fun, everyone!* * All three of you still watching
  10. To be honest I thought that being friends with someone never stopped Brandi from dealing low blows before...
  11. I’m with you. I’m watching this a little like the way you have an open bag of potato chips and you keep eating and you know you shouldn’t... The chips are the hard ridgy ones and you don’t even LIKE the hard ridgy ones, but they’re there and they’re salty and it’s easier to keep eating rather than put the bag away. OK that’s it, I’m stopping the DVR and deleting this...
  12. Re: the ukulele: Going by her Twitter behavior, Beth is so tone deaf... is it possible that Bryan’s strumming sounds GOOD to her? 🤣🤣🤣
  13. Does Emily delete all the tweet replies that say anything negative towards her? I think I saw one that was negative, and it looked like it was allowed to survive because someone added a “snappy” positive comeback. I mean even Kyle Richards allows the negative stuff to stay up for a while
  14. I would love for someone to #OKBoomer Emily. I haaaaaaaaate that meme, especially when it’s (mis)used on Gen Xers, but it would freaking serve her right.
  15. EFF Emily’s age shaming. Seriously, YOU ARE NOT THAT MUCH YOUNGER THAN THEM, Emily. And even if you were 23 and not “43” (or whatever), it’d still be douchey. And then, later, to be like “hahaha, I dated a drug dealer,” like we’re supposed to be all “WOW, HOW COOL AND EDGY AND DELIGHTFULLY YOUNG Emily is! I have completely forgotten that she is married to a man who treats her with great contempt, yet can’t manage to pass the bar!” Nah. Can’t do it. And wearing a “FUN AF” hat doesn’t make you magically not in your 40s, either. Or fun, AF or otherwise.
  16. This really bothered me as well. The age gap is not that big between Emily (or Kelly, for that matter) and the three “amigas”. Not that it’s ever OK, but geez. Eram quod es, eris quod sum, lady. (You’re a lawyer and familiar with Latin, right, Emily?) (I looked up this list of Latin phrases and it was funny how many applied to these women!)
  17. Yeah he has that sort of overtanned, leathery, shiny look that reads as “something lurks beneath” vibe. Like he’ll hit on you the moment his wife leaves the room or something.
  18. Excuse me while I bust out the world’s tiniest violin. This is some garbage. Does she think we don’t have eyes???
  19. As boring as the college conversations were... The contrast in the two was amusing. Brawnwyn and company: “Oooooooh... CSU Fullerton! Yay!” Shannon’s daughter: “Getting a degree from a community college is the same as going to a private school (implying USC!)” (Saying something like that to most Trojans is tantamount to heresy... I love Shannon, and I don’t care where—or if—anyone goes to college—but as a Californian I’m like, hehehehehehehehehhhh!) On another note, Tamra’s turning this all around on Shannon made me so angry. She was acting like nothing she did mattered and it was alllllll Shannon. I honestly don’t think Shannon can be that calculating. Or at least as calculating as Tamra. None of them should confront Tamra alone. “All I said was ‘train’! Is that me putting it out there?” YES. YES, IT IS. Run, Shannon, RUN. This woman is NOT your friend. She’s not anyone’s friend. And I don’t feel bad that her vacation was “ruined.”
  20. I thought she WAS 50! At least up until a day or so ago when either she, or someone here, mentioned she was 41 or something. (not that there is anything wrong with being 50 or any age! She just looks older to me than her chronological age.)
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