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Posts posted by RedheadZombie

  1. On ‎2‎/‎20‎/‎2019 at 7:29 AM, ginger90 said:

    Co-host of The View. Accurate, no other titles listed.


    I lost a lot of respect when I saw Jon Meacham hugging, and giving the Hollywood cheek kiss to Hope Hicks after a briefing.

    On ‎2‎/‎21‎/‎2019 at 5:52 AM, blondiec0332 said:

    Legendary?  I had never heard of her before she was a guest on the View.  And even after she appeared on the View I still don't know or care who the fuck she is.

    Sonja was a restaurant hostess, landed a millionaire with a historic name, cheated on him and refused to come home when he was hospitalized, and is now divorced and near penniless.  Grifter.

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  2. On 2/21/2019 at 7:06 AM, DEL901 said:

    And what about the various transplants?  And am I misremembering, but wasn't there a separation of conjoined twins?  (Or maybe that was another medical show... it's hard to keep them straight sometimes.)

    What's wrong with Alex's hair?  I know he's been wearing a rug for a lot of years, but this new one is terrible.

    Happy ever after (maybe) for non-Betty and her family means time for Owen to start obsessing about Teddy's baby again.

    And I think Amelia and Linc have the makings of a couple.  I liked their scene together when he was trying to comfort her after the boy OD'd

    I was thinking it showed that Betty is not capable of caring for a baby, and since her parents can't even handle her, they are in no place to care for the baby either.


    17 hours ago, Shellie said:

    I thought that was seriously inadequate.  Jackson could've straight up bought a building and turned it into a homeless shelter.  In the meantime, perhaps he could have set this older gentleman up in respite care.

    And everything would be stolen from the man the first time he had to leave the tent.


    16 hours ago, anna0852 said:

    Teddy is a cardiothoracic surgeon. Cristina was practically orgasming about learning from her back in the day. I thought it was a mature gesture on Teddy's part, both acknowledging the relationship between Maggie and Amelia while at the same time keeping their relationship good. Teddy knew that if Brittany died then Amelia was going to need to blame someone and better her than Maggie. 

    Maybe a call back to when Cristina unsuccessfully operated on Teddy's husband, and how hard Teddy was on Cristina after the fact?

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  3. 1 hour ago, TheGreenKnight said:

    Ana was the best on the Smollett topic. I'm glad she noted the fact that the rise in hate crimes the past 3 years because of hateful political rhetoric is the reason this story was so easily believed at the beginning.

    I thought they were going to talk about the Coast Guard lieutenant after break, but, nope, we're instead talking about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris' father. WTH

    Now Meghan Markle. I guess we got served more fluff BS to appease the McCain Brat's fragile ego.

    But she cares not for the British royal family!  She has pictures of the flag and our forefathers on her walls!

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  4. 1 hour ago, jmcd44 said:

    SAME.  I thought "Oh Danielle gave her stalker and cold hearted bitch because she repeated them eleven billion times."  And she can miss me with her "Oh I meant thirsty" when she asked Jackie if she had eaten.  I believe that she was going low.  And of course someone had to save her with "oh you meant thirsty".  So she is either unbelievably cruel (especially with Delores' past) or she is unbelievably stupid (which we knew). If she wasn't such a try hard bully, I wouldn't be as bothered by her lack of comprehension.  She should've come out of jail as love and light and played it that way.  She wants to rush at Jackie so bad-I almost wish she would-like Jackie noted, she is on parole!

    Also have had Paula Abdul's "Cold Hearted Snake" in my head since last night so yet another thing to blame Teresa for.

    I wondered if Tre and Jennifer had discussed "thirsty" in preparation, as Jen immediately figured out what Tre was trying to say.

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  5. 25 minutes ago, CrinkleCutCat said:

    Teresa is such a nasty piece of work...and this show is rewarding her bad behaviour.... she calls Jackie a BITCH! and no one bats an eye (well, hardly). I guess I shouldn’t be surprised as she’s been the darling of the show because of/despite the table flipping, host shoving, screaming displays of bad behaviour! I don’t like seeing how nasty she is toward Jackie, as I don’t think her level of hatred is justified. Tre completely missed the point of J’s analogy and took it waaaaaaay too personally. Ugh.

    I also think something was bothering her, and she doesn’t have the ability to hide behind a fake pleasant demeanour. Tre had a sour puss right from the beginning of the show.

    She’s never looked so ugly to me. What a miserable creature. 

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  6. On ‎2‎/‎18‎/‎2019 at 3:36 PM, smores said:

    How could I forget?  More of his quoting the Q Anon slogan "Where We Go One, We Go All" (I know this from all of the blow up around Roseanne and her ensuing drama).  It really doesn't make him seem less creepy or cultish when he's repeatedly quoting Q Anon stuff on the show like it's just a normal phrase he thought up and uses, word for freaking word, over and over again.

    I am a kid who moved a lot.  I didn't have a problem with it most of the time, until I did.  I get that it happens, and I get why people have to move.  Hell, as an adult, I've continued to move relatively frequently and we haven't lived near any of our relatives for the last 18 years of our marriage.  But, the reasons that we moved were because there were jobs that we were taking, or when I was a kid, it was either because of a job, or perhaps due to housing, and the ability to find a much better home in a better school district, etc.  All of those are reasonable things that make sense.

    The issue I have with this move is that it basically was set up to fail from the start.  Moving from Utah to Vegas, it was always a sort of sketchy thing.  I don't think they were really in danger of being arrested, but, sure, fine, I can buy that they did and it was a needed move.  No problem.  That completely uprooted the lives of their kids, and that was totally plain for anyone to see.  So, then they bought the houses, which they also really couldn't afford.  That was obvious then, I remember the shows where they talked about not knowing if they'd pass the credit checks, if they'd qualify for the mortgages, etc.  No one was willing to compromise, they HAD to have the best of the best, and so they ended up with what they got, houses they couldn't actually afford for the long term.  They knew this when they bought them, they had a balloon payment coming due, and unless there was a major change, they weren't going to be able to pay it.  Now, knowing what they'd done to the kids already, I can't get behind them doing that sort of damage again, just because they didn't want to make different choices or compromise on what they wanted at the time they bought the houses.

    Think about it, what if they'd built an apartment complex instead?  They could have modified several units so that each wife could have one for their own family, but still had space to rent to other people, it would have given them shelter as well as a business to run.  They'd have been producing an income to help cover the bills for their own housing.  

    Given the way that they've treated the daughter with scoliosis, I'm kind of shocked they've actually had him diagnosed and that they are entertaining Robyn being near him for college.  It seems more like their way of thinking that they'd have said, Oh here's some essential oils, he'll be fine! and left it at that.  

    At least he didn't go all Jack from Lost, and dramatically shout - "We can live together or die alone!"

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  7. 8 hours ago, ByaNose said:

    Oh, wait! I'm totally wrong. It would be Morgana.


    8 hours ago, ciarra said:

    But girl childs are inferior.  And Sonny has half a dozen girls already.  It must be a boy.  Or twins.  <rme>

    This show seems to think girl children are inferior.   With the exceptions of Avery and Georgie, when's the last time a baby was a girl?  Charlotte doesn't count for me because she came on as school age.

    4 hours ago, nilyank said:

    So as per previews for tomorrow, Ryan has locked up Laura and Kevin somewhere. I guess he is rethinking him pushing Laura to run for mayor. Because somebody is eventually going to wonder where the mayor is.

    If only Michael could be as comfortable and relaxed on his dates as he was with his lunch date with his sister today.

    I've always found CD adorable, and his sad little face makes me want to comfort him.  Today when he was meeting Kristina for lunch, I didn't realize it was him at first, and I thought - who's the hot guy?  How awful that his chemistry is always with relatives.  He's great with Brad as well.

  8. 11 hours ago, antfitz said:

     I think all 4 of them were raised in polygamous families, weren't they?  And Meri  Is the lowest on the totem Pole.

    is the lowest one on the totem Pole.

    Janelle was LDS until she clapped eyes on her SIL Meri's husband.  Then Janelle got the calling, dumped Meri's brother, and approached Kody about becoming his second wife.  I'm assuming the dumping occurred before the approaching, but who knows.

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  9. 7 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

    I'm not sure I understand what you mean?  It definitely didn't work out with the first wife - but it is working out with wife two and three and Jeff.   I know quite a few first wives who left after their husband felt the calling of polygamy.  I was definitely NOT cut out for it  - because of my husband, because of his mean spirited second wife and because of my own personality traits.

    I read on the boards tonight that some people thought the luncheon with Hannah was big bore.  I loved it because of many things that were admitted/said.   I liked how it was FINALLY said on TV how there are wives who DON'T get along and do NOT talk and mingle and therefore their children do not get along.  One thing I love about the Browns is how the kids all love each other despite the fact that they have different mothers.  Kudos to the Brown wives for making that happen.  I thought it was also interesting that Janelle confessed how HARD it is to live that lifestyle.  Even thought they don't discuss it much in front of the camera, it was refreshing to have that honest confession.  I love how next week Meri and Christine talk about their personality conflicts.  At least they are working on it - that can't be easy!

    I meant it's hard to gauge them, at least for me, against other first/second wives relationships because Vanessa was never a first wife.  In other first wives I've seen - Meri and in the Williams family - there's a tendency to be territorial and even to lord over the others that she's the true wife.  Vanessa and Cherise (Sharis?) never had to go through that, so they seem to be more similar to Janelle and Christine.  Vanessa wasn't crushed by the third wife because she always shared Jeff.  Eliminating a lot of that resentment would inherently make the sister wife relationship smoother, I would imagine.

    That's simply my impression.

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  10. On ‎2‎/‎13‎/‎2019 at 4:34 PM, Kyanight said:

    I think the two Alldredge wives seem to have the right mindset.  There is a poster here that is the first wife and one of her best friends is the second, and they seem to also make it work.

    I want to say that I wholeheartedly believe that how the husband handles the situation can make a huge difference.  He should respect his first (second/third/whatever) wife/wives when he is bringing in someone new.  He should always be considerate of how they are feeling, and maybe give extra attention and affection during that time.  I think that is one reason I disliked Kody so much - when we first see him he is courting Robyn and he made no effort to hide his MASSIVE infatuation for her and (at least on camera) we never saw him give much of himself to his other wives.  His wife is in labor and he's on a date, kissing his new squeeze.   I can't deal with that.  I know that editing contributes to what we see and how our impressions are formed -  but regardless - it was obvious that Robyn was all that mattered.

    But the Alldredges are confusing, because unlike what they present on the show, first wife is actually second wife, and second is third.  First wife is Jeff's age, and they have grown or almost grown children.  She left the family at some point.  Vanessa is significantly younger than Jeff, and Cherise was snagged at the tender age of 18.

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  11. In that picture in Sarah's room, Meri's mom looks exactly like Sarah.  The genes are strong on that side.

    On ‎2‎/‎13‎/‎2019 at 11:55 AM, SL16 said:

    Isn't she the same one that was weeping and trembling while Logan carried her into Janelle's new house? She's a drama queen of the highest order.

    I believe that was Breanna, who has actually gone on to be a sweet, calm girl.  Aurora seems to take her mother's "shoulda all been together" to heart, and gloms on to all of the OG kids.  I've seen her be the first to climb all over Logan on one of his visits.  

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  12. 15 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

    Okay but my comment had nothing to do with the actress herself. It was based on how long the character of Carly has been around and my belief that she has to be near 50 by this point. Carly was in her late 20's far as I assume, when the character first showed up in the early, mid-90's, That was more than 20 years ago. 

    I thought Carly was right out of high school when she arrived.  Didn't she briefly attend nursing school?

  13. So Margaret is the "toxinity" in the group, huh Danielle?

    9 hours ago, Chickabiddy said:

    If Jennifer wants Bill home more, maybe she should downsize and spend less money. Sure, plastic surgeons make bank, but that tacky mausoleum has to cost a bloody fortune in upkeep...not to mention all the crap she is constantly buying for her litter of miscreants. Stay at Home women with lavish lifestyles crack me up when they complain their husbands are never around. How else is all that “designer” shit and tequila supposed to get paid for?  Maybe Dr.Bill could cut out a couple rhinoplasties and a few liposuctionsa week if you he  house had “only” five bathrooms and a movie theatre OR a basketball court.

    But why the assumption that Jennifer demands the conspicuous consumption and Bill simply tucks his tale and does as instructed?  It's likely they are in agreement about their lifestyle, combined with the fact that Bill is a workaholic - most surgeons are.  The only surgeons I've ever known who don't work insane hours belong to very large practices.  Bill seems to work alone, as most plastic surgeons I've ever known do.

    Personally, I would prefer a simpler life, as I always thought with Heather Dubrow and her ridiculous castle.  But that's me.

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