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Everything posted by DietCokeJunkie

  1. Hmm. I was bored during Laci’s and Alyssa’s performances. I am never bored during Uche’s. Oh well. And why would the judges criticize Uche for an obscure song choice but no one else? Who ever heard that song from Lane before?
  2. After we heard that Elton John sent Jeremiah a message upon hearing Jer sing his song, I laughed when not a word was said about Eddie Island getting a message. Very telling.
  3. I wish Ashley had made it through, but the rest I’m happy with. And while I’m glad Lionel saved Uche, that kid has to toughen up. What happens on American Idol is in no way a reflection on him as a person. I hope they get him some counseling.
  4. The four who could go are Eddie Island, Evelyn, Riley and .... A few people I could easily put in the fourth elimination spot, but some of them have big followings and I don't want to set people off 😉 I think Jeremiah's got the strongest/purest voice, but I wish someone would help him with song choice. And on that note, I must be the only person in the world who finds the lyrics to "Fix You" ingratiating and insulting.
  5. Well, I had never heard of Cynthia Erivo before last night, and now I am a huge fan. She’s a beautiful singer and presence. It’s not always the biggest names that are the best (exhibit A: the Kardashians).
  6. So many stunning performances tonight. Jeremiah and Cynthia were transcendent. I also loved Alejandro and Ben Harper and Demetrius and Lukas Graham. I would have kept Raquel and sent Eddie Island home.
  7. Nothing as dramatic as people are guessing. I'm pretty sure it's that
  8. Elle King was not a very good duet partner. Why would she pick a song for Shawn that he said he wasn’t comfortable with? I kind of figured Shawn and the blonde girl who was drowned out by Pat Benatar were going. I agree with the person above who said it was a great performance from Bumbly—too bad she didn’t shine earlier than tonight.
  9. Kai was upset, but Katy said very nice things to her about not being ready and she seemed to get it. I agree that she showed a lot of growth from the auditions. Yes, that’s Jeremiah. I think the parents want nothing to do with him since he came out. Makes me sick. I don’t understand how parents can do that. His voice is so beautiful. I’m really rooting for him. Uche sang Play that Funky Music White Boy. He’s got personality plus! Love to watch him.
  10. She didn’t, and I thought she sounded good. I guess the trip to Hawaii (seemingly with a guest) made eliminations a little less devestating for some. At least everyone got a nice vacation. Jeremiah is my favorite. Listening to him talk about how he’s not what his parents expected just broke my heart. I hope he wins it all. And Uche was fun! Hope he sticks around a long time.
  11. I missed the last 20 minutes. Did Eddie Island make it through?
  12. Sometimes a sanctimonious “I’ve forgiven her” followed by lots of indignant posturing doesn’t mean what it seems to. And her “I was being groomed” was ridiculous. Even Whoopi interrupted with an incredulous “I hope you mean she was brushing your hair.”
  13. Careful, UYI, or Bitsy will tell people you have a crush on her and accuse you of grooming.
  14. But did you see when Joy said that, Bitsy gave a “yeah, I don’t know about that,” which indicates to me that she did carry it over beyond the stage, probably behind Joy’s back. I’m sure she was in talks with the producers to keep the animosity ramped up for fireworks to pull in viewers.
  15. Well, according to Bits, they do want her back. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.tennessean.com/amp/3265884002
  16. Was she planning on reading excerpts, I wonder? And is this part of a new persona, to carry her Bible wherever she goes? Saints preserve us from these hypocrites who wave their Bibles at everyone.
  17. What was Bitsy carrying when she came out? It looked like a purse and a Bible. Lordy, I have not missed her in the least.
  18. Juan Pablo was so cocky. I just knew his room wasn't going through. I was so happy that little Kai (whose church took up a collection for her and thought an escalator was called an Escalade) made it through to Hawaii. That girl needs to see more of the world. And the coach (Kat McPhee's sister? Is that who she is?) was so mean to poor sick Nate Walker. If the big Wade guy can get sent through after forgetting all his words, they can certainly give Nate a pass for being sick .
  19. I thought Susan Boyle sounded shrill tonight. It’s too bad because I’m usually pulling for her. A number of the singers were just meh—Cristina, Kechi, Angelica, Paul. Sand artist for the win!
  20. He said that the whisky tasted like home. I never watch without subtitles, lol
  21. He did though. He basically said she lied about the whole thing and was a damn whore and jumping to the worst conclusions possible about *her*. THAT is why she's mad at him, not the misunderstanding. I can't believe everyone's missing that. But he didn't mean those things he said to Bree. He was saying those things to get her mad so she would fight back against him, just like Claire pretended to be Black Jack Randall to help Jamie process and recover from his rape. I thought that Bree understood that when she broke down in his arms, and the anger after the Great Misunderstanding was only about what happened to Roger.
  22. This was a really good episode, and finally the actors playing Ian and Brianna are growing on me. One small annoyance: whenever the family is sitting around the table sharing good times, there is music that plays that sounds like it's right out of an episode of Little House on the Prairie. It's treacly sweet and takes me right out of the episode. I really wish they'd stop using it.
  23. This is a very simplistic (and inaccurate) understanding of genetics. It is definitely possible for 2 blue-eyed parents to have a child with brown eyes. Here is just one explanation: https://genetics.thetech.org/how-blue-eyed-parents-can-have-brown-eyed-children
  24. Wowza! That sex scene between Brianna and Roger was VERRA realistic. I don’t know much about the topic, but how do they prevent the actual act while filming? Because that just felt like watching 2 people actually having sex.
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