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Posts posted by RedheadZombie

  1. 19 hours ago, Apprentice79 said:

    The View has dulled Whoopie's shine for me. She has shown to be arrogant, ill-informed nasty and makes excuses for powerful men who have committed crimes. Her comments about rape were really illuminating in a bad way.  She always puts the onus on women regarding men's behavior. I also hate how she minimizes racism and police brutality against Black men.  

    How about excusing away the athlete who whipped his child's genitals because "back in the day . . .".

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  2. 21 hours ago, blondiec0332 said:

    There have been guests who most likely would not have knelt down but Meghan always seems to be away from the table those days.  I would give up all future birthday candle wishes if just one guest would come at her.  I don't even care what they would come at her with.  I would do a happy dance to see her put in her place.

    Paul Begala gently slapped her down on Bill Maher's show, but I'm sure Meghan would veto his appearance, or hide in her dressing room.

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  3. 22 hours ago, athousandclowns said:

    Whoopi screaming when reading the monitor about deBlasio was ridiculous just giving MM the encouragement to yell and bob her head/ neck. They are both assholes.  

    Whoopi's politics revolve around her own self-interests.  She still pissed about those bike lanes.

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  4. Meghan truly has no self-awareness.  Mocking special snowflakes, and denying being one.  And then the gleeful squirrel slaughterer rampages against the accidental death of a groundhog? 

    Now I hate the way they drag those poor animals out every year, but it's really not comparable to Meghan sitting on the front porch, cigar hanging from her mouth and a bottle of whiskey at hand, laughing maniacally while using a semi-automatic weapon to take out squirrels.

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  5. 16 hours ago, Apprentice79 said:

    Another thing is that Sunny is a proponent of church and state and is able to put her feelings aside about Abortion and will defend it as the law of the land if she has to as an officer of the court. Megan is too stupid to understand that type of nuance, everything is black and white for that dolt.

    Did you see how she was glaring at Whoopie when Whoopie was describing back alley abortions and the women who have died due to that type of desperation. Women like Megan will never have to do that because they can go to Canada or wherever and get it done discreetly. Whoopie was on fire when she was talking about that. 

    The princess of Arizona will never understand the struggles of the average woman.  She doesn’t even try because she has zero empathy. 

    • Love 23
  6. On 5/13/2019 at 9:09 AM, YaddaYadda said:

    No. Dany's biggest mistake was not getting rid of Tyrion when he revealed his identity to her. 

    That’s evidence of her mercy, in my opinion.  Another is accepting and trusting Barristan, who would still be with the Lannister’s if they had respected him, as well as bringing Varys (OMG autocorrect was “a stud”) into her circle. 

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  7. The POV camera is ridicuous. We know it’s Ryan - there’s no suspense.  

    Why do they insist on dressing Anna in open blouses?  I haven’t seen such detailed chest bones since a cadaver in nursing school. 

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  8. 18 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

    Sam is a hobo, so can't expect her to go dig into her wardrobe. 

    I remember when Kelly came on the show, she had such fabulous hair. A blow out would go a long way. Those curls are limp.

    Shocked that Sam and Drew were allowed to interact and beyond shocked they were allowed to touch.

    I used to take pics of KeMo to my hair stylist. Used to. 

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  9. 5 minutes ago, mac123x said:

    Really?  I expected something like "We knew in season 5 that we wanted Dany to go full mad queen, but we weren't able to figure out how to get her there organically so we just had it come out of the blue.  In case you hadn't noticed yet, we're pretty much hacks."  

    But seriously folx, I'm a firm believer in [url=]https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DeathOfTheAuthorDeath of the Author[/url] -- They can explain it all they want in commentaries and background material, but if they didn't include it in the canonical material, it doesn't count.  

    Show don't tell.

    Subvert this D&D.

    • Love 10
  10. 3 minutes ago, Whimsy said:

    I always thought she was innocent. 

    Agreed.  The evidence was so weak they only charged her for one death.  If they were confident in the case, they would have charged her for both.  A lot of slut shaming happened.

    I've read speculation that Darin was involved in some shady business that may have come that night to collect.  I thought Marcia Clark did a good review of the case.

    • Love 6
  11. On ‎3‎/‎27‎/‎2019 at 4:29 AM, Tabbygirl521 said:

    I believe Doug Welch, one of the detectives, was present the whole time Diane held the baby. IIRC. 

    She could have tossed the gun out the car window anywhere along the road to the hospital. That part of Oregon is very green and lush. A gun could remain undiscovered among undergrowth.  Most likely she tossed it into the Mohawk River, IMO. 

    Didn't another motorist testify that she was driving as slow as possible?  Barely fast enough to keep the car moving.  She had plenty of time to dispose of the gun.

    On ‎5‎/‎5‎/‎2019 at 10:40 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

    This isn't the first fertility doctor that was actually a lot of kid's sperm donor, of course without the patients knowledge.     As the Law & Order episode said, the doctor saves on sperm purchase, and collection fees, and on testing potential donors for STDs.     

    It's probably more along the lines that he's a malignant narcissist, and thinks his sperm is superior.  

    • Love 4
  12. 21 hours ago, green said:

    This season was suppose to be TAR vs BB teams only.  Several BB teams got kicked out at the last minute and some former Survivors inserted within days of the start of the Race according to stuff on the internet.  The Survivor teams were not planned for nor recruited early on with the others.

    According to another person on this forum the reason for the BB teams that got kicked off was because they found out (how I don't know) where the first destination was to be days before the Race began.  That amounted to cheating giving them a leg up on research etc pre-Race and both the first destination was changed at the last minute to Tokyo instead of the original destination of Papua/New Guinea -- according to that poster -- and those BB teams were dropped.

    How they decided to switch to fill in with Survivors instead of more BB people to fill the gap I don't know.  I assume Rupert at least is on CBS' speed dial.  But I have to assume some other better known former Survivors couldn't get their affairs in order quick enough to take part on the Race or just plain refused because yeah the other two teams are basically no names for casual viewers and I have seen Survivor from the start and don't remember any of them.

    Compare that to the TAR and BB Teams and except for the border patrol dudes these teams are pretty well known from their respected shows.  Not so the Survivors other than Rupert.

    And all of the above is based on a post in one of the episode threads but I forget which one.  I'm taking the word of the poster because I'm kind of playing telephone game with this so anyone have more facts please correct me.

    The part that Survivor teams were not part of the original cast and were added at the last minute is pretty much all over the internet.  The reason for replacing some of the BB teams I didn't hear until the poster here mentioned it centered around the Papua/New Guinea leak.

    For whatever reason it is good that one of the BB teams was Paul & Josh that got kicked because Paul (a horrible bully type) makes the Survivor team that just got eliminated this leg look like two Mother Theresas in comparison.

    It also may explain not only the weird Survivor casting choices but also the poorer showing by the Survivor teams in general as they had less prep time like watching old seasons of TAR etc.  Not that that would have helped Rupert much.  I like Rupert but TAR is not his cup of tea.

    I can see Paul cheating, all the while spouting "friendship".  So glad he's not on this season.  Josh was able to land on this season's The Challenge, on which Paul wouldn't last a minute.

    • Love 2
  13. On ‎5‎/‎10‎/‎2019 at 11:43 AM, mikewho said:

    I noticed that too. There was a quick shot of Colin and Christie running up to the mat and Christie's hair was up, but immediately after when they were ON the mat with Phil, it was down.

    In Janelle and Britney's thread, there's a very good interview about just this.

    That reminds me of the female MasterChef contestants.  They begin the episode with their hair perfectly styled and down, only throw it in a pony while they cook, then immediately let their hair down again.  I find it irritating.  So conscious of that camera.

    • Love 2
  14. On ‎5‎/‎10‎/‎2019 at 12:27 AM, millennium said:

    Not alone.  I like Rachel and Elissa.   They're OTT and comical, Rachel with the histrionics, Elissa with the eyelashes, but they're relatively benign.   Rachel makes me laugh when she blurts out silly observations like "Look, a little girl!" as she's running to the mat.   FWIW, I find them more genuine than constant camera-whores Tyler Oakley and the Afghanimals.

    Rachel is like an annoying cousin.  She gets on my nerves but I always root for her.

    • Love 4
  15. 7 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

    Oh, great. Another reality show with a vow renewal. How exciting. Jasmine is boring the shit out of me this season. And what is up with her husband and the crying? C'mon now people, time to grow up. You're married, have 2 kids and are building a big new house. What's to cry about? Your wife is lazy? Does Jasmine still work at the salon doing hair? Because if she is still working and taking care of a house and 2 kids alone because he is working out of town all the time and  when he comes home she is exhausted then I get it. He needs to understand that. 

    I was shocked at how different Elena looked during the playback of her dancing on the pole for her hubby. Aside from the nose job and lip plumping, she was very skinny. As vain as she is I think she is very depressed over her weight gain. It can do a number on your self esteem. She is one miserable, vapid, hateful person right now. I hope she's at least happy when she's around her kids and I hope she's nice to her husband because he puts up with alot of her selfish dreams and whiney crap. 

    Tonya is the worst friend to have. She couldn't wait to tell everybody about Christy's business venture after promising Christy she would keep it to herself. Nice going, Tonya. 

    Don't forget she had that huge ass installed.

    • LOL 3
  16. 13 hours ago, film noire said:

    Side by sides  -- she's so much prettier with dark curly hair, pale skin and a red-toned lip -- crazy.


    babs 3.jpg

    This may sound odd, but she looks far more feminine in male drag than as herself.  And I don't think I'm phrasing that properly.  More like her natural look is a little more androgynous than her Slash look.

    • Love 13
  17. I don't feel bad for John.  It seems clear that Dorinda and John have had this conversation off camera and he's trying to guilt her on camera.

    1 hour ago, Chickabiddy said:

    This surprised me, too! Dorinda mentioned she moved into a townhouse when she married Richard, and the moved back after he passed. If Richard was so wealthy and loved Dorinda so much, why did she have to leave the town house to go back to her shabby digs? If the townhouse was full of bad memories from his illness, why didn’t she move into something comparable to the townhome or have the money back then to redecorate that drab apartment? And while Blue Stone Manor is  a beautiful home, the decor seems more Rooms To Go than Architectural Digest.  It doesn’t really add up for me.

    What am I missing?

    Did Richard have children who inherited the townhouse?

    1 minute ago, islandgal140 said:

    God Gawd. Production and editing has kept their foot on Ramona's neck this season and I love it. That one soiree is gonna be the bane of Ramona's life this season (lying about the table and the Sonja invite thing) and it wasn't even a featured event. LOL!

    I kind of don't blame Ramona.  It probably gets a little embarrassing when she's shoving food into her purse at events.

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