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Morgan of Hed

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Everything posted by Morgan of Hed

  1. He was great on the Canadian show, however his personality came off as a bit stand-offish. Still won, though. However I think he would be greatly handicapped by never getting a chance to show off his ballroom skills. All the current dancers get something in their wheelhouse pretty much every other week, except Gaby and she's cross-trained to hell and back.
  2. I like how they are more open about the sexuality of the gay male dancers this season. I can't imagine season 1 Nigel tolerating some of those Q&As.
  3. We were fortunate enough to attend a concert of Quartango, a Montreal-based tango group. They have a pair of Argentine tango dancers (Roxana & Fabian Belmonte) that travel with them and dance along with some of their songs. Fabian has very similar posture to Leonardo and carries that same attentive, caring attitude towards his partner throughout.
  4. It's a cultural thing. Asaf is from Israel where they are not given to public displays of affection. Even something as innocuous as holding someone's hand isn't generally done in public. Touch is considered a very intimate thing. I give him props for making the effort to try to fit in. It would not be natural for him to put his arm around her. Being there for your partner means a lot more than just being able to do a difficult lift. Thanks for the info on Israeli culture. I understand the partner thing, however the criticism in the package was directly towards the lifts and how uncomfortable Kate was. Come performance day, no lifts of any significance. So when the judges praise his partnering skills, it rings a little hollow to me.
  5. It was mildly hilarious to see him waiting to be eliminated, as he would randomly remember that he was supposed to show comradeship with his fellow dancers and awkwardly put his arm around Ariana, only to forget a bit later. I also find it amusing that the judges complimented him on being there for his partner, when every single one of the dangerous lifts shown in the package was removed from the routine. Good riddance.
  6. True, but the Nigel of the Canadian show was Jean-Marc Généreux, so you know he wasn't going to let ballroom take a second seat to anyone. Denys probably figured it was worth the risk, turns out he was right.
  7. Broadway is my second-least favourite (after Russian folk) of all the styles they showcase on SYTYCD. I find it usually ultra-cheezy and lame. Probably because it's usually choreo by Diorio.
  8. i think Anya could make most anyone look good in ballroom. Having a talent like Danny is just a bonus.
  9. From the point of view of the show, if they are serious about including ballroom as Travis said in his blog, then they should have had a ballroom round or two if only to evaluate partnering skills. As it stands, I expect they are going to do something that looks like ballroom but is geared for a "trained dancer", ie contemporary. They will then praise their favourites to the heavens for their amazing ability to pick up ballroom in a short time. If Denys had been there, he would have been forced to do a "ballroom" that is really contemporary in disguise.
  10. I believe he went home in a snit after all the other dancers mocked him for his street name, "4H". "Mooove faster", they said. Thank you, I'm here all week.
  11. You're right it was Jeff, he danced with Shumka.
  12. Do you think Denys will bust out the Ukranian dance at some point?
  13. I was just disappointed that the breaker ballet guy only gave us bad ballet. I was hoping for some bad breaking also.
  14. Hitting a zombie square in the head with a cinderblock swung on a chain would be sufficient in The Walking Dead mythology. At this point with little zombie-killing experience maybe that's all she's got to go on... Weird, in the engineering world we say "para". Never heard "graf" before.
  15. Judging by his posts, the only thing that will make a show good for Dohe is an interracial romance front and centre with the main character.
  16. I'm just not seeing how "not a love interest for Liv" == stereotyped. Both POCs so far seem fairly well fleshed out.
  17. Why is this so important to your enjoyment of the story? The fact is that people tend to date within their own race, and Liv as a straight-arrow-eyes-on-the-prize med student would probably follow that pattern. There is already plenty of diversity in the cast with Ravi arguably being the most entertaining character in the show.
  18. The showrunner has done no such thing as far as we are aware. He has introduced characters, the rest is speculation on your (and others') part. All we know of her love life so far is that she still has a thing for Major and regrets that her condition gets in the way. Also, Major is starting to think Zombie Liv has more going for her than nornal Liv.
  19. Seriously? Just look at her - there were at least a half-dozen posts in the Ep1 thread (including mine) from people who thought zombie Liv was way more attractive than normal Liv. I thought Rose McIvor did infatuated/lusty extremely well. I'll be in my bunk.
  20. At this point I fail to understand why Martha is still breathing.
  21. So far no worries - the pilot got very good ratings.
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