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Everything posted by goofygirl

  1. I don't know about the rest of you Schmoes but personally, if those were MY sisters, they'd find out I was pregnant when the baby graduated from high school - MAYBE.
  2. See? I noticed this LAST week too and I just can't quite figure out what the hell that "thing" is! And I have a brand new TV!! AND cataract surgery on BOTH eyes! It's a total mystery. Oh Joy to the World. The Pottroast sisters are ahead. ERP!
  3. Lort. Here we go!! I can't with PrEd and Liz.... Bentonville Arkansas: LOOK OUT PEOPLE!!! I'm already tired of this convo between Grangela & Mikul. These outfits she wears with the belly exposed look awful on her. But, what else is new? Grangela, honey... Your face is in the book under "NEEDS THERAPY STAT" Whut the what? She's a moron AND she's full of shit.
  4. I was going to say the same thing! Who KNEW there was a PIPELINE under there? And the whole pond thing was enlightening too. Consider that originally they all thought that MERI having the hunk with the "pond" on it wouldn't be good because they thought she might not LET THE REST OF THEM HAVE ACCESS TO IT?? Welp, looks like they f'd that up! They should have let old Meri HAVE that hunk! She sure can't build anything VERY BIG on that piece. Other thing I found interesting AND AMUSING was KoDouchie going to the local contractors offering some kind of hinkey barter deal to include their being on the "show" and getting some kind of advertising from that. I spent YEARS in the construction business because my husband was an architect and we were in our local homebuilders association. I can assure you that those guys worked for MONEY. They were kinda pissy about having to pay dues to the HBA every year! Not to mention, all those contractors AND subcontractors have families, homes, electric bills, cars and college educations to pay for. What a joke, Douchie. You've GOT to be kidding me. Probably time to put the old "FOR SALE" sign on Coyote Pass.
  5. This would explain why Sobbyn sleeps til noon TOO. It's like when your NEWBORN sleeps and eats every couple of hours. They get bigger and you can get them on a sleep schedule. Mr. & Mrs. Douchie just never got Ariolblahblah on a sleep schedule until the kid started school. Weirdness.
  6. Yeppers, I'm not buying it either. I can't guess who those women are in that photo but if they're rilly rill, someone needs to have their lives taken over by a keeper STAT! Love Mohamid Frauded Me's missives!
  7. Wow. I cannot BELIEVE the words that just came out of Tai's mouth. Just WOW. And.. Done for another week. That was a ton of laughs tonight! You guys were on FIRE! Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
  8. This Mark guy is STILL on the getting the prison bae out early by having her get pregnant! He obviously has some really weird shit going on in that brain of his. Not to mention, he's a total DORK.
  9. Melissa, honey: You are a big MORON!! Did you go to college?? Maybe there's a really popular guy from college you can hook up with. He MIGHT not be in prison!! Otherwise, go hit up the elementary school you attended. Maybe there's a guy from THAT time in your life you can find. Louie sounds like he might not be your M-A-N!!! Boob sling lady.... Jeebus. They're sending SPERM to each other!! Good Gawd. They already have what? 7 kids between them??
  10. Uh oh.... Melissa's gonna have to do a front walkover for her high school love before she can move in with him and his MOTHER. There go the pom-poms!
  11. Chelsea IS the illustrated WOMAN!! Lort. So prison bae really DID have a stroke??? WHUT?
  12. Dammit!! I HATE READING THIS SHOW!!! How can I read what you guys are saying when I have to read what whatsherface is saying!
  13. I have to wonder how Jessica got through nursing school; what with her obvious mental instabilities.
  14. Jessica has just said Dustbin's FACE TATTOO is what attracted her to him! She is INSANE!!! This poor daughter Bailey. She needs to run away from her nutso Mom!
  15. Howdy y'all!! It's the first minute and Tai already wants to kick somebody's ass!! What else is new?
  16. I8A 4RE: Why don't you do a little drive-by this weekend and see what's going on! I mean, unless you have an actual LIFE or something! I think we're all really curious about the fabulous, fantastic retreat at Meri's B & B. I'd do it but I live in Texas. Just a thought.
  17. Definitely! It's probably $8K if you live close enough to not need the "luxurious digs"!! LOL!
  18. More like a deranged 3rd grader in my opinion! And I LIKE 3rd graders normally.
  19. All this money talk has made me realize just one thing.... What in the HELL are they gonna do when the show goes belly up?? They've already spent Janelle's money, Meri's spent all her money (except for that retreat crap!) Christine has taken her money and hit the road. Does Sobbyn have some money somewhere?? Cause the Douchecanoe sure can't sell THAT many guns unless to the Mexican cartels or something.
  20. American Gothic 2022?? I just want to say that Nexxie posted on either the Live Chat thread or another one, the 20 things that narcissists do and it was RILLY enlightening. Kinda long, because there are TWENTY things you can see they do and how to react to them but I think Christine's therapist probably had her read this and take it to heart; knowing what she was going to face with the 3 stooges. Douchie, Mrs.Douchie and Brownie. I had a boss who simply matched about 18 or 19 of these narc traits! And for the longest time, I took it PERSONALLY. I would drive to work PRAYING and drive home CUSSING for YEARS. 5 years to be exact. It was hideous. I'd see my car out in the parking lot and hear it calling me "Come on girl, let's hit the trail!" I would NOT let this freak run me off the front porch like an old dog though. (I am actually an old dog). Finally, the bitch got another job. TOUCHDOWN!!!! Unfortunately, this twit still has to show up at the work occasionally. What's funny to me NOW is, I see her ass and I go the other way. OR if I have to see her, I'll just say like "Hey, you ok?" Something really nonchalant. Last time she showed up, she was all EXACTLY like she was when she worked there. I just stood there (because I couldn't get away fast enough) but this 27 year old co-worker and I talked later. She was as silent as I was when the twit was holding court. We BOTH agreed that she was a complete ASS even though she had another job. That was her PERSONALITY. Didn't matter WHERE she worked, she is a complete, unreserved, unabridged ASS. I've never been so relieved in my life! FINALLY. I had somebody who completely agreed with me. So there it is. As my old FIL used to say: THERE ARE MORE HORSES ASSES IN THE WORLD THAN THERE ARE HORSES. And Douchie, Mrs. Douchie, and Brownie are some horses asses. No offense to horses. AND? I think the little princess (whatsherface) is gonna end up being a serial killer or something when she loses her sweetness and Douchie treats her the same way he's treated his other daughters. She's gonna BLOW!!
  21. Grey Lady!! YOU ROCK!!!! Why'd you hide all those really smart observations?? This ain't yahoo!! Keep it up!
  22. Stands and claps!! BRAVO!! Very astute observations!!
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