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Posts posted by RedheadZombie

  1. On 3/11/2019 at 8:33 PM, Kyanight said:

    How far is it from the nearest utility line?  If it's going to cost $500,387.37 to run utilities the family may NEVER build their house/houses.

    I wonder if the utilities will end up costing more than leveling the ground at Cottonwood.  These people used to drive in snow and yet they act terrified of it now.  They have a million cars aren’t any of them useful in heavy snow? I lived in Northern Illinois driving a car with rear wheel drive.  I’m sure they can handle it. 

    • Love 5
  2. On 3/11/2019 at 1:10 PM, SunnyBeBe said:

    It could be done, but, they'd have to compromise on private bedrooms.....the kids, not the wives. lol 

    So, I think they could manage with 8 bedrooms. A bedroom for each wife (4) and 1 bedroom for the older sons, 1 bedroom for the older daughters and one bedroom for the younger kids. (Truly, Solomon and Ariealla.) And 1 bedroom for the family member who lives with them, I think is Robyn's cousin/niece, who helps with childcare, but, she could sleep on the couch. 

    Lol. Isn’t Robyn currently in a seven bedroom home with just her kids?  

    She’s come far from the unheated trailer. 

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  3. On 3/12/2019 at 3:49 PM, Kyanight said:

    They are in South Dakota, but it's still damn cold a lot of the time!  I would imagine New York gets pretty cold, too - and they have all that humidity!

    Jennifer doesn't look young to me, either.   And to comment on something someone else said earlier - Sharis didn't introduce this second potential sister wife.  Jennifer contacted someone connected to the show who put her in contact with Jeff - so basically she introduced herself to the family.

    And they thought that sounded like a good idea?  I wonder if production and Jennifer are working together on this - as in they paid Jennifer for her role.  The Alldredges seem genuine. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, Kyanight said:

    To be fair though, her teeth were knocked out after her husband died and she was no longer living a polygamist lifestyle.

    While she looks toothless, I did notice that the mother has, at a minimum, some bottom teeth.  It reminds me of Breaking Amish, and how all Amish people end up with dentures early in life.

    1 hour ago, Morgalisa said:

    Yeah, this episode made me uncomfortable as well.  Vanessa seems intelligent, beautiful, great personality, easy to get along with, ...why would she allow herself to be drawn into the Snowden cult. She gets the D. Does she get anything else? I dont think so. She can find some D that she will not have to share and hopefully will adore her. I bet we will find out something about Vanessa. If that bitch Ashley told me I couldn't wear a bra she'd have to watch her own kids. Who as stated above are way to familiar with strangers. Dimitri just wants some strange what is Ashley's deal?

    The McGees drive me nuts. There is no way Mrs McGee will ever be ready for another wife. And new potential wife doesnt seem to care. And Fibber just wants to sleep with her. Imagine waking up the morning after and facing your teen son as his mom sobs in the corner.

    The Alldreges seem like a catfish situation with some kind of twist.  What could she want? And on tv no less.

    Kermit's mother-in-laws appearance should be a cautionary tale about how polygamy ages women as well as lack of resources for dental care.

    What I've learned is that Sharis has a horrible picker.  She's picked both potential sister wives and they've been terrible choices.  Why in the world is she seeking women outside of their lifestyle?  Let Vanessa take the lead from now on.

    4 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

    Vanessa baffles me. I see no chemistry between her and Dmitry/Ashley. She's ingratiating and trying hard to please, but its a one way street. She's trying to please them. They're indoctrinating her. Its getting really uncomfortable to watch. The kids are more attached to Vanessa than to their parents. The older girl glommed on to anyone who'd pay attention to her. The way she was climbing all over Adrienne was inappropriate, Ashley or Dmitri should have redirected her. Its rude to let your kids clamber all over your guests, its not like they're family or someone they know well.

    Dear lord, the hair salon scene! I was dying. The looks on the stylist's faces were hilarious. It speaks well of their professionalism that they didn't bust out laughing right there.

    And really? You couldn't call and make an appointment?

    Do not even get me started on the treehouse. You are seriously going to put your guest in a treehouse? (the charmingness of the treehouse notwithstanding. Put a few of the kids in the treehouse and let your guest sleep in the house! What if she has to pee in  the middle of the night?)

    Before adding another wife? Add on another bathroom. Priorities.

    Bernie is a dirty old man, full stop. What a creep.

    I was waiting for one of Vanessa's sisters to call her on the quackery of the "alkaline diet".

    Ashley is not in the habit of being questioned, is she? She could barely hide her disdain.

    I was so skeeved out by this whole episode. I kept checking the time, waiting for it be be over.

    I wonder if Jeff's original family had more bathrooms.  I've never been to ND, but google tells me that temperatures drop down into the 50's even in the summer.  I'm originally from Chicago, so I love the cold, but not sure Jennifer does.

    And while I acknowledge this is a cruel thing to say, Jennifer does not look "young" to me.  She's the very definition of ridden hard and hung up wet.  Vanessa should never doubt herself compared to this woman's physical appearance.

    • Love 9
  5. 4 hours ago, Booger666 said:

    I didn’t know this.  What is the reason for having at least three?  I wonder if this is why Kermit Winder is in such a hurry to add another wife.  

    It's part of original Mormon doctrine.  It was only rejected so Utah could gain statehood.  Minimal of three wives got them into a higher level of heaven.

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  6. On 3/11/2019 at 1:55 PM, blondiec0332 said:

    She is just as bad as Meghan. She just isn't so blatant about it.  But today she showed  her true colors.  Even when confronted with the quote in context she still dismissed it as AOC hating America.  

    And Joy was right to bring up Steve King.  And no Abby it is not wrong to bring  up an example of the right doing something offensive when the left is accused of doing something offensive. This was not an example of false equivalency.  This was Joy showing the hypocrisy of calling out AOC (for something she did not say) and ignoring Steve King.

    There was another time when Meghan was absent that I noticed Abby took over Meghan's strident voice.  Is it possible that the producer pushes them in that direction?

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  7. 1 hour ago, rob in cal said:

    Glad that Vanessa's twin is giving her a new perspective, but I wonder if her tone was a little tough. Vanessa might need a more gentle approach to ween her out of coming catastrophe. The whole Allredge thing is the usual mess.  Love the treehouse guest room, and one bathroom situation. Personally that would present some big issues for me. Too much time pressure, I'd be worried that I'm taking too long in the bathroom, and that a huge line of preschoolers is backing up outside while I'm trying to take care of business.  What are the odds of a major situation happening not once, but twice to derail Jeff's weird courting of biker/bartender gal Jennifer.  This I think is a blessing in disguise for Jeff who as I've mentioned before is really pushing the domestic bliss envelope with trying to get yet another much younger wife onto his compound/preschool.

      Did like Vanessa Alldredge pushing back a little and realizing that going from 50% share of hubby down to 33% is a big drop. If we could only supply these ladies with some good calculators that might keep husbands from getting too many wives.  I confess that from what I can tell from the show she seems a really sweet lady and probably a good wife and mother, which is what irritates me about Jeff looking for more. 

    The problem with Mormon polygamy is a minimum of three wives is required. Since real wife #1 flew the coop, Jeff needs one more. 

    • Love 2
  8. Maybe I'm crazy, but in the preview Jason is defending Ava to Carly.  Maybe this is finally the moment Ava is forgiven, and will get shared custody of Avery.  I'm over that situation.

    7 hours ago, ByaNose said:

    OMG! I noticed that when she put her arm on the bar. Too funny! I do remember VM starting that as well.

    Everything about VM was affected, IMO, and I never liked Brenda.

    23 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

    MW is such a scenery chewer, I am completely over her performances. They’re all the same screamy, OTP mess. Like, year one, I could tolerate it. Year six, no thank you.

    I've loved MW's acting since she rolled into ATWT and called mary sue Roseanne, "Rosebud".  But she's annoyed me since Kiki's death.  Laura was incredibly gentle and kind.  Not sure Ava deserved it.

    29 minutes ago, General Days said:

    Okay, GH can't even get courtroom procedure right, so I don't know why I expect it to be any different about medical stuff (title aside), but I'm pretty sure as a stroke survivor, Stella can't donate a kidney. I don't think they'd want to take the risk of operating on her and harvesting the organ.

    Stella is surely on a blood thinner, and withholding that med for surgery would put her at risk for another stroke.  Maximum age for kidney donor is 70, so not sure where Stella falls.  I was wondering if they were doing a story line where Jordan's harshest critic gives her life to save Jordan.

    • Love 2
  9. 3 hours ago, Haleth said:

    Who in the world thought "ask Meghan and Abby" was a good idea?  Unless it was someone who hates both of them. What were the expecting?

    I actually attempted to ask the following:  Meghan, can you respond to issues on the show with your own opinion, not "as a Republican", or what your interpretation of what a Trump fan thinks.  No one else prefaces their opinion.

    The site was really slow and kept freezing.  I finally swore repeatedly and gave up.  Since most of the questions were BS, I was hoping the question would get through.

    • Love 12
  10. 1 minute ago, blondiec0332 said:

    Wouldn't you love to know what Meghan's top 30 issues are if climate change isn't one of them?

    Okay, here we go:

    The first 5:  Eliminating each and every restriction to guns - including minimum age requirement, weapons of war, etc.

    The next 20 or so:  Dismantling every environmental protections that exists - you know, small government.

    The next 5:  Ending "inheritance tax" - I made my way on my own, nobody gave me nothing, but I have the right to each and every million my parents' die with, hands off!

    The next 5:  Ending legal abortion, up to AND including rape and incest.  Babies, innocent lives, yada yada.

    The next 5:  Dismantling any laws against forcing every American to wave old glory 24/7/365.

    The next 5:  Ending any law limiting hunting.  Newborn fawns - eating up my land, BOOOM!

    The last 5:  Performative blah blah blah the military.

    • LOL 5
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  11. Jordan lost only one kidney, right?  Why in the world would she go on a transplant list?  So Curtis or TJ should give her a kidney, leaving them with one, so she can have two?  Unless I missed the part where Jordan's remaining kidney is compromised, this is ridiculous.

    2 hours ago, Auntie Velvet said:

    And this was really only supposed to be the Thursday cliffhanger, right? I think now we have to wait until Monday to see the "Don't. Miss. The. Last. Five. Minutes!" ep that was supposed to be the traditional Friday cliffhanger.

    Franco managed to spit out more info before passing out than most victims do on this show. And Liz knew where her own towels were. (On TV, people always have plenty of folded, clean dishtowels in their kitchen.)

    Franco was giving a dying declaration while Elizabeth is on the phone with the 911 operator!  Why in the world wouldn't she have had him repeat it to the dispatcher? 

  12. 16 minutes ago, HaaCHOO said:

    She'll never be able to understand it until HER HUSBAND suffers the same fate.   He suggests they make a large donation to something HE is passionate about it.  They attend the gala and he looks through every donation page of the program looking for HIS name.  He doesn't find it, but he does spot a similar donation from Meghan McCain and husband.   OOPS!

    Even that wouldn’t click I think.  Maybe if Meghan ponied out the money and the acknowledgement was to Ben “and wife”.  

    • Love 7
  13. On ‎2‎/‎25‎/‎2019 at 7:41 AM, bichonblitz said:

    She never raised her own children. Back in Utah she couldn't stand to be a stay at home mom. She had a good job and made all the money for the family while Christine took care of her kids all day. That was back in the earlier days before Sobbyn came in to the picture.  

    Christine didn't deal with Janelle's children before school.  Logan did it all.  I remember wondering where the heck Maddie was - she was only one year younger, and yet Logan even dealt with Savannah.  I'm guessing that's why Maddie was quick to become a teen bride and immediately have a child, and Logan is doing the opposite.  

    On ‎2‎/‎26‎/‎2019 at 7:22 AM, VedaPierce said:

    I hated Janelle for that comment tonight about 'wanting the privilege of raising her child'....since when, Janelle. Ugh. She gets on my nerves the most. 

    Janelle left for work before the kids woke up and arrived home after dinner.  I wonder if being with her kids 24/7 in LV made her regret how little she was with her children in the earlier years.  Plus, she's already had four fly the coop, so maybe she's really clinging to the two youngest.  

    • Love 6
  14. 23 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    Or they had already decided for themselves to do that? I'm just a plebian, but I don't think the Academy has any say what songs they were going to perform?

    I think We Will Rock You/We are the Champions is their best known song.  Adam could have handled belting out Bohemian Rhapsody, but they had a stripped down set with no backup singers, so I don't think it was possible.  

    • Love 5
  15. 50 minutes ago, Hater said:

    Sam McCall= a sorry excuse for a female character.  Jason raising his voice at her,  "Carly's pregnant and can't be stressed!" and what does she do?  She submits, says nothing and hugs slagbeast. Then duck kisses Lassie later on in the episode.

    Yet Drew was the DEVIL!  The only time he did anything remotely close to that was when he was Jake Doe and thought Sam was trying to destroy Liz. 

    Do all the soaps write female characters this badly?  This show is beyond insulting to women. Demeaning. Degrading garbage.

    I despised Erica Kane, but there was no doubt that AMC was a female character driven soap. 

    • Love 1
  16. 18 minutes ago, Haleth said:

    Exactly. Is it Opposite Day?  She's the one who always complains about celebrities who get political on tv. 

    I'm also annoyed with Sunny today. Her church lady side eye about Gaga and Cooper, actors performing while the girlfriend was in the audience was silly.  Really?  Sunny needs to stop projecting her cheating anxiety onto other people. Actors, Sunny!  (And, btw, the show was better without hosts.  We don't need dance numbers.)

    My mother, who rarely says anything about these ladies (although she finds Meghan irritating), said to me:  "Abby is a prude from the 14th century", and talked of Sunny's pearly clutching.  My mom can be quite the prude herself, so this was saying a lot.

    People who closely followed the Oscar campaign for months, seem to believe Gaga and Cooper can't stand each other.  The best chemistry is completely natural and does not require sex or even romance.  

    • Love 8
  17. On ‎2‎/‎6‎/‎2019 at 4:34 PM, rhys said:

    I was also gobsmacked when she said she would see her dad in heaven. Hmmm. I'm a recovering catholic but I don't think heaven is open for murderers. Jeesch.

    It sounds like the decision to begin contact with her father was inspired by returning to church.  Religion guilts a lot of people into doing things that aren't good for them.

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  18. On ‎2‎/‎2‎/‎2019 at 9:37 PM, Annber03 said:

    Same. I totally get her reasons for wanting to open up about this, and I also sympathize with her mom's desire to just stay out of the spotlight and move on. Whatever helps each of them heal and work through all of this horror, and all that. I felt for her so much when she talked about coming across that "Mindhunter" show and seeing her father and his crimes being dramatized on TV, and the actor looking eerily like her dad. Talk about surreal...

    I'm really glad that she's got such a supportive, stable family of her own, though, and I liked the way she and her husband talked about how to address this topic with their own children. I can't even begin to imagine, when the day finally comes for the kids to learn the full truth about their grandfather, how tough that conversation will be. But I think it's clear those two will be as prepared as possible, and hopefully that'll make things at least a bit more manageable. 

    On a related note, man, that footage of Dennis doing the whole doting dad thing the day his daughter got married was beyond bizarre to watch. Going based just off that footage alone, I can easily see how people would've been fooled by him for so long. I would not have thought, "Hey, that's a serial killer standing there", either. The bit about him walking around that news station and observing the newsanchors reporting on the BTK case, not knowing that the killer they were talking about was right there among the crowd, was incredibly chilling, too. It's stunning how absolutely brazen he was. 

    And then everything with the Otero family. Heartbreaking and horrifying. I figured they'd have to touch on the Clutter family murders at some point as another notable crime from that state-I would've thought that case would've debunked the whole "Things like that just don't happen here" mindset pretty quickly among the people of Kansas in general, regardless of where they lived. Evidently not, though. 

    I can't remember the name of the family, but the most heart breaking survivor to me was a son.  His mother was sick that day and home with the kids.  Rader had stalked and planned a different victim, but she was gone that day.  He saw this boy walk back into his house, and immediately targeted that family.  He killed the mother and the children were allowed to live.  The adult son was messed up his entire life because he knew that Rader targeted them because of him.  You could tell he never dealt with it.

    On ‎2‎/‎2‎/‎2019 at 11:39 PM, walnutqueen said:

    She was promoting her book.

    I agree.  But she didn't have to be so open and frank, IMO.

    • Love 1
  19. 22 minutes ago, Stuffy said:

    I knew Blake and Miranda were doomed when he went on Ellen and said when it's Miranda's turn to meet up with him she always shows up. However when it was his turn to go to her, he would sometimes cancel. 

    I think Miranda's first boyfriend after Blake (not counting the affair she's rumored to have had) was Anderson East. I don't think Anderson was married. Then she may have cheated (not sure of the breakup timeline) on East with Evan Felker and that situation was a shitshow. He/They really did his wife wrong. 

    The way she talked I don't think Abby knows the whole story about Miranda and her men. 

    Yeah, I remember when they were still married, Blake said that Miranda does all the heavy lifting and comes to him in LA.  He never went to her.  Luckily his new lady is the type to live her life entirely for her man.

    • Love 4
  20. On ‎2‎/‎22‎/‎2019 at 1:48 PM, Bucket said:

    Sunny, good god.  Gabriel is a very common name and has been since the 70s.  My sons went to school with many and it was a small school.  

    It was nasty for Miranda's BF to get another pregnant when he was seeing her!  Good Luck Miranda.  I don't know much about her but I read that she cheated on Blake; is this true?  And what is up with him not using birth control?  

    Meggie, oh empty vessel, you have to start dressing with looser and longer tops.  The hoodie looked pretty good. 

    Joy, I love this woman! 

    Not defending Miranda, but Blake cheated on his first wife with Miranda, so he's no saint.  Word is Miranda's first boyfriend after Blake ghosted his wife.  This new husband is reported to have knocked up his side piece while engaged to another woman last year.  He's not a prince, either.  But it reminds me of Tom Brady who became involved with Giselle Budchen when his ex reported she was pregnant by him almost immediately into that relationship.  People are so messy.

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