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Everything posted by breezy424

  1. V's bloomers were 'unfortunate' and she probably was the most likely who deserved to go home. I really liked the winning design. Better than the peacock which just kept flashing JL want to be in my mind. Or was is supposed to be a parrot? I don't know. I just kept getting peacock. Sorry, it will take me a number of episodes to remember who is who. There were a number of designs that were too trying too hard. I can't stand that stylist's esthetic.
  2. WTF? It's bad enough what LeeAnn said to Kam about 'her' behavior but then when Kam tells the other women about it, she backtracks when LeeAnne is there. LeeAnn thrives on being a victim and no one has been victimized like she has. But she lives in a nice house in Dallas with her new husband, wears nice clothes and supposedly is a part of Dallas society. Poor LeeAnn. Being a victim and a martyr has become the only thing she knows how to do. She's over the top about whether or not her mother will show up at her wedding and when she does, she basically ignores her. And she is a racist. I did like those little purses. I do admire Kary's negotiation skills. I suck at it.
  3. Shut up Delores. You're the one who needs to let it go with Jackie. And don't count on David putting a ring on it. I think you're going to have a rude awakening. Shut up Tre with Joe telling you all the time about what he did. It's all his fault. Sorry. The courts knew what 'you' did and you did jail time. You're financially drained but you're broke? You could sell that monstrosity of a house. Just saying Miss Victim. Yeah Delores. Jackie showed you she can have fun. See the dolphin segment. Jenn impersonations were hit or miss. I didn't like the comment about Jackie. She knows that Jackie has had an eating disorder. She was a sport about it and laughed but I think inside it upset her. Damn. Mel has a body to die for.
  4. FU both Emily and Kelly for the age shaming. Emily gets two FU's cause you did it twice. OMG. Gina looked so much better with shorter hair. The color? Not so much. But still better than the ratty hair and the extensions. Look! It's the conch train! I love the conch train! Look! It's the Hemingway house. I love the Hemingway house and the cats! Look! It's the buoy. Love the buoy. I told the TV that we have a picture of us at the buoy over there in the family room. Ok. I really like Key West and tend to get a little excited. Tam's boys are.... I don't know. Unfortunate in many ways? Gina grew up on Long Island and she's petrified of the water? Hmm. Ok.
  5. Team Kate. Captain Lee has worked with Kate for years. He knew there was something going on because it was 'off'. Kevin is such an asshole. His refrigerator? Sorry dude, it's the guests who are paying for the charter. Like Kate said, it's about the charter. And then he has the nerve to criticize Kate for disrespecting the Captain? Look in the mirror. Give me a break with the crew sticks together Ashton. Tanner is telling that he went down on Simone and Rylee tells her. That's not about 'crew'. Tanner should have kept that to himself. How disrespectful. And then Simone goes back to him? Sorry Simone. Between that and thinking that you are all that as a stew, you've got problems. And BTW, the deck crew with the exception of Rylee, and the chef need to consider cutting back a bit with the alcohol. They act like fools. I wouldn't want to hang out with you either.
  6. OMG. Such discussion over a birthday party. First of all, Jackie did not fling or throw the Amazon box with the party favors. She walked out with it and dropped it down. I highly doubt there was anything breakable in it. And Mel kidded around imitated her doing it. She didn't fling or throw it. WTF is the big deal? Heck, I've dropped a big box a time or two instead of carefully bending down and placing it on the ground. If Jackie's boys love playing basketball and baseball at their house, why is it wrong for them to have that as a theme for their birthday? If the parents want to sit down, Jackie did do a set up for the parents inside in the kitchen. And there probably was outdoor furniture in the back. These kids are old enough to not have their parents supervise them personally. Birthday parties are about the person whose birthday it is. The kids who attended seemed to have a great time. Well, except for Jenn and her kids. But let's face it. They're hard to please and more about being impressed and impressing others. Nuff said.
  7. It's on the Bravo website: https://www.bravotv.com/project-runway/season-18/episode-1/videos/christian-siriano-reacts-to-that-surprise-double
  8. Knew pink hair and the other woman were going to be at the bottom. At least pink hair admitted her design wasn't good. Other woman was all about her not being understood. I understood. That design was awful.
  9. LeeAnne is such a Debbie Downer. She just sucks the air out any event she's at except if is about her and even then, it's not enough about her. Her 'Mexican girl' comments continue to be disturbing. I wonder how she's gonna talk her way out of this down the road when she gets confronted. She'll probably will defend with it's about the carnival and her upbringing. And something about Mexicans taking over jobs in the carnival. She really is repulsive in so many ways. Yeah, Kam's white board was everything. Especially for Kam.
  10. Team Jackie tonight. Delores and Tre think so highly of themselves. Jackie wasn't cut from the same cloth like they're better than her? Yeah, no. Tre's husband is a felon being deported and Delores lives with her ex husband and has a boyfriend that won't commit. I still can't stand Jenn. So she thinks she's so funny that she's going to 'roast' the other women. We'll see how that goes......
  11. I love the Florida Keys and Key West so I tried to spend most of the episode recognizing where they were while trying to ignore some of these women advertising their sad breast augmentations. Screeching isn't entertaining. I'd rather see them visit the Dolphin Research Center and swim with the dolphins or take the Conch train over that tiki trip. No stop by Sloppy Joe's? Sorry Vicks, you're a conman. You weren't conned. Both Vicks and Kelly are scary in their own ways. Therapy is warranted.
  12. Tides can vary from prediction. It happens. Been there. Done that. These women were a bit weird and disturbing. It's just as wrong to objectify men as it is women. Sorry Simone. Being a mathematician or having knowledge of multiply languages doesn't make you qualified for everything. You just didn't come across as being a great stew. I don't want to hear about Tanner and Simone's 'romance' or whatever you want to call it. I still can't stand Kevin. At least Rylee calmed down a bit and it was funny when she was on the water bike towing Kate.
  13. Shut up Jenn and your ridiculous snobbery. Jackie should reply to your criticism of Jackie's party with maybe your children need to get out into the fresh air and move around a bit. And Jenn, we all know that you didn't pay for the trip. So shut up. You just so full of yourself. Way to go telling Jackie that Delores doesn't consider her to be a friend. You think you're a cool girl now. I say asshole. Ya man. Classless. Yeah Tre. It's tough paying for breaking the law but I have no sympathy. I don't always like Margaret but she does crack me up at times.
  14. Why do women who have had bad breast augmentations wear the lowest necklines to show off their bad breast jobs? I;m looking at you Braun and Tamra. Why did Kelly just jump on Shannon about her hair. Shut up Kelly. Shannon did look great going to her court hearing. Well, Briana and Michael did their obligatory season appearance. Briana looks good....and healthy. Braun and her husband are just overall creepy. Pretty much a meh episode.
  15. Scoreboard: Primary was the worst. That's sexual harassment. Kevin gets second. That move with the girls serve the sides and the male crew serve the 'steak' deserved a verbal slap by Captain Lee when he finds out. Rylee gets third because, well, it's Rylee. Captain Lee's comment about the tip and dealing with the primary was another classic Captain Lee euphemism.
  16. Wow. Did I miss it? Is this an actual episode that Olivia doesn't do her trademark slow nod.? The episode was pretty good but the ending with Rollins being kidnapped just makes me roll my eyes. Kat is growing on me. It seems that Rollins hates her and Fin is enjoying her going all rogue. I can't stand Hadid. I still want more Sonny time. It will be interesting how this all plays out in January.
  17. From the other side of the pool...the elephant song is stupid. Enough. I thought the getting the dress 'right' was pretty funny. LeeAnn is so miserable all the time. Stop telling Kary what to do. Stop with the faces during the fortune telling. Stop complaining about everything. Still loving Steph and I always enjoy her and Brandi's interactions.
  18. When did Juicy finally leave the country? I'm so freaking tired of it. Everyone tells Jenn to apologize and don't say 'but'. So Jenn says 'but'. Not surprised. Who's going to pay Marge senior's rent. That will be interesting. That's a fair amount of coin for a bookkeeper. Delores's dad seems nice.
  19. Ally has been over scored all season and last night was no different. She isn't all that and the judges have over looked mistakes. James has been under scored all season. IMO, James has been better than Ally overall. Bruno was on The Talk today. Carrie Ann defended her decision to pick Ally over James. Bruno came on and defended his decision to pick Ally. I think they are both wrong. I don't understand the all the judges' persistence in favoring Ally.
  20. I really felt bad for Shannon and the divorce deposition. I'm a firm believer in marriage is a partnership and if Shannon ends up with nothing from that seventeen year marriage, that's just wrong. Braun is just sooo tacky and that party was tacky. Her husband is creepy. I don't know who's worse: Tamra or Kelly.
  21. LOved Steff's scene with her mom. Her mom gave her the right advice. Kam thinks so highly of herself. Friendship is a two way street. She wants Steff to earn her friendship. You have to earn hers. Kary was right about saying that LeeAnn looked like she was going to the mall. Good luck with that jewelry line. Doesn't look all that special. D'Andra has her problems. Things would have been better if Jeremy was there. But I gotta say her resemblance to Dee is whoa.
  22. Tamra did her homework and prepared her defense with Shannon who gets easily flustered with Tamra, especially when Tamra is talking a mile a minute. Tamra 'knows' she stirs up the shit - she needs that orange. Yeah Tamra, all roads lead back to you. Why is it that every time I see Ryan I think of Shane. Oh, maybe it's because they're both creepy. Really, more college applications and tours. Interesting how Braun dresses for a college tour. I wonder how she'll dress when they move their daughter in. Doctor Brian wasn't wearing his scrubs.... Gina and Matt = boring. Like this episode.
  23. Bye Abbi.... What did you expect at the end of the charter? Hanging on the yacht while you figured your life out. OK. I do understand the difference between sailing and motor yachting. But sorry girl, this is what you signed up for. I really won't miss her or her rat's nest of hair. Penis ravine? LOL. These guests were pretty awesome and cool. Captain Lee gave me a compliment? Haha.
  24. Thank God he's gone. Now the 'real' competition can begin. I really don't have a favorite because my only hope has been to see Sean gone.
  25. I immediately picked up on Jeff not saying here's the new blah, blah tribe. Blah, blah, blah was voted out at TC. And the other tribe made no effort to look at the tribe when they came in. Because the TC was long and so much was going on, TPTB edited out the reward challenge. Dan is totally creepy and no one should put up with that. Now that's a valid women's alliance. Back up Dan and get out of our personal spaces. Go cuddle with Jamal.
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