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Posts posted by RedheadZombie

  1. 21 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

    That's Catherine The Old Dog Lady. TH says she's 26 but yeah, she looks 40+ easy. She'll be easy to pick out of a crowd though since her lips extend into the stratosphere. And her dress is HID-E-OUS! I usually don't care about clothes, including sequins, but that is one nasty dress.

    Women, learn to JUST SAY NO! Someone needs to toss Catherine in the pool. "Oops! Sorry about that. Heh heh."

    She looks and sounds like Camille Grammer, who is fifty years old.  And she's a bitch for traumatizing her old dog like this.

    • Love 22
  2. How is there an egg ceremony for gender reveal, when we're told ultrasounds aren't allowed for the Amish?  I know Mennonites have ultrasounds, so maybe they borrowed the ceremony?  

    20 hours ago, For Cereals said:

    The producers aren’t even trying anymore.  What’s his name just found out his girlfriend is pregnant, how is she already like 7 mos?  He just got the line shaved into his head.

    And she's in labor the next episode!

    I hope she gets better care than broccoli and fart blankets.

    • Love 2
  3. 1 hour ago, TheGreenKnight said:

    Loved Joy's snapback at McCain being a bitch as per usual.

    If you're referring to Meghan's crack that Joy keeps those 3 million votes under her pillow, I agree.  But, I was pleasantly shocked how well Meghan took Joy's clap back about Paul Ryan.

    • Love 8
  4. 1 hour ago, Apprentice79 said:

    Shut up Megan! you know nothing about the Democratic party.  

    Can you somebody explain why Whoopie was blasting Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez?  I am really tired of people trashing the young lady.  Megan doing it is expected, she is a blind follower of her team with no independent  thought of her own, but, I expect better from Whoopie, Joy and Sunny to not be so quick to believe whatever nonsensical defamatory story that Megan's team peddles about AOC.

    Unless AOC said something truly offensive, this "schooling" was way over the top.  The way Whoopi's lip curled with bizarre anger and Meghan clapped and giggled, I thought I was watching Fox News.

    • Love 17
  5. 38 minutes ago, bannana said:

    When NutMeg was ragging on Ocasia-Cortez, Sunny noted that she was just elected a Congresswoman, suggesting she is doing something right, and NutMeg without looking at Sunny or pausing to take a breath said, I am still speaking.

    I missed that, but Sunny and Meghan both avoid eye contact when they disagree.  It's like a table of children.

    • Love 7
  6. I love Ana on the show, but I remember the Ana I didn't like on Bill Maher's show.  If Ana starts strongly pushing Romney, I may start disliking her again.  I kinda sorta liked Meghan and Abby pushing back on the Romney love.  Having said that, I find Abby disingenuous in her attacks on Romney without mentioning her own father has personal beef with Romney regarding the Utah Olympics, and his endorsement of McCain over Romney in their presidential bid.  She's biased in her opinion, very much like Meghan is always biased in her own.

    • Love 16
  7. 2 minutes ago, 17wheatthins said:

    A) looks like someone loves zappos.com!!

    B) hubby isn't too hard to look at!

    C) please can anyone make out whose portrait is next to Lincoln? 

    Parts of it look like a Van Gogh self-portrait, but then I think I see a dog sitting on the man's head.  Who knows, but surely a Republican.

    • Love 6
  8. 5 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

    Yup, she's due in July. In the E News article I read, it mentioned that Sandra is 1 and Alec is 2 so she's got a stride going here. In the article she said that her and her husband are terrified but excited and that they feel like they've just figured out how to manage their 2 kids and will need to readjust once again. Didn't at all sound to me like a planned pregnancy. Were her comments after Alec or Sandra? She did suffer from depression after Alec, add to that she was very honest about how insecure she felt as a mother and feeling like she knew nothing but then realizing by the time she was pregnant with Sandra that no parent really knows what they're doing...they're all just trying to figure it out.

    It was after Sandra.  It by no means meant she didn't love her kids, she always made that clear.  She just wasn't one of those people who adored babies.  I found it refreshing how clear she made it that babies are exhausting, hard work, and not a lot of fun.  So many celebrities like to portray perfection in new motherhood.

    • Love 19
  9. 44 minutes ago, Haleth said:

    You should see my neighbors' house. They have rooms set up (by continent) with dozens of animals they've hunted.  It looks like a hall at the museum of natural history.  The irony?  He's a family practice physician. 

    And the majority were probably canned hunts, too.  What a powerful man!/s.

    • Love 10
  10. 2 hours ago, tvfanatic13 said:

    Lu's Jovani dresses are a WHOLE lot nicer than what we saw at the store. And what? Did they call the fiancé that they have never met and ask for her size/measurements? The whole thing is very strange. I am dreading the scenes in Turkey (although Istanbul is one of my favorite places).

    Not a Jennifer fan, but I'm looking forward to Turkey.  Not sure why.

    • Love 2
  11. 6 hours ago, JayD83 said:

    If we have a 2008 kind of turnout, the rustbelt voters won't matter.  I'm so tired of hearing about them, I'm tired of hearing that we must respect them and figure out how to move them...like, what about EVERYONE ELSE?  Do we not matter?  

    Ugh MM gives me a headache. 

    I think the rustbelt voters are given so much import for the same reason Florida/Ohio/Pennsylvania are - the candidate who wins the majority wins the presidency.  Many rustbelt voters lack party loyalty, which makes them a particular group to cater to.  It is what it is.

    5 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

    I googled it as well...love Sara and super happy for her but the article I read it mentioned that Abby Huntsman was scheduled to be her replacement while on leave and now she's pregnant so now they've gotta figure out what to do. I didn't realize that Abby was potentially leaving.

    Sara's pregnant again??  I love Sara, but she maybe it very clear that she does not enjoy the baby stage and struggles to get through it because she wants the family the babies grow into.  I really respected her for this brutal honesty, and I'm surprised she's doing it again.  Isn't Sandra still a baby?

    • Love 10
  12. 9 hours ago, Jaded said:

    I'd be really creeped out by having a dead deer head staring at me as I was getting poked in the leg, trying to not slip off one of those stools all while eating something  sitting at that island.

    For some reason, people like Meghan revel in surrounding themselves with innocent creatures they have killed.  You'd think they won in hand to hand combat, rather than assault rifles, while hiding in camouflage twenty feet up in the air.  It's pathetic how powerful it makes them feel.  

    • Love 9
  13. 4 hours ago, sacrebleu said:

    Well, Sam's concern is that at Krissy's age, she had already conned several wealthy men out of their fortunes by marrying them and stealing their money and running out on them, then began a non-lucrative career as a salvage boat captain.

    effin' millennials, man.

    Sam has been the bad guy in this type of situation, so is inclined to be more suspicious of others.  Game recognizes game.

    2 hours ago, AuxArx said:

    I like Curtis and Drew's friendship, they're finally in a scene together, and then it got interrupted...great, like we couldn't have watched the news at 5:00 to see that.  And I checked the other stations--only ABC broke in, so I watched DOOL for awhile (didn't know Jack was back!).

    It was nice to see the tribute to Gayle; wonder what's in her will?

    I was personally delighted at today's news, but I've long noticed ABC does all of their break ins during GH, and have even speculated it's their way of destroying the show - besides the writing, of course.  ABC has proven they have no respect for their soap viewers.  It's just so interesting that the constant break ins continue even though the show went from 3EST to 2EST.

    42 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

    I think that was a dig at Sam.

    I think it was also so we would understand that Kristina has spilled the dirt on the entire family.

    • Love 1
  14. 16 hours ago, ByaNose said:

    How did Hank know Drew with his new face? He called him Drew the minute he stepped out of the elevator. I like Billy Miller but he looks totally bored. You know he wants to work with Kelly Monaco but unless he has dirt on the writers or FV he’s gonna be stuck moping over stupid Oscar and “dating” Kim. Talk about dull. Also, the Hank guy has a great look for a random short term character. He’s only been on three times and I’m more into him then Drew. Hopefully, he’ll take his shirt off soon so an honest review of him can be given. LOL!!!!

    Agreed.  We all have our preferred co-workers, but we don't get away with lethargic disinterest in our work, and I'm sure most of us don't make nearly his salary.  I really warmed to him when he became Drew, but that has all but gone.  Actors in the past have given convincing, passionate, romantic performances with scene partners they despise and who treat them disrespectfully.  See An Officer and a Gentleman.  Pouting that you are no longer in a story with your IRL lover is unacceptable.

    • Love 1
  15. 3 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

    Jovani!!! Haha

    I don’t think Jackie’s article insulted Jennifer’s parenting or inferred anything about her kids being spoiled. She clearly described Jennifer’s kids as being sweet children. I also don’t see this as Jackie transgressing any boundaries of trust by writing a blog that was inspired by a visit to Jennifer’s house. She didn’t name Jennifer or her kids, she didn’t implicate the location of her home. She didn’t even share any details that weren’t shared in front of the RHONJ cameras. Hell, with the information she shared about Jennifer in the blog, I could have written that article as well because it was everything that was shown on TV. There was ONE shady line in that article and that’s when Jackie ended the article by saying that she hoped her new friend (Jennifer) heeded the advice provided in the article. Isn’t it advice that Jackie (who admits in the article also spoils her kids?) and for all parents to heed? Given that she’s a writer, she probably wasn’t trying to be shady but rather trying to come full circle with the article by making ending it with reference to the anecdote she used to open the article with. So Jennifer admits that her kids are spoiled but her issue is that someone else would say her kids are spoiled even though no one actually said her kids are spoiled. Just because someone references your children doesn’t mean you can suspend all sense and think it’s okay to accuse them of saying something they didn’t say just because your own bias negatively interpreted what they said.

    Not surprising that Teresa would take the opportunity to let all of the women know about the article and using Jennifer’s summary of the article when her dead ass didn’t even read it and probably doesn’t even read the newspaper anyway.

    I’m seeing a pattern with Jackie and I’m going to call her out on it (though I do still like her so far). Jackie doesn’t seem like a malicious or ill intended person. I don’t think she meant any harm to Teresa or Jennifer. But Jackie’s issue is that she gets defensive really quickly. She’s always talking about not backing down and that’s fine, but that doesn’t mean that in an altercation that there is no room for you to assume some kind of responsibility even if the issue is a result of miscommunication. If you said or did something that someone took in a negative way and that wasn’t your intent, explain yourself before you defend yourself and buckle down with defiance. I understand that Teresa went off the rails real quick on her but had she said ‘I was trying to make an analogy that I thought you would be able to relate to and admittedly, I don’t know all the details and so I never thought it would trigger you like that and it wasn’t my intention to do that either because I was not trying to insult you or hurt your feelings. I’m happy to talk it out and own up to that but I won’t engage with you right now if you’re going to yell and curse at me right now’. She could of owned up to perhaps the wrong use of words without even saying ‘sorry’. So far, Jackie has this much to Melissa and Dolores and Margaret but has yet to say it to Teresa. Maybe it won’t make any damn difference but at least she can say that she has nothing else to own up to. When Jennifer accused her of calling her kids spoiled, Jackie’s first reaction was ‘what did I say that was a lie’? Jennifer was being unreasonable but Jackie knew that from the moment Jennifer went in on her…why would you think the best first reaction would be to say something that dismissive? She still handled it better than the whole Teresa incident but in both cases, I understand Jackie’s position that whatever she said didn’t justify the reactions she got out of Teresa and Jennifer…and in Jennifer’s case, her reaction is based on things that Jackie didn’t actually say.

    Jackie's first mistake was assuming Tre knew what an analogy was.

    • Love 17
  16. 1 hour ago, HunterHunted said:

    The donut wall was so poorly thought out and half-assed. I have been to some bar mitzvahs with serious candy buffets. Scheana's candy buffet at her wedding was pretty impressive too.


    I was underwhelmed by this. Also cookie table 4 lyfe, but I'm a Pittsburgher. They are mostly at weddings, but I've seen them at communions. For my brother's wedding, I think there were 6,000 cookies.


    I actually can't fault her. She has communicated to her parents that she doesn't like filming. She is a minor. Her parents could refuse to give permission to have her filmed. They have not. The poor girl is left to her own devices. If that's hiding her face or ducking behind an object or a person, I'm sympathetic. She has limited resources and tools. Gabriella has grown up around cameras and still doesn't like them around. Perhaps her parents could be a little bit more mindful of that. At about Gabriella's same age, Aimee Osbourne moved out of her parents house because she didn't want to be on The Osbournes. Gabriella's only other options are applying to a boarding school to get the hell out of there or moving in Juicy's family. And that's really fucked up if those are the steps she has to take to keep herself off the camera.

    Aimee was born in 1983 and The Osbournes premiered in 2002 - making Aimee 18 or 19 at the time.  But I agree with your greater point that while Tre seems to get scores of accolades for respecting Gabriella's dislike of being on camera, Gabriella continues to be filmed for this show.  

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