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Everything posted by breezy424

  1. I fast forwarded the vows. I just didn't have the patience. No food at the reception. Apparently, the invitations that weren't lost in the mail didn't mention that the reception was just cocktails and snacks. No dinner. Kary is looking to get out of that marriage and successfully staying on RHOD is her key. I'm not crazy about Kary but Eduardo is a prick. Brandi: You can't handle another child. Maybe you could if you didn't have Brooklyn to deal with. I loved the cook off. Looked like a lot of fun. Love Steff and Travis.
  2. Sorry Jenn, you're not all that. Who said that Jenn's biggest accomplishment was marrying someone rich? Tre: Those eyebrows are distracting. It's kind of sad watching Gia now knowing that her dad left the country. Delores family unit is just so weird. Jackie doesn't bother me so much because I can't stand Jenn. Most of these kids are so ill behaved.
  3. Gosh between Gina's conversation at her therapist's office and Emily's dinner with Shane, the episode just lost my interest. Just further proves both Shane and Gina are assholes. The rest was arguments about who's worst and I really don't care.
  4. For me, Carrie Ann won hands down. Eve was good but not as good as last year when she definitely deserved the win. The rest were meh including Sheryl.
  5. That wedding dress was fugly. Sorry. Not the least bit flattering. What that child 'does' need is discipline.. And she needs her father to back up her mother who needs to stop trying to be her child's 'friend'. She's not. Her first job is to be a mother. Dee is a bitch. She's all over D'Andra about when she was at the company. Why then did she give her the company. It was already on death's door so let D'Andra take the blame. Dee: You raised D'Andra. You taught her how to be entitled. Five hours between a ceremony and reception? Huh? Hey, we're going over to a local restaurant for food and beverages. Don't be surprised if we don't come back.
  6. I'll now refer to Braun and her family the special snowflake family. That includes Deb. This is the food you get. I understand the peanut allergy but if you want something special, figure it out for yourself. Ok. From the other side of the pool: Gina didn't bother me so much this episode. Maybe that's because Braun was driving me up the wall. There is a difference between public and a charter school. And it did seem like Braun was throwing a little shade when she asked Gina if her daughter was in public school. That just didn't come out right. Oh Tamra. So subtle with the Kelly would only come to your funeral. Just like the 'train'.
  7. So Kevin walks away from his boss, then gives him a pat when he has no main course for him and then gets pissed off that the captain didn't look at him when talking to him and ignores him at the tip meeting. You're getting a reality check Kevin. You're not the admiral. I think there might be something living in Abbi's hair. God, does she even comb it? (For survivor watchers: She would have no problem hiding a hidden immunity idol in that mess.) Brandi was scary.
  8. I only saw the last part of this interview. These two are over one another. It was awkward as hell. Tre blames Caroline Manzo for going to the feds? Yeah. Sure. Joe says he knows who went to the feds. Joe regrets agreeing to RHNJ but Tre has always wanted to be a 'star'. I do think she pushed Joe for more. Don't get me wrong. The guy is a low life but Tre is just as much. Tre doesn't want to give up the stucco monstrosity. Yeah. She's making coin now but that bravo cash cow is going to run dry eventually. And probably sooner than later.
  9. Actually, I may be on the other side of the pool but I thought it was one of the better episodes in a while. I still don't like Carisi as an ADA. He'll still be a detective to me.
  10. Momma D is such a bitch. She knew the company that 'she' ran for years was going down the drain. So she finally gave it to D'Andra so it could be D'Andra's fault, not hers. D'Andra wanted to make changes to help the company a long time ago but Dee shot her down. And how much money has D gotten from her marriage in order to start and run the company? Wrong size cushions for those garden chairs. Just sayin... Get over yourself Kam. It is always about 'you'. And you don't bring other 'girls' to a girl's night out. Sorry Miss Manners. A text message for an invitation to a wedding? Really Leeanne? So tacky. The anniversary present was adorable.
  11. Go away Dr. Deb, you're a pathetic over the hill Betsy Johnson wanna be. That alone makes your family far from cool. What a yawn this episode was. Gina's hair? Ryan. He can go away with Dr. Deb. Time to grow up and stop blaming everyone else.
  12. I wished the Captain's wife was there to tell those woman to BACK OFF her husband. I couldn't believe it. I also couldn't believe Brandy. WTF? And correct me if I'm wrong, wasn't that Kellee lying on the side walkway before the fishing trip? Kevin is a freaking egotistical ass hat. Before you start going in on other people, remember you were the one who wasn't prepared for the seafood extravaganza. Abbi - that hair. And the radios are not rocket science. I've used one many times out on the water.
  13. I can't stand Josh or Heather so I'm on Frederick's side (even though I'm not a fan of his either) because they both came across so entitled. Fred doesn't 'owe' you anything. Tracy and the the Brits were much more gracious. I do wonder if TPTB are anticipating a transition from Fred to LA. We've got a new NY broker this season and Luis is back. I'd enjoy that because that would totally shake up the LA franchise.
  14. Steph is too nice. Kam needs a good verbal bitch slap. I swear. LeeAnn would tell that child who was locked in a closet and sexually abused for years that her childhood was worse. Shut up LeeAnn. Let it go. Let it go... You're having all these parties for your wedding. You're getting married. Stop the pissing contest. You asked Kary about her childhood. Oh wait. She probably did that to start the pissing contest. D'Andra apologized. And now you want her to grovel as well. Brandi must use the same spray tan as the President.
  15. I have a headache listening to all the screaming on this shit show. I would have gone berzerk if I had to listen to that freaken whistle if I was on a train or in a restaurant. I don't care about Gina or Emily so I don't care about the date fight. Shannon: It's Gina and 'me' not Gina and 'I'. No wonder Vickie was demoted. The woman who visited her son at college and made a fool of herself in front of her son's friends is now a prude. Kelly is right on that one. Braun's laugh is so grating. Tamra and Braun: Get a room.
  16. Note to Sandy: This is how you manage a radio situation. Love Capt. Lee's response to how he is today. He didn't see his name in the obits, so it's all good. Not caring for Courtney but I'm liking Simone. Don't know what to make of the deck crew And Kevin hasn't really proved himself to me as a great chef so I'm on the stews side. The engagement was cute but I'm sure she knew it was coming. Ashton better watch himself on the free nights out. He could really get himself in trouble with his crew. He's a boss now. Next charter should be interesting. Hello Brandi. Yuk.
  17. I would like to think that rather than TPTB were implying that Noah was somehow gay for taking dance/ballet lessons, they were implying since Prince George was taking lessons because he liked it, it was okay. See Lara Spencer. Okay, I could very well be wrong. i do hope.
  18. Travis gave D'Andra good advice. And I loved his conversation with Steph. Kary: Stop trying to make it like you're trying to convince your daughter to get a career. She told you she wants to get a nursing degree after getting her college degree. Just shut up. I think her daughter wished it as well. She filmed with you although it seemed that she didn't want to. It was really nice to see Cary. I miss her. Gosh. She's got a rocking body. Was Kam's voice over at the shower about Cary or Brandi? It seemed it was about Cary. Correct me if I'm wrong. Kam, you are pretentious. And Travis is spot on about you. She kept talking over Steph at the shower. No one ever has had a life as bad as Leeanne. She's in a peeing contest with anyone who dares to go there. I loved Brandi's comment about a single when Leeanne said a double wide.
  19. This just in: Emily is on WWHL and confirmed that Shane did not pass the BAR.
  20. God. Why do we have to watch procedures on down there on these housewife shows? Waxing (multiple times). rejuvenation, whatever Shannon had done and who knows what. It's just so.... I thought Eddie handled Emily well. I couldn't believe she weighed that much. Actually I was kind of shocked. Emily 'should' be concerned. So much Archie tonight. Yay. Looks like he doesn't tear his stuffed toys apart. Good boy. I wish I could say the same about my dog. I'm not interested in Gina's dates or her ex husband. Actually, I'm not interested in Gina at all. I hope Shannon continues to do well with her food line. Kelly? She just is disturbing on so many levels.
  21. Capt. Sandy: Pay attention. This is how to be a captain.
  22. Yeah, that kid would not be able to get where he ended up without a 'high level' security card. Ridiculous.
  23. I hate Carisi as an ADA. He gets less screen time and we don't get to see the person that many of us has come to love and enjoy. Enough of William Lewis. When did Benson take the captain's test? As far as I know you still have to take a test to become a captain. Next levels up are appointed. Captain and lower ranks require a test. Oh wait. This is Olivia Benson world. No Noah scenes. Yay.
  24. Go away Sandy. She's so all over the place. She's so f'ing hungry. Take another look at Below Deck and see how Captain Lee does it.
  25. I think it's because they have been filming next season.
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