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Posts posted by RedheadZombie

  1. This was my favorite episode by far.  I'm a sucker for all things demonic.  I still have many questions, but enough have been answered for the moment to satisfy me.  I do wonder where Vanessa's father and Mina's mother went.  It would still be unacceptable in that time period for the two of them to be living together. 


    This episode made me care about Vanessa.  Her creepy voice still irks me, but I understand better.  I think the whole sexual scenario would have been twisted and even more understandably damaging to everyone if (after getting turned on watching her mother and Malcolm), she seduced Malcolm and got caught.  That would still be devastating to the families and to the relationship between Mina and Vanessa.  But it would also be damaging to Vanessa because they showed an almost father/daughter relationship between the two.  And there's a reason that the demon wore Malcolm's face.  Either she hallucinated and her brain chose Malcolm, or it was real and the demon knew she could be seduced by Malcolm.


    I'm still confused about Mina's husband.  Did her father meet her husband?  Do we know it's the husband who's evil?


    Who exactly is the mysterious black man?  I get the impression that Malcolm and his assistant have dabbled in something evil and brought it back.  Otherwise, why give the character that background?


    What was the purpose of showing Vanessa's family is Catholic?

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  2. I was disappointed in the episode.  At twenty five minutes I thought WTF, and did a quick FF to confirm that nothing else was going to happen.  At that point I relaxed and it was a little easier.  When a multi-location show chooses to devote itself to one story, it can be tricky.  The Walking Dead did that last season with mixed results.  For me, the problem here (as with TWD), is a very popular character's destiny was left hanging for an extra week, while the least compelling characters were featured.  And this wasn't really a stand alone episode, because the story wasn't even completed.  It seemed like filler which sucks when there's only ten episodes per season.


    It didn't bother me that Jon stopped to hold Ygritte as she died.  If he had just dropped her (which I half expected) I think it would have been unintentionally funny.  I took it as the moment in a film when everything stands still for that one moment - like slow motion. 


    As cool as the mammoth and giants were, they were so slow and lumbering that I found them cute rather than frightening.


    I'm glad Ghost was safe.  I have yet to recover from Arya watching Robb's wolf die.  When he whimpered and his eyes closed .......

  3. I just marathoned the first four episodes.  I didn't like it as much as I thought I would.  To be fair, I watched it to get it out of the way for Game of Thrones - which is brutal competition.


    I don't find Caliban sympathetic.  I find him unlikeable and extremely whiny.  He seems to have a pretty good time working at the theatre.  I would imagine his personality, rather than  looks, drives the women away.  I have no idea why Victor doesn't just kill him and move on to Proteus 2.


    I'm incredibly confused about Vanessa.  It's driving me crazy that I don't know her connection to Sir Malcolm.  In Victorian times, there's no way a woman lived with a man who wasn't her husband or close family member.  I'm also confused because when compared to the Dracula novel, Vanessa seems to be the Mina character, and Mina seems like the Lucy character.  Then they threw in a little girl named Lucy, and I really got confused.


    I don't get the impression that Dorian Gray is a villain.  He seems like a true hedonist.  He's young (eternally?), rich, handsome, and bored.  He does what all men of his class did - smoke, drink, have sex, gamble, and hang out at his club.  I find him very appealing, but in his scenes with Vanessa, she looks old enough to be his mother.  That really distracts me.


    I don't understand the appeal of the women.  I don't get the allure of Brona - a self-described walking skeleton who hacks blood on her partners mid-sex.  I realize Vanessa is supposed to be alluring, but they make her up to look like an uptight spinster.  It makes it hard for me to buy the pull with Dorian.  It's also hard to buy it because they seem to be implying that Mina and Vanessa had a sexual relationship.  Maybe Ethan and Dorian aren't the only bisexuals on the show.


    I was surprised to see the man who plays the old actor.  He's the original Monsieur Thenardier from Les Miserables.


    I don't understand that even after realizing the Master is after Vanessa, she stays in the house and seems to be completely unguarded.


    Jun 3 2014. 4:27 am


    I had no idea watching dogs kill rat and betting on the numbers was a thing. That was more disturbing than all the supernatural stuff combined.



    Bored men with more money than soul have fought just about everything and gambled on the result.  Roosters, dog vs. dog, dog vs. bear, etc.  My eyes were covered the entire time.  It's disgusting.

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  4. I think it had something to do with Dina staying friends with Teresa. Of course, I'm not sure what all was the cause of the fight between Caroline and Teresa in the first place. Caroline has always had a habit of going on the reunion shows implying that next level shit is going on off camera, but refusing to give any specifics.

    I'm hoping Dina answers some my questions this season. I always liked her, but never really understood what was going on with her. What was the deal with her and Danielle? Why did Danielle seem obsessive about her in S1? What had Danielle done to her that everyone was so upset about at the first reunion? Why did she leave the show? Why did she stop speaking to Caroline? Why did I always get a tense vibe between Dina and Jacquline? Dina, woman of mystery.


    Many believe that Dina left the show because Bravo discovered that Dina had forged her ex-husband's signature on the form that permitted Lexie to be shown.  Remember Caroline hysterically accusing Danielle of doing something that endangered Dina's custody?  I believe that Jacqueline probably told Danielle about the forgery, and Danielle took it from there.  It would also explain the bad blood between Jacqueline and Dina.

  5. I think the Maxwell parents are full on bat shit crazy.   I would encourage anyone who hasn't viewed their web site to take a look at their "reversal children".  What is that you ask?  After their first children, Teri was diagnosed with a hormonal imbalance which contributed to an extreme depression.  Steve also states that the three children were challenging, and Teri found it difficult to cope.  Yes, he places all the blame on her.  Apparently he was superdad. 


    He then again states that the three children were all his wife could cope with.  After consulting the medical community, Christian counselor, Teri's dad (yes, even Teri's dad had more power over her fucking uterus than she did), one of them was sterilized. 


    He mentions again that for Teri's well being, they could not have more children.  But one day, Steve tells his wife he's going to settle the matter of children, and reads his bible and receives some sort of epiphany.  With tears running down his cheeks and his heart melodramatically breaking, Steve was told by God to have more children.  Since God did not give Adam and Eve the ability to avoid pregnancy, Steve thinks it's wrong to use birth control.  I wonder if he would approve of living with only caveman luxuries in every other matter in their lives.


    After much more prayer, God magically produced the funds for reversal surgery, as well as the surgeon to perform it.  They went on to have five more children, as well as multiple miscarriages.  Just to clarify, he did not consult his wife before deciding on sterilization, and he didn't consult her when he decided to have more children.  No mention of Teri's severe depression being gone.  No mention of how she suddenly was able to handle eight children when three left her at her breaking point.  I don't know if I've ever heard of a man who is more patriarchal than this one. 

    • Love 5
  6. Angelita100, I agree with you about Jason.  I like him a lot, which is surprising because I did not like book Jason at all.  The actor is amazing in that role and I think he should take all the credit since his storylines tend to suck.  That scene where Jason pulls over Hoyt as he's leaving town, then goes back to his car and breaks down with Sookie - I'm tearing up again just thinking about it.  And I definitely think Jason had a realization that he was molested.  I think the best of Jason was when he came back to town after it was taken over, and he was in Sam's bar preparing for battle. 


    The worst for me is the were pack politics, and the fairy business.  I stopped reading the books after the one with the were tiger.  I like Alcide and I can tolerate small moments with his father, but otherwise I don't like any of the were species.


    I think any scenes made up of Sookie, Jason, Lafayette, and Tara are made of gold.


    I hope every character's storyline ends happily.  I'm not crazy about Sam's pregnant girlfriend or Jessica's guy.  If Jessica can't be with Hoyt, I'd like her with Jason.  It's time to get over their guilt - Hoyt doesn't even remember it.  I actually liked the five minutes that Sam and Tara were together.

  7. Avery said 'BMW' in a snotty tone of voice.  Apple doesn't fall far from the tree.  She'll learn.  Hopefully.


    LuAnn was very good natured with sloshed Sonja slobbering all over her.  I can't stand sloppy drunks.  I guess they were glad she wasn't the angry drunk anymore.  Wonder if old man Morgan uses any of this show in the custody battle?


    We assume old man Morgan even wants custody.  As far as we know, Morgan was done with children but Sonja had her to lock down that eighteen years of child support.  I feel sorry for the poor thing.  I don't care how common boarding school once was, to me it's an obvious way of handing over the hard work and responsibility, that go with having a child, to someone else.  As in love with Millou as Sonja was, it sounds like she took him everywhere because she couldn't stand to be parted from him.  Too bad she can't love her daughter as much as she loved her dog.


    I'm willing to entertain the thought that Morgan insists the child go to boarding school (because that's how the upper crust does it), and Sonja compensates her loss with dozens of interns, a dog, and bottles of liquor.  That's what Brandi Glanville claims, and I believe it to a certain extent.

    • Love 3

    As long as it isn't Stavros. Thaao Penglis > Robert Kelker-Kelly.


    I remember watching RKK on Another World back in the day and liking him.  He was so cartoonish on GH, I couldn't watch him.  Completely over the top. 


    RKK and the Franco character are bringing to mind the brief time I watched DOOL and B&B.  I feel GH is turning into pure camp like those two shows.  I remember GH used to be the show with the good acting. 

  9. I definitely see him as a villain, just a very complicated one.  He seems to love no one.  I know he seems traumatized by his wife's death, but that can simply be his way of torturing Tyrion.  He doesn't seem to care for his children or grandchildren beyond what he can achieve through them.  I think he would walk over any one of them.  I can easily seeing him offing the whole family if he thought it would bring him the throne.  It would be interesting to show his soft spot - if he had one.  Good Lord, let him be affectionate to a dog, that's all I would need.


    I understand that the whole story revolves around people grasping for the throne.  The thing is, the Lannisters are probably the only family who have no rights to it.  That's what irritates me.  Prior to starting the show, I thought the Lannisters were the star family, and the ones who should be rooted for.  How wrong I was.  I just need to see them slapped down a little.  Joffrey's death didn't work for me because they went on with hardly a whimper, and the only good Lannister is being punished for it.

  10. I think Bill's laughing at Will's pitiful face was Bill's way of letting Will know that the manipulation wasn't going to work.  My cousin did that to her daughter just the other day.  When the pathetic fake crying started, my cousin laughed and said, "I don't think so".  The whining stopped almost immediately.


    I don't have many complaints with the way Bill and Jen parent.  The only thing I remember questioning was Will's speech therapy.  He only goes once a week, so working with him at home daily is essential.  During that session, Zoey was at the table and included in the homework.  It's a distraction for Will and the parent working with him.  That may not be typical for them, but Will deserves 100% focus during his homework.

    • Love 1
  11. I didn't like Dina before, and I'm sure I won't like her this time.  Some of my dislike is based on her reality show appearance for her wedding.  She was extremely greedy and Tommy clearly was not that into her.  I don't like how the show went with the storyline that Dina left the show to save her family, when it was more likely she left the show when it was discovered she forged Lexie's father's signature.  I am no fan of Caroline's, but she always commented neutrally about the falling out with Dina.  Conversely, Dina's appearance last season was an obvious slap in the face to Caroline, and she looks like she plans to keep that going.


    I'm also not crazy about Lexie.  I did feel sorry for her for a while because she was so gawky and mousy in the midst of a family that doesn't value females.  Then she opened her mouth and  made some nasty comments about other females, and I saw that she fit right into the Laurita/Manzo family.


    I like the brief moments that Teresa and Melissa get along.  I've always contended that they are the exact same person, which is the cause of most of their clashes.  They're both pretty manipulative, so it should be fun to watch them using each other with mutual benefit.

    • Love 3
  12. I think Bravo lost that last tiny thread of dignity they'd been clinging to with that sex museum.  Why would they approve that?  It wasn't cute, sexy, or even funny.  It was revolting.  All topped off with a side of George threatening to molest Ramona's corpse.  My mom watched with me and I was horrified.


    I've never known a woman like Sonja, but on what planet does an unanswered text translate as - "I'm ok.  Leave me behind.  My drunk ass will find some other way to get back to that rented home who's address I don't know"?  As far as they knew, Sonja was in the bushes, in the gutter, in someone's trunk, etc.  I honestly would have been mad too.  Looks like she forgets her panties again when she passes out.  At least she's consistent.


    I request that Bravo avoids any further shots of Carole eating.  It really bothers me.


    Not surprising that Carole saves her snark for her blog - she's stealth that way.  I don't think she's quick on her feet with her jokes.  She needs a little time, then doles them out in her THs and blogs.

    • Love 6
  13. How long has Tywin known about Cersei and Jaime's incestuous relationship?  He seems to know everything, but surely he considers incest taboo.  It was also very dangerous to pass off the children as Robert's.  All his children seem to obey him, so it seems like he could have controlled this situation a little better.


    I like that Tywin is not cartoon villain.  He's surprised me a couple of times.  First, he stared down the gigglers at Tyrion's wedding when he couldn't reach to place the cloak on Sansa.  I thought Tywin would get a kick out of seeing his son humiliated.  He also intervened that night when Tyrion drunkenly threatened to castrate Joffrey.  Tywin was this close to getting rid of him without the guilt of orchestrating the plan.

  14. Actually, that would be such an amazing thing to happen in this story for the long game, because the ugly little imp, who was maligned and abused by his own family, ends up being loved, truly, by a beautiful princess...I love that. And yet, we all know that A Show rarely gives us such moments, and when it does, it rips them from underneath us as quickly as it can.



    I just took on this show a few weeks ago and it's a bit overwhelming.  I've read recaps from the first two seasons, and watched many of season three and four episodes.  Am I crazy for liking the idea of Tyrion and Sansa?  I know she's young, but it's an acceptable age in this world.  The height disparity lessens the age difference some how as well.  She's got an older man like Littlefinger already sniffing after her.  Tyrion is younger than him, and not a sociopath, so he has that going for him.


    He's always been kind to her, and she seems to be respectable in how she speaks to him.  He protected her from Joffrey, and he sweetly held her hand during Joffrey's wedding when the dwarf mocked Ned's decapitation.  He protected her from the wedding night ritual, and chose not to consummate their marriage - but why didn't he put a couple of drops of blood on the sheets?  He definitely seemed mesmerized when Sansa began taking off her clothes.  I found it interesting that he said he would not share her bed until she wanted him too, versus saying until she's ready.  By giving her that bit of control - something she lost in season one - he empowered her.


    I get the impression that Tyrion has never been with a woman who wasn't a paid whore, and he's possibly intimidated by that.  He needs some love after Shae's betrayal, and Sansa's affection could be healing.  Not that it will happen.  I'm new, but already know that evil is rewarded, goodness is destroyed, hope is dangerous, and happiness is deadly.

    • Love 3
  15. First timer here weighing in on pronunciation. I'm from the Chicago area and took my best friend Jenny to visit my mom's family in Northern Arkansas. It went like this.

    Me: This is my friend Jenny.

    Aunt: hello Ginny

    Me: No it's Jenny, like Jeeeeennifer.

    Aunt: Giiiiiiiinnifer.

    Me: Never mind.

    The actress Ginnifer Goodwin changed the spelling of her name from Jennifer. She's from Tennessee, and says northerners pronounced her name wrong.

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