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Posts posted by RedheadZombie

  1. 1 hour ago, Bringonthedrama said:

    I thought Cam threw the first punch to shut up the kids who were trash talking Aiden?  Also, I am a little confused by what Carly told Jason about Oscar having another seizure. She indicated that Josslyn was a few floors up with Kim, Drew and Oscar. Was he settled at the Q mansion, then had another seizure while Josslyn was present and came right back to the hospital? I thought at this point, he would be enduring seizures at the Q mansion and people would be on hand to keep him comfortable until he dies. 

    Lucky needs to come back to Port Charles ASAP, to be a dad to Cam and Aiden/push back against Franco, to help Laura with Charlotte/push back against Valentin as well as shut down Spencer's behavior, and be a PCPD partner to Chase.  I was shocked when Dante mentioned Laura's son was a cop; I was thinking yay someone aside from Elizabeth is allowed to acknowledge Lucky's existence!

    They should recast Lucky, period.  But I want to see him deal with the fallout of abandoning his mother, sibling, and children.

  2. On ‎3‎/‎21‎/‎2019 at 1:04 AM, Barbara Please said:

    Barbara was more likeable this episode. She still needs a make-under tho. The  food at the clambake looked awesome, but at the same time it looked awkward to be eating clams out of those tiny bowls. 

    Tinsley can be so likeable. She is a generous person, a gracious guest, and a sincere friend.  However, she's annoying when she breaks into the high-pitched squealing, or babyish infantile behaviour that we've seen in the past with  Scott, or with her Mom. 

    Dorinda is Dr. Jeykll and Mr. Hyde. She goes from kind, normal, supportive, to angry shouting HULK-smashing lunatic very quickly. I wonder if she's on a mood stabilizer and mixes it with booze. I use to like Dorinda, but she definitely needs  help with whatever is going on with her.

    Bethenny looked pretty at Sonja's party. She looks softer with her hair curled, and lighter eye-make up. I'm always go from liking Bethenny to the opposite all within an episode. She really can do the right thing but at the same time come across really disingenuous. 

    Sonja cracks me up. The lime in the mouth...wanting to put lobster in her dress...the funny facial expressions, and eye rolling.  She really makes me laugh. She's a free-spirit, and doesn't seem to want to hurt anyone. However, I'm not that crazy about her Paper Magazine spread. She looked like Donatella Versace.. That wig was very cheap looking and thought she looked better with the longer hair extensions. 

    Oh Lu. Her head is so far up her own ass right now. She has no humility, and while it is great to 'toot one's horn' she needs to step back, and really look at her actions lately. It's not a good look. 

    Ramona is a bitch. Yep. Can't stand her. 

    All I could see was Kim D.  

    • Love 1
  3. 16 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

    Am I the only one who thinks the actor who portrays Brad is really awful? He has as much subtlety as my cat and believe me, that isn’t any at all. Please be done with this story line and move along, writers. Please.

    No.  I've always found him terrible and Lucas is wasted on him.

    • Love 4
  4. 10 minutes ago, TheMediaHo said:

    Back to the question about did Anna birth Robin, I think it's fairly simple. Peter is older than Robin (which I assume because Anna was pretty much a rookie when that thing with Faison supposedly happened). It was confirmed (though that sometimes means nothing to TIIC) that Anna was a virgin when she slept with Robert. That would mean that she had not given birth to Peter, Alex did. Or does logic count for nothing in The Chuckles?

    It’s very confusing if we go by the actors’ ages. Finola was only 18 when Kimberly was born, so how could Anna have already been working several years before that. Then again, Alex is the exact same age as Anna, so it’s just the typical soap tactic of having improbable age differences between mothers and their children. 

    I don’t think they’ve given any indication that Anna was a virgin with Robert. If the DVX is like the KGB, she would have received sex training. 

  5. 3 hours ago, SuzieQ said:

    There is a facebook post where Sharis explains it, but the short version is, they had their doubts but decided to give her a chance. She lied to them and said she was raised in polygamy, blah blah blah.  I really believe they are just kind ,decent people.

    I remember her saying she was raised near polygamist people, not that she was raised polygamist. But perhaps I’m misremembering. 

    • Love 1
  6. Why didn't Jason simply deliver drugged, unconscious Kristina to the ER?  They would have tested her for substances, and it would have been officially documented.  Instead, Jason is walking around with the magical mystery cup, and he has absolutely no proof of where he found it, who filled it, or who drank from it.  Do the writers forget the name of the show?

    • Love 7
  7. 1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

    No Robert today.

    putting the summary of today's episode in spoiler tags for those who haven't seen it

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    Valentin hired Nora to act as his lawyer so he can get full custody of Charlotte because apparently the custody agreement forces Lulu to take her every two weeks (which makes zero sense) and Lulu being out of town breaks it.

    Spencer went to guilt Nina that she's living in his house and then asked her to get Valentin to back off asking for full custody of Charlotte, threatening to tell her something about Valentin in exchange (that he has shady doings with Sasha). Valentin arrived in time to hear it and he and Spencer mutually blackmailed each other till Valentin dropped trying to get custody.

    Jason took the cup that he stole from DoD to Elizabeth to get it tested for drugs. and there was a long conversation about how finding drugs in the cup could bring down Shiloh's whole organization.  (I'm totally fixating on Danny Kaye now) Meanwhile Sam convinced Shiloh to go to the hospital to look for Kristina so that she could search DoD but Shiloh told Daisy to help her search Kristina's room,  At the hospital Shiloh ran across Brad who had the cup and since Brad is into DoD, got Brad to say that it was just tea and valerian.

    The cup thing is so stupid. Jason couldn't take it to the police anyway even if it contained drugs because he stole it and Shiloh could just say Jason put the drugs in himself.

    There were some very boring scenes of Carly and Jason talking to Michael and then Michael with Willow about DoD, and Carly telling Jason that he should get rid of Shiloh and it doesn't matter what Kristina feels. She's really the perfect mob moll.  She also implied that she's more important in this decision than Alexis is, and then went on to say how much she feels for Joss with Oscar dying and she wants to be up in his room with Joss to help her daughter. Neither Sonny nor Carly has mentioned Avery since they refused to let Ava take her out of the country.

    Cam beat up another boy at school for calling Aiden a fairy. Franco and Liz confronted him that it's his own issue about Aiden possibly being gay.

    ETA:  Willow told Michael about growing up in DoD and her mother which suggests that Harmony is her mother since Harmony was so worried about getting Willow back.

    The pellet with the poison

    Thank you!  My market was preempted for the burning of Notre Dame.

    • Love 1
  8. 11 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    All I care about at this point, is Robert. Was he on today?

    And it's a stupid reason, but both Tristan and Finola mentioned in an interview years ago, that Robin was to be their only child. I don't know if this was a Monty directive or not.

    Hey! Don't blame me! I'm just the messenger. I don't know why that means that Robert or Anna couldn't have other children with other loves.

    Isn't the phrase x, y, or z is "drinking the Kool-Aid" put into existence because of Jonestown?

    Yep, but Jonestown actually drank the Flavor Aid.

  9. On ‎4‎/‎13‎/‎2019 at 10:39 AM, Katy M said:

    And it increases to 98% if you're having sex with Sonny.

    But, in all seriousness, that is true.  Every time you have sex with someone, you are taking the chance that you will have a child with that person.  So, you have made the choice to possibly have a child.  No excuses.

    So true, but Kristina was born less than 17 years ago, and her mother was played by the 46 year old NLG.  Alexis had never had children, from what we knew at the time, and her character may have thought she was beyond child bearing age.  But then Molly came along, and oh well.  Plus, there are always STIs, regardless of age.

  10. On ‎4‎/‎12‎/‎2019 at 10:00 AM, Asp Burger said:

    And instead of the butt tattoo, have them ligate her vocal cords, just in case. 

    The shame is that some of the material is actually killer. I would have loved to see a good young soap actress in those scenes at the safe house. "Is everyone invited to this kidnapping?" But Kristina is so unremittingly unpleasant that it just seems like a louder version of her usual mode. 

    Molly: "Well, I'm not knocking back the punch." I got it, but it's a weird line. I wonder if "I'm not drinking the Kool-Aid" was the original version, and then they found out they couldn't say it on the air because the Kool-Aid mascot would burst through their cheap sets, yell "Oh yeah!" and demand payment. 

    Since Jonestown actually put poison in Flavor Aid, I wouldn't blame Kool Aid for suing.  It's amazing they haven't changed their name over the years due to the association.

    On ‎4‎/‎12‎/‎2019 at 7:28 PM, Hater said:

    She must be desperate. What a shitty role.

    Any job is a good job for soap actors these days, I guess.

    On ‎4‎/‎13‎/‎2019 at 12:38 AM, katie9918 said:

    Why in God’s name is it so important that Robin is the only child either Robert or Anna ever had?

    I’ve never understood that obsession of Robert/Anna fans, and actively resent how that obsession further trashed Luke and Laura (admittedly due more to Tony Geary - I am so glad he’s gone!) due to the Ethan factor.

    (In my mind, Ethan is either not Holly’s son or Luke without question backed up Holly’s story to protect Robert’s son from the enemies Faison, and Anna by association, was responsible for.)

    I don't get it.  Even Jesus had siblings . . . 

    • LOL 2
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  11. On ‎4‎/‎11‎/‎2019 at 3:25 PM, HaaCHOO said:

    There was a well known local comedienne (when that term was used), Rusty Warren, in Meghan's home town in the 50s-70s.  She had a musical act and she was very bawdy.  She played at some of the bigger rooms in bigger cities too.  Meghan is too young to have known her, but I bet her dad saw Rusty's shows.  Her popular catch phrase (and title of a record album) was "Knockers UP!"  That's the first thing I thought of when I saw this "flirty" photo.

    Wonder when she took it...and why.  Should I not assume it's a selfie?

    This was in Meghan's period of I'm a Republican and I Love Sex!

    • LOL 5
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  12. 6 hours ago, Armchair Critic said:

    Where was their common sense? You could see from a mile away that Jennifer was not going to fit into their family.

    And neither was that silly Melina.  Don't they say they want a third wife to grow the family?  Didn't Melina say she was unable to have children?  Neither of these women are remotely fit for this lifestyle.  Jeff has courted and married three women in this lifestyle.  Why in the world is he looking for whackadoos outside their world?  Why are Vanessa and Sharis? I've always bought their naivete, but it's a stretch at this point.

    • Love 5
  13. 7 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

    They are in the process of building a big house.  It was being built before this season started.

    Well that's good news for the wives and kids, but the rest of my comment still stands.  When you've got a good thing - recognize it and stop there.  Why in the world do they want to rock the boat in what seems to be a calm and well functioning household.

    • Love 3
  14. 14 hours ago, Suzy Rhapsody said:

    Give me a break.  Sure, Jennifer is a lying liar who lies (congrats on your nonexistent baby, hon), but it’s pretty rich that this band of idiots is laughing at her and throwing shade.  That being said, damn girl, put down the drugs.  She is flying hiiiiiigh.  

    I thought they were trying to restrain themselves, but Dimitri's reactions were giving me life.  

    • Love 1
  15. 14 hours ago, MelissaMinion said:

    I’m kind of glad Jennifer went bat-crap crazy on them, because it probably helped them get over it quicker. I do like the Alldredges, of all the families.

    Jeff needs to just settle for his two current wives.  If he wasn't unsealed from the first, he still has the three minimum needed.  Either way, they don't have enough room for their current family, and he's really too old to keep having kids.  He's like the Duggars, having babies alongside your children, aunts and uncles who are younger than nieces and nephews.  Jeff needs to accept his new season in life (tm Michelle Duggar).

    • Love 3
  16. 12 hours ago, Adeejay said:

    Bernie is a lying liar who lies.  The lady with whom he was sexting told him that she knows how to please a man and Bernie's response was, "You will just have to show me."  Bernie would have us believe that the woman said, "I know how to please a man and I will show you."

    Vanessa Allredge's sister wife looks pregnant.  

    She gained a significant amount of weight between season one and season two.  I thought maybe she'd had another baby, but she still had four.  I'm concerned about a health issue because she stayed a healthy weight after four babies, yet gained quite a bit afterward.  Hopefully she's okay.

    • Love 2
  17. 8 hours ago, deirdra said:

    Did Garrison or Day'un say anything in the "Tell All"?  Garrison has a lot of Kootie's mannerisms - staring into space while "listening" then twitching into a new head position and staring in another direction or at his fingers etc, like a kid who cannot sit still.

    Has Garrison ever spoken on camera?  Why was he even on the couch?

    • Love 1
  18. On ‎3‎/‎26‎/‎2019 at 5:38 PM, bubble sparkly said:

    Apart from Lady of Winterfell, the only other real option I see for Sansa is the Vale. This is more because of book!Sansa though, as she is still kicking it in the Vale.

    If Sansa was to end up at the Vale on the show, I assume she would have to marry Robin. We do know he is supposed to be back in 8x06 so it’s not out of the question. However show!Sansa doesn’t seem too keen to marry and the last time we saw Robin he was still an incompetent buffoon. Unless Robin has had an offscreen maturation that would endear him to Sansa, it seems like the only reason she would marry him is for a political alliance. Given Sansa’s past marriages I’m not sure she would be keen on another political marriage, but who knows?

    Before all the talk of Tyrion's death, I thought Sansa and Tyrion may end with making a go of a real marriage.  Peter Dinklage recently talked about the mutual caring between Tyrion and Sansa, and while I always found him respectful and concerned for her, and her tolerant and considerate of him, I never sensed true caring.  So this may have misled me.

  19. On ‎3‎/‎17‎/‎2019 at 10:11 PM, Missrayn said:

    Hmmm..I will hate if Dany end up be sideline for jon to have it all! I will be fine with Dany dying if she has a real role to play, not childbirth death bull... So, I think she will be dying fighting in the last battle probably Drogo will dying killing viserion too. 

    I've wondered if Dany's death would mirror Rhaenys's - going down with her dragon.  I would hope the baby would be born first.  And the baby would go on to reign, just like Rhaenys's (to better success).

    If Dany has to die that is.

  20. 9 hours ago, GussieK said:

    I think they covered this.  They did not DNA test the fetus.  She could not be forced to take the DNA test on the fetus to solve a crime because they were not sure a crime was committed.  It might not have been a crime, because if she'd had sex with another middle schooler, it would not have been statutory rape because of the Romeo and Juliet laws--they don't criminalize sex between two minors of a certain age. (Also, they probably could not force someone to take a DNA test on a fetus.  They'd have to wait till the baby was born.)

    Once the accused father was murdered, it should have been automatic to text the fetal DNA.

    7 hours ago, GussieK said:

    Apparently yes, (see link)  https://statelaws.findlaw.com/missouri-law/missouri-marriage-age-requirements-laws.html

    But if you read this it's quite a stretch.   Ages 15 to 18 can get married with parental consent.  Under 15 can get married with parental consent and special circumstances, e.g., having girl pregnant.  BUT, if you read it, the red flags should have simply had the stepfather arrested for statutory rape instead of letting him marry the victim to "protect the young family."  Harrumph. 

    These laws have sheltered statutory rapists and forced rapists of uderaged girls who get pregnant for decades.  Just marry the victim and you're fine!  Parents and the law actually thought this was a way for men to "make it right".

    • Love 3
  21. Ugh. Last week, a nutbag who calls her fetus “it” decides to keep her baby.  This week, a child who becomes violent when her phone is taken away decides to keep her statutory rape baby.  How obscene. 

    Step-father married the wife to get to her daughter, groomed her, and then married her when the mother conveniently dies. 

    • Love 5
  22. 5 hours ago, tvgoddess said:

    I'm doubtful Michael could have carried her out of there either.

    Today was cringeful on many fronts. Anna, who I didn't even know from back then, just WTF are you thinking? How do you even make that leap? For once, listen to the guy who I find super annoying.

    I've been a casual Kelly fan and a casual Sam fan, but it's getting to a point where it's hard to defend her. I like the curl in her hair, that's about all I can say.

    The rest of hair and wardrobe need a huge upgrade. Most everyone looks like crap. Quit overstraightening. Maxie and Lulu need their roots done, damn it. And I know KSt might still have weight issues due to her health and meds (so do I, so am greatly sympathetic), but putting her in clothes like that is not helping.

    Really liked the Chase and Willow sex, and it was hot to hear how much he wanted her but still nice to get consent that was obviously needed.

    Watched on Hulu, so didn't see the previews. Anything interesting?

    Plus she tries so hard to drape her hair over her face that it's distracting.  How is she going to do a love scene while constantly covering one side of her face?  I know she's self-conscious but it constantly takes me out of the scene.

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