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Everything posted by leocadia

  1. Seems like something happened during the commercial break. Cory looked really upset.
  2. Now my hope is that Jared doesn't realize that there's a battle back and spills the tea on his way out.
  3. Are the dead souls former HGs? There was one that kind of looked like Turner, but it was really hard to see them clearly. Go, Cory!
  4. Of all the crossovers on all the networks in the universe, TWD and BB were not one I could have called.
  5. I don't really like Blue's made for media "persona", but I really do like her hair.
  6. I was trying not to judge the babushka, but I can't hold back any longer! It is stupid.
  7. It took me a minute to remember who Kirsten was, and I had no idea Red's real name was Michael. That being said, I have a singular superlative at the moment: Hisam Goueli: Houseguest Most Likely to Be Right
  8. Cue the banner plane: "Jared--You were totally owned"
  9. Felicia was bending over so far the last time the wall tilted, I thought she was ready to go then. I think she was trying to figure out how to fall without hurting herself.
  10. Cam does know that this is not just on the radio, right? Thanks for the commentary, but we can see what's happening.
  11. I'm glad there are windows behind each contestant so TPTB can push someone off if necessary.
  12. Love that the wall comp is happening when emotions are so high in the house. People know they actually have to compete. It should make for a long comp.
  13. C'mon Izzy, own your own stuff. Maybe if you had treated Cory ( and his showmance) with a little more respect and not created fake alliances that he was a part of, he may not have betrayed you. Why are all these people hypocrites?
  14. Did they go to commercial early? Don't they usually do 1/2 of the votes first? It seemed like Cory expected to pass someone in the hall... Maybe Jared is having a temper tantrum?
  15. Like @dizzyd said, after all this amazing "They're finally opening their eyes" talk, if Felicia goes home in a unanimous vote, I am going to rage. Really hoping we're not being Charlie Brown to CBS's Lucy AGAIN, lol.
  16. Is bringing the ghost of Josh into the house CBS's way of trying to convince us that Jared could be worse?
  17. Cam doesn't seem to get that the more you act like you know everything and are in control, the dumber you look when the truth comes out. I am all for creating chaos and taking out Cirie and Co., but Cam just sucks all the fun out of it. I am glad Jag got the $5000, he's taken a lot of hits this season.
  18. I guess it beats Kyle's 10 seconds? I'm 15 minutes behind so haven't been commenting, but I just can't enjoy this week because I can't stand Cam. I love that Cirie/Izzy are in trouble but I just wish it had been anyone but Cam that made it happen. He thinks he is such the mastermind, but is still clueless to 90% of what's going on. I can't see it happening, but The Minutemen taking everyone in the house down and making it to final two would make for an amazing season for me. It would be like Fessy and Victoria teaming up and somehow managing to win.
  19. Felicia is super paranoid and completely un-self aware. She has convinced herself that the whole house set this up, not because it was a smart decision but because people thought that Jared was influenced too much last week by Cirie/Izzy/Felicia. She specifically refers to Jag/America/Cory and possibly Matt. She also thinks everyone is lying (which they are) but she is playing honestly. She admits to not always telling everyone everything, but claims she never lied to anyone's face. I'm not willing to collect the receipts, but I'm 99% sure that is BS. Izzy listened to her, but clearly checked out of the convo a good 10 minutes before she was done. I think I'm out too. I can't take this anymore!
  20. Cirie and Izzy also discussed the veto and how awesome it would be if Felicia picked Jared for HG choice because they could make sure that he didn't use it. Cirie said that she hoped Felicia picked her because she would throw it. Izzy told her she should want to win because then she would be safe and she could take Izzy down. Cirie did not say no, but she also didn't agree. Cirie isn't about to do something that might put her baby boy in jeopardy. Izzy is now talking to Felicia about who she would pick for veto. These people are so far ahead of themselves. What even are the odds of pulling HG choice? For her part, Felicia doesn't want to "go out that way". Be serious Mama Felicia, what way do you want to go out? She also speculates that everyone else threw the HOH so Cam would target them. The paranoia is high. That would have been an awesome plan, but far too intelligent for this group to put together. If Felicia survives this week, she's going to "do" Cam the same way she did Hisam.
  21. Cirie/Izzy talking and Cirie says "worst case scenario, I go home" (Izzy, the person actually on the block of course agrees) and then solicits a promise from Izzy that should Cirie go, Izzy will do her best to protect the ELDONG child. I seriously hope that Izzy is playing Cirie, because that is some nonsense!! ETA: In news of other stupidity, the convo above took place in the have not room. Cirie decided to leave, spun a 10 on the wheel of butt-kicking and then "realized" that she forgot something and wasn't going to leave just yet. Izzy stepped up and spun a 25, did it and they both walked out. So true to their gameplay!
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