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Everything posted by hoosier80

  1. Well, I made it home. Hallelujah. Never so relieved. Rest of the visit was ok-ish with Mom. I got her Christmas decorations up, with the usual arguments. I can't ever get stuff up right, not according to her standards. She likes everything as flashy and gaudy as can be, using some old and tacky ornaments. She was pleased with the outcome I guess. She only has to do some minor decorating, like doing her flower arrangements. Then it was time to go to an event on late Saturday afternoon. Golden child came over to drive us there. I thought about bailing. I should have, but at the time, I thought oh it'd be another instance of me 'ruining' things by not going. Well Saturday was rivalry day for all college football. My alma mater played the golden child's alma mater. The school I went to is thought of as just bad/evil with golden child and of course, Mom (now that is - when I went there it was ok with her). My school has dominated in recent years and I didn't gloat or even mention it - because I didn't want an argument, plus it's just bad form. So I get in the car, golden has the game on radio. WTH. When his school was losing regularly, he wouldn't have the game on radio. Now, that they're competitive again, he's on their bandwagon. He was saying he was biting his nails, the announcers on the radio were saying how very nervous they were (their team was ahead momentarily). I was like WTH, and stupid me, said something under my breath. Golden whirls around, while driving and proceeds to have a massive meltdown. I will pull this FUCKING car over now you fat cow and you can shove it up your fat ass. I'm not getting you a present, I don't want anything to do with you, I'm tired of being silent, I can root for my school, you don't pay attention to your school, so you have no right to say anything to me!! 1. I do follow basically all sports for my alma mater, I just don't share it with him nor Mom, 2. How is it ok for you to express your feelings and not ok for me? I merely said please pull the car over, to which he told me to shut up. Mom just said 'shush'. Awkward silence to/from the event. Mom said nothing when we got home, which I figured she'd be yelling at me. She was ok the rest of the time, thankfully. Tonight, I get an email from golden child, saying do not get me anything, and how ridiculous that we couldn't talk. He is the one who never says a word to me, or if he does it's to correct, mock, or chide me. I'm not responding. Very doubtful I'll go there for Christmas as it will be beyond awkward. Just one thing less for me to do, except I already had his stuff purchased. I'll keep it for a while, and if he doesn't change up, it'll be donated to charity. I also thought of a great way to get him back; make a donation to my school's foundation in his name - as a Christmas present. Do it at the last minute so he can't say a word. Or I could pick another charity. What could he say to that?
  2. Well, just as I thought, she turned her attitude around and was all sunshine and light for most of the rest of the day. I really think now she's been bipolar a good part of her life. Anyhow, she'd asked what I wanted for Christmas. I had just a couple of definite things - a calendar and house slippers (same kind I've gotten at Kohl's for years now). Hours later, she starts sniping at me, now how am I supposed to get those slippers, you know I can't get out? I said fine, just make it all gift cards. That's NOT Christmas, then switched back to bad mood again. She'd made a big to do of watching a holiday special tonight, I reminded her, she called brother to remind him. Since I'm back on the shit list (I said fine, just order whatever shit you want, because it surely does not matter if I like it or not - while I have to shop non stop to get what everyone else wants exactly), she's now watching everything BUT the holiday special. That's her passive aggressive way of "punishing" me. So I'm staying mum, playing solitaire and whatnot, just so over it all. I probably should just say get whatever, and donate it and get a tax write off. I really cannot stand the holidays. I will have to look for that book.
  3. God help me. I may lose my mind. At mom's for Thanksgiving Week (aka hell week). Started off ok, then I decided to bust my ass and make her one of her favorite meals. Of course, now, after she just about peed the bed this morning, it was my fault because there were some "weird" spices in the meatloaf. Not that she didn't get out of bed fast enough. All tears all morning. I'm like let's move on and clean it up. Nope. Then she had to read out of an ancient cookbook how to make meatloaf. Not making another special dinner. Not happening. So to clean the bathroom floor, she got a microfiber mop and attempted to clean up the floor. I'm like great, pee water all over the floor. Oh it gets it up. Yes, but no disinfectant. Oh it's better than your Swifter. I seriously can never do anything right. I get it that putting me down makes her feel better, but it gets really old and hard to just brush off. Every other minute she's crying. I ask what needs to be done - first she doesn't want me to touch a thing, then OMG she needs HELP! She just told me that it won't be funny when I'm her age, because I'll be all alone. Has to get in a dig that I'm not married, no steady BF, probably not in the cards. I mean, how could it be, with someone like me? She'll be all happy tomorrow because the King (my sib) will be over. He walks on water most days. Then Friday, I get to put up the damned Christmas tree. I get to hear how it's so bad I don't like Christmas (nor my sib). It's again because I don't know how to do anything right. Well, ya don't do it that way. Don't you know ANYTHING? Are you that STUPID? Apparently so. Sadly, I am yearning to be back at work.
  4. Now a new member to the team, a buddy to our boss (never good), is thinking they know more than the rest of us who've been here forever. Knows little about the system, but is being pulled off into projects. Always a smart remark to everyone, only phrase I can think of is that they think they're too cool for school. So someone else sent me a task to do, if/when a client goes active. It was not certain when this would happen, but one thing had to be updated. Been this way forever, and I get the reason why. Buddy was copied on the email but it didn't say, "Buddy, you do this". It was directed to me, plus we had a discussion about it. Turns out, no definite date for going active (was to have been yesterday). So Buddy, decided to update shit. I was like why? It's not active yet. Well boss A and asshole B told me we could do it. That goes against policy we've had for years now. Buddy volunteered to help write up our procedures and make sure they're up to date. I have a real problem if Buddy is actually determining what our procedures will be, however. No knowledge of this aspect of the business whatsoever. If this is the way things are headed, I will have to update my resume, as I can't butt heads against the boss' friend. He would back down as his friend knows squat, and he needs me. That this buddy is asking others instead of people on the actual team is kind of disturbing, basically cutting those of us who've been doing the work out of the process. Not cool at all. Clearly Buddy wants to be in charge. Not cool.
  5. Good grief. The production team could have just titled each episode Still Not Over It, part 3, 4, 5, 6, 7............... Soggy has no business being a relationship expert or counselor, whatever self help guru moniker she's using. She has so many issues, it's like doctor (or quack) heal thyself. She had to try and publicly humiliate Margaret. The thing is Margaret is a lot stronger than Soggy is, so nice try Sog. I loved Danielle's look as they started the seminar. It was like what BS did I just sign up for here? ,I laughed out loud during Margaret's role play of Soggy. Soggy set it up herself or her leadership partner did. Soggy was not happy. Cue the crying and shrieking in 1, 2, 3........ If this is a self empowerment seminar for women, they have makeup artists, plastic surgeon, photographers? Then she said oh they had that there because most people's online profiles suck. So basically, it's all about the outside no matter how much they say it's about the inside. Now, granted, if I'm looking good, all done up, I do feel a little better, but they seem to be emphasizing looks. There are truly beautiful people who are really ugly due to their personalities, so it has to start with inner grace and confidence first. Beautiful from the inside out. I don't think any of these women would be called drop dead gorgeous or natural beauties, but they're on a nationally televised show - mainly for their personalities (and craziness). So Mr. Soggy wants his wifey to be there waiting for his return from work. Mr. Soggy, the 50's ended decades ago, it doesn't work that way any more, plus you're coming off a bit misogynistic. Even if that is your storyline aside from cake-gate, it sucks. Then, they had to show clips from season 1, where they women were quoting or paraphrasing what they read from "the book". I was so sick of hearing about "the book" way back then, please do not resurrect it.
  6. Jen, get off of my tv. Kate may have gone over the line a bit, but I'd have thrown her ass overboard by now. Kate didn't say anything about the child; if anything she was inferring that Jen was sleeping around. Jen was all 'oh you don't talk about a child'. She didn't you idiot. Whining, petulant child. She shouldn't be in any sort of service industry, too thin skinned. Not sure what she'd be good at - trophy wife? Cannot believe she's a realtor.
  7. So Coto Insurance has a board of directors? And surprise, surprise, her son Michael is now on the board. Even Helen Keller would've seen that coming. And they all have to wear headsets at work? They have that many calls into an insurance agency? We have a regular call center where I work, so those folks will have headsets on most, if not all the time. A few others who are on long conference calls will wear headsets (and pace around - a big pet peeve) some times. Then when the partners or whomever they were cane into the meeting room, I saw Shah - and did a double take. I was like oh no, don't tell me it's a crossover with the Shahs show. I don't think it was. Michael looked just thrilled; he looks like a trapped animal. I bet he'd be happier working somewhere else. Peggy, you're a moron. Diko tried to squash the issue with David and Shannon. He basically tried to make nice. (You just know Diko is so pissed at her for blowing it and losing her orange.) Then Peggy says oh no I didn't say I was hurt. Cue editors with clip of her saying, "I was hurt, hurt, hurt". Then she says oh I said I was hurt. I'd be having such headaches being around her, from the constant whiplash. Yes, yes, yes. No, no, no. I just say GO, GO, GO. Translation: leave, scoot, vamoose, drive away in one of your cars, go by bye, Take Lydia with you. And the Coto President, too. Tamra, your daughter had you at the graduation, but I don't think she's ready for you to be back in her life full time. Not sure I blame her, either. Lydia was sure jumping on the Shannon is crazy train. Nice Christian values, but she wanted or needed a nice big paycheck. Shannon, you're better off without David. I think I might be screaming like a banshee with all these fake, crazy broads saying shit about me 24/7. Kelly, if you're that unhappy, get out. Do not take advice from Vicki about relationships. Just do not.
  8. Ok, I am watching this again (waiting for Orange County - yes, I have no life - actually postponing cleaning out the fridge). I carefully watched the close captioned condition Porsha said she has. Vasovagal syncope is what came up on google (not syndrome - I think she said syndrome). Anyhow, from the Mayo Clinic, it is related to low blood pressure, but triggers are when you see something that shocks you, causing fainting, like for some it's seeing blood. Causes can be a lot of things: standing for long periods of time, heat exposure, seeing blood, having blood drawn, fear of bodily injury, and straining as in a bowel movement. It says if you're feeling like you're going to faint, lie down, etc (I got this from the Mayo Clinic website, so I kind of take their information over Ms. Underground Railroad). If she didn't want to go, then just say it. If they were close friends, then yeah, it's kind of a shitty move, but I don't see Porsha as being a giving friend. Porsha is a spoiled child; it's all about her. If someone is kissing her ass, then she'll do their bidding. It's inconvenient for her to go to the wedding, she doesn't want to go, so she's not going to expend any energy on someone else. Sounds like Shamea's husband has family in Kenya, so it's not a let's just get married in an exotic destination wedding. Sure she could have gotten married in Atlanta, but she may be accommodating her husband - maybe he has a ton of family who absolutely could not get to the US for the ceremony. These women jump on a plane to go shopping, so I doubt it's a huge deal really to any of them.
  9. Ok, so Porsha says she's got some condition where she can't sit with her legs down for long periods of time. Uh, she couldn't get up and walk like every 30 minutes? I was thinking she can't afford first class tickets, but nah, if she wanted to go, she'd go. She'd find a way. Sell some of those expensive purses (if they're not knock offs), or she'd get a sugar daddy to fund the trip. Really boring. And I think I'd rather see Nene than Porsha. Porsha is just so stupid. I was ready to ask/say when she was throwing out all that food - I hope she's donating it to a food bank. Her grandfather founded the charity to help feed people. But we don't hear squat about that any more.
  10. Ok, the blurb from Kelly's blog makes sense. You get a case of the giggles, especially if you've been up for hours (plus drinking). Stupid shit will make you even laugh harder. Been there. But our Armenian princess apparently has never experienced it. You get slap happy. If she wanted an excuse as to why she went into the hallway, just say I heard a loud noise. Didn't have to be a baby crying for 10 minutes. She is stupid. She's not that popular, then she tries to stir shit by implying that Meghan is a bad mother. Oh I didn't say that.........yeah but you sure implied it. I'm sure that an English major would understand the subtleties of the language. Oh, wait. I took comparative literature classes in college, paired along with the English composition course. It was not a cakewalk, and I always did very well in English, Literature, History, etc (basically of the liberal arts). I don't see how Peggy could possibly have graduated with a major in English. Was it English for Armenian Dummies? Did she finish the book while in a library at UCLA? She was in the U.S. since 1 year old. I worked with someone who came to the U.S. as a teenager, who spoke better than Peggy. We have contractors from India who speak better than Peggy. She is stupid. She's either using the I don't speak that well (paired with I've got a degree in English from UCLA - doesn't compute), she truly doesn't speak well, or she's on something. I was reading elsewhere - some thought she appeared high or on something during her talk with Lydia. I thought all of the women were rude at the dinner. Not my cup of tea, but those singers were giving their all. They were very good, and it was disrespectful how they all acted. The loud SKOOOOOAL, and other BS was making fun or light of their heritage. I've performed on stage locally, and even with our productions, we rehearse and rehearse. It's beyond rude to have people yelling during performances, talking, coming in late, etc. Part of me is glad for Brianna getting away from the OC craziness, part is scared for her. She won't have her family support, and Ryan still scares me.
  11. Earth to Jen. Every job has routine things that have to be done. Even a music director told us (a huge chorus) that we had to do warm ups, the same damned warm ups (should do it daily), that it was a chore, just like cleaning a toilet. No one likes to do it, but it has to be done. Every job must have something. And Jenderella, you signed up to be a waitress and a maid (occasionally an entertainer). That is the job. It's not glamorous. It's not like charmed animals will come out and help you do your work like in a Disney movie. How does she get her shit done at home? I am thinking her parents are raising her kid, or doing the heavy lifting, while she does the fun stuff. Jen always wants to bitch or moan about something right at their busiest times. She has no common sense. None. Yes, let's discuss break times or whatever is bothering you at that moment instead of getting shit done for the luau which is in minutes. Jen had to have been a pampered little princess who never was told no, who has never grown up. Does Bruno want to be a steward? Why so pissy? Oh he thought the décor was awful for the luau. Maybe mention it before it was set up? Or offer an idea beforehand? No, it's easier to bitch after the fact. Or was he trying to be bitchy to get back at evil Kate for his friend Jen?
  12. Iola was a homebody, who identified more with the older crowd. She was a member of the CLL, which looked to be all older ladies. She was more at ease I think with older women - like dealing with a friendlier mother; Thelma was a nicer and more active version than her own mother. Basically, Iola was brought on as a replacement for the Fran character, since Rue had committed to Golden Girls (I think that is why she left - could've been another show). They gave Iola more color with her quirkiness - always wearing pink, the crush on Vint, the arts & crafts (which went a little nutty), the anger.
  13. Ken Berry actually started out as a dancer I think. He was in some talent grooming program for a major studio; they had a project lined up for him something like Frances the Talking Mule (or the tv version?). Anyhow, all of the projects that were going to be in place for him fell apart. He was being marketed or geared to be in the same type of roles as Donald O'Connor. I believe he also did shows in Las Vegas as well as maybe doing summer stock all around.
  14. One that always makes me laugh is the freeze dried cat episode, especially when Mama says, good lord Thelma get a hold of yourself, you're calling out to a dead cat. I also like the one where Thelma's uncle leaves her the parrot. The Thanksgiving Day episode was good, too. I wasn't thrilled with how they wrote Fran out. They could've had her get a job in another town, then Rue could have done guest appearances like Betty did. Iola was a more interesting character than Fran though. Bud and Sonya could've been a good idea, but either bad actors or bad writing for those characters. They also just never mentioned them again. Could have had different actors come back for a guest role after a few years. Bubba was a better character. The actresses who portrayed Eunice as a girl and as a teen were both excellent. Actually, the younger Iola was really good too.
  15. I caught the end of one episode on either Thursday or Friday (sorry don't remember the title), but the one bride I saw had an outdoor ceremony, looked like on a small patio. No seating, and she didn't walk down an aisle. Very odd. Then they went onto how the remaining scores were done, got to the part of each dress. One had a dress with tons of embellishment. Another one was more simple. Mrs. Embellishment said oh I hated her dress, she needed more on it (Mrs. Simple). I wanted to say no. The dress needs to suit the bride's personality, likes, figure/size. It also needs to fit well. Just because it wasn't bedazzled to death doesn't make it an awful dress. Maybe it's not suited to you, but it may be suited to the other bride. I tried to find the cold pizza bride online, and only saw glimpses. What I saw looked like a hot mess; kids having hissy fits, then you get cold pizza and warm soda. I went to one wedding that would've been a close second - travelled for hours to get there. All we had was cake and wax (home made) mints. Oh, there was punch (Hi C or Hawaiian Punch). Everything was done so poorly. I don't care if you have zero money for a ceremony or reception, but with people travelling hours to get there, it was not welcoming for any of the guests. I'd have taken the cold pizza. We hightailed it out of there so fast to find a restaurant, before we drove back another 4.5 hours. I think they just had guests to get presents, tbh. Only plus was no kids having hissy fits.
  16. I had to find the video for the Pennsylvania to the Hague. How did they not think that stairway up to the apartment wasn't a huge detriment? Just to get up and down, without carrying anything would be a struggle. What if there were a fire? I would've gone with the loft apartment. Big damned deal if it's a loft and has no door for the bedroom. If she goes to bed earlier, he can wear headphone and try to be quiet.
  17. So fucking annoyed again. Got something that was all super urgent yesterday at 5 fucking 30. Of course, everyone else on our fabulous team was long gone. Shit that another department in another location just didn't set up because it wasn't totally active yet. Didn't let anyone know. Now client was bitching. Fabulous. We require tickets for any updates, and again, I get the question what do you need to do the updates? Fairy dust. What do you think I need? Within two minutes I get a ticket, along with 3 or 4 other shitty tickets. Then I get a VP wanting to play 20 questions on how something has worked from day 1. I told him some basics, then he wanted to chat with me. Nope, sorry. I've got this now urgent stuff to do. It took me until after 7:30 p.m. to get it all done. Then I get a message, oh do you think we should've had all of those added since some aren't fully active yet? I just said they're all set up now. Like the end. I'm not going back to redo or delete. Sent out another piece of crap to another VP; wanted system settings changed when it wasn't needed. Turns out his team set up shit wrong. Played 20 questions with him. So are you changing the settings? Changing what? System settings are good. I almost highlighted, and said see below. Asswipe. Dip was moaning about new setup - 1 new set up that could be done in a day. She said 10 days was not enough time. Client is expecting it to be live. This should be good. Now, I get more on the urgent updates from yesterday. Department that is in another location didn't respond to request for a report. I said I'd look to see what's available, and it's nothing. We have no reporting. Fantastic. So then this douchebag sends me back here's where the names have changed since it was setup (by the other department). Of course, that other department has now dumped the set ups on our team. I got it at 3:45 p.m. and they've had the info all damned day. Nope, I'm not doing it today. I know this douchebag will be out of the office no later than 4:30. So they expect me to stay late? Nope, not today. The names have been wrong since August. We've got a new team member who they're pulling into do special projects. Friend of the boss. How fucking nice. Gets to work on projects and I'm left handling day to day or the big shit that they don't trust anyone else to handle. Boss just said oh we (meaning me) need to work on year end planning. Why don't you have your buddy do it? Buddy is a smoker, and takes at least a dozen breaks a day. Comes in at the crack of dawn, and when I logged in today, first thing I saw from them was timestamped at 8 a.m. So what do they do from 6 to 8. Nothing. I'm so going to play the lottery this weekend.
  18. Ok, does anyone think that Vicki used her being hungover/jetlagged/worn out from partying to garner sympathy as a way to cement herself back into the group? I think she was sick - just throwing up/nauseous and then maybe thought hey I can use this to my advantage. Maybe she does it all the time. I've got a splinter - I need a casserole!! She has to know that if she's only filming with a couple of folks, she could be on the chopping block. While Kelly and Tamra are or were dependent upon the men in their lives for financial purposes, I don't see them asking their men, hey should I do this or that for every damned thing. Go to the hospital or don't. You can't make that decision on your own? Then the I'll have my husband call your husband? Tamra has always fought her own battles when needed, I think the same goes for Kelly. That remark is some akin to "I'm gonna tell Mom!" Or is Peggy really that committed to the Armenian schtick - Armenian women always yield to the wishes/commands of our men/husbands? Sure don't see that from our most infamous Armenian family - the Kartrashians. They do whatever they want, men be damned. Just waiting for the line next week how Armenian mothers are the best (or some variation). Peggy needs to exit now, and no she doesn't need to ask Dicko first.
  19. Gia FTW. She's more mature than the adults on this show. Danielle is a shit stirrer; I do think that she's waiting and going to get her revenge on Teresa. Dolores would do better just to ignore her, but then she'd be 'boring' and off the show. Siggy is a piece of work. When she said she asked to come back to the U.S. after her family moved back to Israel, why did I think it was more than ask? I am thinking it was endless god-awful whining non stop to where her parents were like go back to the U.S. already. When her parents were saying that she needed to her let son go, just like they let her go, she had such a stankface. I'm sure she's used to getting her way all the time, has to be the center of attention all the time. It would be so tiring to be around her for more than maybe 30 minutes. I think Siggy needs to get a cake - sort of like the pie from The Help. Her explanation on WWHL on her rude behavior during her party, was basically it's my own house, I can do whatever I please. It's not in public, like a restaurant. The caller said - 1. there were 5 women at the table, yet you singled out Melissa to humiliate, 2. cake was eaten (everyone had a slice, not like they were going to bronze the damned thing - my .02) so what's the harm in having some fun, 3. no one was really around where they were seated, 4. it was a gift and stopped being "your cake" as soon as you presented it - get it a present. She tried to say Melissa was a guest in your home and you called her out in front of how many people over a cake? Siggy - if you invite someone to your home, you are to treat them as a guest, not interrogate and/or humiliate them. You're a counselor, supposedly. This is not going to help your business one bit. To take relationship advice from you is like taking financial planning advice from the Guidices. When she asked the guests in her home, yelling, if they thought it was rude to raise their hand..........did the women look scared? Like sure, I'll raise my hand, don't cut me you crazy bitch!! Margaret, lose the pigtails. SIGGY - a message to you - for the love of God -
  20. These guests were the skankiest ever. Did anyone get the feeling that they were into some kinky stuff? I just felt dirty every time they were on screen. The fiancée actually asked if they could get "one of those" - meaning a chef. Sugar Daddy said sure. And she was confused "AF" about lunch - was that the real lunch or just part of a lunch or .........? Good grief. It was a large salad, how could that not be a real meal? Oh, wait she was getting drunk AF. If any of their friends watched the show, I'm sure they though it was all funny. Just my opinion but any real friends of theirs are also skanky (AF). Nico, you're obnoxious AF (tm fiancée), not all that cute, and a dumbass. The tent or canopy blowing over on the beach was priceless, after all his I should be the bosun whining. The guests were the whiniest whiners ever. I'm missing all the good sun. Hey, dumbass, there's a deck full of lounge chairs. Have at it. Make the best of it. You're in paradise. But no, let's whine some more. Can you imagine if the weather was bad? "Oh, I HATE this. Can we goooooo? I wanna put on my swimsuit. Whyyyyy can't we go to the beach? When is the weather going to clear up? But whennn? Can we get another cruise with better weather?? Oh I HATE this!" Insert a couple of random AF's, of course. I think that the skank couple picked on Jen because she seemed like an easy mark. They didn't try anything with Bri, who seems to be able to think on her feet a bit more. Kate should have reported it to the Captain, not sure what they can do that this point, but screw the tip. I kind of understand what Kate was saying - Jen didn't know how to handle it, but Kate step up and help her. That's your job. Wouldn't their contract for the charter lay out some rules, such as we do not permit xxxxx - like no sexual contact with the crew, etc. What if the drunk (AF) guests did damage to the yacht? Is there something that holds them liable or is there some sort of deposit? I was thinking that if there is inappropriate remarks or actions on behalf of the charter guests towards the crew, then they wouldn't get the deposit back, some sort of monetary penalty. What if they had made racial or sexual slurs towards the crew? There has to be some protections in place for the crew.
  21. Well, I was so angry today I was shaking. There was a demo for the one system/app where Dip is supposedly the expert. I've asked questions so I'm more familiar with it, and the knowledge pool is shallow there. Like a kiddie pool at best. So the app is shitty, and it's been on the list for a do-over. I never saw the announcement, but there was a demo for the new improved shitty app today. Dip is on the demo, along with some new people, and a couple of project managers. Dip leaves immediately afterwards, after all it was 5 minutes after her regular quitting time!! One PM comes over and says already left? Yep. I said well it's nice that I was not included. PM looked dumbfounded. You weren't invited? Well, maybe because it's just the first demo of what they're planning on doing.........I said whatever. I am just stuck with doing all the actual work, so sick of it. Well this PM has been known to blab back to Dip, and I hope they do. If Dip says anything, I plan on saying well, if we have an issue when you've left for the day with new and improved app, and I have zero training, I'll just give them your home and/or cell number, since you clearly want to handle it all by yourself. It's purely a way that she thinks she's saving her job - if she's the only one who knows it, then they can't fire her. Same stunt that she's pulled for a long time now. Now I'm cool as a cucumber. You want it, then you can handle every issue that comes along with that app. Do not expect any help from me. Oh, and by the way, you just pissed off the wrong person, Dip.
  22. @emma675, submit the resignation on Monday. I had a horrible job quite a while back. We had zero work. I mean nothing to do. I spoke with someone in another department, same deal. People were ok, not real friendly, but I don't need to be best friends with co-workers. It was so boring; you'd think it'd be a cake walk, but it was mind numbing. I had been interviewing on/off with another company, and the HR person was working with me for a while to find a good fit. I had panicked due to unemployment almost running out (I had worked for one of those large corporations that had gone bankrupt, due to management greed). I should have waited a few months, but hindsight and all........ Anyhow, the company came through with an offer, and my direct boss was on vacation. Rarely saw this person, as she worked from home 100% of the time because she had two small children. I shit you not, she talked management into her working remote every evening when the kids were asleep. I never saw but maybe a grand total of 6 emails from her in a 4 month period. The new job was to start in a definite 2 weeks (they had basic training they wanted me to attend). I had no choice but to call this boss while she was on vacation, and I said I'd also sent her my resignation letter via email. Honestly, since she was remote, no way to get to her other than to drive to her house, I guess. She came in on my final day to learn the system I'd learned (it was so easy - I learned it within a couple of days); she'd never bothered to learn anything about it. I left at noon. I was never so happy in all my life! Even if you have to submit it to the boss' boss or even HR, do it. Don't look back. The big laugh of the week came from possibly the rudest person in our company touting the virtues of an email etiquette course. This is someone who will yell at you across a room, slam the phone down on co-workers, write borderline illiterate emails talk loudly about private parties that only a few people are invited to, then says how everyone should take this course. Pot meet kettle. Yeah, I'll take it when management buys her a muzzle.
  23. This episode was on again today, which I saw for the first time. I had to search to see if there were any updates since 2015. Sarah worked with her local rep to get it into state law that the wronged party can sue the person stealing pictures and identity online (where no money taken just identity, such in this case). I think she was planning to sue or did sue Ashley. Good for Sarah. And what I found was that Ashley took old stuff off of My Space. Damn. I did a quick search and neither seemed to have Facebook accounts (Sarah or Ashley). I did find an article where someone else had done a background on Ashley; she was arrested for larceny (seemed like petty theft) and for drug paraphernalia found in her car (I think it was her car). Along with that they also found a small amount of black tar heroin. I was like holy shit, this chick is more dangerous than what was shown. I would seriously be moving and keeping everything secret - off line if I were Sarah, delete every account anywhere. Then I remembered that Ashley had posted stuff of Sarah's family, so she probably knew all the details about them. Scary. I may be old fashioned, but I don't post a lot of personal shit online. I thought it was dangerous for the tv crew to confront Ashley. They certainly didn't seem to help Sarah too much. Good for her that she then got some resolution on her own.
  24. Whatever the "Judge's" name is on Paternity Court. I have a lot of tv on when I work from home, and sometimes I am in the middle of something and don't change the channel immediately when this horrible show comes on air. Just read the results, but no Judge has to question the two parties, getting into when the mother and potential baby daddy slept together. She'll pull in medical professionals as to whether it's possible to get pregnant given whatever the condition of the day is. All could be solved by READING THE RESULTS. Then she feels the need to lecture the parties on how they need to come together for the child, or how the mother needs to find the daddy, or how they need to do something else. She's just a "Judge". So sanctimonious. Read the results, then have it put into the records. The end. Maury does the same stuff, but he's not billing it as a court show and he's not acting like a judge. Plus, he moves them in and out. Paternity Court has one reveal per 30 minutes. I don't understand why people don't go to a real court, or some medical facility. I guess they want their 15 minutes of fame. Used to Love the Fixer Upper Couple. Now they grate on my last nerve. Chip acts like a damned fool. Joanna has the same designs, and everything has shiplap. I now avoid the show like the plague.
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