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Everything posted by JustDuckie

  1. WTH was Debra wearing at the driveway "welcome home Baybee" line-up ? Good grief she's a nut.
  2. Well that was an unfortunate choice of clothing the doula or whoever it was standing at Kristina's bedside. I thought it was covered in blood when really it was some kind of tie-dyed t-shirt! Yikes.
  3. A couple of random thoughts about these two (ugh - four, ugh -six)... * Ashley's hair is really odd. Sometimes it looks okay and other times it looks like a wig. * Those are 4 very "Utah-ish" names for those kids. School will be hell. * I don't know, these two just come off to me as so deliberate. I mean referencing their "fans" and "followers". I guess it's the world we live in where it matters so much how many subscribers you have to your life.
  4. I think it's because she is mimicking the way Farrah and Debra talk to her. It's not cute and certainly not appropriate for a 6 year old to not have a clear speaking voice. And another thing, can these girls stop with the constant "BooBoo" "Booger" "BooBear". Ugh, it's grating. Move them out of the crib and into the next phase of childhood. Yeesh.
  5. NONE of these "parents" have a clue as to how to parent. My word. All of them should be case studies in how NOT to raise a child. It should be a requirement for these OG's that for every decision they make, they must actually do the opposite.
  6. You and me both. She bugs and I'm not buying what Jubilee is selling. Her passive aggressiveness is obvious (and annoying). You want to throw out comments about giving up your 1 on 1 chopper date (to THIS group?) You want to walk around the mansion holding your rose? You want extra convo time with Ben AFTER he gave you the rose? And special massage-time? And then separate yourself from the group to pout? Well there is ALWAYS one in the group with nothing to lose, and who loves confrontation. Don't get all weepy and hide in the bathroom when the mean girls show their stripes. You have seen this show before haven't you?
  7. Another glaring example of Ryan's inability to be in touch with even the most basic parenting role; when he was having a meal with his friend and they were talking about Bentley's first day of first grade, Ryan, in all his wisdom said that not being there to see him was no big deal. "First grade is just another grade" or some such nonsense. "There will be lots of other grades." Ugh, no Ryan, it is a big deal, to your child. And the look on his friend's face was like "wtf?" But ok, Ryan, keep shoveling food in and telling yourself that. But don't bother looking for that "Daddy Of The Year" award, it's not coming.
  8. Thank you to everyone who is calling Sophia creepy. I know it's not right to talk about kids but - there is really something not right about that child. The baby talk, the in-your-face staring, the inappropriate hitting - yikes. I agree that it's a really weird combination of Farrah parenting her as 1/2 infant and 1/2 adult. Sophia is gonna need LOTS of help adjusting to the real world once the cameras go dark. Oh and Farrah - can you please run a brush through her hair once in a while? Thank you.
  9. First of all, does anyone but me think maybe Swapnil is on something? The spaceyness, the acting like he can't string a thought together and the falling asleep on whats-her-name's shoulder? Very odd indeed. Second, peplums- please don't. Ever. And finally, I really need to go back to the beginning and watch the episode where the hopeful candidates show samples of what they can do (I missed it). What exactly wowed the judges to the point that these designers were chosen above all the others. I've watched enough of this season and I gotta say, I can't picture ANY of the remaining ones showing a collection at fashion week. Are they even doing that? Sorry, I fast forward past Heidi's rundown of prizes so maybe it's not even an issue.
  10. This season has been SO frustrating! I don't know - maybe we've all been spoiled by some pretty creative designers -- Jay McCarroll, Christian Siriano, Mondo, Gretchen Jones, Anya. But THIS GROUP? Nothing inspiring, nothing creative or even showcasing any particular sewing skill. Pencil skirts, sweetheart necklines and halter tops. And 1,000 excuses for each challenge on why the result ends up - ordinary. And all those muttered "I SO want that jacket" and "she's really rockin that". Pshhh. Don't even get me started on the fugly fabric choices they all are making. Seriously? Watching this show makes me think, forget being a receptionist - I can be a designer!
  11. And I know this is a completely superficial and irrelevant observation but...can someone PLEASE tell Maggie to wash her hair? It constantly looks like day-old-dirty. Yuck.
  12. At the very least he would be all " Hey Candy, get back here and pay for all the champagne and shots you just ordered! I just got fired ya know!"
  13. Hahaha, ok my bad. I was exaggerating a little about the kilowatts. BUT, Big Jim was flopping around like the voltage was about to light him up. I guess car batteries have multiple uses down in the dungeon of fun & torture.
  14. So I had no idea that having thousands of kilowatts of electricity coursing through your body is no deterrent to emphatically making demands for your torturer to "stop it" because "that hurts".
  15. and why, Why, WHY do these women all want to be pregnant by this group of "men" . There is not a redeeming quality in any of them. Just a bunch of lies, fronts and empty promises. SMDH
  16. Oh my - this show is my guilty pleasure. S & M, thugs, sexy times, crazy-as-a-loon antics (Amanda), surprises of a gay man at the door (Will It/Won't It Happen?), 2am block parties with lots of dancing but no music, girlfights -- it's got it all! Tyler Perry knows how to bring it! Now if TP can just write dialogue for this group a bit better than I could...I mean really? That whole back and forth between Veronica and the hotel clerk was...cringeworthy. "Boy, do you know who I am?" "No" "You don't know who I am?" "No, I don't know who you are." "You're gonna know who I am, boy" Rinse, repeat. But I'm still watching!
  17. EVERYBODY gets beat up on this show at some point. It's what they do.
  18. Christine seems about as much fun as a crick full of wet marshmallows. She can sure suck the fun out of any family rv funtrip.
  19. ...with a basketball court? Did I see that right? 7 bedrooms and a basketball court? smdh
  20. I think Rocky Raccoon should be the next Bachelor. Think of it - only nocturnal ladies who like to go on scavenger hunts need apply.
  21. You know, waaayyy back at the start, Terry was presented as a (sort of) likeable (in a cheesy kind of way) surgeon with an affinity for onion rings and bad jokes. He had a sarcastic side that was on full display when putting Heather in her place. Fast forward and suddenly we're given "Miss Terry" who has positioned himself and his wife as the upper crust of the OC group. They use big words and clutch their pearls at the perceived insults lobbed their way. Give me a break. Miss Terry, you are not a housewife and you have now managed to make yourself and your wife (who was actually doing a pretty good job on her own) probably two of the most unlikable, obnoxious, elitist and ill-mannered people on the show. Have a seat then GTFOMS.
  22. Aviva and her " word on the street" b.s. Hey Aviva - word on the street is you're a loon!
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