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Everything posted by leocadia

  1. I'm having a hard time focusing on the feeds (mostly because these people annoy me) but some snippets I picked up in the last half hour or so: Jag/America talking with Jag telling her that he has a hard time trusting her because when they've talked and said "don't tell anyone else" and then Cirie came back at him with info that he only gave America. I have no idea about the situation, but she couldn't remember anything she'd said that would upset Cirie. Jared came in at one point and they asked what kind of pie* he had and he replied it was a "None ya business pie." (Eyeroll) Jag laughed and said it would have been funnier if he had said it was a "None ya" pie and Jared (of course) had to come back with "I said what I said because I'm me and if I'd have said that, I'd be you and no one wants to be you." This was done somewhat lightheartedly, but Jared still sucks. Jared then went to Cory and complained about a "she" (probably America) who has been saying that Jared is closer to Cam than what people think and demanding that Cory be careful about what he says to other people. I never actually heard him say "Control your woman" but that seemed to be the subtext to me. Izzy told Cirie that Jared thinks that Cam's real target is Cirie, which seemed to take her by surprise. She rationalized that if that's what Cam wanted, he could have put her up outright, but Izzy intelligently noted that he went for dramatics with the nom ceremony and what could be more dramatic than backdooring Cirie? *It seems like the nomination ceremony had something to do with pies in the face for humiliverse week. It sounds like they maybe did it old school with the safe people being revealed until it was down to the nominees because Cameron was bragging that he made sure America was last.
  2. Cam talking to Izzy and she compliments him on a great nomination ceremony. Cam tells her "I wasn't going for that" Such BS, he was just crowing to Jared about the steps of his "plan." I think most of Cam's interactions are thought-out and planned to have a specific effect, it just doesn't come across anywhere near as "awesome" as he thinks. I should be ecstatic that Izzy is on the block and Cam is ruining it for me with all his Cam-ness. He reminds me of a know-it-all co-worker so I think that's affecting my reaction to him.
  3. I flipped on the feeds to watch the fun, but couldn't take the Cam/Jared convo. As much as I love the fact that the noms are the first shot at Cirie's direct crew, I can't stand watching Cam gloat about what a genius he is--especially to Jared of all people. I hope Cam remembers this moment when Julile inevitably spills the beans to Cam about the Cirie/Jared connection. Knowing Cam though, he will probably say that he knew that from Day One due to his special ops training.
  4. That's a good thing! Although by the end of the week, I'm betting it's Blue or America that goes home.
  5. You know Jared is sitting over there thinking he's way too cool to answer questions about "toots"
  6. CBS (Via Julie): So, what do you think about the fact that our casting made it virtually impossible for you to advance in the game? Red: That's awesome
  7. Second week in a row for the Cameron anger cam just post eviction
  8. Grassy Knoll speculation: Maybe Julie is aware that Red is going and the jeans are her attempt to make him feel at home.
  9. If he goes, will Red be the first person evicted while not wearing a shirt?
  10. Jared: I don't understand why these people want to talk to each other and find out that I'm a big ol liar with my pants on fire. It makes no sense. Why are they messing up my game?
  11. Despite his status as a father, Cameron referring to himself as "Daddy" is all kinds of squick. So is Cory's mustache, but at least he's self-aware enough to know that.
  12. Even Jared's ink sucks. The one on his right arm looks like stretch marks.
  13. Maybe if he'd put these facts in his bio, we would have known upfront what a tool he is. Not that there needs to be a reason for TPTB to randomly remove game details, but I think the Nether Region is only in play when the "Scaryverse" is activated. This is a "Scrambleverse" week. Hmmm...nether region = scary seems pretty freudian to me.
  14. I just realized that Felicia is the only HOH this season to avoid being nominated/evicted on the week following their reign. Crossing my fingers that this trend continues into next week! ** Of course I know this will never happen, but I need some hope in these dark times.
  15. That was some look from Cameron. You could see the anger trying to be contained!
  16. Blue would have been better off saying "If you keep me, I will continue to stay out of the way while you all play your silly game. I have more important things to focus on, like my followers and my showmance." ETA: Is it wrong that I want Blue to go expressly to piss off Jared?
  17. Ugh. Kaycee wore it out for me forever! She still uses it on The Challenge and I grimace every time I hear it.
  18. It would be great if Cirie replaced Jared with Matt.
  19. Its not as blatant as an Overwhelming No, but hopefully it helps!!
  20. I'm a few minutes behind but it was pretty hilarious when the narrator said "Legends 25" decided Jag was the target and it cut to a solo shot of Cirie saying "So, Jag is the target?" Yes show, we know, Cirie is our master.
  21. Yeah, even without being a barnacle on Cirie, I don't know how they put up with Izzy's incessant "checking in" and talking 24/7. She's got a manic energy that kind of reminds me of Vanessa. She's constantly paranoid and it's always somehow about her.
  22. What I really like about the live feeds are the fun facts you can learn and then share with your friends and families. There was a discussion between Red and Angola about figs and dates. According to Angola, Figs are dried dates in the way that raisins are dried grapes. For her sake, I hope that's not a question in a future competition. Which reminds me, I miss the food comps! Make them work for their snacks, BB!
  23. Time for a visit to the grassy knoll! I have the feeds on in the background and One of the HGs asked for the time (they're speculating on when veto will happen) and a female HG answered 11:20 and we immediately went to colonoscopy swirl. I happened to look at my clock and it said 2:35 (11:35 BBT). There are 3 possibilities: A) Female HG (Possibly Algeria as she was on the screen at the time) does not know how to tell time B) The clock HG's have access to is 15 minutes slow for...reasons C) The feeds are on a 15 minute delay Now I know from live chat that the Paramount feeds are definitely slower than some others, but I would not have thought the whole thing was delayed. ETA: If this is common knowledge and it's actually me that's on an info delay, my apologies.
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