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Posts posted by RedheadZombie

  1. 21 hours ago, HaaCHOO said:

    When she said she was an actress (and her name looked familiar), I used the "Favorites" option on my DVR and input her name.  A show taped already today!  She had a small (pivotal) part on a Law & Order from 2005.  She looked the same, just younger/more innocent.  That DVR will continue to tape whenever it locates her name.

    She's so distinctive looking that I immediately recognized her from 1985s Seven Minutes of Heaven.   I only saw the movie once!

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  2. 3 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

    Funny moment in the beginning of the show.  Talking about the awards they are nominated for, Abby talks about how they are so grateful for the hair and makeup people "who make us all look great."   And Meghan nods her head, along with that ridiculous twisty-bun on top of her head, kind of disproving the "make us all look great"  thing. 

    I had to giggle that Abby seemed to think hosts are nominated for looks.  But then I remember she came from Fox ....

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  3. 1 minute ago, Kyanight said:

    Yes, but this is two women here.  That would make two women not compatible with Colton.  I really think he should see a doctor.

    Probably.  Sophie seems to be pretty bossy and takes charge of the threesome.  I’m sure she will make sure something’s done if she’s yearning for a baby. 

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  4. 3 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

    I honestly think he has a low sperm count.  He and Tami have been married for 8 years and she only has ONE child - who is now 3 and WANTS more kids and has been trying.  He and Sophie have been married for over a year and she said they are always in the bedroom trying - but no dice.  I don't believe both of the WOMEN have fertility issues.

    Surely it’s God’s plan. Too bad all the other polygamist males are very fertile. 

    Sometimes it’s simply the male and female are not compatible. My cousin and his wife were married over fifteen years and produced one child. They divorced and went on to have two kids each with other partners, in their late thirties to early forties. They were both pretty surprised. 

  5. On 3/18/2019 at 10:46 AM, Twopper said:

    Was last season better than this one?   I didn't see it, but I guess it must have been or there wouldn't be this season 2 which so far is not very impressive.

    Absolutely.  The Brineys supplied all the drama and now that the show decided to cut out what they’d compiled of April’s escape, I find the show almost unwatchable. 

    • Love 2
  6. On 3/18/2019 at 12:32 AM, Madding crowd said:

    I don’t understand how these men think they can support multiple wives and scores of children. Especially a man like Kermit (Colton) who already has women living in separate apartments. I guess Dimitri and Ashley are wealthy but the rest don’t seem to be.

    He’s following the Brown and Williams model off marrying the first three very close together.  You’d think he’d let Sophie get pregnant first. 

    • Love 3
  7. On 3/17/2019 at 11:59 PM, Christina87 said:

    I just don't get the Alldredges. I guess they have to at least pretend to be looking for a sister wife since they're on this show, but they seem to be happy already! They have a dynamic that's working for them: all three low key, and nobody who wants to hog the spotlight. I just don't see what they can possibly gain by finding another one. 

    Ironically, though, the Alldredges are having the least success, and they are the most stable family by far. I can't believe these freak show families are having better luck finding another wife!

    If the true first wife was unsealed, they are missing that magical third wife for heavenly rewards.  There’s no other reason to upset that smoothly running apple cart.  I just wish Jeff would stop with the young women. 

    • Love 3
  8. On 3/17/2019 at 10:57 PM, Armchair Critic said:

    I hope Paige knows she can "have a bond" with another woman without having to share them with her husband, it's called a FRIEND.

    Something is off with Brandi that she is so eager to cling to them and doesn't want to leave.

    And Brandi’s daughter, too.  She is sweet, but seems eager to give up her life and come be squished into this three bedroom house where she will be sharing a bedroom with her mother.  Does she get the couch every other day while Bernie has his turn with her mother?  

    Brandi could be a skilled grifter. Who knows?

    • Love 3
  9. On 2/19/2019 at 5:32 PM, Bucket said:

    Survivor led Elizabeth to discover she had Celiac disease.  A diet of fish and rice made her feel better than she ever had.  So while those around her were miserable with so little food she felt fantastic.  That season was the most brutal for lack of food, too. 

    Did she feel fantastic?  I remember her as emaciated with clumps of hair falling out. That season was like watching torture porn. 

    • Love 4
  10. 15 hours ago, Apprentice79 said:

    You are correct, serial killers rarely kill outside of their race. Sadly, I can see a serial killer who is Black targeting Black people because they know that society will not care about them. I also think that Jeffrey Dahmer who was White specifically targeted poor Black men who were struggling with their sexuality. One of his victims could have been saved by the police, had the police cared. Jeffrey's victim was clearly in distress when the police stopped Jeffrey's car for a traffic violation, but, he was able to use his privilege to allay the cop's suspicion and killed that poor man that very night.

    And wasn’t it an underage kid?

    • Love 1
  11. 1 hour ago, bannana said:

    For some reason it is not airing on Canadian ID TV. 🙁

    I very much remember this story and even the fact that the guy they convicted was likely a scapegoat.  It is tragic that they did not pursue the case, but it is like they said today on the View, Atlanta wanted it to go away.  I remember there was even controversy because in that era there was a belief that a black man could not be a serial killer.

    But serial killers typically kill within in their own race.  

    I vaguely remember this and I believe there was an entire miniseries.  I can go either way on the killer. 

    • Love 5
  12. 3 hours ago, blondiec0332 said:

    I don't understand couples who have diametrically opposed political beliefs who can be married and not talk politics.  Politics affect most everything in our lives. 

    See I don’t think they are diametrically opposed. They are still in the same party, and some feel he’s providing cover for his spouse for once Trump is gone and the Repubs return to normal.  She can say, “I was serving my country, and my views are in line with my husband’s”.  

    I have no doubt there is a diabolical plan involved in all of this. 

    1 minute ago, After7Only said:

    This!   One of the former WH staff that wrote a book, basically said that Kellyanne is the primary leaker in the WH.  That CNN and others have her on their programs because she's feeding them info.   My assumption is that Kellyanne and her husband are in cahoots, angling for a post Trump career together.   

    The show seems to be doing MM some favors today by not really including any controversial political topics that would have brought out her normal shrieky rude behavior.  Looks like they are also back to excluding her from interviews that include talks of race or racism, as she was not included in the Atlanta Child murder segment.   The mother during the Atlanta Child murders segment broke my heart.

    Agreed with your first paragraph!

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  13. On 3/14/2019 at 11:13 PM, shapeshifter said:

    I actually liked Benson's take down of a perp for the first time in more than a decade.
    And Carisi's take down too.
    A+ for directing?
    And writing (Matt Klypka)? --including the sister's line at the end to Olivia: "not some broken vase you can put together with a little Krazy glue."
    And great casting of the little girl.

    The blue eyes - brown eyes crap bugged me.
    Sure, 2 brown eyed parents are "statistically" more likely to have a brown eyed kid than a blue eyed kid,
    because, like they said, blue is recessive.
    But, also, since blue is recessive, each brown eyed parent could have one blue and one brown gene, so potentially their kid could inherit a blue gene from each and have blue eyes.
    But what they really should have done (IMO), was to have 2 blue eyed parents and a brown eyed (kidnapped) kid.
    Because that would be impossible. 
    If they did it the other way to make it improbable rather than impossible, then yay for science writers. I guess. 
    But did they?

    ETA: Or what @rhys said below in far fewer words.

    And Chloe Webb (Rowan Mauer) age 62, can play 42-52 with all that "work," but for this part she should've laid off the botox. IMO. 

    True. It would have been more realistic to have two blue-eyed parents and a brown-eyed child. That is rare. 

    • Love 2
  14. 10 hours ago, DaphneCat said:

    It could be only my interpretation but I got the impression that Gabe was saying that Savanah was choosing to sit inside all day, not that she had to.  Basically he was saying I go out she could too if she wanted.  No one has specified that Savanah CAN'T go out, just that she doesn't.  I really think Janelle was simply laying on the guilt - "Think how much better this move will be for your sister" so Gabe would feel like he was a horrible brother by not wanting to move. 

    As Savannah is still a child, she is dependent on her sluggish mother to take her places. Gabriel has the freedom of being a driving teenager.  As I said, I am on Gabe’s side.  But his comment seemed like a swipe at his housebound sister, while he’s a popular varsity player who’s always hanging with a large group of friends.  

    It kind of reminded me that Janelle’s kids give her the hardest time as compared to the other mothers.  Maddie had a melt down five minutes in Las Vegas that apparently lasted months, Hunter became monosyllabic and hid in his room, and now Gabe. My theory is they had the most freedom in Utah because Janelle was gone from before they woke up until after dinner. They did as they pleased.  I think Logan really shielded his siblings from the responsibility he bore alone.  

    • Love 6
  15. 11 hours ago, ginger90 said:

    I don’t recall which episode it was in. Janelle said something like, “you’re not depressed about it” to Gabe. He said, something along the lines of, “ that’s what you think”. Then Janelle went on to the outdoor perks of moving. 🤷🏼‍♀️👀 Feel the love?

    I’ve totally been on Gabriel’s side all along, but I was a little irritated when he admitted he didn’t give a shit that his little sister is unable to play outside due to the heat. Poor little Savanah is slowly morphing into Janelle and Gabe doesn’t care because while she’s shut up in the house, he’s out with friends!  He’s on the varsity team!

    7 hours ago, Sandy W said:

    I have to wonder if Kody had some cockamamie idea that by having the CCR restrictions removed, the plan of subdivision would be magically removed and he could combine the individual lots into a mini ranch.  This would explain his concept of building one house.  I think the building lots total approximately 10 acres and in some communities, that is sufficient for a few head of cattle, horses, goats or poultry.

    If this is his intention and he has dreamed of leaving Las Vegas all this time, why didn't he buy his father's ranch in Wyoming when Winn passed.  Wyoming seems to be plyg friendly and although the existing house was humble by their standards, that could have been renovated or rebuilt and I think the property there was around 100 acres.

    One of the wives - Robyn? - made a comment about how they should get the land because Kody always wanted to be a rancher again. So maybe he has considered it?  

    17 minutes ago, Pingaponga said:

    Explain to me again why they couldn't move back to Utah? When the NY Times is publishing articles about contemporary homes built for polygamists in Utah, and the polygamists don't feel the need to hide their names, I think we can assume Kody would be safe from prosecution.

    Does Utah not have good schools that Dayton could attend? Would Utah be even more expensive than Flagstaff?

    I wonder if they’re still holding onto that plyg house in Utah.  Didn’t they consider putting it in the market last season?

    I also wonder if Kody got some type of inheritance after his father died and the ranch was sold.  Maybe that financed some of this?

    4 minutes ago, xwordfanatik said:

    Interesting, at the time Brady Williams "only" had three wives.  But before their show, he "felt called" to take two more wives?  If three are "celestial" enough to get a man's own planet, it seems odd that he would take two more.  Or Kootie, taking on #4 Robyn.  If we've heard their version of the truth, Meri can take the blame for bringing in her eventual usurper.  Karma?  You make the call.

    Brady’s last wife was his original plan for wife #1.  They were too young then?

    • Love 2
  16. On 3/13/2019 at 12:52 PM, Irate Panda said:

    No offense but if he didn't like chubby women how did he end up with Janelle? Even when she was younger I don't recall her being thin.  Btw I probably i eat Nachos like Christine.  The only way I see being repulsed if you sill if it were the first or second date and you thought she had bad decorum but the place probably wasn't too classy if they're serving nachos.

    I think Janelle looks thin in their wedding pics. Christine was the only over weight wife when he married her, and his other two wives were still thin at that time.  Christine has also said she’s currently the thinnest she’s ever been. 

    I think Christine is beautiful, but she’s grown into that beauty. Young Christine - not so much.  But he should have kept those thoughts to himself. 

    • Love 6
  17. On 3/12/2019 at 11:55 AM, Pingaponga said:

    Actually,what he said was that he would be a good father for his "grandsons...and granddaughters". There was a brief pause after grandsons. Way to make it clear to everyone yet again whom you prioritize, Kody.

    I still don't understand buying the land before they have even sold the LV houses. Or even found places to rent in Flagstaff!  Meri actually made sense when she suggested they rent and wait to find property that everyone loves. 

    And quite frankly, if a realtor told me my little kids shouldn't play in the dirt because the prairie dogs carry plague, I would NOT be buying that piece of land. Little kids play in the dirt. It's what they do. Or do the prairie dogs disappear when you develop the land? I live in a major urban city. We don't have prairie dogs, but we do have squirrels, raccoons, skunks, sometimes rabbits, voles, groundhogs.

    The more I see Kody with his boys, the more I'm convinced he only favored them because they were in sports.  King Sol has clearly been dethroned by Ariella Mae.   Little precious is hand fed by Kody.  What a way to ensure Kody's involvement - you're the only one who can get her to eat.

    Poor Truely has never had a relationship with Kody, and you can see it in their awkward encounters.  Kody lost track of her due to his infatuation with Robyn.  Canoodling with Robyn while Christine was in labor.  Even if Kody did seek to give Truely attention, I'm sure she'd be knocked over by Aurora and her aggressive affection.

    On 3/12/2019 at 1:49 PM, xwordfanatik said:

    Prairie dogs are kind of cute.  Meerkats are adorable.  I loved that show!  Moving to the Serengeti would be a little impractical, though!  As someone posted upthread, I'd be more worried about hantavirus, but thinking about the plague is scary enough to make me say no to that property.

    Just snarking.  I'm sure FT isn't qualified to advise anyone about anything financial.  I'd sure ignore anything he said!

    I still haven't recovered from Flower's death.  I was horrified they showed it.

    • Love 8
  18. 16 hours ago, pinguina said:

    I totally agree with what Sunny said.  The advantages that these students had to get into an "elite" university include private school education, tutors, SAT tutors, extra-curricular activities that will look good on application  (could also include skin color).  AND still their parents had to "donate" to get them in?  How "educationally challenged" are their children??

    I really didn't like when MM tried to interject about legacies to "I will say.." that her brothers did well in school.  Joy just glanced at her and said that she was just explaining how legacies came about - to keep out minorities (back then minorities were white but of Irish, German, Jewish background from what I gather).  So legacies had a "leg up" despite bad grades/educational attitude.  

    And this cheating has an interesting effect on the children.  Stephanie Ruhle covered this story yesterday.  She had a guest who had interviewed a man who changed SAT scores for money, but the kids weren't aware.  These kids would take practice tests and routinely get 800.  So they take the official test and they suddenly get 1200.  Their response?  I should go back and take that test again.  I will probably do even better.

    These children actually think that they earned that miraculous higher score, and internalize that privilege.  A typical born on third base and thought they hit a triple situation.

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  19. On 3/12/2019 at 10:13 AM, Marshmallow Mollie said:

    Even if the move is for the tv show, the execution of it is not. They really are this stupid. They could have all moved into two houses in Las Vegas while selling the other two, and that would have made for good tv. They could have had one last fun night in Vegas.

    In Flagstaff, they could have shown picking out the rentals instead of the land. They could have switched up the pairings from Vegas and then have a different pairing of wives live together in rentals. What we want to see is how plural marriage works - or doesn’t! - on a daily basis. The Browns are on their own by themselves getting financially overextended. 

    Even though they move every 5-7 years, they’re terrible at it.  Remember when they finally packed it up and left Utah, two cars broke down practically at the city limits?  

    • LOL 6
  20. On 3/11/2019 at 9:33 PM, xwordfanatik said:

    Kootie took a page right out of Big Love here.  The three wives in that show shared a backyard, and more than once got in each others' business.  The running for office in Utah?  Same thingk.  He only listens to Robyn.  The others can just "suck it up."  He'll be lucky if he doesn't end up on a Snapped episode.

    I’ve said it before, but Kody obviously stopped watching before the final episode. 

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