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John M

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Everything posted by John M

  1. I totally forgot about The Knot, they were obviously going to do some product tie-in lol. Like knocking up another woman Whit? https://www.theknotnews.com/whitney-way-thore-proposal-story-43230
  2. If TLC doesn’t euthanize this show, can they at least change the name My Big Fat Existence? “Fabulous” and “Life” just seem cruel at the point, I can’t imagine anyone wanting to live Whit’s humiliation, I honestly feel bad about her life choices, although she is an adult and has to sleep in the bed that she made.
  3. My DVR image just updated, Sharp hates her, don't they?
  4. Not only that but admitting at best her relationship was (obviously) FULL of problems before the knocking up his ex while she is lecturing others on how relationships should work. Fabulous indeed. Have a seat Whit, this whole thing was your choice and you should be embarrassed. "O, what a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive!"
  5. Now, now, he has already been charged with assaulting a police officer so some shoving and throwing his drink on him is a possibility.
  6. For Whit's sake I hope the thing was fake because... They were together for less than a year and engaged while they were supposedly having constant "ups and downs" and living apart for know obvious reason while he cheats on her. That is just pathetic, that's the kind of stupid shit that engaged 18 olds get into, not educated grown ass women in their late 30s do. Best option for Whit would be that the whole thing was fake and whats his face violated the contract, we all know a lot of this "reality" is scripted, if not that she is a sad, apparently mentally ill woman.
  7. I would love you to meet my half-sister and her husband, I almost think their sexual fetish is to be goddamn miserable about everything in their lives to the point of creating it. It's so weird! I can understand it, they would literally rather complain about their wallpaper for a decade in their kitchen nook than just replace it or paint over it and they have more than enough to do both or just move.
  8. Not being a Russian national and traveled to the US I can't speak to the specific immigration process but I have traveled to several countries that require a visa to travel as a US national and there is no way in hell that they will give you a tourist visa if you don't have confirmed reservations at a hotel for the duration of your stay or someone close to you that will vouch for the fact that you are staying with them. Hell, I have traveled to Canada like at least a half dozen times if not more and I've been stopped where they wanted financial information and to actually confirm with my hotel that I had a reservation for my entire stay along with a plane ticket back. No idea why, make just a random thing.
  9. I know and it's so weird! Did anyone think that fat people didn't have sex? There is a huge fetish community around fat people having sex. It would be like me running around bragging about having health insurance or a car payment, it's just like a thing that many human adults have, not everyone, but I don't go the pharmacy and be like "Yep, that's right, I HAVE HEALTH INSURANCE, pretty cool, right?"
  10. Divorces/Marriages are a matter of public record, pretty much any large-ish county will let you look them up online.
  11. A few people have touched on this and it actually EXTREMELY common in the LGBT community for people to maintain friendships with ex-romantic partners, date each other's friends exes, etc. I met my now husband through his ex-partner, we spend time together all the time, they text each other constantly, he has a fiance, it's not a thing. Think about where Erika is from? You think there is a big community of out and proud LGBT people? It's hard even in larger cities because our community is small and our social spots are even smaller if we had all this drama about our exes like straight people do we could never go out.
  12. Didn't the show stop filming fairly early in their shooting schedule? My guess is Whit and Chase aren't getting paid any more so no point in keeping this charade up.
  13. I know it's the premise of The Other Way but have either of these couples entertained the idea that they might just want to stay in Australia? It's a lovely place with a vibrant economy, it feels like something a couple would discuss.
  14. Actually just the opposite, she was way too supportive because I had been very openly gay for years, I didn't need any assistance with coming out. I just thought she had known because how could she have not? My sister had been going to gay bars with me for like 3 years.
  15. I accidently came out to my mother on a patio at Starbucks because I had been very, very, very openly gay for years and I just assumed she knew even though I never had a big dramatic coming out with her. "What if your dad asks why you are moving to the gay part of town?" "Um, I don't know, first of all it's not the gay part of town, and secondly, I am gay so it shouldn't be much of an issue." "You're gay?" "Um, yeah? Wait, what?" *mother starts sobbing on Starbucks patio while I process what I have just done*
  16. It has to be a lot easier to maintain a relationship with someone you are very much not interested when you have an excuse not to be spending any time with them. I mean I think it is all bullshit but entertaining the idea that Whitney is not in on the scam at this point it's going to be pretty difficult to come up with an excuse as to why you are not spending time with her.
  17. At least in Texas you don't need any of that stuff, just your driver's license and an oath that you are free to marry. Same with changing your name, just show the SS office and the DL office your marriage license and they just change your name like it nothing.
  18. Aren't kids a non-negotiable thing that comes up pretty early in a relationships? I flat out told my now husband that kids were off the table when we first started our romantic relationship, that there was not point in proceeding if he wanted children because it wasn't going to be with me. Sorry but I HATE children and I would be a terrible parent. I'm sure your children are lovely but having a child is probably the worst thing that could happen to me.
  19. As someone new-isly married I have to say I was really taken aback by how easy it is to do, just from a paperwork standpoint. We were married on a Saturday and I dropped the paperwork off at the county clerk during lunch on Monday, took all of like 10 minutes to get the license and then to have it recorded. Like, really? I don't know what I was expecting but I thought one of the biggest decisions of my life would be more complicated something I could do during lunch.
  20. I just love that, he has completely convinced himself that there is some sort of formula for understanding people that he has figured out, he just absolutely refuses to grant men or woman any sort of agency over their choices or emotion. Sorry Ash, you are just a shitty person, you can chose not to be one and I dunno, talk to a woman like she isn't a sex doll running Windows 3.1 without enough RAM.
  21. I really want to know what Usman thinks living in the US is like exactly. Besides his delusions about his music "career" he seems otherwise reasonable. Like surely he knows that Lisa has no social or economic standing in the US, surely he knows he has no marketable skills in the US. Like, what is plan B for him? Is he aware that he is qualified to work at a gas station for minimum wage in the US if the whole music thing doesn't work out? He keeps talking about what role he thinks he gets to play in the relationship but like, he is aware that Lisa is holding ALL of the cards, does he really think he is going to be OK with Lisa being the primary breadwinner? He can't externalize what he thinks the relationship dynamics should be. And I really, really don't understand what Ash's plan is, like, is he worried about being deported from Australia? Because he clearly needs to do a shitload of work on himself before he can commit to ANY relationship much less whatever the hell is going on here. And could Stephanie be any more repulsed by the idea of being sexual with another woman? My god, it's like watching a slow motion anti-gay hate crime, I'm not even sure if she touches her own vagina.
  22. Yeah, turns out men are completely capable of meaningful conflict resolution, equitable division of household labor and taking care of their partner's emotional needs, crazy!
  23. Nothing to do with fat shaming, god knows I could lose a few pounds, I just like the idea of him making a trip out specifically just to insult Darcy and leaving.
  24. I know it is mean but part of me was hoping that entire build up with Tom was him going out there to call her fat again and just leaving. It kind of amazes me at how popular this kind of advice is, Like, gay couples exist, I assure you even though we are both dudes the dishes get done, the bathroom is clean and there is dinner every night. It just astounds me at how pervasive these gender cliches about relationships are, it's actually incredibly popular and mainstream among Christian relationship counseling. Like, we know that gay couples exist and their relationships are fine, a lot of studies suggest that same-sex male relationships tend to actually be healthier than straight couples so obviously gay couples have found some way to manage meeting the physical, financial and emotional needs of running a home without some bullshit about gender roles.
  25. Really? These days domestic partnerships are pretty common, I know TONS of people that are in incredibly committed relationships that are not married and would never claim to be single in any context but certifying that they are legally married. It has actually kind of surprised me how many gay couples I know that I thought would jump to get married that haven't for whatever reason.
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