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I loved a narcissist and endured his abuse for over a decade. I protected him by not reporting things that would have gotten him in huge shit. Things he did to harm myself and put others at risk. If this was a story about people doing the sensible and healthy things, it wouldn't be worth telling. We got a lot of those already.
S02.E01: You Got a Reaction, Didn't You?
anonymiss replied to CM-BlueButterfly's topic in Tell Me Lies
I totally agree with you and am very underwhelmed. That first season was a revelation for me. I'm a bit embarrassed to admit I watched it three times! I could barely get through this premiere. It has lost its veracity and feels painfully contrived and hard to believe. Also, last season, someone here mentioned how distractingly older than her peers the actor playing Pippa looks. I was ok with it but this season they took that and added that blonde to make the actor look green. It's an eyesore and ages them even more to be so distractingly unbelievable. -
I fell asleep though the Kreese stuff I have no ability to believe or care about. I'm glad I stuck with it because this is the first season since season 2 I have enjoyed.
After binge-watching this show, I'm very disappointed by season 4 and the series finale. For entertainment, I love the characters of Tom, Greg, Kendall, Logan's brother. I enjoyed Shiv until she shived her brother at the last second, causing the most possible damage. Change your mind any other time ffs. She is the worst. Also, Roman having a last minute breakdown over how it should have been him is truly the most delusional.
Jason Mraz was groovin'! Only dance I'm gonna rewatch. Alfonso was very good and I know in time he's going to be perfect for this. Julianne was as expected (beautiful and delivering a dancer's entrance) but thank goodness she is scripted and won't be competing with Carrie-Ann (and Tyra, ever again) for shrillest ditz.
Here for the gorgeous Tyson Beckford and adorable Mira Sorvino. Romy and Michelle was my BFF jam.
I'm disappointed no more Disney+. That was having the show at my fingertips, no commercials, rewinding, fast forwarding, and rewatching as much as I want.
Any Asian man will tell you that Asian (Western) girls often only date white guys and use the "you remind me of my brother" as the excuse/reason.
S03.E04 Live From Paris, It's Emily Cooper
anonymiss replied to Door County Cherry's topic in Emily In Paris
Season 1 was a pleasant, fun surprise. Season 2 was ok but starting to become overly contrived. Season 3 totally unconvincing, predictable, stupid contrivances. As if anyone thought she wasn't going to end up working for Slyvie and that charade went on far too long. Alfie still has 0 character development so no reason to feel invested in him. He is a giant plot device. Also the best friend seems to get so much air time it's like the show should be renamed for her. Or maybe it just seems that way because I don't believe or enjoy her character or the actress. Was looking forward to the show's return but every episode is a chore. -
Contrived and predictable, too much of the best friend again who has 0 charisma and a screeching voice when she isn't sticking to her unpleasant low register.
Agree. Charli also is very young and she comes across as a girl who has spent most of her life on one thing and hasn't had much other life experience or education. Those people tend to be self-conscious about this and more in their shell when having to rely on their knowledge/personality. She only comes alive while dancing--where she is confident and where she can sort of become the alter ego of the character of a dance. As for her continuing to put herself in the spotlight, well...we are all encouraged, motivated, pressured by $ucce$$ and would be crazy to turn down all the opportunities. I speak from a bit of personal identification in having been shy before but thrusted myself into the spotlight under the safety net of a character/role which helped me gain confidence overall as it was very successful and encouraging. And aging helped. Charli is still a teenager, which is very apparent off stage. That said, was underwhelmed by their freestyle and their win. Enjoyed her redemption jive as her first one suffered from focusing mostly on the contemporary. It was the jive I expected from her before. Shangela and Natasha aka Gleb were amazing and wish they could have somehow won or at least gotten 2nd. But I can be glad my all-time fave, Mark, got to dance his heart out and receive the respect I always felt Derek got but Mark deserved (also/more?).
This rings true for every single ringer they've had and none (except maybe the OG Nicole Scherzinger) ever won me over fully because I never wanted to rewatch their dances and never truly loved watching them. Except Charli post-foxtrot. After that I had to admit I floved that! It helps Charli is also very photogenic with full costume. She has a look I personally love to watch if employed properly and she definitely does. It also helps of course that she is paired with my favorite pro and I love his choreography and vision for a dance. Meryl, for example, I was ringer biased against from the beginning and never lost it bc I truly did not enjoy watching her from a personal taste pov and have always found Maks ill-tempered and his choreo uninspired and performance vision underwhelming.
Charli and Mark's Paso was outstanding! He even brought out some Spanish guitar to start. I was so happy with every second. I love how Mark can enjoy not having to dance down or, more importantly, choreograph down. He's never looked like he's having more fun out there or afterwards ever looked so proud. At least not in a long time. Mark left after it seemed he wasn't getting the appreciation (I felt, anyway) he and his work deserved. So glad for him to get that with Charli. That said, I'd be most happy for Shangela. I'm sad she landed in the bottom 2. Hope they pull through with the votes. Thank you, Gaga! Also, with dear Len going, I hope Derek can maintain some judging standards of prioritizing good technique and less "mucking about." I enjoy my mucking about and gimmicks but there needs to be a balance. The worse seasons were with 3 shrieking Paula Abdul-type judges when Julianne was there.
Rewatching Charli's professional-level salsa and I have to say the comments about her being unexpressive or like a robot confound me. The dance floor is where she has ALL the charisma, all the expressiveness, much more than some other ringers we've had. She's incredibly passionate and confident with as much showmanship as any pro on the show. It's when she's not dancing she's like a robot on low battery.
I wouldn't have a problem with this, tbh. She's one of the more self-indulgent talking heads that encourages Tyra to continue her nonsense, interrupting Len et al.