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Posts posted by RedheadZombie

  1. 50 minutes ago, nutty1 said:

    Elyse is a breath of fresh air, with her red hair that isn’t straight and parted in the middle. 

    Demi’s laugh....OMG!!

    You'd think that horrendous braying would be an automatic deal breaker.  I have a feeling she'll be talking about her platinum vagine any time now.

    • Love 21
  2. 52 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

    Did these women really say "drownding in bitches"?  Like with a D in the middle of drowning?

    I definitely heard that moron Catherine pronounce it that way.

    • Love 3
  3. 58 minutes ago, Churchhoney said:

    Is it just me or is that a kind of unflattering picture of Jer? 

    It is so unflattering it makes me wonder if Jingle secretly resents her husband's vanity.  The receding part looks like it passes the back of his ear.  Something tells me Babe didn't approve this picture before it was posted.

    • Love 9
  4. 3 hours ago, Haleth said:

    He was very dismissive of the FBI investigation and Mueller. 

    I hate to admit to kind of agreeing with Meghan that someone who won't condemn hate speech should not be leading an organization that promotes equal rights. I hated her smug expression though. 

    I could appreciate Meghan's righteous indignation if I didn't realize she would hate this woman and her organization regardless of the Farrakhan love.  

    • Love 16
  5. On ‎1‎/‎13‎/‎2019 at 6:46 AM, optimistprime said:

    I watched her on WWHL and listened to her share on the after show (available online) about how much Joe Biden has helped her during her dad’s diagnosis and then through the grieving process. She shared how he could understand in ways that others couldn’t, since he was friends with her dad but had also lost his son to the same brain cancer. After sharing this beautiful story, she spoke of how she wouldn’t know what to do if he decides to run in 2020 because she wouldn’t be able to speak poorly of him on the View (“I’d have to quit or something.”).


    Hearing that response to such a beautiful story was beyond frustrating. Here’s a man who has walked beside you in your grief, presumably running against a man who trashed your father, and you couldn’t see past partisanship to support him? Do you idolize party over country that much?

    She thinks he understands better than her siblings who went through the exact same loss of their father?  I realize she's not saying this exactly, but unless her siblings have expressly requested she never speak of them, it's bizarre how she always portrays her loss as a solo loss.  No one loss this man except Meghan.

    • Love 19
  6. 19 minutes ago, Irlandesa said:

    Plus, there was so much more information released today in the criminal complaint so is 48 hours going to do another show?

    I won't give all the details but for those wondering how he targeted her, in his confession he said he saw her getting on (or off?) a school bus on his way to work one day and knew she was going to be the one he took.  He went to her house twice before to take her but something made the circumstances not right.  He didn't even know her name until he got her home.

    Considering she left the house daily to attend school, I wonder why in the world he chose to take her by breaking into the house and murdering her parents.  I'm guessing his plan was to eliminate them in the attempt to isolate her.

    • Love 3
  7. 1 hour ago, Annber03 said:

    Heh, interesting you mention the Stayner case-I was just talking about that one with my mom earlier today. Talk about a family that was swamped with tragedy and horror. 

    I'm sure Cary's sociopathic tendencies were already intact at age eleven, but I can't help but wonder if the trauma of his brother Steven's abduction helped warp him.

    • Love 5
  8. I'm sort of torn on the Jayme Closs episode.  When a child is abducted and miraculously turns up alive, the community has become so invested that they often feel "owed" pictures and updates of the victim.  I was uncomfortable with the release of the picture of Jayme with her aunt and dog.  I hope that's the last we will see of her so she can focus on healing.  Obviously, the trial will require her to testify, but I hope she's protected as a minor and efforts made to protect her - hopefully no picture drawn of her on the stand, etc.

    I still remember with disgust watching Elizabeth Smart riding her horse in slo-mo as her long, blonde hair floated in the wind.  I've long judged how the Smart parents handled Elizabeth's recovery, and subjecting her to such exploitative scenes when she'd already been the victim of an obsessed man was a parental fail, IMO, as well as immediately dismissing the need for counseling, and stating Elizabeth was looking forward to dating.  Luckily, Elizabeth was an extremely strong young woman who's grown to be an amazing advocate.  I especially respect her stance on not idolizing the hymen, which I can't help but feel is aimed at her religion.

    I hope Jayme will be protected from this point on in the way that Jaycee Dugard protected her daughters.  She revealed very little about them, and I don't recall ever seeing a picture of them.

    • Love 12
  9. On ‎1‎/‎5‎/‎2019 at 12:28 PM, Melina22 said:

    Yeah, that episode was insanely convoluted and twisted. It would make a great movie. I still don't have the whole story straight in my head, but it would be fun to watch a fictionalized version. 

    It's weird how the final girlfriend is still idolizing and idealizing Nick. According to his track record, if he'd lived, by now they'd be split up and she'd be furious with him. 

    Something that I really dislike about Dateline is how they keep having little popup questions, like "Who do you think killed Nick?" or "How would you feel if someone poisoned your child?" They post the questions before we actually find out much info. I find it annoying because seriously, what is the value in anyone's answer to these questions? Who even cares? In a way, it's sort of patronizing, as if the show thinks putting their 2 cents in will somehow make viewers feel important or like they're part of things. Surely most viewers can see how pointless these questions are. Also, it makes the crime seem a bit like a game, staged for our entertainment. I suppose there's some truth in that, but I'd rather they not rub it in so much. 

    I found her rather unlikeable.  Hearing a 40 y/o woman mention over and over how a man is her "protector" tends to gross me out.

    On ‎1‎/‎5‎/‎2019 at 4:33 PM, JudyObscure said:

    Seriously, convoluted.

     At the time of his death  Nick was engaged to Kristina, but before her he dated Claudia and before her Jessica.   Jessica's says one day she came home and found him with Claudia and he simply told Jessica to pack her stuff and get out, she had been replaced. I'm not sure how he went from Claudia to Kristina.     Although Nick and Kristina  were engaged, they weren't living together and I wouldn't have been surprised if that wedding was only ever a real possibility in Kristina's mind, particularly if someone even skinnier than Claudia or Kristina came along. 

    I'm not really surprised that Jessica went a little crazy after being treated so poorly, but standing in his house watching him sleep was a sure indication that she was not getting over it.   When I heard that, I thought she was the prime suspect.

    It was Nick's bad luck that Jessica ran into someone even crazier than she was in James Lapan. From all I could figure out his raging hatred was all based on Nick telling him he couldn't park his car where he wanted to.  That's all it took to make James bust out a window and shoot Nick seven times, using a unique gun and bullets he still had in the garage, after slashing his arm on the broken window and bleeding all over the place.  What an absolute moron.  Ever notice what a terrible job most men do of cleaning up evidence?  Oh, yeah, sure, just cut out a piece of the carpet and leave all the blood smears on the walls and door knobs.  

    I'm so glad this man got life imprisonment, anyone that full of hatred and that stupid is always going to be a danger. 

    The one good thing is, Lapan's poor wife and children are safe from him.  What's this "covenant" marriage deal?  Aren't all marriages that are conducted by a minister "marriages in both the eyes of God and the government?"

    Smokey didn't even bark.

    And where's Smokey now?  These are the questions that keep me up at night.

    • Love 8
  10. 8 minutes ago, sacrebleu said:

    The way I amuse myself while watching GH is to carefully observe Ryan in his scenes and try to pinpoint the moment he starts thinking whether or not he should kill the person he's interacting with next. (Mac got the look, Anna got the look, or maybe it was Dr Michael Easton, Laura got it as well) JL is having a good time with this. 

    ( I legit got scared for Mac yesterday, I don't even want to imagine what Maxie will do if Mac gets killed. He's been on GH forever, was the former police commissioner, is definitely someone who could trip Ryan up because he doesn't remember some Kevin-related thing that Mac might bring up.. Seriously guys, the more I think about it, the more I worry about Mac's neck.)

    I thought they signaled a Mac death as well, but then he made the comment about losing Maxie.  And why would Ryan kill Mac?  Mac is clueless about Kevin's behavior being out of character, unlike Laura.  I thought that Ryan would immediately fix on a "young Felicia" like Maxie or even Lulu, so I'm not sure what to expect.  

    • Love 1
  11. 21 hours ago, Coffeewinewater said:

    😂😂😂 that pic is hilarious.  What fake ridiculous reaction to something she does to everyone else. 

    Seriously,  what do you all think was going on with her?  My theory is she talked to, about her negative nasty attitude and was trying to be jokey fun Meghan.  Somebody said she seemed manic, she really did.  If Meghan thinks that she came off as fun and jokey, boy she lives in alternate universe. 

    In high school I was obsessed with the book "Looking for mr Goodbar."  One of those true crime shows on ID channel  covered the case very interesting. " A crime to remember " is the show. Episode is titled "looking for Mr goodbar. "

    I thought Meghan came out appearing to be in a great mood. I pay particular attention to her stage entrances, which is difficult because I have to be on alert to FF Whoopi’s yodel braying, which gives me inappropriate feelings of rage.  

    Maybe Meghan got another talking to and was being sarcastic, but she seemed as enthusiastic as a member of the Mickey Mouse Club.  Of course it all went down hill quickly. As usual. 

    • Love 12
  12. 23 hours ago, rcc said:

    "My clothing line"!!! If what Whoopi wears is her clothing line then there is no accounting for taste.

    And she has a bra line?  Does she even wear bras, and if so, she’s not a very good ambassador for her line. 

    • Love 5
  13. Following the obvious anvil of Anna telling Peter there was no rush followed by her collapse, does it then follow that Mac's telling Maxie he doesn't know what he would do without her ends in her murder?  I'm sure I'm wrong, but that's how it struck me.

    • Love 1
  14. 1 hour ago, ByaNose said:

    Genie Francis is so pretty. She lights up the screen. It’s too bad she was lighting it with Maurice Bernard. Ugh! I’m kind of bored with the election stuff. I’m not in to it in real life and I don’t care for it on my soap. 

    I just got back from the hospital. I had gotten whiplash after viewing the new opening credits. The doctor says I should be okay though. Don’t worry about me FV.

    I hate to put this out there, but she wa setting off chemistry with Sonny in that scene. What’s that all about?  

    • Love 1
  15. 7 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    Oh, for FUCK'S SAKE! Someone needs to play that clip of hers when she was on Real Time, and telling Begala and Bill to stop saying that the recessions "was started under Bush" because, well, he was no longer president, Obama was. But then she'd probably get all splotchy if she sees how she was SCHOOLED by Begala, who exposed her UTTER IGNORANCE.

    It would really help me to understand Meghan if I knew she was simply ignorant, or flat out lying.  I usually do not hold a person’s lack of education against them, but willful ignorance is a whole other ball game. 

    • Love 13
  16. On 1/8/2019 at 5:36 PM, tinkerbell said:

    did Meghan give any specific examples of men she has called unlikable?   Because I don't believe that she has said that about men.   I think she has said SHE doesn't like certain people.   there's a huge difference between "I don't like that person,"  and "that person is unlikable."   the first is a personal preference.  the second is saying that NOBODY likes the person.  

    Meghan mentioned Ted Cruz and Mitt Romney. Of course we have to take her word for it. 

    • Love 8
  17. 56 minutes ago, blondiec0332 said:

    If I'm not mistaken Nicole Brown stayed with OJ for so long because she thought her parents wouldn't believe her about the abuse.  Also Simpson was responsible for Nicole's dad's job.

    And do we know if R Kelly's victim's parents knew about what was going on?

    Exactly.  The Brown family looked the other way in regards to OJ Simpson due to his fame and wealth.  Nicole's sister Denise, in particular, testified to some horrible things she witnessed at the murder trial.  The Brown family benefited financially, so they supported him almost until he was arrested.  They were hugging and kissing him at the funeral.

    • Love 7
  18. 4 hours ago, Kiki620 said:

    I can't believe I connected this but Hannah's (of the first impression rose) face looked oddly familiar to me.  Turns out, she's a model on a clothing site I had just been looking at:  reddressboutique.com!  

    Not a fan for some reason of Caelynn, Miss North Caroline.  I think her botox and lip injections rival Old Dog Lady's.  I looked her up to see what she's all about and her Miss USA platform is about sexual assault awareness and the importance of consent.  Seemed pretty ironic when Coltie lunged at her and started sucking her face and all she did was "tee-hee" over it.  

    The other pageant girl is a little over the top and may become annoying, but I felt for her when she walked in the room and Caelynn was sitting there giving her the death stare and she had to explain that she had lost to Caelynn :-( 

    Fast forwarded through every bit of the live crap.  Could there possibly be a single person who actually likes that part???    

    She reminds me of Shanna Moakler.  I cannot abide the pageant personality/persona.

    • Love 3
  19. 13 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

    my goodness, Catherine is odd looking!    AND - she refers to her dog as her daughter.  I can accept when people say they are "mom"  to their dog, or call their dogs their fur-kids.   but not calling a dog "daughter."  that's just weird.    Oh, and she's 26?   I don't believe it.    50 year old women get cosmetic surgery to look younger.   At 26, her cosmetic procedures make her look OLDER!


    Hannah G reminds me of Reese Witherspoon. 

    The girl on the 4-wheeler - Demi - looks and sounds like Miranda Lambert.

    • Love 1
  20. 8 minutes ago, ChicagoCita said:

    I found it very naive when Sunny (or Whoopi) said that they couldn't imagine any parent not caring what was happening to their child while she was with R. Kelly. One thing I learned long ago (when I was LosAngelesCita) is that fame is as strong a drug as heroin. People will do anything to get close to fame and will make excuses and allowances for famous people that they would never make for JoeSchmo. Fame makes people act differently than they normally would, and look the other way at things they normally would not.

    If it is true that R. Kelly was promising these girls and their parents that he would make the underage girls famous, that was genius. It gave him a golden ticket to abuse them with very little oversight. That's how it lasted for so long, in plain view.

    It has been rumored for years that preteen and teenage stars like Shirley Temple, Elizabeth Taylor, and Judy Garland were all sexually used by Hollywood studio heads, with the knowledge and tacit approval of their parents, as a condition to them being made stars.

    It's sickening, and I'm really happy at least some of the current predators are being exposed.

    People were more than happy to have their young sons share a bed with Michael Jackson, and the parents even stayed in an entirely different building.  Predators prey on the weak, and typically choose victims lacking in social support and finances.

    ETA:  It's well known that young boys like the Coreys were passed around by the Hollywood pedophiles.  A lot of it came out after Corey Haim's death.

    • Love 14
  21. 2 hours ago, rickhurst3186 said:

    Oh Whoopi, Whoopi, Whoopi.  I'm so tired of your double standard stance on all of this sexual harassment/assault in the news. You who thinks Bill Cosby was just "misunderstood". Ugh. Just no!

    Seriously.  When Whoopi questioned why these girls weren't believed, I answered "because of people like you, Whoopi!".

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