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  1. I wish I could see a screen grab of the scars chart...I would like to do a count of the locations and see if it encompasses the three-four bit-part ghosts who were the other regulars at Mr. Martin's sessions, and/or the non-Quinn band members. If there's a pattern that they have to follow, what happens when Dawn's scar becomes a heaven-like portal instead? Can they not get through it to the next scar? It's all too much for me, heh. LOL at ghost-Anderson and his golf balls.
  2. Even if that description is like 30% true (and I have no reason to doubt that it is way more accurate than that), this is gross on Shep's part.
  3. Molly has an orange cat! Molly, stick with your orange boi and don't drool over Shep. He's not worth your effort. I wonder if Sienna, after the dog birthday party, had had enough of the cameras and then when Shep tried to encourage her to stay while he changed, I wonder if she realized (or it capped off her realization) that there was a lot she didn't want to show on camera, and one was hanging around while Shep was in his underwear. SC fan or not, would Grandma approve?
  4. Not for the poor spider!
  5. I liked Paige's hat, the goats, and Molly's photoshoot. And Venita brushing Charles was okay. The end.
  6. The producers, probably: "Hey, Salley, wear your tan knit dress to the tuba concert!" Taylor: arrives in tan knit dress Salley: arrives in tan knit dress Regardless of how Molly arrived on the show, I still find her more interesting than anyone else, and sharing her connection to the old band director and her love of music (and last week's rescue-dog-walking) were lovely odes to her character. Otherwise: go, bait fish that leapt to freedom from JT's nerveless grasp! Also, poor long-dark-haired pal tagging along with Whitney, who just seemed to be in the way of all the people who wanted to dramatize at each other. And LOL at Whitney busting JT's minifridge door.
  7. Yes, yes, and yes. I loved the dog being named Turtle. My impression (not going to rewatch) is that the "this season on..." etc. teases an upcoming Venita/JT relationship, but that other than her stopping by and checking out his place, it has not begun in episode time.
  8. Definitely tons better than his usual look. Unfortunately we got one of his other "usual looks" when he turned around and showed his (fortunately suit-covered) butt to the camera. What is it with him and butts and toenails...Poor Maria Menounos did nothing to deserve him blowing toenails everywhere. What a brat (J, not Maria). Poor Nehemiah.
  9. I don't mind emory for a girl, but...Elle, Emma, Emory? I guess the 3rd needs to have the nickname Maury ;-) will the 4th be Ellery?
  10. I know Kyland isn't everyone's favorite, but in addition to having a gorgeous (and frequent, even in last place) smile, he seems to be one of the kinder challengers, helping Michelle out of the water, etc. (and as I commented last week, thanking all of the checkpoint accuracy checkers). He could be cranky and bitter (coughBananascough) about the swimming never giving him a chance, but he wasn't. Jordan's talking head on the coconut water was funny. Poor Tori doing all that coin counting, singing by herself, and still getting last. ETA the two "swim through here to a beach/cave" locations were absolutely gorgeous.
  11. One person did have them stacked, which is what I would do, but laying them out in tidy rows of individual coins seemed too time-consuming.
  12. I'm a little confused about the coins--they kept saying they had to count the coins, not total their value up, but then why did at least some of the challengers have coins laid out on top of their chests? I don't dislike Kyland, and I liked how he thanked the puzzle checkers frequently, but I didn't need him to pee on the sign and then helpfully explain that he peed on the sign. Yes, I kind of figure that's what you were doing. But still better than seeing John's pasty butt. He is so fond of mooning everyone. I think I heard Derek thank the station checker too, and maybe one of the women. I did laugh at Derek at the end, counting down the ways Jenny seemed to be losing it, and ending with "and why is your hair like that?"
  13. Yeah, this is where I'm landing too. I think his "I'd never say the B word because" and tells the mom story was actually genuine. He seems to have a ton of respect for his mom and her opinions. That gives him a little leeway in my book, even though he's such a doofus. Better a doofus than a mean girl. Craig looks so young in those earliest flashbacks. And the editors were just thrilled to get a chance to replay the "Austen covers his junk while yelling Madison! Madison!" scene, again, some more. From last season I thought I wouldn't want to see JT inject insulin through his sweaty workout shorts...but seeing a stretch of his hairy haunch was not really better. At least dealing with diabetes is something other than dra----ma. It's really tedious to watch Taylor stare at other women etc. etc. Almost rather see the hairy haunch. Or watch a whole hour of the also-tedious pool skimming by Craig. (and I see enough animals sniffing each other's butts IRL with the # of cats I have--don't need to see the dogs doing so too. Good for Rodrigo and Tyler adopting senior dogs but I'm tired of dog-centered parties.)
  14. So presumably they didn't use 10 different cars, but somehow hoisted the car out each time, but I'm thinking they CGI'd out the ropes or whatever? I wish I could have seen that! Jenny...a little entitled IMHO to assume Derek would save her based on something that happened a million challenges ago, while in between she clearly became part of a tight-knit group that didn't include Derek. I did laugh when they showed Derek and his brother talking and it said Bo Derek. Did their parents realize they were naming the two kids after the actress? Sad about his sister :-( Oh, Cory.
  15. I liked the different reactions to the bats. Seems like people could hear Michele shrieking for a while, heh. Jordan said something like "It's going to be a bat..." and I thought he was going to say something about the critters but he concluded "-tle." I think Kyland just said something cazh like "sorry bat" which I liked (I know I wouldn't want one flying in my face, but I'd be more concerned for the bats--oh, and inhaling guano dust, that doesn't sound pleasant--than myself otherwise). With the scenes of the bats fleeing the commotion out of the entrances in broad daylight, plus knowing the lingerers would be leaving anyway to feed after dark, I'd think the later contestants had a much less batty experience. When I saw Tori go first and seem not to be able to ooze through the entrance easily I was sure Cory was going to get stuck at the shoulders, but no. I'm glad Michele had a good birthday, and even though Karl and "Devin" were very silly, it sure seemed a lot more fun than the Nanners side grouching about how they don't like Cara's voice (I mean, come on) and how beautiful their own feet are. I have heard more about Challenger feet than I ever wanted to know, and I'm not foot-phobic or anything. And it's pretty rich to criticize Cara for walking the line between alliances when for once (and especially coming off of the latest All-Stars) she is not being ganged up on and isolated by almost everyone. I would too if I were her. In other words, shut up, John. Basically the way everyone else plays the game is wrong no matter what, and if they try to do it like he does, then they are also wrong. I will note that there are a bunch of handsome guys left (to my taste anyway)....and Johnny. Lucky for him his feet are so attractive, I guess.
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