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  1. That scene might have been one of the hottest in daytime history, I had my mouth covered a few times because I couldn't believe how scandalous they were! The recent ratings bump is well deserved. I hope they keep exploring Thomas and Hope, I think it's the start of a true soapy relationship that's been missing on this show for a long time.
  2. It's 3 ft deep.
  3. Ridge absolutely does not care, he will always choose his erection first and foremost.
  4. Exactly this. The show refuses to write stories to accomodate the time we're actually living in and instead resort to recycling plots from the 90s, pre google, pre google image search, pre ancestry sites, etc. Instead, to make absolutely certain Sonny would stay gone, they had to come up with a reason why he wouldn't look into his own past, and once they exploited that, they're pretending it never happened because god forbid a Corinthii ever take responsibility for his/her actions. Nina was MOSTLY responsible, but Sonny, Phyllis and Lenny all played a role in his disappearance as well.
  5. Well that was depressing as hell. I knew something was up when he wasn't narrating his own episode, and I was tense and had a bad feeling the entire episode. I'm glad that I wasn't too much of an asshole while watching it, but it helps that I didn't find the parties involved all that offensive. As a side note, child molesters (Robert was a victim) can truly rot in hell.
  6. The look on Whitney's face before the start of the race was sheer terror, she looked like they were about to wheel her off for life saving surgery. Like sis, WALKING a couple of miles at a brisk pace should not put that kind of fear into your heart. There was no time limit. She wasn't required to walk or run. She didn't have money at stake. The fact that the very idea that walking was putting her into a such a state is yet another clue that your body is neglected and needs self care. How many more signals does she need? How many excuses will her family and friends make for her?
  7. This episode was a bad look for ALL of them. At one point during any of these truly pathetic incidents did it occur to her that her weight is holding her back in ALL areas of life? You can't put your own lubricant on your ass (and I'm going straight to hell, because I cackled for a good fifteen seconds at the massive width of the blurred out area that is her massive ass on the screen), you can't walk 7 minutes at a relatively normal speed without gasping for air and panting, and your feet literally cannot support you walking consistently for an hour and a half! While she's sitting there with her bottom lip quivering and writhing in agony, did "medical intervention" not flash into her head even once? Meanwhile, you have Buddy on his brand new Christian/Vegan/Atheist kick, grunting about addict behavior this, and addict tendencies that. STFU Buddy, pushing yourself to push through the pain through triumph is NOT addict behavior--especially in this instance, because I truly don't believe this heifer was in that much pain, she just wanted to suck up all of the oxygen/attention. She clearly cannot handle ANY level of discomfort because it doesn't feed into her "fit, fat and fabulous" delusions. I felt so sorry for all of the poor bastards who probably thought they were stopping to offer encouragement to the massively obese woman who at least looked to be undergoing a major lifestyle change, and couldn't help but be inspired and offer her some words of support. Clearly they don't suffer through this show the way my dumb ass does every week, and know that she was literally bribed to do this, and has no plans, no desire, no motivation to change a thing about herself, her weight, or her fitness level. Leave it to Whitney to take something positive and inspiring for all participants involved and to make it all about HER. Your 75 year old father is carrying you across the finish line, but go off sis, I guess.
  8. These people seem too normal and well adjusted to be on this show. After last week's episode of Janine using her scooter in the McDonald's drive thru, this episode was truly lacking in snark and memorable moments. She did her own shopping, made her own food, kicked back with donuts she bought herself, wiped her own ass, wore shoes, undergarments, drove herself to Houston like ... I'm not used to patients with this kind of independence and determination. They better give us something good next week, or else! *shakes chubby fist*
  9. So I'm not sure how it happened, but I've started binge watching this show every Sunday afternoon on (I think) Hallmark--the Golden Girls/Reba block. I'm a little annoyed that I missed the original run of this series, I'm enjoying it so much and I think it was an interesting way to show a blended family. Still, Reba is really, really, REALLY a better person than most people would be. Can't wait to see how it ends, I hope the network gave them a proper send off.
  10. Currently binge watching the show through the TLC app and Chromecast, so I don't have much to add that hasn't already been said. But I did want to touch on Cynthia's financial situation a bit--my sister and her husband adopted their son about 13 years ago, and they receive a monthly stipend (I believe around $500, plus medical insurance for my nephew) for him until he is 18 years old, so if you multiply that times three, then we can definitely see how Cynthia's lifestyle is supplemented. Plus, any of those kids could have a disability related to their abuse that we don't know about, which would make them eligible for some sort of SSI benefits and food stamps.
  11. Yeah, Wes' death scene was not cool, and it was all the more infuriating that it was done by some random dude we meet ten minutes before the show ends. Just nonsensical, and there's no way in hell I will ever be convinced that this was part of the main plaaaaaan all along. They killed off the character and then decided to throw something together later on. And I'm certainly not here for Laurel: The Miniseries. I'm good on this show, I'll catch Viola in every other awesome project she will be part of.
  12. We just have to ignore the ages I think, especially in the pilot, as Dorothy just described Stan as a 65 year old man who windsurfs ...
  13. I'm starting the series over on Hulu! I'm so interested in seeing if these episodes are unedited, I'm sooooo sick of the edited versions on TV. It's also weird to see the ABC logo on the sitcom when it originally aired on NBC. The layout of this house is never more confusing than in the pilot. smh
  14. Smyrna's husband long passionate speech about hipsters made me roll my eyes and wonder how many times he practiced it, what a try hard. Didn't seem authentic to me.
  15. This was a pretty good episode, but the line about Wes packing just made his death all the more senseless. As much as I bitched about Wes, it feels like he really was a key part of the emotional component of this show (I mean, we basically got to see him grow up), and without him, that component is missing and it feels hollow. I can already feel a shift in my interest and I just don't think I'm going to like this half of the season as much as I've liked all of the previous seasons. Killing Wes off was a mistake.
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