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Posts posted by RedheadZombie

  1. 10 hours ago, Blissfool said:

    Jackson is a bigger man than I would have been (I'm a woman). I would have laughed in Jack's face over his histrionics. 

    Is that how he fights/argues in real life? Repeating himself and flailing his arms? I guess he could win if his opponent is balled over in laughter.

    Jack looked like he was performing some sort of bizarre aerobics. 

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  2. 53 minutes ago, missyb said:

    Big Brother Daily 
    · 18m 
    Nick- It will be Holly, Cliff, Kat, Nicole. Analyse- We dont know about Cliff. Nick- We know about Cliff. Analyse- Why do you think that? Nick- I know. Just trust me #BB21 

    Nick has poor choices in allies and still hasn't learned to keep his mouth shut. He is pretty bad at Big Brother.

    He’s ruled by his penis. 

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  3. 19 minutes ago, rickhurst3186 said:

    I agree with the quote above about Whoops. She actually said at the top of the show about the latest mass shooting "It's time we have a conversation". Like that's an original idea of hers??? WTF??? 

    I'm sorry, but she was especially obtuse today.  Foundling Homes?  WTF century is Whoopi living in?  And, although I'm not surprised, I'm disgusted that Whoopi knows nothing about microagression. 

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  4. 2 hours ago, Callaphera said:

    Holly about Analyse: "She's trying to play too hard."


    Is Holly not mad that Analyze ran and tattled?  She just thinks she is playing too hard?

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  5. 5 hours ago, missyb said:

    When did Analyse go from loving NIck, confiding in him, lying on him annoying Bella by it, to not trusting or liking him at all and wanting him out over all else. And now Sam is her guy.

    Bella is no longer around to rub her nose in it?

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  6. 7 hours ago, LGGirl said:
    On 7/26/2019 at 7:15 PM, zorak said:

    I thought I heard Christie and Tommy ilkuiilsay something about not being allowed outside for the duration of their punishment and then I read somewhere else y saying the gy thing.  According to Joker's, they ayuhre not allowethdg to change or shower for a week.

    Christie did just say that she wishes her hair were cleaner since she can't wash it now.

    I’d prefer them to be locked up in the have not room for the duration instead.  

    On 7/26/2019 at 8:09 PM, Tdoc72 said:


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  7. 1 hour ago, mikewho said:

    Nice list, Rough Draft, but realistically, there's only one that could possibly pertain to the question asked about Tommy. And it's not Long Playing record.

    2 hours ago, Blissfool said:

    I don't watch Little People or any show about them, but I automatically knew what you meant by LP. I've never heard that term, just used context clues. I didn't respond because I didn't know the answer, although I was pretty sure the answer was 'no.' Also, I know it can be a sensitive topic and didn't want to get involved. However, seeing the comments on here, I think you might need a little support. I don't think you meant any harm. 🤗

    Of course @Lamima meant no harm.  This has gone beyond satire at this point.  LP has been in common usage for at least two decades.  No one would ask if a human being was a piece of vinyl.  It's silly.

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  8. 7 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

    Right?! And he wouldn’t be on the jury so there would be literally no repercussions! 

    I’m pretty sure the original poster was asking if Tommy is a little person. (Took me a while to figure it out too lol) I don’t know for certain but I don’t think he is. I think he’s just short.

    Dwarfism is defined as being under 4’10” as an adult. 

    7 hours ago, green said:

    Thanks But then they shouldn't have said LP and called him a vinyl record instead.  Because that is what an LP is and nothing else.  A Long Playing 331/3 vinyl record.  it has no other meaning.  Just sayin'.

    LP is a common abbreviation for Little People and has been for a long time.  

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  9. 7 hours ago, Melina22 said:

    Why wasn't he allowed to bring his Xanax into the game? Surely people are allowed to bring prescription meds with them. Maybe he's over the withdrawal, but there was a reason he was on it in the first place. 

    He isn't the first unstable houseguest to start cracking up in this game. I think they put Sam on meds last season, right? And there was the transgender HG whose name I forget who ended up hidden in a blanket for 2 days. 

    I'm not being critical of them. After a couple of days in there with no privacy, being plotted against, eating slop and not even having a real bed, I'd be hiding in a closet. Wait, they don't even have closets. I'd be under a blanket then. (Then again, I think I'm self aware enough to know this game is not for me.) 

    HG's are allowed to bring in prescription meds.  They have become stricter, as certain HG's with questionable diagnoses, Amanda for instance, horded her Adderall and then binged on them before comps.  If I had to guess, I would say Jackson either doesn't have a prescription for the Xanax he takes, or his prescription is not written for the dose he takes.  Plus, Xanax is the worst drug you can take for inability to sleep.  It wears off within hours and the person typically awakens and re-doses themselves.

    4 hours ago, mertensia said:

    It got enough votes to make it into Dave Barry's Book of Bad Songs. 

    I can't imagine why.  The lyrics of Achy Breaky Heart are so moving, so evocative, that even Dylan should be jealous of their effect.   Samples of the brilliant lyrics:

    "You can tell my arms go back to the farm
    You can tell my feet to hit the floor"

    "You can tell your ma I moved to Arkansas
    Or you can tell your dog to bite my leg"

    And what really elevated this song, at least for me, was Billy Ray's brilliant dance technique of jumping in complete 180 degree turns.  That, along with his gorgeous mullet, was groundbreaking.  It gave hope to every former dork, every semi-literate song-writer out there.

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  10. 21 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

    So Jackson is sneaking food into his pockets and gorging in the shower, or something like that?

    Twitter. I’m not on twitter but it was posted on reddit.  I did not personally witness it. 

    15 minutes ago, zorak said:

    Source?  I'm not surprised though.

    I somehow quoted myself above instead of you. Lol. 

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  11. 4 minutes ago, sashayshante said:

    I'm doubtful this season will even be remembered at Emmy nomination season next year. I don't even see it getting any Golden Globe nods. It was just too uneven and the writing was atrocious. Giving Renata meme worthy dialogue is not enough to merit a nomination. And Kidman has already won once for the same material.

    Curious why Reese didn't step in regarding the issue with the woman director having control wrangled from her so Mark Vallee could edit the episodes. She's the producer.

    I thought Nicole was a producer as well. 

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  12. 2 hours ago, DEL901 said:

    I like how Peter said this all made him realize “how much he loved her”.    Which technically means the answer could be zero.  

    After the Tyler date I think she was crying not just because he was so respectful but because she realized she’d missed her chance to try him out.  

    Jed is an ass.  He should have been like Tyler and Peter and ignored the existence of other suitors.   

    Life with Luke would be miserable as he kept pointing out your every “slip up” which were, of course, defined by him.  

    Eta I also did not like how Luke said I know we are on the same page but I have to hear you say the words.... can you imagine what he would be like to live with... always right, always calling her on the carpet making her confess her mistakes and slip ups after which he would “graciously “ forgive and pray for her.  

    I felt like he knew the answer but was attempting to embarrass her on air. 

    When she had to stand there shivering in the rain and he refused to get in the car, I was pissed. She should have told him to fuck off and had Chris get rid of the guy. 

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  13. 1 hour ago, EllenB said:

    Luke's like dog shit on a heavily-treaded shoe.  IMPOSSIBLE to get rid of, and the stench lingers forever.

    I wonder if he's got ropes in his basement for his future wife.  Boy is freakin' insane.

    When he wouldn’t leave, I wanted her to tell him - Jesus told me you’re not the one. Gonna argue with Jesus?

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  14. 12 hours ago, Growsonwalls said:

    As for Kemi and Christie, earlier today Christie came out of the DR crying and Kemi gave her a hug. I'm waiting for Christie to turn that into "Kemi invaded my personal space."

    The Hug of Intimidation. 

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  15. On 7/13/2019 at 9:39 PM, Callaphera said:

    Nick keeps saying, "I didn't fucks with Holly, I didn't fucks with Sis, I didn't fucks with-" Combined with his "We're goin' down there like hoods" comment yesterday? I'm all wondering where the dude who said he was going to call out problematic comments in the house and donate his winnings to Flint, Michigan went. 

    Maybe Nick’s the sociopath?

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  16. 20 minutes ago, missyb said:

    The biggest phenomenon about the Big Brother House, to me, is that it really transforms people., while in the house. Probably fairly rational people ( there are some exceptions) become so delusional and believe their own hype and stories after a short amount of time in the house. I think it may be why a story gets repeated so many times. Over and over again. It becomes the truth. It is really crazy listening to them rehash stuff like it is the truth when they know it is not. 
    I see this happen season after season.

    Since everyone is trying to manipulate and/or suck up, there’s no one really checking bad behavior or helping ground other people.  Everyone praises the majority alliance and this just reinforces to them how superior they are.  

    I find this is always an issue with reality star people in general.  They have producers egging them on praising them, and fans blindly worship.  I think they also give themselves blank checks to be bad people if they need to. 

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  17. 5 hours ago, Callaphera said:

    Oh, and Nick has "diagnosed" Nicole as a sociopath. 

    Whatever, go play with some crayons, asshole. 

    🤬🤬🤬🤬. That fucking enrages me. He knows that word carries a lot of weight because he’s a counselor.  

    • Love 22
  18. 56 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

    Christie: "Ew, I'm grossed out."

    She must have gotten that from the Universe, as all of the feed watchers were manifesting that thought watching this HoH shit show.

    "This calls for a name." (Alliance name)
    "The Nasty 9?"
    "No! I don't like that."

    Too late. You're the Nasty 9. 

    Perfect, as I call the other one the H8ful 8. 

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  19. 1 minute ago, Writing Wrongs said:

    I laughed at whoever said (paraphrasing), "I won't stab you in the back. I'd rather spin you around and slit your throat. Oh, that's terrible. Don't show that." 

    That was Kemi. 

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