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Everything posted by hoosier80

  1. Wow. The mom who was on today just needs to give custody of both girls to the grandma. Go off with the abuser, baby daddy. She's not at all interested in those girls. A baby can get shaken baby syndrome from bouncing on a knee? And many people have been convicted for just handling a premie roughly. Right. She bought everything the BFF told her - she's been 'dickmatized' by him. And Phil, telling this abuser he's going to be the center of attention, and everyone will be watching him, coming for him - why are you giving him advice? Tell him to man up and not be an abusive jackass? Maybe send his ass to some center to deal with his anger management issues? Did he even offer up counseling for the girls and grandma? Mom is delusional; she's like a teenager in love with her first boyfriend, believing everything he says, so not sure there's any hope for her.
  2. Watched an episode (repeat) because bored and sick. Tyler was saying how his therapist was saying they needed to go though a checklist and Cate needed to watch some old episodes to see his point of view, what he actually went through. 'Why should I have to watch and be all sad again?' Uh, if you really love someone, you would help them get through whatever, no matter how inconvenienced or sad o uncomfortable it was for you. It's not all about you. Not a huge Tyler fan, but damn. I think Cate is truly just suffering guilt over putting the first child up for adoption. They now have the means to have kept her, and I am betting she is blaming Tyler (plus other relatives) for 'pushing' her into that decision. I don't see any tremendous mothering instincts from her. She is going to stay with Tyler, because first of all, she feels like he owes her. I think she's actually a narcissist. She's fine if the attention is on her; she plays the martyr card a lot. She only seems to have kids for other reasons - mainly I think so she can say she's a good mom and look what a strong marriage we have. Of course, he loves me - we have had more kids. She goes off for her illness, and it's all about her. They're very much co-dependent. She's guilted Tyler into staying. Plus, as someone mentioned, if he left her, with her being ill, he'd get a ton of bad press. I don't think he's strong enough to stand up to her or to take public criticism. People who have mental illness do have children, Tyler. That doesn't make a great decision. If she were recovering, which I don't really see, then fine. The little clip from behind the tv show, where she said that some things need to be said only between her and Tyler - and gave a major side eye was very telling to me. She must guilt trip him on a regular basis. Having a narcissist in my family, I can kind of see the signs. Never ending guilt trips and no matter what you do, it's never enough. Betting if she did go into counseling with Tyler, a competent doctor would diagnose her for more than depressions or PTSD. She's enjoying this pregnancy because all attention is on her - parties, cute pictures, etc. When the baby's born, back to depression and the spa. And the comment about not being a boy, just showed her ignorance. That comment will be out on the internet forever now. Nice going. Poor little not-Carly 2.
  3. Someone said maybe the reason she wanted her she shed was to lock herself in there to try and hide out when UBT has one of his rages. (Could also be her drug/booze den). Sadly, I don' think that little shed will stop him, I flashed on him setting the shed on fire or him shooting through the door, etc. I just see this ending badly with someone seriously injured or dead and UBT (and/or Jenelle) in prison. If one of the kids (God forbid) are seriously hurt or killed, Jenelle could be looking at charges, too. She's an idiot. Are the rest of Barb's kids (Jenelle's siblings) as bad as Jenelle? Wouldn't they have gone through the same abuse or witnessed the same stuff? I am thinking Jenelle already had issues or is using the abuse card in the past for her shitty lifestyle and decisions now. I think that booze and drugs are playing a huge part in their lives now. He probably did the 'baby I didn't mean it, I was just drunk/high' and the ever popular 'you know you shouldn't do/say/wear that because it pisses me off' (aka it's your fault I hit/strangled/choked/beat/stabbed you).
  4. This is going to end badly. He's going to really strangle her or beat her to death. He's got access to boats, too. He could easily dump her offshore. The only thing is I doubt he'd get away with it; much smarter people have tried to cover up or commit the perfect crime and are now in jail. He's an incredibly ignorant and stupid person, so he'd better be getting used to the color orange. She's an idiot for not pressing charges. I don't care if she financially cannot handle it now , she needs to leave him. Broke is better than dead. If she gave a shit about her kids, she'd have them living elsewhere. Even if they're not physically harmed, the psychological damage is enormous. The whole thing about no weapons, just wrong. Hopefully, the local police already know the score with these two fools.
  5. Well, this should be good. The wannabe Queen Bee (who is buds with the boss) majorly fucked up. Big time fucked up. Client did not want to participate in event, removing old data. Yep, data is gone. QB was the lead on it. I'd asked if she wanted to go over it, for one specific client. Nope,, she and Dip had it covered. Okie dokie then. (A list is produced ahead of time by programming for the lead person to review and say yay or nay- QB said yay). Fast forward a month later and yeah, it was wrong. Not easy to restore data. Waiting for that bus to try to roll over me, but I've not been involved in this for at least 4 years now. Try it QB, try it. It was another thing that was "pretty easy". Last time QB said that she jacked up one of my processes, which took two days to correct. I've not asked for her help since.
  6. I saw part of the show, but didn't stick it out long enough to see them in another shore house. Boring.
  7. Bravo could also get into merchandising for the episode - a set of Below Deck - Tre & Juicy barf bags. I feel sorry for the kids. Those two crooks knew what they were doing. I remember her going to Joe, and his peeling out a wad of cash. Right then, something seemed very off to me. Even your most savvy businessmen, real entrepreneurs wouldn't carry that much cash around, nor pay in cash. They did the same for the movers as they moved into Chez Juicy, the tackiest McMansion ever! And she spent big money on the girls at some kiddie boutique. All with ill gotten gains. They knew full and well what they were doing. Tre can stop spouting the I didn't read the papers before I signed BS. Probably been grifting for a long time. At least those vendors got paid in cash, more than the other folks that were ripped off and haven't been paid to date. So what does Joe do in Italy? Open one of his "businesses"? Does he sue Tre for spousal support when she files for divorce?
  8. I just thought Juicy Joe was lazy, couldn't be bothered with studying and taking a citizenship test. I also thought he wasn't very well educated, so not sure how he'd fare in even taking the test.
  9. Well, I was irritated again today. We have freaking balloons and other crap hanging from the ceiling. There are table type decorations, like for a real 'couple' anniversary with tinsel. Yippee. Then, that wasn't enough I guess, so they put 8 X 10 printouts with the logo for the anniversary up on a wall - an entire wall. Then someone had to go out and get more tissue type decorations and put those up on that wall. There were 5 to 6 people involved in that decorating endeavor. I was like so if they're pissing around all day, then watch me do diddly squat. I was guilted into making some food dish for the carry in deal. I found something easy peasy to do - just chop one item, stir in a few more, and voila! I honestly started looking at linkedin recommendations on other jobs. They honestly didn't sound interesting and possibly worse than what I have now.
  10. Just really annoyed today. The corporate 'celebration' (anniversary of their inception) is almost upon us. The ass kissing emails were just so over the top. We get an overall email, then one from our boss, who logged in over the weekend to send it out, then one from overall site head, then one thanking the site head...……...blech. They're holding a contest for best party food. Bring in your best recipe. Ok, this just really gets my goat (maybe I'm odd). It's your fucking celebration, yet you want me to go to the grocery, buy ingredients with my own money, then take the time to make it and haul it into the office for a chance to win a shitty prize (most likely just the winners will be announced via email - getting absolutely nothing really). Then they're holding raffles, which again cost us money to enter (all proceeds to charities they have chosen). Now the charities are not awful, but the prizes are nothing I would want - corporate shirts and crap like that. Pass. The enormous ass kissing going on is just almost out of a movie parody, it's so over the top. I was like maybe I should buy some ready made wings or do a quick dip with sour cream and onion soup mix. Yeah I slaved over it. They have real morale problems and again, they're putting lipstick on a pig. Just gets you an angry pig with red lips.
  11. Just saw a show where the grandmother was suing her grandchildren's dad over clothing. The mom and kids lived with her, dad had shared custody. She bought the kids around 1k in clothing, said she'd drop them off with 'nice' clothing, and they'd return with 'bad' clothing. The one kid was 15 (not sure if one or more grandkid). She said she ironed the clothing before it was worn to school, she'd done that with her own kids. Grandma, the kid is ditching the clothing. No teenager has ironed clothes. I drive by schools on my way to/from work. It's all jeans, distressed looking clothing for the most part. Why didn't she ask the 15 year old where the clothes ended up? He didn't want to wear the stuff. JJ told her to mind her own business, the clothing was a gift, she couldn't sue the dad. The mom sat there and didn't say one word. Yeah, Grandma rules that roost. Not sure why JJ didn't as if Grandma had asked the 15 year old where the clothing was. Bet he knew where all of his electronic devices and accessories were.
  12. Call me cynical, but I'm wondering if this wasn't some sort of PR stunt. Jenni has no storyline, except her yelling at Ron, fake fighting with Snooki over Angelina, and being po'd at Angelina for heaven knows what. (And I'm sure Angelina posted that Jersey Whore image on Twitter just to have a storyline for herself).
  13. The big fight shows were on again last evening/early morning. It started with Ron being pissed off at Sam, but he wouldn't tell her why he was so upset. She kept asking, which an older and wiser Sam might have backed off, but all she did was ask what did I do? He kept saying he wanted to be left alone, but not to her - to the camera. He went from pouting in his bed, to getting angry, as she just asked, so do you not want to be with me? Answer me what do you want? (Again, maybe not the correct time to ask, but totally not an unreasonable question). It just kept escalating, where I think perhaps a more mature person would have walked away. The thing that struck me was how Sam kept asking what did I do, what did I do now - as in he'd told her before she did this or that that made him all pissed off. Then he said at some point she drove him to cheat on her in Miami. Typical blaming the victim shit from an abuser. After coming back from the club, where Sam dared to dance with some hot guys, Ron said he at least had the decency to cheat on her while she wasn't around or there. Say what? He was decent with his cheating. I think if you're going to do something, being upfront about it is more honest and truthful. The other girls egged her on, too. They could have said, let's just chill at home, let him act the fool tonight. Plus, tell her - do NOT be with him. He is not good for you! (Now they're saying the fault with Ron's current 'troubles' is all his "crazy" GF Jen. Not saying she's not crazy, but he bring a boatload of crazy along with him). The Ron worship, he's really a good guy - how do these girls/women still say that? Even Mike, in his boozing/drug addled state, knew enough to say what Ron did was wrong. He then backtracked on it to Ron as he didn't want a full blown fight, as Ron was all amped to fight him.
  14. Is the prison more like what Martha Stewart went to? If so, I would think Mike can get through it ok. Made me sad, because he's come a long way from where he was a couple of years ago. I was also thinking how I would rather associate with Mike than Ron, even with him being a convicted felon. Ron is just so angry, has really deep issues. I could see Ron being secretly happy at the verdict. He always has seemed jealous of Mike.
  15. I think in the original shows, some of the time they were so drunk or high, that they lost any restraint of trying to show their "good" sides only, so it was more real. Certainly some of the fights were not scripted (the bar fights and the Sam/Ron drama). It's so boring now. Going back to the original shore house was a nice trip down memory lane, but that's all it was. They came in with no spouses, girlfriends, kids, or images to maintain. Angelina S1 had a boyfriend, which is her reason/excuse why she left early (tbh didn't seem much of a relationship).
  16. So the shit continues. The newest person on the team, who is friends with the boss (insert eye roll here), is getting 'fun' little tasks. Took away stuff from one person who's been working on this for almost a year, a corporate 'celebration' (gag me). Anyhow, I've been working my ass off for the past two days, and this person who so wants to be a Queen Bee, has a meeting/call with some volunteers she gathered for the upcoming events. It's like raffles, food, that kind of stuff. Oh they're decorating with those cheap paper lanterns you put out around your patio in the summer, plus other crap (which I'm sure is as cheap as they can get). Just a regular old coffee clutch going on right by, as I'm trying to get shit done. I was so irritated. And the one person that had stuff taken away, wasn't informed. They gave the BS excuse they thought that this person was overwhelmed. This person didn't take it laying down, asked who/what decided this, plus did NOT let me know? And, if I'm overwhelmed, why didn't you ask what I needed help in doing? They got more BS responses. Concerned that the Queen Bee wants her job, but I was like nah. She wants the fun portion of your job. Queenie also felt the need to open packages on this other person's desk (while they were out at lunch), because she thought it was related to this celebration. It was, but was addressed to the other person. Had multiple packages, some related to real business needs, so of course, didn't touch that stuff. I'm like damn, just find a cruise ship (even a booze cruise) and be a cruise director already. Or go be a party planner. The thing is we have big events coming up (not this party shit), that Queenie and the Dip are supposed to be handling. Neither one has asked a damned thing. Oh, well. And we have to have a meeting to go over the many errors that have been occurring. What errors? Oh, Dip at work. I kept returning stuff I'd checked that Dip had "completed". Yeah you didn't finish 1, 2, 3, 4. I'd get it back with 1 done. Yeah you missed the rest. Three 'do-overs' later it was ok. Except it wasn't. When the stuff wasn't complete, like missing 2, 3, 4, Dip made the updates on a completely different client. Like it was client 9502, and she updated 1753. Numbers and names not even close. Then Dip left something not done; someone else asked me about the upcoming event list, nope I don't do that. I asked Dip who was deep into vacation mode, do you have it? Nope. Literally the response was, "I do not". Well it happens before you return from vacation, are you doing it or does someone else (aka me) need to do it? All of a sudden this list is hurriedly sent out. Of course, wrong. I spent over 3 hours yesterday on it. Queenie gets it after I asked her to check it, and she sends it out! Boss is like WTF is going on here. I am going to let him know. I've had it.
  17. My spidey sense tells me something is up with my illustrious co-worker, the Dip. They're out again, vacationing down south. Second trip south this year. I'm thinking scouting for retirement home (maybe it's wishful thinking). Then, having minor surgeries, which they've made out into a drama filled event. I'm betting they will be out when one system event happens that they're scheduled to cover. Two major things jacked up by the Dip recently. Just being careless. In the past, Dip would be stressing but kind of oh whatever attitude. I am thinking Dip is going to retire soon. Then the other person on team continues to try and take tasks away from another person on team (but has a totally different function). That person said I think they're after my job. Nope. They just want the 'fun' portions. I was ready to ask why in the fuck these people come in so early. Dip was in one day at 5 a.m. No requests until way after 7:30 a.m. So dicking around for over 2 hours. Dip is behind on projects, so not like that was being done. Boss is completely off site now. Rarely holds team meetings, could honestly give a shit. Corporation did overall anonymous annual employee questionnaires. Results for our site were awful. Management tried to paint it as oh not too bad. Yeah, just like the Titanic was just a little mishap. Managers have been moved around a bit, because some groups named names as to whom was the shittiest managers. I kept my responses very short, bullet point-like, but no specific names. Most of management is bad anyhow. Interesting to see how much ass will be kissed now.
  18. I think even these Neanderthals could figure out how to use Keurig (or something similar). Pour in the water, plop in the cup or pod, press da button. Voila, coffee in a few minutes. And yes, they do have Dunkin' and other brands. She's whining about coffee when some people there have nowhere to live. So much for her pray for Carolina, good Samaritan, St Jenelle of the Land, posts. Back to normal, selfish, oblivious, Jenelle.
  19. I was watching (sort of) while on the phone with my mom, who's the DWTS fan. I saw performances from Bobby Bones going forward. Most did ok to very good, with Grocery Joe being meh. Unless he has a big fanbase, he may be going (or perhaps the comedienne). John Schneider did ok; I thought he was in musical theatre, so I thought he'd be better than he was. Nancy did well, I just was preoccupied with her dress. It made her look heavier than she is and dowdy.
  20. Local Fox affiliate added this show to their daily lineup, replacing Jerry Springer. I'd rather watch Springer. Just awful show produced by Dr Phil and his son. Awful.
  21. You can always replace things, but not your life or your family's life. I was reading, before the hurricane hit, on another message board. People who'd stayed behind for hurricanes (less strong than this one), listed out what people should do ahead of time. I'm sure that UBT and Jenelle didn't do half of the things listed. Some said, get your kids, get your pets, load up shit you can't replace (pictures), plus clothes and some food/water, and get the fuck out of there now! A friend and I were talking about it, even an idiot co-worker agreed. If they even mentioned the word evacuate, we'd be packing up and leaving. Even if it was voluntary, I think I'd be like nah, I'm leaving. Kills me that they are low on food. She has at least two kids there all the time. No peanut butter? Peanut butter and crackers. (Assuming kids not allergic to peanuts). Soup, canned pasta, canned vegetables, canned fruit, tuna, sardines, Vienna sausages, Spam, etc. They thought it'd be 'fun' to stay there, an adventure. They were posting all sorts of he-man type shit ahead of the storm. I thought they were one with The Land, prepper types. All it says is they are posers, wannabes. They're too lazy to actually do anything. The thing is, they had the means to get away. Now they are adding to the problem. There are people who couldn't get away, for whatever reasons. They are now using up resources that these people absolutely need. I also read that the NWS is watching 4 more tropical depressions/storms. One would be on a trajectory for the Carolinas if it holds together. At best, it dissipates or goes on another track. It could also be another hurricane, or a tropical storm. Hopefully, for everyone else's sake (other than UBT and Jenelle - sorry, can't muster any sympathy right now for them), it goes elsewhere or dissipates.
  22. I found the "mom's" facebook page. It is one long big rant. They lied, it's all lies! She hates Phil, it was all scripted! She never shut up once. She didn't take him up on the offers of treatment - lies, lies, lies! The thing is, maybe (big maybe) her family has been shitty to her. Daughter doesn't seem nasty (even with what Mom has posted), not sure about the sister. But Phil was right, her outrageous behavior/reaction to it all just overshadows anything the family may have done. All they see are the antics and rants by this woman. I She posted she had a therapist where she lives, who is wonderful. Uh, she's not made any progress. The daughter has nothing on her page. "Mom" has copies of text messages with the daughter, who is nothing but trying to be kind to the 'mom'. Then 'mom' said she didn't know squat about the wedding (it was on 9/8/18), and then says oh I'm not into picking out wedding dresses anyways (later on in another post). She was ranting a good 2 weeks before the episode aired. How in the world did she know how it would be edited? Apparently, on her husband's side of the family, she's had problems with her SIL, something about court or whatever. If there are that many people "against" you, hmmmmm?? There are a few people on her page, who are her cheerleaders. And she posts motivational crap - some about forgiveness - which is ironic. She also posted a pic of someone she said took away her virginity when she was 12. She's obviously one who stirs the pot, is in court a lot. She is also moving (is married since 2004), says she's shutting down this facebook and starting one with a new name. Great - so family - watch it if you get a friend request.
  23. These people are so freaking stupid. Of course, the stores won't be restocked. If you can't get through then the trucks that supply the stores cannot get through. Does she think the food fairy flies in every night, and poof, the store is restocked?? Even if the forecast here is for a dusting to a couple of inches of snow, I will stop at the grocery, make sure I have batteries, etc. I've seen it go from dusting to holy crap we have 8+ inches of snow, or it's an ice storm. No thanks, I prefer to stay in and off any icy roads (having a car totaled through no fault of my own with maybe an inch of snow on the ground makes me a little wary). That house surely has a pantry or some area to store items? If I have room in my small, modest home, surely there is room in her manse on The Land. The Ohio National Guard was just activated yesterday to go to North Carolina to help, so the Yankees have not all left. Moron. He also said something stupid (well he was talking so go figure) during that "we're going to be rescuing people" video. He or someone else said oh are those guys (actual rescue crew) from Canada? Someone said no, they're from Illinois (spoken as Illi-NOISE). UBT, I think said, well just might as well be Canada, huh huh huh huh (laughing like a dork). Who cares where they are from? They are actually helping, while all you do is drive around and film, you wannabe he-man. He really looks like a sasquatch in the pictures where he's busy with the chainsaw. Yuck.
  24. As I saw her video, I was thinking, didn't LE tell everyone to STAY AT HOME? The last thing they need is idiots driving around. Must've ran out of hot dogs or Vienna sausages? (Or drugs.....) They should have stockpiled the food and gas as soon as the decision was made to stay there. I even buy ahead of a minor snow storm here, because you just never know. Heck I stock ahead so I don't have to go out to the grocery like over the weekend, so I can stay and chill at home. Saw this gem. Idiot thinks he's going to be rescuing people. He's like the guy who watches a fire being put out by real firemen, thinking he would know better how to do the professionals' job. "We're professional scuba divers". :::crickets:::: You know the real rescue crew is thinking, dude, go home. We have actual important work to do here.
  25. Just saw parts of their county has major flooding, guess that is closer to the one river. But there are also pictures of sink holes, which I would think could happen on The Land. The ground everywhere in the region has to be saturated, whether it's just ponding or major flooding by you. I doubt there was a shark or dolphin, but snakes and other critters are very likely. Plus, is there's the danger of the toxins in the flooding waters. And if The Land starts to flood, hopefully they have the generator on something - not the ground. I read that you can get little tents or shelters for the generators. Then, you'd also have to make sure any extension cords were not in any water. Her last posts have her seemingly taking this more seriously. If there is a next time, maybe they'd consider evacuating? Go to a nice hotel with a pool and all sorts of stuff to keep busy. There's a whole motel/water park (inside) up in this area, so I'd think those are around closer to her. Or go to some place with an arcade or something else to do. She has some money, still. Make a vacation out of it. The way the little girl grabbed the food, made me think - has she not been fed in a while? She certainly grabbed that hot dog/Vienna sausage - whatever it was, and started to maw on it within seconds.
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