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Posts posted by RedheadZombie

  1. 2 hours ago, Ellee said:

    @Real Housewife LI 

    Thank you for explaining 'dining out on it'.  😄

    Maybe offering a course on all new sayings/terminology can be the next housewife product available to add to their brand.

    I know it's a British saying, but I've never heard it here.

    2 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

    Trapped in an argument, Lu restates the accusation with a question mark, denies the accusation while restating it, or spits, “How dare you!” Lu processes information very slowly and cannot think on her feet.

    She's right up there with Teresa Giudice.

    • Love 11
  2. 3 hours ago, ChiMama said:

    And then Chris Harrison came out and dramatically removed one of the roses that Hannah was to give out. Does that mean she intended to keep both Lukes and when Luke1 left his 'spot' left too? That's weird -- I've never seen that happen before (it freaked out the remaining guys though -- and DID seem to screw over John Paul Jones).

    I thought it was ridiculously OTT.  Did they mic his shoes?  It sent me back to the days of my tap dancing recitals.

    • LOL 2
  3. On 4/11/2019 at 9:25 PM, SPinCA said:

    Jeff Bezo’s mistress/girlfriend Lauren Sanchez was close to being hired twice. I very vaguely remember her “audition” but I can’t remember any details so I guess she wasn’t a good fit. 

    I think Gayle King might have been a good fit. The producers were wary of her Oprah connection and they thought she might have started to control the show “Oprah does it this way”, “Oprah would never do that”. I think Meredith was the perfect cool and collected moderator and Gayle could have filled those shoes. 

    I started watching heavily around 07-08 and they had Kathy Griffin on a lot then. The book says she was a contender for a seat. She was too much for the show. Fine in a short segment but not for the entire show. She doesn’t have Joy’s ability to pepper her comments with a few jokes. I think 08 Kathy would have been rapid fire joke,joke,joke, joke and completely out of sync with the tone of the show. 

    After watching Gayle handle R. Kelly’s nonsense, I’d love to see her take on Meghan. Even today Whoopi called her “baby” again. 

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  4. 16 hours ago, atlantaloves said:

    Oh honey she will be paying alimony to that rat bastard husband of hers before it is all over with. NYC is not community property. heh heh heh. 

    But if his primary residence is DC (as stated upthread), which states' laws prevails?

    11 hours ago, bella1716 said:

    Would y'all think I'm crazy for wanting Elizabeth back? like yea i disagree with her on everything but she had her fair share of funny and professional moments. She was stupid but not disrespectful and arrogant. Basically like Abby except Elizabeth has personality and passion. She was a way better interviewer than Megan. Also, she would bring in hardcore christians like herself and evangelicals who made up a lot of Trump's base to watch the show and have to listen to Sunny's facts. Thoughts? please don't throw tomatoes at me

    No offense, but if one republican leaves I don't understand why we need another full timer.  At this point, when Ana's on the republican are in the majority.  Ana's cool now, but I don't believe for a second she won't return to the obnoxious Ana I recall from Bill Maher's show if Jeb Bush gets in the race again, or some other "reasonable" republican.  I don't consider 
    Whoopi a democrat or a republican.  She's primarily a libertarian - don't tell me what to do and don't you dare tax my money.  She only cares about things that affect her personally.  So Whoops is supportive of some social systems but not others.  And you can't convince me she even cares about social systems if it means she'll pay higher taxes.

    There's one liberal on this show, not three - no matter what Meghan likes to shriek.

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  5. 17 hours ago, bella1716 said:

     I went to a live taping last July in 2018 and kinda have some tea. I'm not sure which date but it was the show where it was Joy's turn to share her fave book reccomendations for their "ladies get lit" segment, there was also a segment about a old MAGA guy telling a puerto rican he's not american.. thats all i remember. 

    When we were at commercial break, Megan looked like she was yelling HARD at Whoopi, finger waving/pointing and everything and Whoopi just looked confused and trying to explain herself. There was a producer at the table and Megan was doing the same to the producer. I have no idea what they were talking about because the segment didn't have any fights. Sunny Sara and Joy were just sitting there getting themselves touched up like none of my business loll. 

    Joy came to our side and was really funny talking about how the people in the Hampton's NY are filthy rich and Megan overheard and started laughing really loud and then Joy started laughing at Megan laughing lol. So i actually do believe Megan when she says she likes Joy. Megan later went to Joy's seat because she wanted a selfie with her and they were chatting. 

    There was a girl in the audience who had Sunny's long lost yearbook and gave it to Sunny. Turns out she's the daughter of one of her friends from high school or college can't remember. Funny part was she put her resume in the yearbook. That gave everyone a good laugh. Sunny was so excited and kind about it. 

    Last thing I'll say, Sara was gorgeousss and I sincerely miss her. She is a true moderate. I think she should come back and replace Abby and then maybe do her show on GMA at the same time or something 😭

    I disagree with a lot here that Meghan full on hates Joy.  When speaking politics - yes.  Otherwise, I really feel Meghan craves Joy's attention and approval.  She's always desperately making comments about how she and Joy are so alike, wants to take pics with her, etc.  I think Joy dislikes Meghan on a personal level, unlike the rest of the cast, and Meghan sees that Joy keeps her at a distance.  She's like a little girl wanting mother's approval.  Joy's the OG and is beloved by the majority of The View audience, thus the queen bee.  Meghan wants that acceptance because deep down she's still that high school girl.

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  6. On ‎5‎/‎28‎/‎2019 at 12:37 AM, Irate Panda said:

    Briana has posted pics with two different men now.  I think the guy she is with now has one child. They are not married.  Hopefully this dude is better than Matt, although I’m not really sure how anybody could be worst than he was.  She has said several times, she would not be back.  I suppose she is telling the truth unless her money situation gets really really bad.  Whoever told Christy to pose like that obviously hates her.

    I hope she realizes that she's not in a position to have any more children.  I know it's not a challenge for most little people, but Briana really struggled with the last,

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  7. On ‎6‎/‎5‎/‎2019 at 11:12 PM, Ms Blue Jay said:

    My only comment so far:

    Dorinda is soooooo beautiful and sexy with no makeup and nO EXTENSIONS.

    The extension ponytail on her makes me sick, but god, I think she is so naturally beautiful.  

    Last episode Dorinda was so pretty at the store with Beth and Sonja, her hair pushed back by her sunglasses.  Her Miami bun look is the complete opposite.  Her more casual looks are always superior, in my opinion.

    • Love 4
  8. 7 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

    I think some golden highlights or balayage would've been more flattering. This color is a bit extreme & looks too fake. JMO

    There was a Christian comedian who used the term "Bible Barbie", & that's what I'm thinking of now when I see her LOL.

    People on The View threads liked to call Candace Cameron "Christian Barbie".

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  9. 2 hours ago, cereality said:

    Well I guess Chad’s dog years of aging continues as they’re expecting baby #4. No surprise really as we heard Chad saying at a dr appt when Erin was pregnant with #3 - we need a brother for Carson . . . . How does this dude not look back to 5 years ago at age 27 and not miss his life? Watched just a few min of last weeks Zach and Whit special and Chad stops by to help with Bradley’s nursery — he looks like a different guy — younger and genuinely happy.

    Does he think a boy is guaranteed to even up the odds?  That's not working for Alyssa.

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  10. On ‎5‎/‎16‎/‎2019 at 4:34 PM, Temperance said:

    Erin is in yet another "maternity friendly" dress on the Bates Sisters Boutique. They seem to go through inventory fast at Bates Sisters Boutique. Anyway this is the third "maternity friendly dress" she's wearing in their on-line store. The three dresses are called The Macy (black), The Sarah, and The Paige and all of them are maternity friendly. Two of them claim to also be nursing friendly, although I can't see how the Paige is nursing friendly.  

    I think she's pregnant. 

    I just read that she is.

    • Love 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Haleth said:

    It was a good interview with Elizabeth Moss. 

    I refused to watch it. She belongs to a cult that basically enslaves the Sea Org, including 18 hour days, forced abortions, million year contracts, and picked over old cold food to eat. 

    56 minutes ago, deirdra said:

    I wish someone had the balls to ask Elizabeth Moss how being raised in the cult of Scientology has influenced her portrayal of Offred.  

    Thank you!  She is never held accountable for this. 

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  12. 3 hours ago, Alexis2291 said:

    Thank the Lord Meghan isn't there to ruin the conversation about Nikki Haley's ridiculous comment equating pro-choice with anti-feminism. None of them would've been able to complete a single sentence.

    I agree with Sunny about Republicans - they're supposedly all for small government when it comes to guns, yet they want to regulate what women do with their bodies. 

    And unless I missed something, I've never heard Whoopi claim to be pro-life before. I guess she was trying to make a point similar to Sunny's? 

    I saw a great sign while watching the protests in St. Louis - If my uterus shot buletts you wouldn’t regulate it. 

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  13. 2 hours ago, CindyBee said:

    Luke P's crazy eyes were off the charts during that game.  The other Luke is lucky he didn't join Kevin in the ER.

    He's lucky he didn't get a concussion or a spinal injury.  

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  14. 2 hours ago, SHD said:

    I’d rather see Mayhem as a contestant on this show than half these goofballs.

    I love Mayhem!  I DVR everything because I hate commercials, but I will stop and watch him.

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  15. On 5/31/2019 at 10:56 AM, Marigold said:

    Re: Ben & work

     Jessa hasn't said which makes me think she is embarrassed or maybe MAYBE Ben is keeping something private and off social media???????????????  

    I know we wonder how Ben will support his family when the shit show ends but seriously, isn't Ben in school?  He has an Associates degree, which is more than the genetic Duggar males. We suspect they are getting paid for the show. They don't live a lavish life. They are in a house, small, but a house. 

    I really think Ben and Jessa will be OK. Not wealthy but I think Ben will come through. Ben is my favorite Duggar BY FAR.  

    People like to go on about how superior Jingle’s life is to Jessa, but Jessa seems to live within her means and Jingle (Jeremy) seems to blow money on expensive clothes and other material possessions. 

    • Love 19
  16. 1 hour ago, General Days said:

    I'm importing this conversation from the weekly show thread. The conversation began, because most of today's episode of The View was preempted, in my market, for local coverage of a preliminary hearing regarding the upcoming trial of actor Kevin Spacey, who is accused of sexual assault and battery on an 18-year-old man at a Nantucket restaurant or club.

    I hope I never said anything which could indicate that I'm not for predators  being held accountable.

    That said, I don't want to watch what was nothing more than sensationalism. They can show the newsworthy moments on this show they have, called "the news."

    Local news on this particular channel airs from 4:30am to 7:00am, 12:00pm to 12:30pm, 4:00pm to 6:30pm and 11:00pm to 11:35pm.

    This wasn't: there's a gunman on the loose, or a snowpocalypse coming, or a deadly car fire on the interstate news, which people need to know about as it happens.

    This was a preliminary hearing at which Spacey didn't have to and wasn't expected to appear.

    He must miss the cameras, so they gave him what he wanted -- attention. And the first 10 minutes or so wasn't even the hearing. It was just live footage of him and counsel sitting in court, while a reporter rehashed everything he could think of, because he was put on live to talk about something that hadn't yet happened.  

    No!!  I get it. I never meant to imply anything of the sort!!  Sometimes I’m too abrupt in my comments but I blame it on my midwestern plain spoken background. Lol. 

    I’m an Anthony Rapp fan who’s happy to see Kevin Spacey get some comeuppance. Please forgive any negative connotation I gave to your quote. 🙏

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