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Everything posted by vesperholly

  1. As usual we disagree. Mary's question to Edith was super condescending and sarcastic: "Edith, you can manage for a day without us, can't you?". Edith is a 28-year-old woman who is in and out of London all the time, and like Mary actually gave two shits if Edith could "manage" or not. Though I'm glad Edith gave snark back instead of pouting. I did like Cora saying "Golly!" just like Mary does.
  2. Exactly. People in service changed jobs all the time - hello, army of ever-changing house maids. Even with little money, Daisy could easily browse the papers and find something. She could have left to work with Mr. Mason at his farm at any time. I don't recall any time where Daisy expressed an overwhelming desire to stay local. I get that leaving for America is probably a bridge too far, but London is just a train ride away and Northern cities even less so. It's just Hotel California Abbey all over again. Daisy's lack of initiative makes little sense for her character's trajectory. The actress wanted to stay on the show, so they had to figure out something for her to do that doesn't involve quitting her job.
  3. Super rolled my eyes at that whole bit. Even the inimitable Maggie Smith could barely make those lines sound good. Daisy has become so unlikable. She has skills and possibly a bit of money from her husband to escape from "the yoke of service" and find a job, yet she's done nothing with her opportunities. All talk and no action, except when she exercises her complete lack of subtlety and zero charm in attempting to twist Lady Grantham's arm into getting Mr. Mason onto their farm. Too bitter for me to root for her.
  4. Between Ron Rifkin on Limitless and now Marshall on Scorpion, CBS is making it good to be an Alias fan!
  5. None of these characters can leave the Abbey, no matter how much it makes sense for their character, the plot or the times, because they have contracts to appear on the show. So instead of writing them actual, logical storylines that progress and perhaps writes a character or two out (a la Gwen in S1), JF just writes in circles and chains everyone who has a name to Hotel California Abbey. In any real world, Edith would have decamped to London years ago, Daisy would be working in the kitchen of a nice hotel and Thomas as a shop salesman - perhaps time for a Mr Selfridge crossover? At least we're not being subjected to an endless parade of laughable widow-suitors for Mary ... which leads me to believe Tom is her endgame (NOOOOO).
  6. Scorpion is still fluffy and ridiculous but they hired Marshall Flinkman. I approve.
  7. Agreed - it's like watching people who know full well they are a 10 and walk around full of their beauty. Every time a character walked by glass I expected a pouty glance at their reflection. Especially blonde ponytail. Feh.
  8. Oh, you made me sad because I forgot that show was canceled. It was great. You mean Shitbrick? Sorry, he will always be Finch from American Pie for me and nothing else. Yes, his name is Toby. I definitely like Toby/Happy more than Walter/Paige. W/P's constant misunderstandings have reached farcical lengths to avoid getting them together. Now I roll my eyes instead of rooting for them.
  9. LMAO. I love Ron Rifkin. Is it too far-fetched for him and Bradley Cooper to have a scene together at some point?? I watched it only because nothing else was on, and was pleasantly surprised. The constant promos were irritating and I cannot stand Jennifer Carpenter. It seemed more in the Elementary vein - different than the NCIS/JAG/Criminal Minds standard CBS procedural. I did groan a little when they did the "all the cases you can solve!" bit, because I'm more interested in the overarching NZT mystery than what you can do when you're on it. Bradley Cooper's appearance gives me hope that they'll address that. However, the minute they introduce a girl with colorful glasses and pigtails who can magically Google in two nanoseconds or a hot guy with a flannel buttondown, longish hair and glasses to signify he's a NERRRRD, I'm OUT.
  10. I think Mary is going to find out that Marigold is Edith's child. Mrs Drew was pretty pissed at Edith when she "adopted" Marigold. I wouldn't be surprised if Mrs Drew told Mary the truth to get back at Edith. Whatever arch bitch comment Mary throws at Edith after learning that news, I hope Edith throws it back in her face and promptly decamps for her fabulous London flat.
  11. Finally Rosamund saying to Edith what I've been thinking for at least two seasons: What are you going to do, stay at Downton with Mary sniping at you for the rest of your life? Mary is clearly not leaving Downton for love or money, so Edith has to. Flee, to London! Didn't quite understand the whole "because you refused to give in to a blackmailer, you are now prepared to be the agent" bit. Mary was stubborn and willing to let the woman publish her story, while Robert paid her off with a pittance and got a signed declaration, too. Which one of them made the problem go away better, hmm??
  12. I'm just glad Maslany was nominated at all, as the Emmys tend to be the absolute worst with recognizing new talent, especially for non-major/HBO networks and non-movie stars. The Golden Globes are much more progressive. A win was probably too much to ask. Viola's speech was amazing and she seemed genuinely moved. Did my eyes deceive me or was Viola promoted on the little screen crawl as Oscar winner? So glad the Modern Family worship is over - it was a great show at the beginning but all those awards every year was just lazy. A little confused about the sudden Veep love but that show is completely hilarious. I'm sad that the excellent An Honourable Woman was overlooked for sad-sack Olive Kitteridge. And finally ... oh, Tracy Morgan. My robot heart warmed for you. After Eva Cassidy's song and him ... who is cutting onions???
  13. This actor is making a career of being a creep to wives named Kitty. First Mr Selfridge, now here!
  14. "Man, FUCK Stannis." "Shireen was your heir, Stannis you idiot." "I'd want the damn Lord Of Light incarnate to walk out the gates of Winterfell personally singing a pretty song and juggling Bolton heads for that ugly business." "Seriously Roose is all I may have broken the rule of hospitality, and raised up a my sociopathic son, but I didn't murder my brother and burn a child of my body alive, you depraved fuck." "I hope the fire weaponized her grayscale so that the smoke with kill both Stannis' and Bolton's army." "Ramsay and Flayed Team Six" That was a horrific scene but the resultant bon mots sprung from your collective heads have been fabulous. Well done, P.TV.
  15. Definitely! And when they left all the dragonglass behind, I thought "oh shit, they REALLY need that!"
  16. I was about to reply that Myrcella has been in Dorne since early in S1 and Gilly wasn't pregnant then, but I looked it up and Gilly was pregnant in S1 - and didn't even have the baby until S3. FFS!
  17. I'm a little taken aback that they made Geillis so unlikable. In the book she is the one person who is kind to Claire without suspicion and she earns her friendship. But in the show, she's coming across as a harsh, conniving witch (in both senses of the word). When Claire goes to visit her on the forged note, Geillis was so nasty and obstinate that I wanted Claire to spin on her heel and walk out on her.
  18. Agreed. But surely they could have ditched one of the CGI!Snow scenes for a bit of character development and nuance. Then again, considering future storylines, at some point they were going to have to spend a bit of time explaining the Jacobite stuff. Then again, I felt like the book made it pretty clear that Jamie wasn't necessarily sold on the efficacy of beating (yes beating, spanking is too nice a term for a belt and a bare ass) adults and more did it to save her reputation with the others. He may be progressively minded, but not everyone in the clan is, and they were furious at her.
  19. I think it definitely was Laoghaire. With the Scottish accent, it sounds more like "leery", with a bit of a catch on the R.
  20. No spoilers but having watched all of Mr Selfridge series 3 ... Mr Selfridge >>> Downton Abbey. Coherent storylines! Character development that is not in a circle!
  21. When I was in 6th grade - 11 years old - there was a kid in my class who moved from England. He lost his accent before school was out for the year. Speech is still very malleable at that age, especially if you want to conform.
  22. I'm so glad they're not going the expected route of having Miss Mardle get together with Mr Grove immediately. For one, he's a selfish prick. For two, she made a very courageous and way ahead of her time admission to Kitty about not feeling motherly after all. Kitty was very kind in pointing out that Miss Mardle is an excellent mentor at work. Quite the contrast to Downton Abbey where it's all relationships, all the time. Loving Amanda Abbington. This is the third series I've seen her in, the other two being Sherlock and Case Histories. In every one she plays a wildly different and unique character, and does it so well that I hardly recognize her at first.
  23. I'm underwhelmed. I kept checking the time left on the last episode, waiting for some big crazy twist. The characters all moved around and ended up in basically the same place at the end, except Claire. Was it really necessary to make previously successful strong woman turn incompetent to provide drama? Doug's arc should've taken 3 episodes max to resolve. The British series wrapped in 3 seasons so I expected HOC to do the same. Guess they don't want to let go of their critical darling quite yet, so this season got dragged out. Placeholder season.
  24. If it's anything like most NYC brownstones (which it looks so in exterior shots), it has a fully accessible basement entry with stairs down and a regular door. It's not so much a subterranean basement as a ground floor. You can see the architecture of one here: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/09/de/c5/09dec5f29566b9a2e8c22266e20c3f70.jpg
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