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Posts posted by RedheadZombie

  1. 4 hours ago, Melina22 said:

    BB never makes me cry. It makes me laugh, get mad, occasionally feel like throwing up... but I never cry. Until this episode, and Sam finding out about his grandfather. That was so sad. But I think it would be very comforting to find out that kind of news in a houseful of people who would all come and hug you. (In their bathing suits, but nothing's perfect.) Obviously he wishes he was with his family, but still, it was nice to see a genuine, game free moment in the house. 

    Now back to the backstabbing... 

    ETA. Those Camp Comeback cub scout outfits are hilariously uncool. And it's so funny to see the 2 guys watching their 50s style CRT TV in their room. However, I get a bad feeling in my stomach about the likelihood that soon it will be them and Kemi in there. Such a bad look for the show, and I don't know if there's any way they can get around it. 

    My cousin cried a lot, but she was a few beers in and thinking of her grandpa.  I may have teared up. 

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  2. 4 hours ago, amazingracefan said:

    Just shows to me again that the veto power doesn't work, it's better if it's forced to be used unless the HoH wins veto, that would make the game more interesting.

    I was thinking the same thing, except I would have the nominated person’s partner have to use the veto on them. 

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  3. 9 hours ago, zorak said:

    Christie had her ear to the door and overheard Cliff's plans about everything for the whole game.  Cliff talked about his 3 person alliance with Ovi and Nicole.  He talked about the 4 couples in the house (the 3 showmances and he feels that Christie and Tommy are playing as a pair) and how he plans to target them.  It involved him getting Sam and Nick on his side and keeping Bella in the house but without her knowing that Nick was with Cliff.  That way Nick could be fed info about the other alliance through Bella.  Basically, it has somewhat screwed Cliff's game (and potentially Nicole's game by extension) because now they know that he really isn't with Jackson and Jack as they all seemed to think.  They realize how dangerous Cliff is.  Christie ran and told a whole bunch of people about everything Cliff said.  At this point, I think the only people who don't know that Cliff was overheard are Cliff, Jessica, Nicole, Kemi, Ovi, David, and Kat.  Even Sam was filled in on Cliff's plans.  They were talking yesterday about putting Cliff and Nicole up against each other next week.  

    Thank you!  Guess Cliff should have whispered. Christie is a bit of a snake. 

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  4. 9 hours ago, HaaCHOO said:

    They do!   As a teenager I went out to the desert with various boys...sometimes a group of kids and we shot at everything (not living) ... beer cans, beer bottles, old tires.  We didn't have any special kinds of guns, 22 pistols, rifles, shotguns. I was a pretty good shot.  When I was 60 my kids gave me a class at a shooting range.  The range let me try whatever gun I wanted.   If I liked it, the kids would buy me the gun of my choice.  Those lessons were strict. I was no longer a good shot... and I didn't follow instructions exactly--not on purpose (the instructor had to get strict with me).  It wasn't fun.  It wasn't for me.  Not a gun owner.  

    I wonder if Meghan follows all gun safety protocol when she's swiggin' her Jack Daniels.

    I’m guessing her protocol is kill all animals, but protect the innocent cacti. 

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  5. 15 hours ago, ByaNose said:

    Veronica Cartwright. Sister of Angela Cartwright of Lost in Space. Veronica was a big name back in the day, too.

    Also, I’m still not feeling Cynthia Watros as Nina. She’s not crazy enough. She’s being written as more business like which is kind of boring.

    She was in Alien and Invasion of the Body Snatchers.  Also, Angela was in The Sound of Music as Brigida.

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  6. On 7/4/2019 at 1:59 PM, Apprentice79 said:

    Also, the reason that Megan and her siblings by her mom were raised in Arizona and not DC was because the DC crowd were loyal to the first Mrs. McCain who had had connections with the establishment and was beloved by them.  So, they all looked at the much younger Cindy as a homewrecker.. She realized this and opted to live in Arizona instead. 

    Yet John escaped this treatment.  He’s the cheater.  

    On 7/4/2019 at 11:49 PM, Miss Slay said:

    Just like to add the Meghan is set to inherit 200 million dollars from her mother.

    She does not need this job and she's an awful person for going after Sunny.

    Oh come now. Meghan’s siblings through Cindy, and one of the three of John McCain’s original family (probably the bio child, even though he adopted the other two), will split the money. Right?

    On 7/6/2019 at 6:08 PM, HaaCHOO said:

    She'd better damned well "baby her Baby."  She's responsible for our torture!

    (There...I said "torture")

    How ... Dare ... You. 

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  7. 7 hours ago, IndyMischa said:

    Duh. He's a walking definition of BDE. 

    Big Dick Ego?

    3 hours ago, Scout Finch said:

    It's embarrassing to admit that in addition to not being able to tell Holly and Analyse apart I can never remember which one does wine safaris because I immediately get hung up on the job title and start envisioning this:

    "To your left, you'll see a small herd of pinot grigios being stalked by three merlots. At the watering hole to your right are a family of caberchard, the hybrid offspring of the bold cabernet and the light-bodied chardonnay.

    Up ahead, there's a group of chiantis lounging in the shade of a baobab tree. Oh, look! In the branches are a couple of very rare growler monkeys, distant relations to the jungle howler monkeys!"

    Analyze is the one with the two-head that rivals Teresa Giudice. 

    • LOL 5
  8. 18 minutes ago, jay741982 said:

    Christie cant see that Jackson is a huge douchebag but she just loves him GAG. Even said she thought he would be a douchebag but hes not UH yeah he is Christie do you not see how hes had 2 women on a string?

    Kind of destroys my delusions that lesbians are resistant to male good looks. 

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  9. 18 hours ago, Nashville said:

    @RedheadZombie - there appears to be some confusion gong on here.

    My post was made in response to a line of discussion concerning Cliff, and was made solely in that context.

    Your post drops mine into an entirely separate discussion thread concerning Jack, then responds as if my post had been made in this totally separate context.

    I’d appreciate it mightily if you could correct this misattribution ASAP, as my opinions on Cliff and Jack are nowhere near interchangeable.

    Lol. Okay. I posted two quotes meaning to respond to both, and missed quoting the first. I will vouch that Nashville was defending Cliff, not Jack. 

    • Love 3
  10. 7 hours ago, IndyMischa said:

    Here it is, in all its grossness. Jesus H Roosevelt Christ, Jack. I'm doing my best to not hate your fine ass, help a girl out!!!

    4 hours ago, Nashville said:

    There’s actually more than one difference.

    Okay, sure. 

  11. On 7/2/2019 at 12:26 AM, Kelda Feegle said:

    This popped up at random and I am interested so far, like many here I had no idea there are books.

    My first thought was to use both keys so I am glad that she attempted to do that.

    Lead actress is slender to a point that I am uncomfortable with.

    She has a striking resemblance to Rose Leslie, who is equally emaciated. 

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  12. 2 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

    Cliff explained why David rubs him the wrong way. He said David is aggressive, forceful, and arrogant. This from a guy who doesn't seem to have much of a problem with Jack. 

    Gee, I wonder what the difference is. 

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  13. 3 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

    Apparently the DR might have told Jackson that he's coming off badly with regards to David:

    I read elsewhere that one of the nasty things Jackson said about David is that the show isn’t BET. 

    Also, Cliff was joining the nastiness, talking with Jackson that they were going to pee all over the toilet seat before David uses it. 

    Ugh. Where do they dig these people up?

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  14. 3 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    Yes she did!

    I just realized I can't tell Holly and Analyse apart. Two skinny white girls with long dark hair. Bit of a casting fail putting both of them in the same season.

    It seems like the 2nd HoH is always the worst possible case scenario. But kind of an eye opener that Jack isn't as dumb as he looks. Not quite.

    Did Jackson kiss his bracelet before the HoH comp? What a weirdo. And why are we calling him "Michie," exactly? That's dumb. Like we're too stupid to keep Jack and Jackson straight. Well, we are watching this dumb show, so . . .

    Still. I can't tell Holly and Analyse apart so why does this show think I won't be able to discern between Jack and Jackson who look NOTHING alike?

    I think the worst takeaway is that aside from Jessica the best people in the house were the worst at the HoH comp and the worst people were the best. Ugh.

    Analyze is the one with the 2-head that rivals Teresa Giudice. 

    • Love 4
  15. On 7/1/2019 at 5:17 PM, HaaCHOO said:

    My mother never hit us with a wooden spoon...or any spoon, but she used many (MANY!) other implements.  She also stopped hitting me when I was finally able to outrun her.  My youngest sister once said, "Mother never spanked or hit us."  I said in WHAT house did YOU live?"  She hit us and beat us all the time!  She said, "Well, not after we were 12."  EGAD!   So the first twelve years equals "never"?  And still we considered our mother a hard-working, valiant woman.

    I was an only child, but my mom was one of nine and her older sister and mother would tag team to punish her physically. My mom spanked, and she would preface it with - Don’t run from me. I’m older and faster and I will catch you. 

    • Love 2
  16. On 6/29/2019 at 2:26 PM, MMEButterfly said:

    I have a sense her father's presence softened her language. I think her marriage was a really negative development. She enjoyed her privileged life-style and I do believe she dreamed of being first daughter. I doubt she cares about government or history. She can't become the Princess of America but she can be her husband's blonde mouth piece. And she wants to ride the 2020 wave then (surely) write another book about her adventures as Princess-Interrupted.

    Her father had a notoriously filthy mouth. I’m sure her love of  “fuck” came from him. 

    On 6/29/2019 at 5:37 PM, HaaCHOO said:

    I think Sunny could have a seat at any news/political TV show.  I think she NEEDS to be on television, and probably wants something with more star power than The View.  Right now I can't think of anything that would give her the "top celebrity" status she craves so much...so she'll continue settling for the mistreatment of the view.   Ah...but wait!  CourtTV is coming; maybe she could be the female legal stahr!

    It’s coming back?  I used to love that channel. 

    • Love 4
  17. 10 hours ago, Christina said:

    Not only did Jack smell his hands after his dinner of fish and say, "Why do my hands smell like this? I didn't get lucky today." (I didn't see a clip of this on Twitter yet.) But then he suggested to Sam and Nick that since the women were together maybe they all got their periods and that is why she's having a crying fit.

    One of them said she told them she had it when they first arrived, which I thought was also Jack, so it may have been one of the other men and I'm blaming Jack because I don't like him and he was there.

    I read on Joker’s yesterday that Nick, Jack, and Jackson were talking about how their giant penises “hurt girls in bed”. 

    • LOL 5
  18. 3 hours ago, perkie1968 said:

    Was he though?  Far be it for me to defend Jason (ew I feel dirty now), but all he was doing at that moment was sitting in the parking lot of a diner, with the waitress, having a chat.  Plus, the diner is outside of BC, so not the cop's jurisdiction.  What was he being arrested for?  

    That's the problem with this show, there are mulititude of legitimate reasons why Jason (and Sonny and Spinelli and Franco) need to have their asses in jail, but the show will have them put in there for a reason that isn't legitimate, so we can feel badly for him.  Mean ole cops.  

    I got the impression that BC has turned into Colorado City, where the local cult (FLDS) has infiltrated the police force.  That way they pick up all the escaping wives and return them to their husbands.  

    • Love 3
  19. 1 minute ago, Bill1978 said:

    According to her Wiki page, her husband's mother was the half sister of Beaufort. Shared the same mother.

    The whole curse thing in this series is ridiculous. According to Gregory the reason why Henry VIII struggled to produce an heir and why the Tudor line eventually ended is because Elizabeth of York and her mother Jaquetta placed a curse on the Tudor line because why not - nothing says progressive women like having scorned women doing witchcraft. So Elizabeth basically cursed her own daughter. So why not have Maggie curse her own family as well.

    Gregory is ridiculous.  I actually read The White Princess, and seriously LOL'd when Elizabeth gave birth to Elizabeth (named after Elizabeth Woodville) and was convinced, absolutely convinced, that little Elizabeth would rule England one day and return the country to glory (meaning her children Arthur, Henry, and Margaret would have to die).  Of course little Elizabeth died, but we're supposed to believe that Elizabeth of York was prescient and foresaw Elizabeth I.  It was actually worse than the mini-series.

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