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Everything posted by lookeyloo

  1. I noticed this too, watching alone and did a double take and said What??? to myself.
  2. Wishing a peaceful day to everyone. I am a motherless daughter - have been since 1977 - it gets different as time passes, at least for me. Not good, but different. My favorite aunt died during the year. First year without her. On the other hand, we moved closer to one of the sons so for the first time in many years, will spend the day with one of my offspring. The other one lives very far away in the Pacific Northwest. A mixed bag for sure.
  3. If we look back at the way Jill carried Israel in the sling it appeared to me she wanted him as far away as she could get him while still having to carry him. We remarked how incorrectly she used the sling but maybe what she chose. I have a family member who had "secret" PPD and she held that baby way down on her body. She eventually recovered and had another baby. Huge difference how she held the second baby. Up close.
  4. And it goes right to the last read post!!
  5. Happy - we must be of similar vintage but I am older. I have had many of those same experiences. I worked for the meanest woman alive and we had small program budgets to reconcile. The secretary and I put them into excel. She forced me to do them all by adding machine and bring her the tape because she didn't trust the "computer". Which was always right by the way. And in one agency we had inferior equipment and insufficient staff and were told to "work smarter, not harder". Fun times. Except not.
  6. Late to the party on the Barefoot Contessa although I watch the show now and then and have made some of her recipes. chessiegal, your trip sounds magical. And why did I think Jeffrey had a different last name than Ina? I need to pay better attention.
  7. I'm not having that problem, HFC. I haven't figured out the intricacies of my shows vs notifications, etc. Being old and a creature of habit in the best of times, I'm trying to keep up with the change and not whine! No one listens anyway. I'm just so happy we have this place to come to.
  8. Oh my yes. And wiggle her butt and maybe even talk about her uterus!! One can hope she is past all that. But, this is Sherri we're talking about.
  9. For what it's worth http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2016/05/02/knives-are-out-did-michael-strahan-make-big-mistake-leaving-live-for-gma.html
  10. Everything negative may (and probably is) true about Kelly. But, I have said to no one in particular over the last months, that Michael seems like he believes he is "all that and more". In the beginning I thought he was a good choice, although I think Kelly has the best chemistry with Anderson, and he does call her on stuff, but over time, Michael has just worn thin for me.
  11. The comments are always the most interesting part of any of their posts
  12. Kind of a tangent - but Kathie Lee didn't get along with Gelman either. Kelly has shown recent pictures of her daughter and Gelman's daughter together. What's up with that?
  13. bigskygirl- I am sorry you are going through this. I am in a similar situation. We moved to new city and after first doctor laughed at my current thyroid treatment found another doctor. She claimed I was over medicated although I felt fine and had no signs of hyperthyroid. But I was willing to switch to armour thyroid to see if she could be satisfied with the bloodwork and I could be satisfied with how I feel. During all of this there was allergy season which left me with a sinus infection and antibiotics. All the post nasal drip brought on terrible heartburn. After that I started to get palpitations and the chest pressure you describe. Did blood work and thyroid is low. Sent me to cardiologist to check out heart. She didn't think it was my heart and neither do I. She did say even low thyroid can affect the heart but thyroid doctor poopoo'd that. Had a stress Echo which was "negative". Heart fine despite moderate pericardial effusion. Palps come and go. Chest pressure comes and goes and sometimes I have a cough reflex right where my thyroid is. Last scope I had he dilated my esophagus which didn't do much and said I had mild gastritis and to take Prilosec but I never did and now I'm glad. I hope you can get to feeling good.
  14. Really a snooze fest. Spurgeon is cute and Jessa seems to like him.
  15. I hate change, too, but in my dotage have come to accept the fact that things change. Not that I like it, but, have to muddle through. One of the forums (fora) I read regularly had a big change a few years ago and it riled up the people so much they stopped coming!! I'm going to "pre-severe" as someone once said to me, and this will become familiar too, some time in the future. Can't be easy for the mods either.
  16. Heading to the Human Rights Campaign gala this weekend. Been going a bunch of years. Every type of member of the LBGQT community plus us old straight folks attend. There have never been any issues. Granted we are all like minded souls but still. Going to the bathroom is just no big deal.
  17. Is impossible he has some kind of "job" but maybe not sanctioned so they downplay it?
  18. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0176175 he does do something according to this.
  19. I've thought about this a bit since the forum was down. The thing is, Kelly is entitled to her feelings. Whether we approve or not. Doesn't matter how much money she makes. The other thing is that she had to go make small talk live on national tv. Gelman wasn't on screen. I've had a situation or two similar. One time I couldn't hold it together and took the rest of the day off to regroup. Another time I had the ability to close the office door and regroup there. But I didn't have to go into a big meeting or make a presentation. That would have been very hard for me. And it didn't have anything to do with my salary. YMMV
  20. http://www.foxnews.com/story/2006/11/21/kelly-ripa-says-clay-aiken-acted-inappropriately-when-co-hosted-her-show.html Here's a start. There's more on Mr. Google
  21. So glad we are back! Mr lookeyloo is in the field of data migration etc and has had his share of what has transpired so nice job everyone in charge and who worked on it! But me too with the withdrawals!! Checked a lot during the day knowing full well it was in process. Checked first thing this am end still in process. But whew! HFC must pain your heart to hear granddaughter talking like that.
  22. Why do we suppose Kelly and Mark are best buds with Anderson Cooper, NPH, and Andy Cohen? I have my thoughts but, I think my reason is off limits.
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