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Posts posted by RedheadZombie

  1. 49 minutes ago, ECM1231 said:

    I think Nicole's mistake was saying she wanted a guy to fight for her and be more aggressive when she really meant ASSERTIVE. Clay is far too passive imo.

    I don’t know. I think a big, strapping guy who doesn’t default to chest pounding and alpha displays is pretty hot. 

    • Love 12
  2. 11 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

    I haven’t seen this ep yet but I think what one can surmise is everyone has a different way of studying and dealing w the stress it causes. He’s failed it several times and I can see how that would make one bitey. The show is her deal. If this were my household and I had kids and mr Natalie had a test like this I’d take over all kid duties and leave him the eff alone except bringing him food occasionally.  It’s called teamwork. Maybe I’ll feel differently once I see it but I doubt it.  Once I was an adult I didn’t care what day my bday as celebrated. As long as it was remembered. 

    I’d be interested to know if Emily shirked all of her parental/wifely duties for passing the CA bar, and if Shane picked up her slack like a champ. If not, he’s a bigger asshole than I thought. 

    Edited because Emily apparently passed TWO bars before she married Shane.  It’s also very interesting that he attends law school in CA and yet cannot pass their bar. 

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  3. 1 hour ago, chlban said:

    I think the point has been made how intense it is to study for the bar. I certainly get that you aren't going to be focused on social events But this was a family birthday dinner and cake. He has to eat, so maybe he normally orders in and eats while he studies, but we are talking about taking maybe an hour to an hour and a half to spend with his family, and have a meal. The bar wasn't the next day. Any way you cut this, it is a total dick move, and his total disrespect to his family is disgraceful. God forbid, it could be his parents last birthday, something you think about after parents reach a certain age.The man is a jerk. Full stop. He has shown if more than once. I hate it when any woman, especially a capable one with resources, puts up with that kind of abuse. And it is abuse, even if it isn't physical.

    And doesn’t he stay with his parents who live a couple of houses away?  

    36 minutes ago, albarino said:

    YES.  I've enjoyed reading this thread and seeing feedback from lawyers who have studied and passed the bar (and bravo to all of you) but dude has three kids.  His wife asks for help and he doesn't come running?  How about this?  How about you don't practice law?  If you're that smart, do something else. Jeez, he is a complete piece of special work; the beauty is that it is all caught on film.  I can't abide him.

    Who would even hire this dude after he’s failed multiple times and shown he’s a total asshole. Good luck. 

    • Love 4
  4. 4 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

    Ok, we can breathe a little easier.

    Jackson just told Holly that he's leaning toward Christie/Sis noms.

    But how is that a good plan?  Tommy has shown that he can win comps when has a vested interest.  If he plays veto he can win, take Christie off the block, and be protected from the block. 

    I'm guessing that Jackson wants to work with Tommy?  Maybe if Jackson can get through to Tommy and Tommy would throw the veto comp?  Please reassure me.

    • Love 3
  5. 16 hours ago, Chewy101 said:

    Just watched them in Cancun, and he was dreadful. He just bullies her and bullies her, and for what? Does he want to get her alone so he can plow her with booze and bang her? Since when is it a bad thing for a girl to wait for legal drinking age to drink in clubs? Or for a girl to like her mother? I can't take mine for 30 seconds, but I think one can be best friends with their mom and still be healthy. He just seems hell bent on breaking the mother-daughter duo up. I don't know why Terra got involved in that bar fight. What happened to "stay in your lane?" 

    When a drink was sent across to another table to humiliate Christy's daughter, Tonya KNEW who did it and didn't speak up, and for Christy to wonder if Terra was behind it (as queen bee of her table), that isn't that far-fetched. The whole thing was Cole's fault and him just stirring up trouble. That weird ass is a predator. Then he gets defensive about the accusations of who was responsible, like he didn't egg Tonya's nasty daughter's idea on. Blech.

    The Todd thing, I don't even know what to think. I think they are ret-conning some history there, but reality TV reserves that right. They are creating a desperate cliff hanger for the next season renewal. 

    It really seems that way but I think Cole bats for the other team.

    10 hours ago, silversage said:

    Terra being in charge of the whole trip should have stepped in and stopped Cole from bullying and making a scene. He is going after the weakest links in the group by targeting Christy and Autumn. All others are on top of things and secure in their relationships.  I found myself forwarding though any scenes with him. Guess he doesn't have anything valuable on his own to be filmed for so his bullying gets him the attention to be on camera.

    I really feel that Cole is Terra's attack dog, as well as Mika - it's no accident that Mika hated Christy on sight.  It's interesting because as a (or the) producer, Terra has a say in who stays or goes.  I'm guessing that Christy is supported by the fans and Terra reluctantly keeps her.  Notice how several were upset when Christy mentioned leaving the show.

    • Love 3
  6. On ‎8‎/‎10‎/‎2019 at 12:52 PM, renatae said:

    I think he said he was about 21 or 25. The nonsense he was spouting about how Autumn should be on her own at 19 was ridiculous. I can't think of any of my friends who were when we were 19. Most of us were still at school and home on weekends.  I had a friend or two who were at beauty school as well and who were still with their parents. In fact, even for years later, everyone was still pretty much with their folks until we started marrying. He's nuts. And mean.

    I'm this show's bitch, but he will be the straw that breaks my back.  He is absolutely revolting.  I'm guessing he may have been tossed out of his own home and resents Autumn's closeness with her mother.  Plus, IMO, he's been ordered to attack Christy via Terra, and Autumn is acceptable collateral damage.

    There's nothing like pressuring a teenager, who's younger than you and the child of an alcoholic, to drink when she's not comfortable with it.  I have no doubt he wants her drunk so Terra can make sure the cameras get her sloppy and compromised.  Terra hates Christy that much.

    On ‎8‎/‎11‎/‎2019 at 4:01 PM, bichonblitz said:

    And Jasmine's bratty boys. She has no control over those kids. 

    Well if they're brats, so are Elena's.  Her little one barged up there and knocked over the sign.  I really don't think either mother's kids are brats, to be honest.  I think they're reacting to over stimulation and the cameras/lights/attention.

    And for the poster wondering if something is wrong with Greyson to keep him from being filmed, I think the opposite.  I think Greyson would make it very clear how delayed Penny is.  I know it's a very painful subject, but I don't know what Terra gains by trying to pretend Penny is only slightly compromised.  Perhaps she should keep Penny off screen to avoid the issue, and show poor missing Greyson.  I don't think Penny should be "hidden" but I also don't believe hiding Greyson is any better.

    • Love 6
  7. 9 hours ago, Callaphera said:

    Kat's extended interview finally got put up.


    I can't wait for Jack and Kat to see each other in the jury AirB&B rental. 

    Jack: "Man, Julie really drilled me over a lot of the Kemi stuff. Sucks to get dragged over the coals like that, huh?"
    Kat: "Huh? Julie never said anything like that to me."
    Jack: "..."

    Yeah, I really liked Kat, but I don’t buy her innocent act regarding Nicole. Nicole has been horribly bullied in the house and pretty much kept her shit together.  If she thought Kat was trying to shame her in front of her parents and “kids”, I believe Nicole. 

    • Love 5
  8. 10 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:

    I can't believe nobody here has mentioned that Julie's chair broke when she went to sit down with Kat for the interview.  The footrest/crossbrace just broke right out when Julie posted against it to lever herself back in the chair.

    Apparently CBS doesn't just cheap out on the hamsters...they economize on the front of the house too.  Or maybe that was a message from management to Julie Chen-Moonves.

    I do wonder if Julie’s tragic wardrobe is chosen by one of Les’s victims. 

    10 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

    "Chairs break. So do elevators. Maybe you don't want to actually finish out this contract."

    Screws fall out all the time. The world is an imperfect place. 

    • LOL 12
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  9. 10 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

    Oh shit, @hhawks reminded me that we're WAY into the season and I haven't found a way to work in a reference to Tootie from Meet Me In St. Louis yet!

    Okay, how about this? Remember when Tootie told Esther that Esther's boyfriend had hit her? And she was just covering up the fact that he caught her and Agnes throwing a dress stuffed to make it look like it was a live body (and had actually helped them escape)? Well, Kat reminds me of that when she acted all betrayed by Cliff, when she was no "damsel in distress" in their dealings at all. Heck, Kat is a lot like Tootie period, so I guess I really DO love Kat. 

    Oh Rose, you’re so stuck up. Love Esther and Tootie with her dead dolls.   😀

    • Love 3
  10. 13 hours ago, JKL845 said:

    Just curious, is Braunwyn's husband the father of all her children? Seems to be an age gap between her oldest son and the twin boys.

    Unless she breastfed Jacob for eight years, she’s lying about nursing for eighteen years straight. I mean it was obvious when she didn’t know what to do with her screaming baby until her hubbie handed the poor thing a bottle. 

    • LOL 1
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  11. 35 minutes ago, waving feather said:

    Something is suspicious about Caelynn and Dean. When they started talking initially, they were so comfortable and seems like they have hooked up or at least flirted before in real life. If so and she is already looking forward to meet him, why all the fuss and crying over Blake? 

    Christian is a hot headed guy and acts a bit unhinged but at least this will teach Jordan not to take and destroy other people's things for fun. He got away with it once but at least will feel the consequences a second time. It's such a bully mentality too, assuming that the other party would not retaliate.

    It looks like Jordan actually escalates the violence.  I find that shocking because he seems like a pretty boy who protects his "assets" for modeling.  

    • Love 7
  12. Thank God Tayshia finally said what needed to be said:  Hannah's wide-eyed innocent act is irritating and a well-honed skill.  She knows exactly what's going on.  She's always creeped me out because she looks like a 7 y/o with makeup, like Jon Benet if she'd lived another year.  And she's probably been working that fact for years.

    Dylan, what's not to get?  She used you for the guaranteed rose after Blake chose Tayshia for his date.  She's now got a sure thing in Blake and she's through with you.  But since she's such a "people pleaser" she's going to continue to grind on you, make out with Blake under your nose, and hope you figure everything out.

    • Love 16
  13. 12 hours ago, jette said:

    Welp, this is just no fun. Should've just watched CashPad instead. I think I'm out.

    I fast forwarded through to see if there was a rose ceremony.  I’m tired of the same people dominating every episode. 

    • Love 6
  14. 2 hours ago, saber5055 said:

    I'm not seeing the Hannah attraction. Do men like tiny females with miniature facial features? I guess the answer is yes. I can't get past her profile, which looks like someone hit her in the face with a pan.

    I know that's being shallow, but isn't this entire franchise built on shallow?

    To me, she’s always looked like a 7y/o with makeup. She creeps me out. 

    • Useful 1
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  15. On 8/10/2019 at 10:28 PM, chlban said:

    Are they still together? I don't buy that studying requires moving out. Go to the library, or over to his parents, then come home at night. No way he is spending evert waking hour studying.

    And why the hell wouldn’t he want to study with the person he knows who passed the first time - you know, his wife?  

    I cant stand that Emily’s son was kicking at the dog, but at least she’s home taking care of her kids with her CA law license, unlike her Weasley - hiding in mommy and daddy’s house - husband.  I find him revolting. 

    • Love 4
  16. I don't know where this little bitch, Cole, came from but he needs to go back.  Not only does he fundamentally not belong on a show about women, but he's a nasty piece of shit.  I can happily live the rest of my life without seeing him slapping his long-nailed hands together and affecting diva-like sayings.  Casting fail in the manner of Brittany and Mika.  I'd rather see that toothless woman from Atlanta than this moron.

    By the way, how old is this asshole?  He seems obsessed with Autumn and her age.

    • Love 8
  17. 11 hours ago, zenithwit said:

    Jack slowly shrunk in his chair as they showed all of those clips live on national television.  It was like he could see the future opportunities go away (but let's be honest, MTV will totally pick up this guy for one of their shows).

    I think this is BB sending a big message: Dear Future Houseguests, don't be racist.  Or if you are racist, keep it to yourself because we will air all of your dirty laundry for everyone to see.

    I think that Julie only questioned him because the viewers were outraged.  If the show truly wanted to hold him accountable, they would have shown Jack mocking David’s walk by mimicking a gorilla. 

    • Love 17
  18. On 8/4/2019 at 2:29 PM, Alapaki said:

    I think the “talking back” comment set off Terra because she still hasn’t acknowledged how profoundly handicapped Penny is. 

    Has Terra even bothered to get Penny OT and PT?  It’s really negligent if she hasn’t, but I find it hard to believe that Terra wouldn’t have it filmed, so it leaves me wondering.  

    • Love 3
  19. Braunwyn seems fun and likable, but also very odd.  Her dream her entire life was to be a stay-at-home mom.  Yet, her husband has to nudge her to go get the baby while he's making breakfast.  When she retrieves little Hazel (out of the closet!) she plops her down in her high chair, then gazes interestedly at the screaming baby whilst sipping her coffee - hubby quickly prepares a bottle and hands it to the baby.  Hubby serves breakfast to the children, other than the booty eating teenager, and Braunwyn asks if someone has secured school travel to the children, lucky Bella has this under control.  Braunwyn's right out of the 19th century British aristocracy.  I'm hoping she was simply performing for the camera, but no one acted like this was out of character behavior.  

    Still liking her so far.

    • LOL 10
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  20. 1 hour ago, perkie1968 said:

    It looked like she had her lips done and it was very distracting.

    Ok, I stand corrected on AlNeil and what I assumed yesterday was the end of them.  They're just so flippin' cute together.  

    I swear if Shiloh hurts a single hair off of my poor sweet Cameron, I am going to open a can of whoops ass on someone.  (although I now understand how Franco comes into the equation)

    I thought I wasn't overly invested in the show anymore other than Alexis/Neil, but Cameron in jeopardy again, oh hell no!  That sweet boy better be okay.

    • Love 2
  21. 2 hours ago, statsgirl said:

    Does Finn have some sort of disability that he can't access the hospital database and needs Epiphany to do it for him?

    Neil, get a therapist of your own to deal with those issues. And Alexis is right, it's your responsibility to suggest another therapist.

    Sam in danger....Zzzzzzzz

    This show has stupidly implied for years that Epiphany has greater authority than the doctors. 

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