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Posts posted by RedheadZombie

  1. Just now, Hater said:

    Maybe  Burton needs to realize that playing superhero braindead jason is not one of his strong suits anymore as he can't lift anyone up for his awful rescues.

    IRL, it's probably so much easier to just throw them over their shoulder in a fireman's carry, but they want it to look more romantic.

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  2. 34 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

    How heavy is Kristina? Poor Jason looked like he was suffering carrying a girl the size of a wet rat.

    I think it's much harder carrying people than we know.  I remember on The Walking Dead, Rick was running while holding little Carl and could barely keep him.  Then Daryl was hauling out tiny dead Beth and again, it looked like he could barely hold on to her.  IRL, adrenaline would add strength, but I don't think it's kicking in while acting.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Linny said:

    Anna's conviction that it's ROBIN who could be Alex's child and not even considering Peter (even after Finn pointed out there's no negative tied up in Robin's existence) had me throwing my hands up in despair. Talk about going around your ass to scratch your elbow, jesus. You're smarter than this, Devane, and I wish Robin were in town to remind you of that.

    Sam's fake acting during her cons always sets my teeth on edge, so I really hated her phony drunkenness today. Her act is so exaggerated and unbelievable that it makes anyone who buys into it look like a fool, especially Shiloh, considering he knows exactly what she's capable of doing. As always, I hate that the bad guy has to have the IQ of a tree stump for our "heroes" to prevail.

    Chase is the easily the best leading man of the show's younger generation, and he's got everything I think the show has always failed to achieve with Michael: intelligence, kindness, charisma, and likeability rolled into an attractive package. He's the primary reason I've not given up on Willow, despite her missteps in the Nina mess and her unnecessary role in the Wiley storyline. Chase and Willow have surprisingly become a rare bright spot in the current landscape of GH.

    I just see him as the new Nathan - sweet, good, law-abiding, boring, mediocre acting.  The difference is Nathan was attached to a legacy character and Chase is stuck with Willow.

  4. 8 hours ago, Auntie Velvet said:

    I don't know if Frank was working at OLTL when they had the Mitch Laurence cult storyline going on, but he was a villain who kept turning up like a bad penny, and was so damn sexy that no one complained (at least in my household).

    I found Mitch Laurence to be rather disgusting with his rape of Vicki, and then marrying his daughter's twin sister.  BUT, the actor who portrayed him, Roscoe Born, was hot enough for me to root against poor Cruz with Eden on SB.

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  5. 10 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

    Haven't they done that? Shiloh and Sam both know she conned his dad. Kristina is an attractive target for the cult because of that, and I fervently hope Shiloh isn't stupid enough to think Sam's interest is legit. (He seems to be semi-aware it might not be.) What else is there to do?

    The best part of the episode by a mile. I loved how Felicia agreed with everything Ava said because she (Felicia) knows how dangerous and unhinged Ryan is. Felicia should have been consulted way before this, but at least the writers have finally put her in the story. 

    Second best part was Dr. Shrink being resentful of having to talk to Sonny. I liked that the doctor didn't reveal that he knew about Kristina through Alexis. And he didn't entirely cave to Sonny's demands for help.

    LOL that Sonny played the Morgan card. "I couldn't save my son!" It wasn't up to you to save him, you halfwit.

    I'm just glad the show didn't make it a Handmaiden sort of thing. They're ripping off everything else.

    I wonder what MB and LW are telling him, being soap lifers who've had minimal success outside of the genre. (I don't mean that in a snarky way—it's tough to transition.) CD is 31 (but doesn't look it). I'm not sure he would have much luck in prime time, but who knows?

    I seriously thought Kristina was handed a burlap sack to wear, so I was pleasantly surprised that it was actually a dress.  

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  6. On ‎4‎/‎4‎/‎2019 at 12:42 PM, General Days said:

    I also think Barbara Walters faced and fought through a lot of sexism in her day in order to have the career she had. Sometimes, old warriors can't lay down their swords.

    I don't say this so much to hold her up as a feminist icon, as much as to point out the old warrior part. I imagine it's hard to give up any career where you've achieved a lot by fighting your ass off for years.  

    I respected Barbara Walters for a long time.  When she wrote the book about fucking married men after the men were dead and their widows remained - classless in my eyes.  She was quite elitist in the end, and her blind support for her "friends", for example the Hiltons, was nauseating.

    • Love 15
  7. 5 minutes ago, Spike said:

    He’s the drummer in a Nirvana tribute band. How busy can he be?

    Lol.  I guess he could be super busy.  But if Terra is raking in the dough, he needs to step up and help.  If all he does is cry at Penny's limitations, he's useless.  I thought Joe had a bunch of surgeries as a child and could be more realistic.  Or maybe I'm biased because I just don't like him.

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  8. 21 hours ago, AZ Curls said:

    I only watched the first few episodes of last season before I gave up and I feel like that might happen this season too.  I never really got to see the awfulness that is Minka, but she has this drunk look on her face 24/7.  I think Jasmine's new chest makes her head look even tinier.  But I think Christy looks great with the weight loss.  Haha @ Elena not getting approved for a loan to do her beauty bar, I know Preston breathed a sigh of relief when that awful business adventure ended.  I really can't stand Terra but do feel bad for her daughter but it's still not gonna make me ever like Terra if that's what the writers are trying to do this season.  Oh and also weren't Jasmine & Chris living paycheck to paycheck and now she can afford a new build and new boobs??  Something doesn't add up. 

    I fear Jasmine has fallen into the trap that all reality show people seem to - thinking the show money will never end.  They tend to live above their means and then suffer when the show ends.  I thought she was smarter than that.

    • Love 9
  9. 7 hours ago, renatae said:

    Congrats to Christy for her weight loss! Looks like the Christy/Todd breakup stuff will soon be a non issue. I certainly hope so.

    It's really too bad Terra waited so long to get the surgery for Penny. She's lost some progress and that may not have happened if Terra had bucked up and done what I'm sure the doctors were urging her to do sooner.

    I feel badly about what she is going through with Penny, but one would think it would give her some perspective so she could stop being so petty about that idiotic BGM wine nonsense. The slighted friend wants to let the past be the past, but no, Terra wants to be pissy with everyone. Wish there was a way to dump her butt. Both she and Mika can be gone.

    The preview shows there are many horrors to come.

    I hope Penny receives physical therapy.  Terra says Penny doesn't even try to walk anymore.  They need a pro who knows what to do.  At this point, Penny needs to be pushed into doing these things even if she starts crying.  If she's coddled she's never going to progress.  It sounds cruel, but otherwise you risk enabling them into helplessness.  She also needs a speech therapist to encourage her to become verbal again.  Hopefully the regression is due to her shunt not functioning versus autism.  If they anticipate her every want, she has no need to verbalize.  They could also start teaching her basic sign language.

    And Joe is useless.  Terra makes the lion's share of their finances, and yet he's never dependable to care for the children.  I'm sure his weight loss has given him greater mobility, but I remember Terra coming home with a fresh C-section, and she had to do all the carrying of Penny as well as moving the crib, etc.  And the one nanny we saw when Penny was a baby acted like she was on drugs.  They need a professional caring for their special needs children.

    • Love 11
  10. 23 minutes ago, AuxArx said:

    Is Port Charles so small that there's only one 3rd Grade (or whatever grade she's in) class that Charlotte can be in?  If not, can't she just be moved to a class with a different teacher?

    How about a snooty school for rich kids.  Surely Spencer never went to school with the townies.

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  11. 7 hours ago, BlancheDevoreaux said:

    I remember in a story years ago, they explained that Mercy is a public hospital while GH is private. That's created problems in the past for some people to stay at GH. I think it's an obnoxious storyline. People love to act like the US healthcare system sucks when it really doesn't. Average wait time for an MRI here is 2 weeks. It's 6 in the UK and 10.8 in Canada. Canada has the longest wait time to see a specialist based on recent studies and it can take as many as 68 weeks to see a neurologist in the UK, even with an emergency referral. You tell an American it's an emergency and well be over a year before they see a specialist and they will hit the roof. We all have different healthcare systems and none are perfect. Each has what they do well and what they do poorly.

    Despite longer wait times, Americans have higher maternal and fetal death rates than Canadians.  The US also scores pretty low when compared to all Western countries with national healthcare.  It's a dirty not so secret secret.  We have the best healthcare, which is applied unequally, and not as well as it should be.   And that doesn't even go into how your income determines level of care, and how areas of poverty have difficulty finding a doctor.  Food deserts often have doctor deserts.

    • Love 8
  12. 25 minutes ago, BlancheDevoreaux said:

    What the fink is with Valentine? Does he think Miss Tate is that bad or is he just trying to keep Nina happy? AND HOW ON EARTH ARE WE SUPPOSED TO BELIEVE HELENA, OF ALL PEOPLE, WAS AFRAID OF HIM? 😡🙄😐

    Interesting that the bullying accusation didn't bother Valentine, but the cheating did.

    I'm guessing this SL is to increase support for the Willow character, who has been rather bland, and in an equally bland relationship.

  13. 8 hours ago, Perkie said:

    That's not what I meant, I just worded it wrong.  I meant, go to the clinic, with my health card, then get my meds.  I just took a shortcut but the meaning wasn't there!!

    But your country negotiates with Big Pharma for lower drug costs.  Again, better than what the US offers.

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  14. 28 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

    Anyone watch the premier?

    I watched the rerun of the premiere.  Strangely, the premiere was an hour, and the rerun was only 47 minutes.

    Why does "puta" have to be bleeped out?  I'm pretty sure this show has used the word prostitute or whore before.

    • Love 5
  15. 9 minutes ago, BlancheDevoreaux said:

    I feel like they are trying so desperately to make Joss and Oscar the next generation's Robin and Stone. Problem is, both characters suck and Michael Sutton could act circles around Garren Stitt. And now the bridge is a special place for them? Hard pass on all of this. At best, they are bland. Other times they are just awkward. I think it's Oscar because Joss is good with Cam. But then, Cam is good with everyone.

    Is Kelly Monaco the bad actress here or is Sam supposed to suck at this scam? Because it doesn't really seem like she is legit into all of this. Personally, I'm really hoping Shiloh is well aware of the stunt she is trying to pull and is 3 steps ahead of her. That would be refreshing. Even if it means Sonny has to step I and save the day(not my first choice), at lest it means one of the fab4 wasn't always right and always perfect. Actually, what would make my day would be Sam screwing up, Sonny stepping in to save the day, and then he gets blackmailed because Kristina disclosed something huge about him.

    I am enjoying Kristina and Julian. They have a nice chemistry that I don't feel between Kristina and Sonny.

    I actually wonder if Joss/Oscar are more reminiscent of Emily/Zander.  Emily and Zander were a sweet first love, but it ended up being an Emily/Nikolas story.  It seems they're setting up Cam comforting Joss through her loss, and then perhaps Joss and Cam having the more mature love story.  Who knows?

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  16. 15 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

    Yeah, Jackie’s face is pulled so tight that she doesn’t look human. And I used to think she was a good actress. Not so much any more. I did enjoy today’s show and wish they’d have shown many more flashbacks of the old days.

    She has also over used fillers for a long, long time.  I used to really enjoy her, but the look and the cartoon voice grate these last five or so years (or even a decade +).

  17. My eyes stung a little when Elizabeth talked about her rape, and Alexis's reading of the letter ended in the montage.

    I recognized every montage scene except the one in which it looked like Monica walked in on herself kissing a blond man.  Can anyone tell me who the non-Monica's were?

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