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Everything posted by leocadia

  1. Thanks, Julie, for reminding us that Blue was evicted. The night wasn't a complete loss!
  2. Maybe she thought she needed to nominate the people she could most easily beat at the end? At this point, nominating Felicia is pretty much asking for a loss at the end.
  3. It was thoroughly annoying how happy Matt & Jag were when it came down to Matt and BJ. I don't even really dislike them, I just HATE this steamroll.
  4. Which makes me wonder why Felicia seemed so happy that she won. I think Ms. Fe is in for a shocker.
  5. What? They didn't come up with a super special secret twist that allows any previously evicted HGs still in the house the ability to play in the HOH? I'm shocked!
  6. This is absolutely true, but it also makes it that much funnier that Jared was evicted pre-jury. Even with the rigging, he was just that bad a player.
  7. Jags post veto TH: "I just won veto, it's so exciting!" Me: No, Jag, you winning veto is the opposite of exciting, it's BORING! I don't even dislike him, I just hate that he wins everything. I did find it kind of hilarious that Felicia's paranoia made her exaggerate what Cirie said to her about Blue when talking to Jag. I mean "Win the Veto" is pretty much what everyone says to a nominee. Felicia was absolutely correct about Cirie's intention, but she was trying so hard NOT to give that impression to Felicia.
  8. From the article: "You just saw a tiny bit of it. We play and prank each other and try to tickle each other or try to spank each other, it's just fun." I, for one, am very thankful that the editors chose to leave the "spanking" on the cutting room floor.
  9. Maybe I'm just getting old, but watching a bunch of desperate, immature brats has lost it's charm. The only ones with a modicum of sincerity are Kylee and Aven, and even with them I have to question whether it's true attraction, or more about wanting to be the successful couple on this season. Kat/Brayden/Sean/Rachel/Aaron - newsflash: you all suck! Kat is narcississtic and mean. (Tanner, if she treated Brayden that way and talks to people the way she spoke to Aaron, she will do the same to you.) Rachel acts like she thinks she's still the Bachelorette and continues to be the high-maintenance princess we saw on her season. Sean who claims he's there to "find love" really just wants to be on tv and needs to get over himself and his obsession with Ken. (It was his dumb ass that thought it was a smart move to pursue Jess the night before the women hand out the roses, so he shouldn't be blaming Brayden for using that against him.) Aaron is way too old to be acting like a whiny baby because his connection had to leave. If he's really interested in Sam, he can pursue her offscreen, but like them all, he just wants to stay on tv. And finally, there is Brayden. I have a grassy knoll theory that his appearance here was all to redeem himself from the backlash he got on the Bachelorette. I think he fully intended to find one person and stick with them as the bestest most faithful boyfriend Bachelor Nation had ever seen. I don't think any part of him every imagined for a second that he would get punted for someone "better." Now all bets are off and he's going to go back to being the toxic Brayden we all saw before. There is no way he is into Rachel. He is just desperate to stay on tv. Too bad he couldn't just leave with grace and say that he was really into Kat and isn't feeling it with anyone else.
  10. @Thalia explained it beautifully, but I'm adding this because I love it
  11. I noticed that too and had to laugh! Also, who walks down the aisle to "Ave Maria"? Is that a thing? Maybe they couldn't get the rights to whatever song was actually used, but I thought that was an odd choice.
  12. Stacy has every right to be cautious of moving forward due to Izzy's financial situation, but I also have to wonder what her credit situation would be like if her dad wasn't paying for her house and subsidizing her with a job at the family business. As mentioned above, Izzy is no prize with his quick change attacks once something doesn't go in his favor, but I see Stacy as equally poisonous and looking for someone to replace her dad as the person who provides her the means to live the high life. Maybe Izzy's credit wouldn't be so bad if he didn't date people who think they are too good for Chipotle. None of these people (except maybe for Milton) are ready for a real marriage. Stacy, Izzy and Lydia all talked about how the other person met their needs, rather than how they worked as a complementary couple.
  13. Because Matt doesn't have an agent that made sure it was in his contract for being there ;-)
  14. Cirie's was spot-on and Jared's was funny because it's so WTF, but the rest are pretty impersonal. In the past few seasons it seems like whoever creates them doesn't really watch the show, they just go off the name or some short bio. It's a damn crime that Hisam's doesn't have the word "Right" on it anywhere.
  15. This x1000! In the shot with them and Kim K, I actually thought to myself, "Is this really the same show that used to attract the talents of people like Jessica Lange, Frances Conroy, Kathy Bates, Sarah Paulsen, Angela Bassett and Lily Rabe? Pathetic! **There are many more great female talents, these are just off the top of my head.
  16. That's what he said, but what he meant was "Josh would be easier to beat in a final"
  17. Honestly, I would have preferred Bananas smug ass in the elimination, but as @susannot said , I hate all the guys except Chris too so it was a win once he won the Daily. Also, Josh is so full of BS. He had to think of himself for ONCE? All the kid ever does is think of himself from his first day on BB when he screwed over his team to guarantee personal safety. Not saying that he shouldn't play for himself, but OWN it. Don't act like some kind of martyr when everyone has seen that you will sell out anything and anyone for personal gain. It just makes it worse when you cry about it after the fact.
  18. Exactly what I was coming here to say. I can't believe he had the stones to say that he "hasn't been in a position" to help his parents. You were in the position asshole, if you chose not to help them, that's on you. It honestly infuriates me that he's crying about his "hard luck" story. Try getting a real job and working for a living.
  19. Now I have a fantasy that she lets it slip by accident and he is not allowed to be on jury.
  20. This would be the best day ever except I wish it was last week and we wouldn't be stuck with Cam on jury!
  21. Cam's not out for vengeance you guys! He just wants to give us a good game. Sure, Jan Cam
  22. I was really hoping he was going to list a bunch of movies that Costner wasn't in. "I loved him in Major League, Scarface, Ocean's 11 and The 5th Element..." I also wonder if Cory really doesn't know who he is (possible at his age) or if he was just trolling Cam.
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